Historic Range of Variability in the Fire Regime of a Fennoscandian Boreal Forest - the Trillemarka-Rollagsfjell Nature Reserve

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Historic Range of Variability in the Fire Regime of a Fennoscandian Boreal Forest - the Trillemarka-Rollagsfjell Nature Reserve Norwegian University of Life Sciences Faculty of Environmental Science and Technology Department of Ecology and Natural Resource Management Philosophiae Doctor (PhD) Thesis 2015:3 Historic range of variability in the fire regime of a Fennoscandian boreal forest - the Trillemarka-Rollagsfjell Nature Reserve Historisk variasjon i brannregimet i en Fennoskandinavisk boreal barskog - Trillemarka-Rollagsfjell naturreservat Ylva-li Blanck Historic range of variability in the fire regime of a Fennoscandian boreal forest - the Trillemarka-Rollagsfjell Nature Reserve Historisk variasjon i brannregimet i en Fennoskandinavisk boreal barskog - Trillemarka-Rollagsfjell naturreservat Philosophiae Doctor (PhD) Thesis Ylva-li Blanck Department of Ecology and Natural Resource Management Faculty of Environmental Science and Technology Norwegian University of Life Sciences Ås 2015 Thesis number 2015:3 ISSN 1894-6402 ISBN 978-82-575-1204-0 Supervisors: Prof Mikael Ohlson Department of Ecology and Natural Resource Management Norwegian University of Life Sciences Dr Jørund Rolstad Norwegian Forest and Landscape Institute Dr Ken Olaf Storaunet Norwegian Forest and Landscape Institute Contents Contents ................................................................................................................................................. i Preface ................................................................................................................................................ iii Abstract ................................................................................................................................................ v Sammendrag ....................................................................................................................................... vii List of terms and nomenclature for plants ........................................................................................... ix List of papers ....................................................................................................................................... xi Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 1 Objectives ............................................................................................................................................. 3 Study area ............................................................................................................................................. 5 Methods ................................................................................................................................................ 9 Sampling of fire-scarred material (Paper I and II) ......................................................................... 11 Dendrochronological and seasonal dating of fire scars (Paper I and II) ........................................ 14 Spatial delineation of fires (Paper I and II) .................................................................................... 15 Fire intervals, survival and hazard of burning (Paper I and II) ...................................................... 16 Growth responses of fire-scarred trees (Paper III) ......................................................................... 16 Combining tree-ring and charcoal data (Paper IV) ........................................................................ 18 Historical archives (Paper I and II) ................................................................................................ 19 Climate (Paper I) ............................................................................................................................ 20 Main results and discussion ................................................................................................................ 21 Fire history at two spatial scales in Trillemarka-Rollagsfjell Nature Reserve (Paper I and II) ..... 21 Historical fires promoted high tree growth (Paper III) .................................................................. 29 Correspondence between charcoal data and fire scars (Paper IV) ................................................. 31 Conclusion .......................................................................................................................................... 35 References .......................................................................................................................................... 37 Appendix: Paper I-IV -i- -ii- Preface This thesis is submitted in partial fulfilment of the degree Doctor Scientiarum at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Department of Ecology and Natural Resource Management. The Miljø 2015 Program at the Research Council of Norway has financed the majority of the work (grant no. 184059-LAND). I have received additional funding from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food and the Norwegian Forest and Landscape Institute. It takes more than one person to complete a thesis, and several people have been important in the process up to completion, a process that lasted a bit longer than planned. First of all, I am most thankful to my supervisors at the Norwegian Forest and Landscape Institute, Jørund Rolstad and Ken Olaf Storaunet, for patiently helping me and encouraging me through practical and scientific challenges. Thanks for interesting and inspiring discussions