
GlossARY oF M,qtx Ct-tARAcrERs

THE AND THEIR ALLIES (a-kil'-ez):son of and ' commander of the Myrmidons (ag'- a-mem'-nrin): King of Mycenae, brother of (ay',-jax): Achaean commander of the Salamis contingent (kal'-kas): Achaean prophet, son of Thestor Cheiron (kt'-ron): Most humane of the (part man, part beast), healer and teacher, friend of Achilles and Peleus (dt-a-me'-dez): King of Argos Eurypylu s (yu-ri' -pil 'as): King of Cos Helen (heL'-an): daughter of , wife of Menelaus, consort of Idomeneu s (f-dO-me'-nya^s): Achaean commander of Cretans and Pylians (ma-ka''on): co-commander of the Thessalians Menelaus (me-na-la'-us): husband of Helen, brother of Agamemnon (nes'-tor): Achaean, King of the Pylians (6-di'-se-as): warlord of lthaca (-oyi -e-as): Achaean whose idea it was to build the horse (pa-vo'-klas): Achaean, friend of Achilles Peleus (pel'-yas): father of Achilles, King of the Myrmidons 6 ?z>.\e (tyu'-ser): master archer Lri'a b*r ,s4 THE TROJANS AND THEIR ALLIES ;b- 'i"tu (a-n€'-us): son of , commander of the {". r Agelaus (a-ja-La'-as): Trojan herdsman who raised Paris (an-drom''a'ke): wife of (brt-s€'-as): daughter of Briseus, captive of Achilles Chersidaftas (kur-si''da'mas): Trojan kllled by Odysseus (l

95 (do'-lon): tojan scour Ennomus (en'-o-mas): co-commander of the Hector (hek'-tar): son of and , supreme commande Trojans (t-fi'-da-mas): Thracian killed by Agamemnon, soo t Memnon (mem'-non): King of Ethiopia, nephew of Priam Paris (par'-as): son of Priam and Hecuba Priam (prt'-am): King of , father of Hector and Paris (r€' -sas): King of , tojan ally Sarpedon (sar-pe' -dan): Trojan ally

THE GODS AND FATES Aphrodite (af '-ra-dtae): goddess of love, morher of Aeneas (a-pcil'-d): god of rhe sun, son of Zeus and , twin t'rt , principal divine champion of the Trojans (ar' -e7): god of war Artemis (art'-a-mas): goddess of the hunt, daughter of Zeus an. twin sister of Apollo (a-the'-na): goddess of war and wisdom Fates (fdts): potent, shadowy figures said to control the fate of rr (ha-fes' ,tas): god of fire (her'-a): queen of the gods, wife and sister of Zeus (hur'-m€z): messenger of the gods (i'-ras): messenger of the gods (pa-std'n): god of the sea, younger brother of Ze's Thetis (the-tas): sea goddess, wife of Peleus, morher of Achilles Zeu.s (zns): king of the gods