SOCIETY FOR PHENOMENOLOGY AND EXISTENTIAL PHILOSOPHY Executive Co-Directors Anthony Steinbock, Southern Illinois University Carbondale Amy Allen, Dartmouth College Executive Committee Amy Allen, Dartmouth College Alia Al-Saji, McGill University Fred Evans, Duquesne University Brian Schroeder, Rochester Institute of Technology Anthony Steinbock, Southern Illinois University Carbondale Shannon Mussett, Utah Valley University, Secretary-Treasurer Graduate Assistant Christopher C. Paone, Southern Illinois University Carbondale Advisory Book Selection Committee Shannon Winnubst, The Ohio State University, Chair Ann V. Murphy, Fordham University Brad Elliott Stone, Loyola Marymount University Adrian Johnston, University of New Mexico David Carr, Emory University Brent Adkins, Roanoke College Daniela Vallega-Neu, Univeristy of Oregon James D. Hatley, Salisbury University Advocacy Committee Robin James, University of North Carolina Charlotte, Chair Peter Gratton, Memorial University of Newfoundland Gail Weiss, George Washington University Committee on the Status of Women Laura Hengehold, Case Western Reserve University, Chair Shannon Sullivan, The Pennsylvania State University Elaine Miller, Miami University of Ohio Racial and Ethnic Diversity Committee Falguni Sheth, Hampshire College, Chair Hernando Estévez, John Jay College/CUNY Devonya Havis, Canisius College LGBTQ Advocacy Committee Robert Vallier, Institut d’Études Politiques, Chair William Wilkerson, University of Alabama Huntsville Mary Bloodsworth-Lugo, Washington State University Webmaster Christopher P. Long, The Pennsylvania State University Local Arrangements Contacts Brian Schroeder, local contact and organizer,
[email protected] Scott Campbell, book exhibit coordinator,
[email protected] Lindsey Johnson, student volunteer coordinator,
[email protected] All SPEP sessions will be held at the Rochester Riverside Convention Center (RRCC) on 123 East Main St., Rochester, NY. The RRCC is adjacent to the host hotel, the Hyatt Regency Rochester, to which it is connected by an enclosed skyway.