and for teaching me into the mysteries of ecology in general and of forest fire in particular. I am also grateful to Mikael Ohlson, my supervisor at the Department of Ecology and Natural Resource Management. Without your initial support and help, I would probably never have come to Ås and Norway and I would not be writing this today. Thanks also for your great capacity to stimulate and motivate. I want to give my special thanks to Målfrid Toeneiet for supplying me with initial material and information when I started the project. Thanks also to Erlend Rolstad and Daniele Castagneri for participating in fieldwork, and to Mats Niklasson for initial advice on seasonal dating of fire scars in Alnarp. Thanks also to the board of directors of Trillemarka- Rollagsfjell Nature Reserve for granting permission to collect wood samples. Big thanks also to Isabella Kasin and Mikael Ohlson for good cooperation, discussions and nice field trips together to Trillemarka. Also thanks to colleagues and friends at both Norwegian Forest and Landscape Institute and at INA for inspiring discussions. Thanks also to all of you organising and participating in field-weeks, courses and conferences on dendrochronological and forest ecological issues during these years. I will never forget the most exciting trip in my life to Nepal! I would also like to thank Ann-Mari Fransson, for deepening my interest in vegetation ecology. Thanks for believing in my abilities and for encouraging me to apply for a PhD- education. My warmest gratitude goes to mother for always being there for me and prepared to help and all my love to my two wonderful children. Finally, but most importantly, I am -iii- indepted to my dearly beloved Eric for your patience, help and always encouraging words when work with the thesis have been time consuming and tough. -iv- Abstract Fire is the principal natural disturbance process in the boreal forest. Thus, knowledge about the historical fire regime is essential for understanding present day forest ecosystems, which in turn is important for implementing ecosystem management. In this thesis, I document spatial and temporal aspects of forest fire history (i) to better understand the historic range of variability (ii) to improve sampling procedures and evaluate methodological issues regarding how fire scar records should be interpreted and applied in retrospective studies, and (iii) to see to what extent human activity, climate and vegetation change has influenced the fire history. The fire regime, characterised by the numbers, frequency, rotation, severity, seasonality, as well as spatial extent of fires occurring in a given area, were compared with historical climate proxies, vegetation maps, and historical written sources. The research has been carried out in the southern part of Trillemarka-Rollagsfjell Nature Reserve in south-central Norway, where 650 samples with 1391 fire scars were collected and successfully cross-dated from stumps, snags and living trees of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). The work is primarily based on dendrochronological methods applied to fire scars (Paper I, II and III). In addition, the fire-scar datings were combined with datings of charcoal layers in peat columns to reveal fire history over the Holocene (Paper IV). In the first and second paper (I and II), cross-dated fire chronologies spanning 700 years, were developed to describe the fire history at two different spatial scales, one detailed small scale area (3.6 km2) and one large scale area (74 km2) encompassing the small one. The results revealed patterns consistent with a predominantly natural fire regime up till AD 1625, followed by periods of strong anthropogenic impact that increased fire frequency in the 1600- 1700s, and diminishing fire impact during the last two centuries. This was documented by (i) an abrupt shift towards more frequent and smaller fires from 1625 and a cease of fire after 1800, (ii) a sudden increase in early-season fires from 1625, (iii) a marked shift in fire return intervals and hazard of burning post 1625, (iv) a decreasing fire severity, (v) a positive relationship
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    This article was downloaded by: [Universita degli Studi di Torino] On: 24 September 2012, At: 03:55 Publisher: Taylor & Francis Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research Publication details, including instructions for aut hors and subscription information: http:/ / www.tandfonline.com/ loi/ sfor20 Age and growth patterns of old Norway spruce trees in Trillemarka forest, Norway Daniele Castagneri a , Ken Olaf Storaunet b & Jørund Rolstad b a Department of AgroSelviTer, University of Turin, Grugliasco, Italy b Norwegian Forest Research Institute, Høgskoleveien 12, NO-1432, Ås, Norway Accepted author version posted online: 10 Sep 2012.Version of record first published: 20 Sep 2012. To cite this article: Daniele Castagneri, Ken Olaf Storaunet & Jørund Rolstad (2012): Age and growth patterns of old Norway spruce trees in Trillemarka forest, Norway, Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, DOI:10.1080/ 02827581.2012.724082 To link to this article: http:/ / dx.doi.org/ 10.1080/ 02827581.2012.724082 PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTI CLE Full terms and conditions of use: http://www.tandfonline.com/page/terms-and-conditions This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or system atic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The accuracy of any instructions, formulae, and drug doses should be independently verified with primary sources.
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