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E SEPTEMBER 2, 247 1889 V«X^BiBffi?/ No- 1' - VOL. 52 B" ¦ ¦H _^ \^—f l^ ^ V¦


w¦9] ' - Issued oh the 1st and 15th of each Mon th I Bflfli

LU ^HB >I SAMPSONSAMrbUJN LOW.W , MARSTON.JVLA^C^rUJN , SEARLEb il-iVK JL , Ii. &CK RIVINGTON.JKIVJLJN IjIUIN , LimitedJblMITKD >rfll ^Hj WL i ST. DUNSTAN'S HOUSE, FETTER LANE, FLE^T STREET, E.C. V, 1BE wmwj ::::: vjA^Sa j m\$£s& *?+ -^^^vJ ^mLv * fl^flM gfl ^gflMPflPitP rt Bif lMg^ H^ ^ ^ WC ' j^gs^—• " ^ Bfe ^ B1 bV BV B% Bi B% B% Bft hfl B% Bi BV Bi Bl Bl BV B) B\ B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B Bi tt Bi Bi Bt tt Bf Bt B% B% BW 4ft flB B% B% Bl B% ¦% BV B\ B1 B% B% Bl B% B% ¦% ' ^ ' J' J* __ /* | _ ' ^.. ^ * BJ^^^ * MB^ B^ B^ B^ B^ B^fc ^ B^P ^ BBl ^ I^ mI ^^ H^ U t C ¦ ¦ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ b ^^ ^ ^ ^ '^ ^K ^h ^ta ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ B ^ B ^M ^A A A ^H ^H ^ k ^ B A M M ^ k B M ^ B~ A M ^ B ^ B M A S A 'M M B^ Bl Bi Bl At ^ ^ A ai^M^feybV^ E BI B^ Bb B^ B^ B^ B^ B^ B^ B^ B^ B^ B^ B^ B^ B^K^ bI Bi b\ A A B\ B A Bi B% Bl Bt B1 BV^ k fli Bi bV A Bi ^M: A BVA A ^ B A M d A A A BlAIBlBB\ ^ Al Bt ¦% ^B Bfe^ft ^ B Bfe Bk ^h'^ h .^ ^ ¦^ h^ rt ^^^ b^^ ^ ' ^^^^ rf| ^^^^ Pfv *^^ JJ . j ^ TT^fc ^^ jjJ IJ^ J '^^ B^ B^fc ^^ B^^ B^^ B^ B^^Y f S MBM^ H^W^ Bi ^ BT^P^^t^H^Tj ^H^ttB ^^ ff ^ Bl ^af ^a^ BW^^ B^ M^^ B^ M^ KJ ^^ BJB ^ B^^ B^ B^fc ^^ B^^ B^^ B^B^B^fc ^ B^fc ^ BTBM ^ P^ B^ B^^ B^^ B^^ B ' fc ^^^ B^^ B^^^^^ B^^ B^^ B^ B^^^ B^ B^ B^ B^ B^ B^ K^ B^»^ B^ B^^ B^^ B^ fc ^^^ B^ B^ B^ »^^ B^ B^^ B^^ B^ B^^ A^ K^^ B^^ B^^>^ B^ t ^^ B^^ B^ fc ^ B^^^ B^ B^ B^ BB ^ B^^ B^^ t ^ B^t ^^ M^^ B^^> T^ B^ PBM ^^ B^fc ^ B^ M^^ B^ B^^>^ B^^ BiBT ^ Bt ~giS^Mi fV*^^^ r r f f | ¦ 4X ¦w»niriB ^ Bff ij ^^ MW^ B^ Lw»iQBfcfr ^*W^ * iBnBrWrwTBnBr ^ riiwT ^^ nBTT™^™^^ '™^iMyw^ fw MWMMTry^^* ^^^*^ '^ '^ ^ ™'^" ^ *™ »^ ^^^ "^ ^"^'™^ »^* »^ ' w^ Br^^ r^ rMr ^^^^^ B>:ww ^^ ^ rMM^»WBWHWifiBWi ^w - ; ¦ • ". \ .- - - "' - " *" : :*' '^ s ^ ipft M^fl N^ , ^ ^ A HIGH-CLASS LIBERA L VAII&ftp&m^ * . and THE LEEDS MBH -CITRY is the PRINGrB ^L MBDIXn«for NewB A^ Manuf acturin g and Agricultu raldistricts of TOBKSHmE ana ^ as as SPECIAL ATTBWTIOMT Is j riwn to BBVIB ^S OF BOOKS A^fctT ^ ^M ^JSi C. well to general LITERAR Y INTELLIGE NCE. >-- ^ 5 PUBLISHERS' COLUMN S are inserted every week;, and the announcements^ under this head appe ar on the same page as Reviews and Notices of Books, thns* giving to Pfiblisners ' Advertisements exceptional prominence. ' Books Ac. for review may be |ent to the Lond on Office. THE WEEKLY j SUPPLEM ENT, Satu rday, Id,, is a POPULAR HIGH-CLASS FAMILY JO URNAL, and contains a Week's Home and Forei gn News, with many ori ginal features , both Literary and Antiquarian , includtn gTFirst -cla88 Serial and Complete Stories. - - ?A sheet that has, as it deserves, an extraordin ar y circulation. '—Literar y World/ * i ' In the Weekly Sopp lbmbnt Advertisements app ear princi pally in the Leader pag e*_ Publi shed by EDWARD BAIKES & SONS, Leeds. London Office , 65 Fleet Street , E;C, THE PALL .. BHALL. B*J I>GET. PEICE FOURPENC E . EVERY THURSDAY. - Is * the most readab le paper in Engla nd. ' It contains f rom f orty to fifty Illus trati ons in ' th lss e# It should1 be in every H ome and Hou sehold. ** " _ ^ __ It oners constant variety _ to the Sat iated It contains the Freshest , and Stron gest Dis- Read er. - cussions of Current Topics by competent +, . - * , /} . . ^, T.. *. , «r ^*Wo i it is a storehouse• of valuable and* int erestin g reaam ^ maixer. . It contains a Weekl y Carto on upon the Ques- ¦ tion of the H bur. Once purchased is not^ likely to be given up. It summarises and I nterprets each week the It is the most widely-circulat ed Paper in the News of the World . Wor ld. Offices:. 2 NORTHUMB ERLAND STREET , STRAND , LONDON , W.C. & CO. S JAMES CLAR KE PUBLICABY TIONS. i£ », NOVEL S EMMA JANE W0KB0B5E. ™r ^» ^S£ „«•«„J -J I xp ^ "p^ jv^it -4i^z> cheapedition, Q T? HP T-T J ^ T Q- T. A G ERMAN ROMANCE. These Novels, hither to publiihedissued at Five Shillings each, By KARL EMIL FRANZOS. aye ^g at Given in English by JULIE SUTTER. Thr ee Shillings 4nd Sixpence each. With a Preface by DR. GEORG E MAC DONALD . The volumes of this New Edition app earof at interv als of a ' lengthy and app reciative review in ^* fortn ight, v&., on the l^t and 15th each mont h. Mr. Gladstone , in a - the Nineteen th Cbntit by, saj s :— 'It is with eome conn- • ._ . dence that I commend to the notice of y our readers a *ork TheAne Ifollowlneouowm K are«« hoW&ow Mfl(ivready .— of Carl Emil Franzoa , entitled " For the Right." It is like Thorn ycroft Hall. Grey and Old. a picture full of atmosphere and light , and affords a welcome MS11 . • . v-r>A~i~i, tui- m««»«.«« » reJlef from the hackneyed conventionalities , which for m the Milliccnt Kendnck . Mr. Montmorency a sta ple of so much French , and , I fear it must be added , much St. Beeth a 's. * Money. , _ English romance. ' . xn « «r t~ v M , The G&a phic says :— « " For the Right " is bo noble a Violet Vaughan. Nobly Born . work , both in idea and in execution , and from .a dramatic as M argaret Torrin gton. ., Chrystabel . well as from a picture sque point of view, that to do it justice —>. _ . - xa -»L~ j . , .... is a matter of unusual difficulty, e^ecially after Mr . The Fortunes of Cyril^ Hus bands and Wives. Macdonald' s eloquent introd uction , whioh renders almost Denhara. The House of Bondage. any other criticis m a superfluity/ Canonbur y Holt. Emilia 's Inheritance. NOVE LS BY AMELIA E. BARR. Singlehxirst Manor. Father Fabian. • In descri ptive wr iting, in simplicity and gracefufness of Overdale . I Oliver Weat wood. style , and in perfect mastery over her characters , Mrs. Barr can' _ ] hold her own with any living English novelist/— Gla sgow H erald. \ In a varie ty of hands ome cloth bindin gs, or bound uniformly . v Crown 8vo. cloth , &i. 6d. each. TUT I ITmillV UlAni H Feet of Clay. The Squire of Sandal Side. I¦ lit ¦ TheH ousehold of McNeil. TheBow of Oran ge Ribbo n iifc fc»LI »I fcl*O"»til AH I WUHLUlW*Wi»fcl# l In Spite of Himself. Between Two Loves. TV'tiwag S./Tl>/tVWr&ao,y *M/r»firif wii—• f llW] l^ FT TVTVV A Bord er Shepherdess . A Dau ghter of Fife . Jl ^very — XPJX.M * j r&JXJXX. Paul and Chr istina. J an Veddcr 's Wif4 „ an is j mt E New B6ofr pf ^y theimpo]ct Ce Be- viewed ^S«lected Bxtracts in Gase of Leadi ng Arnipf^fvr i Tr ^£m nBr£n ^ nm ^iS f ??U8Wd ? *%*?in ^L ^HceJ ^S ^ W ^ ^ t Works-Beflects the best Aspects pf Curre nt Crown 8vo. price U. ' " Liiteratur e—Aims at Guiding ' tHeT- Student and thi hXkvest of t3B^b wind. Bearer in Choosing among ] Sew Books. \ \ JAMBS CLARKE & CO., 13 and 1 Fleet Str eet, Londo n, E.C, , ; - - -;—--- 4 - ¦ •- - » r-~- ' , ¦ ¦ " , , , , ' ,\/ ; , y ' ; , , , ll l l:;Li r i : ' , , - , r - M ^ 01^^^^ ^^^ L ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ J/ ^Bf/tHU ^P^^^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^*^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^^^ ^^ ^ ^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^

' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ... , ,. /Wf- t * • . ,, ¦ , . ¦ ¦ " ' • •? ¦ ' •»¦¦' - ' ¦ ¦ - • r . - ! < ' \ N° 1247 .—Voii, LII. rA TT T? T> r\ i *«***"**»> . A^tllixlyV * K rran ^U^AWoaa. ^^ V' w^-T — ^.^^ ^""^^ ^^ ^^^ ^ . % THB ^^P ^XAE ?ND

Gene ral mccorU of 25rtti ^l) anti foreign literature



[Issued cm the 1st and l &tli of each Month]

Pbicb 3d. Septembe r 2, 1889 &35 ££

msriD imix: to -A.:D Tr:E2 :R,Tis:K: :R,s_ ' Ash worth (J. H. &. A.), Leeds 107 7 Griffith , Farran, & Co 1051-1053 ! Pall Mall Budget (The) ii i Bacon & Co 1065 G-rosvenor, Ciiater,

f\J ^r -¦¦ +r ^-r • -^w ¦ vrv» Q «^r v v ••>•- — .^.uva* " J g_r ^w a.i>Aa. ^M ^ -¦ «. x_^' DellaganaJlJ V>X LUKCIUCii enearly as possible, so that they may be duly mentioned in the Literary Int^lig ce. l "" '""'''" *"' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 - ~~^^ ~tF? ^^ T~~T?~n^r¦ ^7Trl ^ ^r? ^^ S^ ' iUB t¦ ' ' ' " ' '" " " "* " ' "" " -.. " " ' .. - — . * . 'I- ' " . . - i i" 1 l i ZTT " ^ .. ' ¦ " ' ¦ ¦ ¦ jlw OKI ;¦ —. " ' : .. i- -- • ¦ - -.— —•¦ , . --. - -- . • • ' -¦ - • - -^i--.'- ¦¦ - • &¦ i'»-Jii-(^!*¥JS6 *&5iy

