Congressional Record—House H1296
H1296 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 29, 2006 One hundred and eighty-five years It was this concept, Mr. Speaker, There was no objection. ago, the people of Greece began a jour- that the Founding Fathers of the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a ney that would mark the symbolic United States of America drew heavily previous order of the House, the gentle- birth of democracy in a land where upon in forming our representative woman from California (Ms. WOOLSEY) those principles to human dignity were government. is recognized for 5 minutes. first espoused. This past Saturday, Constitutionally, democracy has Ms. WOOLSEY. Mr. Speaker, for a March 25, marked the 185th anniver- made the American way of life pos- President whose party controls both sary of the Greek struggle for inde- sible. For that contribution alone, we Houses of Congress, the Supreme Court pendence. It was an historic day for all owe a heavy debt to the Greek people, and, of course, the White House bully people who treasure freedom. but the contribution of democracy was pulpit itself, George W. Bush has cer- In 1821, after four centuries of Otto- not the only contribution made by tainly had an awful lot of explaining to man rule, Greeks rose up in arms, Greek patriots to American society. do lately. fought valiantly and finally achieved a The ancient Greeks contributed a With all the power at his disposal, dream centuries old, freedom from great deal both to our cultural herit- starting with a knee-jerk legislature Turkish oppression. In setting their age, as well as to European culture, in all too ready to follow his lead, lock, blood for liberty and winning their the areas of art, philosophy, science stock and barrel, the President should freedom, Greeks showed the world and law.
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