The Corporation of the Township of Beckwith Council Meeting Minutes Meeting #07-11
THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BECKWITH COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MEETING #07-11 The Council for the Corporation of the Township of Beckwith held the Regular Council Meeting on Tuesday, June 7th, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Township Hall, Black’s Corners. PRESENT: Reeve Richard Kidd Councillor Brian Dowdall Councillor Faye Campbell Councillor Tim Campbell STAFF: Cynthia Moyle, Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk Rob Wittkie, Planning Administrator/Deputy-Clerk Cassandra McGregor, Executive Assistant Ian Jackson, Chief Building Official – in training ABSENT: Deputy–Reeve Sharon Mousseau Darwin Nolan, Public Works Superintendent OTHERS: Robert Drapeau _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Reeve Richard Kidd called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. 1. OPENING OF MEETING 1.1 Additions & Approval of the Agenda The following two (2) items were added to the agenda: i) 3.1.5 Financial Securities for Rattray Subdivision ii) 3.9 Additions to the Additional Accounts 147-11 Moved by: Faye Campbell Seconded by: Brian Dowdall BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the agenda be accepted as amended. CARRIED 1.2 Approval of Council Minutes 148-11 Moved by: Brian Dowdall Seconded by: Faye Campbell BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the minutes of the regular council meetings held on May 3rd, 2011 be accepted as printed and circulated. CARRIED 1.3 Declaration of Pecuniary Interest 1 2. DELEGATIONS 2.1 None 3. RESOLUTIONS 3.1 Planning 3.1.1 Site Plan Application – SP-01/11, Part of Lot 4, Concession 8 (Vaillancourt) 149-11 Moved by: Faye Campbell Seconded by: Brian Dowdall BE IT RESOLVED THAT, Council on the recommendation of the Planning Committee approve the site Plan for Part of Lot 4, Concession 8, Schedule “A” being 114 Munroe Lane drawn by R.S.
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