¦ ¦ I ' 1030 The Publishers ' Circular Sept. 2, 1889 ¦¦ ¦ ¦ —¦ • —— ¦ ¦ ¦ t ¦ - ¦ . . . \T , , i . ' ' " . I OozisrrrvEnsrTS 1 ! IilTERAR Y INTELLIGENCE 1030—1041 PRINCIPAL ABTICLE3 IN THE NEW MAGAZINES 1036 10 ¦> -^ w v w — -»- -^ -¦— ™- « p — -«~ If BOOKSppph^P' ^^P * ^^ P* ^b4^r^ f AND^Bb^^^Pb » ^Pta^ RUMOURpPJ^^V ~ ~ W RE?IEWS , &c 1037-1041 NOTES AND NEWS 1031, 1032 • INDEX TO BOOKS PUBLISHED IN GB.EAT CONTINENTAL NOTES 1032, 1033 16 31 .A. ifc. »*—• ¦»• ¦ ¦¦» »¦ ¦—¦ ¦— ¦—. . . BBITAnTpATto^- a^Vi^.. — J ¦ * BETWEEN -i^r m m -^». * ¦ n J » AtTGTJST¦ ¦ i ^^ »»^ ^-^ ^"" ^»- &— "- • ¦• ....1041w w * ^ ^— — ^ ,y, 1042^— — XfTTT -¥- TT*Tt -f- HAZLITTTTAfTTTTTTf 10331AO1) 1034~\ r\*% A ^ IN WILLIAM , ^QOKS PUBLISHED - GREAT BRITAIN BOOKSELLERS' PROVIDENT INSTIT UTION ,. 1034 PROM AUGUST 16 TO 31 1042—104 5 NATIONAL HOME-READING UNION 1034 NEW BOOKS AND BOOKS LATELY PUB- POPULAR BOOK CLUB, ACRE SQUARE 1034 LISHED 1046 —1068, 1084 MISCELLANEOUS ..__.. ' . 1069—10771069-1077 "• SALE OF GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. 1034 ™ BUSINESS CARDS ..1074, 1075 VITRE'S ' BIBLE POLYGLOTTE ' 1034 BIJSINESS F0R SALE 1077 AN INTERNATIONAL LITERARY COMPETITION,.. 1035 ASSISTANTS WANTED . . 1077 DANIEL DEFOE ...,..,., ...,.,...... 1035._ _7 WJVV AJST^T SITSITUATIONSUATIONS 4..10771077 IN MEMOEIAM 1035 BOOKS FOB. SALE 1078 TO TRADE CHANGE^ 1036 BOOKS WANTED PURCHASE 1078—1083

.•5. St. Duns'tan's House, E. O. and ' A Selection from the Despatches and September 2, 1889. Letters of the Right Hon. Sir George F. Bo wen,' edited by Stanley Lane-Poole. A USTRALTA appears to he keeping well # -^- abreast of the age as regards the educa- *. * ax cv. kj kj vv tiori of women. The Universities of Melbourne, Messrs.XTit ^s Swankowctii. Sonnenschein>ov_»aij.ic;iio^ii.c;xij. &vx> Co.. willhi shortly publish under the title of c Religion : dney, and Adelaide are open to women ; Sy a Dialogue, and Other Essays/ a selection thus presented although the advantages ¦ and ^ . , ^P^ ^^^ ^^ ^"^ ^ p ^^^^ ^^p> ^p. ^^h ^ m^f f ^^^T ^^* ^^H ^^ 1^& ^to^^P' ^^0>V. ^^^T ^^^ w^'^ r ^^*^** m ^b'^V ^^^ ^^^T ^ ^^^ h ^^ ^P* ^^" ^ pj ^^ ^Pta ^^^^P> ^^ mm^ ^pr ^P* ^^^ ^b* ^^ from Schopenhauer^ 's ' Parerga und Para- seemed at first to be little appreciated, the lipomeria,' translated by Mr. T. B. Saunders. number of lady-students, past and present, now amounts to nearly a hundred. No special Messrs. Sampson Low, Marston

k tfP^ K ~> l~ ^ pi r «P» ^q^^ P admission of male students. Excepting mem- Ammonia^PJ»* -tta ^k ^P> ^PB 'P* ^P* ^P> ^^^ *^ ^P> ^P> 1 PJ andV^^ V^PB^Pb ^^^ Pj Ammonia^PPta ^Pr ^H ^ b -4> ^P> ^P- ^^^ ^Pb ^P> i^PB VW Compounds/^^ " ^Pi ^Pr W ^*^ ^k^ ^ ^Pto 1.^ Pff The^^^ to ^^ ^^ ^ P- bership in the Senate, women are eligible for book is a practical manual for manufacturers, all posts of learning and distinction. The chemists, gas engineers, and drysalters, and giveso-i vpiS descriprl fisrrrintionations ofr^f alla.U thei.h ct processesT^rnn.ftsaps neces-nfi^ps- University of Adelaide claims the honour of sary for the utilisation of the nitrogen exist-

tf ^P the new departure in ; Mel- ^km ^Pk ^Pfe ^Pjf ^ p^_ ^p% ^p^ pV r^ ^P>^PP. ph ^p^ P ^hr^P> ^bi PP> .¦ .Ph ^p> p1 commencing 1876 ^P» p^ ^P* ^P> ^PJ .^ i^ ^Mtf* ing^ ^fl ^^ h in^P^ ^P^ coal.^^^ v ^^— *4k W The book ' ^^^^ includes^** ' ^^ the^^^ *^ most^^^ *^ ^^^ bourne followed, and then Sydney. The recent discoveries and improvements, and is ^Registrars report that, in a general way, the illustrated by numerous woodcuts. female aspirants go through the course with # * as much credit as the men. At Adelaide a ¦ ¦ ^ pr «fc ^ p« ¦ pj^v ^ ^^ / K^ pt^ .^ p*^p* « ^tarf * ^ ^ «~*W »* ^ ^—^ ^h^ *^ p^ Windus• ^* ^ "* -^-» •** v v%^ will. - *p, *m shortlP*.^ ^ -*h-^ ^ ^ Messrs. Chatto & ( y woman scored a more brilliant success in the publish Mr. J. Churton Collins' Monograph Science Division than any of her competitors ; on Dean Swift.' whilst Melbourne has now nine lady graduates, # • and Sydney ten, of whom three have won the The Religious Trac t Society will publish M. A. degree. These first fruits of a wise and inill Octoberuumu oi aa> storyisiui y ofui Earlxuu>i.±yy Ceyv^c^y lonau#.i , entitledcn^ucu liberal policy in the administration of the 4 The A ppeal to the Serpent ; or, Life in an

Australian Universities will, we trust, lead to Ancient Buddhist Cit•7y.' The author is the a large extension of educational advantages Rev. Samuel Langdon, a member of the Society, and a well-known throughout the Colonies. Royal Asiatic p» *-r missionaryHAA h-J *-r ¦ * . V^ A .a. \- ^J A. w in.A M M, Cey^w- ' ^«* w lon.^ ^—' » J • The . »*. ^ *•• ^p*1 bookrv-' »—• ^—' p» is" . p>-r saidpi^«./«« a- ^^-»- to«^ ^_^ ber -~— —^——-—^rs^^W"-"^——— one of unusual interest, and the conflict

