A Place Named Irishtown
September, 2006 /&84-&55&30'5)&"6453"-*"//"5*0/"-1-"$&/".&44637&: A place named Irishtown n 1845, the Adelaide Register newspaper reported that was not prompted by the existence of a local Irish nineteen Catholics had been baptized at ‘little Dublin’ or Catholic community. Nevertheless, the name is I on the outskirts of Mount Barker. ‘Little Dublin’ was linked nominally with Ireland, and individuals and not an official placename for this spot. It is unclear whether communities occasionally exploit the connection: the placename came about in 1970, the South because Dubliners were Australian Dublin Progress among the small Catholic Association invited community living there, or Richard O’Brien, the Irish whether the name Dublin, ambassador, to open its or Little Dublin, was being centennial celebrations. considered as an official name at the time. The Placenames can evolve and placename Dublin had develop in surprising ways. been considered before. In Unofficial placenames, 1840, the Register reported that are perpetuated, can that the map showing the reveal hidden tensions in allotments for a proposed a supposed smooth plan. village of ‘Dublin’ was on The city of Adelaide prides display at the Emu Inn, itself on its regulated and Morphett Vale. While local Adelaide’s North Terrace in 1839; Illustration from Wikipedia controlled beginnings, history shows a small Irish mapped out before any community in this area in the nineteenth century, the European footprint marked the sands of Holdfast Bay. placename Dublin did not eventuate. In 1876, however, the Adelaide’s founder and surveyor, Colonel William name Dublin appeared in the hundred of Dublin, named Light, mapped out allotments and the street design in for Dublin-born Governor MacDonnell.
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