fc 1 r -^* ¦* . pp> «¦¦ pp> *pp» Pk ^Pk r*fcP r ^«» ^ PL w *w ^ an betweenp, r *j P^^ P/ P/ ^ J *, , ^« ^ L Buddhism^ J ^ i^ ^ p^V ^ ^ hT^ ^ ¦¦> ^ p, r r ^p> and^ .PAF Jft J9h ^..Pfe Christianity^u^ ^'mr ^ 4^ is^ P. ,«¦ wo* * ^~^ Boo K d I^utnou^ of believe, vividly illustrated in the chief per- ^ sonages of the story. BooK * Messrs. Longmans, Green^ ?& Co. will shortshort lI yv publishrninlish 4 AA Lif«Life of LordTiord John.Toh n RusselRnssftl l Another book which the same publishers (Earl Russell, K.G.),' by Spencer Walpole ; liave in the press is ' The Glorious Return,' 4 p" pjp *i pp»*p« pppvt vp|pm ^ip^ ppp» p^m V ¦ ii p* . p» H>pr ^ pvr ^p» rw «¦ r^pr -^^ pp ppp.*p» 'Vtf The^ Melbourn^ **r ^ p*v ^ ^ ^ e^^ Papers,' being^ k aV SelectionT^pp^ ^p^ p»» ^p^ ^p** ^T"lfc ^^ J» •¦ by Crona Temple, author 01 The Last Mouse from documents in the possession of Earl: in London,' &c. This is a story descriptive of ¦ ¦ ~^Pb m _ ^^ _i ^Ph ^b OJPPPPI PP1 PPK ^ BP ^.^ dhA ^a ^^^^^ > I Cowper, edited by Lloyd C. Sanders, B.A. ;; the remarkable history of the Vaudois and 1 - . ' '?' sept* :*, 1889! The Publisher s' Circular; 103 1 \

1 1 the ir glorious return ' to, their native valleys Messrs. J. & A. Churchill intend to publish

^~- ^-^^m b^b- -^^ bb»^^.™»^b» bp ^»^^ »^^ » ~ » ^^»^^ ^b» "^^B " ¦¦ ' ¦ " ¦ afterUV ^» *^ ™^ ^^ long^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^ ^^9 /year^J ^^^ s ofwb* exile-^^r *bb ^ . The™^^™ -^^ spublication ^^ ^^ "^^ ~ of^ during the month a work on Fuel q,nd its such a book at the present time is peculiarl y Applications , by Messrs . E. J. Mills and F. J.

•¦ wbb- » ¦ m w^»bv j ^^f -^b* bbi^bxbv ^^ bb ^bpbbpbbv ^v ^b— «bbb» appropr\JV ft _^ w*-^ ^^ ^* V^^ ^" iate' ^r ^"^ ,•! as^^" F ^^r the^ ir memoraBm^B ^B* ^b»^b.^»>*» blv^^ bw*e ^^ inc^b*4b>id ent on Rowan. This will be the first volume of a > wbieh the story tur ns, occurred in 1689. large work on Chemical Technology , edited by Mr. C. E. Groves , F. &. S. , and founded on ;• # # Knapp's Technology . The volume will con- i Dr. Mark Hopkins, author of 'An Outline tain num erous illust rations. : ! Study of Man,' has in the press an important ; new book on Christian Ethics, entitled * The An introduction to botan y, entitled * Flower- j Law of Love, and Love as a Law.' land ,' by Mr. Robert Fisher , M .A., with 150 illustrations, "will h« ia»iiftrl in a f«wr ri ava hir \i illustrations, will be issued in a few days by * Messrs. Bemrose & Sons.

r ¦ 1 «¦ That¦^^^ ^™ -^^ "^ "^ p eminent-^^r ^^*^^^^^^^ "^^"^ » ^Br ^^ ^^ ^^ American^H^ ^BBr ^v«^»^ ^ ^b^ ^^ » ^pv ^ r v^^p^^ i^» naturalist^^.^^ wr ^v ^^ ^t^^m^^ ^^^p^^B^^ " ¦ h ^b* , Dr.^— ^^™ v Amongst the new books announced by Mr. McCook, vice-president of the Academy of JJohnonn MogHoffffg are 'fc ThThee KomanceRomannfi 01of the Forestsb orests ,' Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, has in pre- by Ascott R. Hope, and ' Martyrs to Freedom,'

Mfe ¦ paration¦ .^ ^ ,rW ^^" ^*^™ ^™ ^^* ^"^^ ^^^^" a^^^^V work* V ^*^ ^B» ^™^^» called^*™ »^^»^^» ^B> ^ ^^ ^BPBB American^BW ^Bk Bfe^Bk^B> ^B ^ *^ ^ ^B^ B^BV ^B ^B> SF ^*^^ p¦ ™^ iders^B» ^k^^^ ^^ ^^™ ^^^ and^.^ ¦^^•^^^ ^^BB b> ' « y* ^J * * ^b" ^^^^ ^ at bfb^^ a 4 « * ^ v *a by Rev. PhilipX. J. Barnes. Amongst«7» juvenilefci *' i their Spinning*Work/ The book will be pro- stories may be mentioned ' Ada Norman's fusely illustrated, and is to be published by Trials and Difficulties,' by M. Seymour, and '• ssnbsfiHntiubscription.OTi - # ' Noel and Geoff ; or, Three Christmas Days.' # # Both of these will be produced in chromatic

^^^^^^^ • "^^ W~~ ^^"^ ^~^^^

^^^ p ~ will publish this month, through Messrs. ocean-^^ -^^m -^^ ^* -^ — ' ¦ curren^ ^^ ~m^—^ ^^^m ^^^ ^.^ ^^. ^^m t-^^ r~^^s ,^m whichw v ^^b ^^> ^^* ^^. ^^^ is^^^ r^t^ to^^ i ~ bein. ^^^v exhibited^^^ ^^ i^^ ^^ m ^^m i^a^ r^^^ ^^^ ^^V ^^^^ ^.^^^ at^^^^B ^^ff the^^^ .^ ^^K ^^ ^^ Macmillan, a revised and enlarged edition of forthcoraing meeting of the British Association. liis * Analysis of English History,' carefully

^i «-^ m f adapted to the new edition of Green's * Short A^^^ ^^^* perfectW*^ ^M^ ^^^ ^*^ ^ ^^^ ^^ copy^^^ ^^' ^ ¦ ^ r w of"^^ ^^ ' Le^^^k^^b ^ ^^ ' Pastissier^^^^ ^^ ^^ .^^ ^^^ ^^ ^h^ ^^ Francois.^^^ ^B* ^.'^f ^B> ^B> ^ ^ ^ ^^^ ^^ ^S^ ' History of the English People.' has come to light in Holywell Street bound up

¦ ¦ ^ ¦^ r withV W ^ ** ^v ^M ^^ a^^ 1 ^ worthlessV W -^^ ^V» "^^ ^v ^^ ^^ -^.^ —k - N. tract.^^ ^^v ^^"^ ~^^ -^* ^ It^^^^ ^i^ wasV ¦ m, ^ 1^ printed.I m ' tf^ ^B* ^^ ^^ ^^ ^.^ ^^ at^i^^ ^^ # * Amsterdam in 1665 by Louis and Daniel Elzevir. It is reported that Mr. Bullen has decided A copy sold for £60 in 1883 , and another was to retire from the * Keepership of Printed jjurchased for no less than 10,000 fr. at a Paris Books ' in the British Museum. sale a few years since. Madame Carette, formerly ' reader 9 to the It "will be welcome news to admirers of Empress Eugenie, has just finished another Alexandre Dumas to learn that his new novel volume of her ' Souvenirs of the Tuileries.' may be expected at She treats of the period of stirring events which led to the fall of the Empire, embracing # »K^ «^«y * th4^4* *& e^^ dec^J ^ ^b^ ^^ l^b araBj^W^b B^^ f tiB^ ^h. on^w^ ^ .^ o^^^ fdb warV V Bv^BV-^b wV V i^ t«^ hA ^h P^i^ russia^Bb V B*^ ^ ,K the«^ ^ ^k ^^ de-^^ i^ ^B^ Under the title of ' The Gospel of Common parture of Napoleon the Third for the jj eat of

-v^-^ ense ^H ^h _ ¦ T- of New York ^V ^ ^ . ^ .^Bb VB. -4^-^b ,^ , -^BB i r S Dr. Charles F. Deems ^« ^^ ^^ ^.^ ^^^ ^^ ^^ ^B^ V V ^^ ^^ ^^ ^.^ ^^^~ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^b^^V ^^ ^.^r "^h^ * ^^ ^^ B ' B* ,' , action^^ ^^ ^^ , the^h^ Regency,^^^ and^^^^ the Final Collapse.^ *^ BJ is about to publish a series of discourses on We understand that Messrs. Dean & Son the Epistle of St. James. will publish immediately a translation of this work.Tvr»rlr . TheTho translationtransition isi« callednallftrl '* MIVTvy MistressTVTittf.rAss i the Empress Eugenie ; or, Court Life at the !Qo¥e$ and Devp? Tuileries.' 4 j Volume 193 of Cassell's c National Library ' The Life and Work of Millet/ by Mr. appears to-day, namely, Professor Pal grave's D. C. Thomson, profusely illustrated , is begun 4 Visions of England.' in the September number of the Magazine of Art. Thelhe actualite is the ' JvirnoozersKirnoozera ' ClubOlub ,' The large demand for the cheap edition of c by Mr. H. Spielman, illustrated by Mr. Harry r r V ¦ ¦ ¦ h ^^ B^^ BT ^ ^^ ^W ^* ^~ B^^IF ^^^*^^ ^> ^ ^— ^B ^^ ^*^ ^^^ ^^ *^ ^^ ^V ^ *^ ^-^ ^* ^^ ^h^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^h^V. *^^ ¦ !>¦ ^^^^P ^ ^v ^^ ^b » ' ^^ ^^ ' ' ^^ ' and a fur er ^.V i.. w orna oo e th ^^^ B ^^rf ^M ^^ b ^^ ^ ^^^^ Bj ^^^^^ ^k^ ^^*^V ^^^^ ^h^^ir tf^ v^i^' V V ^^ ~i ~ ^^m ^^^ ^. ^ ~^^ r 4^ ~^^ r ^^^^ V ^^to ^ ^ .^ ^^^^ b ^^ ^ ^^ b L D n ' still continues, Furniss.^^^ ^"^ It deals with the^^ chief^ ^^ ^^B ^^ ^^^ armour-club^^ * ^ ^^^^ ^^.^b ^^^ issue is in the press. The second of this cheap in the world, and forms a number of the X^F -bV Vj^V fr>^ ^L l^# K tfB»" ff A. ^^ ^^W^B *«^^ W |^^ ^^W « ¦ ^b> ^k A A ^ V^ Jb ^^^ ^^T ^k «*^^ ^^*fc <*k 4b ^ 1>*K c ' series^^ ^. ^^ , Mr.^ Hard^^ y's ' Far^^ from the Madding Glimpses of Artist Life ' series. Crowd,' has also proved a great success, and, like its predecessor, is passing into a second Dr. James McCosh is about to publish a edition. treatise on metaphysics, entitled ' First and Fundamental Truths.' We understand Messrs. Macmillan

r ¦ r ~ Bk the works of Thomas Hughes, Q.C., author of History™ ™ *^* m***^ ^^ ^^ ^~ W ,BJ ' and" ^ ^ ^^ «^^ is^^ I IM practical» ^ ^^ * ^i^ ^^ ^ ^«^ VT. * l^B yV a^V^ co^h^ ^ib^ n^» AB1 dens^^^ ^t ^ 4 tfB* l f at|WBy B^ ion^^^ ^ ^k of^^^ «L * Tom Brown's Schooldays.' his well - known ' Ancient History ' and ' Mediaeval and Modern History.' BBB ¦¦> JB> V d* I~| «Bj «¦» ** 1 The^ A ^b< seventhV^r ^^^ V ^B^ ^ « «|T #B MB of^ ^ the*» ^ ^B^ series"^^ ^^ ^Bl ^iV* J" of^*f * Eng^ ^^ f " ^ lish^^ "^ ^ "* Men^^ * ' ^^ -^ "" of Action ' is ' Monk,' by Julian Corbett, The Report which the Committee of the

—""" ¦ author~^^ ^VBfr W BBl^Bl ^B^ |BB> of^«^ ^B< ' The^"^^ HVB| ^B»~ Fall^^"^ ^l^^r^"* ^^ of^B^ ¦ "^ Asgard.^^™ ^ ^ ™ ^V^Bk ¦¦ ¦ ¦ BW ' Other"— ^- ' ~w- — J3ethnal U reen Jb ree Library has just issued, volumes are in preparation. - setting forth the work they have done during ^ ¦ ¦ • • ¦ - ¦¦ ¦ . . . ,• • -:¦ » ~—: . - . - :; :- ^^^ ? a ^ gg ^^^^ ? i ^ g ^ ; Ate* . y j_ ; j - | * .^BI^^K^^^^^B^ ^^^. ... — — _ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^P^^^ j^^^j^^^^^^j^Pjj^j^j^ji^j^ij^^jj^^j^j^^P^j^jj^i^jjg^^j^^jj^^j^^^jj^j^Pj^jj^jjij^^^j^gi^ji^j^^^^^ ^ fc ^ ftj ^^ ^

Pub lishers ' Circular 1032 The s*Pfe *, 1S89 T th e past year , is very encourag ing. The 500 On plage 97^ in oiir last issue is adverti* sed volumes , with which a commencemen t was made * National Atlas ' at 2s. • This should have been aa- dozen yv earseara agoaero, hhaveave grownerrown to zU20.000.,UUO, 2s. 6d., the published price. The editi on in besides an immense num ber of magazines. quest ion is a new one, broug ht down to the 1

¦¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ 1 ^^r^^^ ^^v~^^V -^^V ^^T^^ -^V^^ ^^F^^ ^^^ *^"~ ^^— ^^" ^^" "^^^ H^V —^^ " "~^^ *"^"~ ^^" " *"^P~ — ™ ~~ ~~ — — ^^— — _ ^* ^^ ^-^ ^ » The additions presented to the Libr ary^ durin g present - year , an d showing the. state of geo- the year were 1,714 volumes, besides 1,551- gra phical knowled ge to date. It contai ns an reviews magaz ines , &c. The evening classes al phabetical index , giving the situation j _ , - ^k a ^b ^b _ ^ ^h ^k A 4B , ^^

— J» — — of -^ ^Kflhrib ^ for technical education hav e been increased , latitude ,^ and ^ long^ ^ itude of all places im- six new classes being adde d duri ng the year. porta jice throug hout the world , and is pub- It is estimat ed that , throug h its reading-room , lished by Mr. John Hey wood, Manches ter. i lectures , and classes, the Library benefited so me 50,000 pers on s last year , bring ing up the number to over 400,000. Co ntinental j Qofc f Mr.^^^" ^^^^ ^^m V J^"^ ohn^*^ ^^ ^v ^» ^w Hey^Bm^^^Bam -^^r w woodv v -^^ -^p» -^ ""^ ,-w of*.^* ^™ r Manchester¦—™—- —^^p ^^w —¦ - ¦ -¦— — -^— ,^m will- — ^^^^—»^^— this season publish ' a selection of Han s The most importa nt recent publication of ; Andersen 's ' Tales and Stories ' as num ber the house of Calman ri LeVy is the volume of • four of his Literary R eaders for use in Ele- ' Letters of the Duke of Orlean s,' edited by

-— - — — - - v- _^^_ mentary Schoo ls. Th e select ion and trans - his sons,g the Count of Paris and th e-^^ r Duke.^^^^^r- ^^ F-^-^ ^^^^ ^^^ of^^ ^^ Chartres. Many perso ns can sti ll remember lation is by•/ Mr.— Alfonzor Gardiner ,/ the editor of the series , an d will include the rri ofet the un iversa l grief and consternat ion through- popu lar of these inimitable tales , toget her out France at the news of the death , by an

—^— « ^— — — — — — — - - — — fl '^ ^ K -______unfortunate carriage ^^ accident^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^~™^^^ ^^ on^^^^ ^^^ Jul™ 1 ™ ^^^ ^v ^^^^^p ^ ^ p^ ^ h ^^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^H^^B^^^^B ^B -^ y 13, 1842, wit• h others that are not quite so well known ,7 but are equally pleasing and interesting. The of the amiable prince who was adore d by his ! countrymen of all ranks , and who was — — - - -- — the book will be fully»j illus trated ,7 and ,j as in previous volumes of the series , full foot-notes hope of the constit utional monarchists of

____ _ France and of Europ e. wi ll expL lain the historical references ,7 and such allusions to customs and manners as M. Calmann LeVy also publish es,- on the children will not be likely to understand , ' ^B I A ^m ^h ^k A ^M ^b ^B ^H occasion of tj ie ^B transfer of the rem ains ^ of together with the general bearing of folk- lore some revo lutionary celebrities to the Pantheon , on these best of all modern fairy tales. The * Hoche , La Tour d'Auvergn e, &c. &c., ' by book will be published, as others of the series , Jule Michelet. I in two forms—a school edition, strong ly Maison Quantin publishes Cons tant ino p bound, and a prize edition, in a more tasteful * le : i t s Government , its Inhabitants , its Present v binding, and without the spelling lessons and its Future ,' by ' Pau l de Regla. ' The which teachers have found of such grea t use in school work. aut hor who writes under this pseudonym is a medical man who has had the opportunitM. 'A y%J of The use of the Braille type for the blind closely observing both the harem and the \ has recently received an impe tus by the action Palace at Stamboul. The work contains very ; of several philanthropic ladies, who have curious revelations and portraits of Turkey in broug ht out a new magazine, consisting of its decadence , and the account of Sultan forty-four pages, entitled Santa Lucia, which Mourad V. will be read with painful interest. ! is to appear monthly, and will be sent by pos t MM. C. Marpon and E. Flammarion publish | for a remittance of two shillings to Miss i ~- ~- — — - - — _ — — , 1 The Happj-^ iness of Others,7 ' b-^y Catulle Mendes, Hodgkin , Child wal l , Richmond , Surrey. The with illustrations by M4tivet ; ten more volumes works of some of the best authors will be | reprinted in this form. of Celebrated Authors (including ' Charlotte's Husband ,' by Hector Malot), and the 8th || The largeC3 and very«/ beautiful stock of book3 volume of that readable miscellany ' Le Bon I sold at a valuation last month, on his retire- Journal.' || ment fro m trade , by Mr. Adam Holden; to M. Paul OllendorfT has just brought out the Bank of Liverpool who take over the M ^7 - { , novel by !Se*rizolles. ;, premises , is an almost unique collection of ' Hotel Lucien,' a new first-class works in various excellent styles of MM. Hachette & Co. announce the publi- « binding ; and as the bank authorities desire cation of the third volume (G-O) of their ex- 1 this stock to be sold as soon as possible, an cellent ' Dictionary of Agr icul ture ,' edited by \ early visit to the well-known shop will doubt- J. A. Barral, and continued by Henri Saguier , .,

. _ _ ¦ less— — amp— l— y*y repay^— M all— good^^ j book—— collectors— ^^ — . editor of the Jour nal of Agriculture . 1 *J 1 1 The valuation was made by Mr. A. M.Burghes, MM. E. Plon, Nourrit & Co.'s list includes , , .__ — --- -_ _ _ _ -..y — _— . — . __ _ -- _ ^ and b ~m iT

_ We have our number fo— r August— i^t — 1— as O.V.R. books. new illustrated edition in 12 par ts'. It should hav e read O. U. R. books. received the first part of this pretty little I ¦ • " ^ 1 , ¦ ¦ m ¦ „ - . infi

sept. 2, 1889 The Publishers' Circular 1033 [I

edition published by Mr. Paul Neff, of Stutt- Mr. Karl Prochasha of Vienna sends us ;

g-—mf _- — - — — ^^ - — - ^W^. — — It contains 48 ages of et er ress j gart . p^^ l t p , and the first volume of ' Pro chasha 's Illustrat ed about 20 illustrations either on separate paper Monthl y Volumes. ' The undertaking is novel

______— __. ______— — _ _ _ — _ — — — j— — — — — — — or^ —m interca lated in the text. Both paperj and in at least one respect , for, while each neatl y ' typograp hy are excellent , an d man y of the bound and illustrated little volume includes i illustrations are very spirited. They are by severa— — l comp— — ^^^ H^^ lete ¦ ^~ ^ ^^ stories¦ ^~ ™ ^b ^^ ^^^ ^^^ ~^^mr an^m^^mr ^^^^^^ d^^v^^b ar^^^^*^ ^^^. ti^^^ ^^^ c^^^P l^^^ es^^^p ^*^^^ of^.^^ ^^^B g^B ^^ k enera^ ^^F Vv^^M ^^^^ ^^^. ^^^^^F^^P ] \ various artists. interest , it also contains some chapters of a novel to run throug h severa l volumes of the The German Booksellers ' Union , in Leipzi_. g,O 7 has d ecided to have " during t he winter ' months series. But , as the price of the volume before ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ — ¦ JPfI ^K IKI — " ^ ¦¦¦ i^BB- .BBI «Bi« us of 200 pages~ ' "^ w" " ith^^ t"^"^ wentV ¦> ^¦B' ^^^mm ^F> y« -one~ | f^ ^B* illustrations^^ ^B >^B> B ^^ ^BT aB ^ p BtfB^^^ ^hB *^ aVA^^ BBg ^ ¦ j »^W "^^* *^mv ¦ — —^m ^—^— — ¦ ¦ — ¦ — — ^-^ —^» w ~— — — ~— — ~— ^ ^ ^^ _ r *^»~ ^—— ^^^ — ^^^ ¦ ¦ — ™ —^ ^^^^» ^^^ » ^mw nw -^—» ^^^ ^_ ™ v^^p classes^^ ^^ ^ for the instruction of booksellers ' is onl ' assista nts in addition to thos e already held y about a shillin g, no reasonable objec- ^^ ¦ ^ apprent ices. . The instruction will include tion can be mad— — ^— e^^ to~ ~— such^"^^ ^v~^ v ^ ^^ ^^^ "^ an^^^-^^ ^^V^^BP arrangement.^B^^^F ^^^ ^^^^^ BP ^^^ B^Bk ^B^ 4i^B>^^^^^^ ^B 1 tfBb BBfe BBF BV for _^V- ^ __. __ _» ' ¦ _k m\ - ¦ th e English^ and ^ French languages , the laws The tit le of the continu ous story which begins ¦¦ ¦¦ the series is ' On~~ the—"~ ¦— -" Wrong— ™ B ^ ^^^^ HBk Road.^^^ ^B- ~*M^ ^m^^T ~^*^*r ,^m ' b¦^BT' yW C.^BT Bf E.BBBBBB Bf and customs of the book trade , and book- Klopfer. keeping by double entr y. The Central Jour nal for Library Work for The A.Ugeme hn e Zeitung tells us that t he August contains an exhaustive article on that British Museum has purchased , for the sum of interesting^~ — ^^ ~^^m c ¦ hroni^^- — ¦ ¦ ~^ ^-^ — - ¦" cle^^^^ ¦ ^^^ ¦ ^^^v ^P^P^^^^^V ^^^ ^B^ ^B ^B^b ^^^ ^V *B* «|. BP ^BPB^BP^BBB^ *^^ P^B> ^BF ^^*^ ^BBt W ^BJ BPB^B^ ¦ ¦ » ¦ ¦¦ ^ B* Bbi of Eng ^ p ^ ^Bi m» Bh _ lish History, * The ^ ^ ^ ^mt. ^^^P^ _ ^ ^^ ^m* m —¦ m/ -J ^L ¦ —¦ 37,— ^ 000 marks ( = £1,850)J ,~J the— B— oo— k » of" ——— Prayers——— ^*W~mT W ^mm- ——¦ V^V Philobiblon of Richard de Bury , Bishop of ordered by the late King Louis II., of Bavaria , ^^^ ^^ ^^ ^ ~ —^~^~ ~^mr" V^^B* ^ -~ ^^- ^—^ ~— ^^ ^^ «^^ ^^v «#^p **^' ^^^ BF ^BP^ ^^^V^^B^ ^¦b " ^BB. ^^^ ^^^. BBBi^BBi BBB W> .Bi Durham ,J Treasure r an d Chancel lor of K ingVB|B ^^ fro m the Munich artist Francis Fleschuetz. Edward III. ,' besides other articles and book I The Chronicle of the Grap hic A r ts (Vienna) not iees. j No. 7, contains a concise artic le on the Grap hic We have received No. 7 (July 20) of the

Arts in the Paris SSalon , an d a biog rap - — — — ™ — — — — — — — — ¦— ^^^^^ -m~ ~~ -^ ~~ — — — ^bj w v ^^^- ^-^ ^^^ ^^" ^^ ^^" ^BJB ^h ^^" » ^BP'^ B^B* ^^^^BF hical g Belg^^ ian Bibliograp hical Review which gives a A * A B) ^BB a A «^B1 , - ^ ^— _^

¦__ - __» h ^_v> - * ^^^ __ ^_> w^ •mm^ ^mw —— ——¦ ^™ w ^—^^ —^^v ^_ *^v^__ > mm ^v —™ ——» —^r mmj __vv^^ ^__ __k sketcw** -^ ^ ^^ ^™ ^^ h of William Sharp^ **^ , the distinguished^^^ ^^ ^— j" ^k ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^ ^—* ¦•» vast amou nt of information about new publi -

engraver , which gives interesting deta ils of his — — - v« — — — - - ~ ^ ¦ " — ^^ ^BB^^ ^^^ ^^" ^^ ^^" ¦ ~*r^^ ^B" ™ ^» ^^BP ^^^ ™ ¦^BB' BT*^^ ^B* B^^» ^B^ ^B^ ^^P^BT BB^^^ BPBBF i cations in Belgium ,^p whose literature is perhaps —.______. connection with Mesmer ,7 Swedenborg,- - — — ? d_ \ ^^ an too little .known here. The notices are con-

Richard Brothers the prop het. It also gives cise and— readable— — - ^— -m- - —— -^— .^ We— ^ ^ venture^ —^—~ ^m^^mw —*• ^^ ^^ — - ^^^ to^^ ^ say"^^^ ^^ ^ b* of^b^ ^^^> this^BF ^" » ^b B^ BI"BB' an excellent reproduction of Albert Diirer 's ¦ ^ _ _¦> - ^_ _ . ^_l ^B__^^_. _ ka *^_F^ __ __i _ __ pro mising bibliogra phical journal , as Sir John etching of the Apostles Peter and Paul with Falstaff said to Mr. Ford , ' that we desire the Handkerchi ef of Saint Veronica. more of its acqua inta nce.' ¦ ¦ ¦ i ; Schorer ' s Familienblatt. Part 13, contains ' The Legal Relations^^ of Author and Pub - ! a capital descr iptive account of the perform ance lisher , technical and historical ,' is the title of

of ' King *Liear ' on the Shakspearean sta ge a volume b•/y M. AugustO Schuerir. ann ,7 the i recentl y erecte d at Munic h, anent which a few talented author of i The Organisation and ._ _._ ___. . ______| word s. Every body kno ws that the theatre of Legalr » Usagesr ^ of. - - the German— Book Trade— — , I m\ * ^B ^Bk mu - * ¦ ah BBl ^ BBL .. ^ mm* ^b ' ¦ Shak speare 's time was quite different fro m that which^ has just been published throug h the | | of the present age, having but little scenery of book store of the Orp han Home , at Halle , | | any sort or kind , and rel ying almost exclusively which is full of valuabl e information , showing

— — -^ — — — — ma — — — —- -— — ¦ — ^^ ^^^ — ^^ ^— ^^ | | on t he talent of the dramatist and the actor , a minute and painsta kingbT ^^tA research. We hopem ^^^ - n while nowadays*t the stageo carpenterjt is onl *fy too to find space to notice it on a future occasion. | | often the good or evil genius of a play. There Everyone will regret to learn that the B was but one scene representing an arc hitec- literary partnershi p which has for so long a B tur all y painted hall , whose roof was supported period su bsisted between the popular Alsacian I V pillar s closed on right and left by Gobelins authors Erckmann and Chatrian has been I tiipustry ser g for entrances and exits. In vin terminated b ______th o %ry the secession of M. Erckmann , I centre of this larg e room was left a larger owing to a dispute abou t the recei pts fro m the I opening raised three feet above the stag e, and dramatised version of some of the writer 's I reserved for the more private scenes between stories. I two or three characters , while the foreground I whs reserved for scenes in which many actors -O- I tak e part. Above this smaller scene was a WIL LIAM HAZLITT. * ¦%» ^^^ JL «A -v-*- -a^ IH l°gg(^ f -^ia-~ *->v forj *. v^ balconyK-' l ^^ w and*-** »^ ^>m. window* * ^^* . ^^^ v v scenes.r ^f ^^ ^rf ' m ^ ^¦¦'Ptar • The^n- ^.^ I huck grou nd consiste d of transparent views It was no less an authori ty than Charles I which could be rap idly changed like dissolving Lamb who declared that William 'Hazlitt , in I views, an d represented the scene where the his ' natural and health y state , ' was one of the wisest and finest spirits breat hing, and the I action was supposed to take place . This was u> I ;t compromi se taking the place of the board genialgem**.! essaytjaaa yiaistt wasw _i» generousgeiienjus enougeiiuu^iih to addnuu I with an inscri ption ' Forest ,' * Room/ Court- that he expected to go to his grave without ' finding such another companion. Unfor- I y-ud , '

V/A ^r -K^T _ _ MJAAVA _¦> _t I The performance of ' Lear ,' we are told,was wasW V KATKJ too**-* oftenX- -**SJL.M. notM.JL *KS V in-k.-tA. hisAJkJk-K ^ * natura> JL, %*V \J 1_« JL «^W_R.l and hea^/«^V<< %J hA * yT I ^' Ir nir ab le, t he actors and act resses vying with state ,' and it was not every man who was

_ — « m. a_ 11J AXA V1J, MW& VAAU I tisi ch ot^ %/JLJLher \.SA. inA AM. renderingA UAlVi\^ JL C£ in aUf llJI A theirV* « strengthUAJL willing to make allowances for him in the I suul beauty the powerful word s of the great easy and kindl y manner of Charles Lamb. I dr amatist without any adventitious aids from De Quincy, for examp le, draws by no means a I ^e scene painter. ' The groundlings (as j l j l I said) are capable of nothing but . * WilliamW r ,m+ w •Mrrv Hazlitt•*«-> -.* **w wm *v ,f Ensayiutj *-***\»-<*-t%j v-wv anduffrw Crit\s w »» icw-i .• Selectionsr_/«JA\^\^v ^'«iu fromvua ¦ ¦ inexplicable dunibshows and noise,' but with hi^'Writings. With a Memoir, Biographical and Critical. ¦ ¦ By Alexander Ireland. The Cavendish Library. Frederick the cultured playgoer , ' The play is the thing. ' Warne

¦ ¦¦ 1 » u. .!• . — -. CV m , •;-* •; • -=| io34 The Publishers' Circular Sept. 2, 1889

flattering portrait of him, and says that he book is, in f act, one which deserves a place on

iTf V V V v p*^ p^* W ^^ ^*^ ^^ ^^ ^^^ *^ ^^ ^*^ ^ ^b Jfc ^^ P» ^b ^b ^b ^^ ^^ ^ p^ ^^ ^^ ^b '^i i ¦ ^» ^» v« ^ "^^ "^^ V ^^" «* ^^m*m vm that^» ^— ^— » » »' he— — ^»- the shelves of every private library, for it is peevish _ s lenetic and more than , _ MB was p __ . ^H m A , ~ ^m ^ ^ smiled upon no man, and was a confirmed strictly representative of the' best aspects of mimisansanthrope. throne. ' IItt seems to me, ' he addadds.s, English criticism in the earlier years of the

- ¦» ¦— M ~ "^•»^fc ^^^ »-w ¦»- *- -»-—¦ -^ ^ ^ mk ^— —' — • — — — — »- ¦» .a. v/ * that Hazlitt hated even more than enemies pres ^r Mm ^S *~J enti *a^ century^s T ¦ ¦ »^ » .* A^^^B» capit^ ^ al engraved portrj— ait

k|& th^^ ^ »^™ ose^*^ W ^ ^^ whom¦ ¦ ^ " ^ » ^^^ ^ ^^ ^™ cu^fe^ ^^ V stom^%^ ^^ ^^^ ^ B ^» ^^ obli~ ~ P*^^ ^^ *¦ * ged^ p -^^^^ him^^ ^P» ^^ ^»^^^^ to^^ — — c-^^p all^r^^^»^^v hi^^ —¦— ^_ s ¦ h is placed opposite the title-page, whilst- the

¦ ¦ #pV fj .^»«b4^ ^^ ^^ p ^^ ¦ » ' ^^^ ¦ ^^^^ ¦ —— ™ ^ ''^ -^ ^^ ^"-^" friends. ' That erratic and ill-starred man of pri ^ ^ b ce^pp» ^p ^ at-^f V whichT T ^» ^fc «U ^ ^^ ^ ^" the*^^ » ^ " ^^^ volumew ^^ ^^ — ^ is published brings^^ ^ p^*

r ~ geniusH^^ > -^ ^ ^W ^» ^^ -"-^ ¦ **" ,^m Hay^^^^^^^ h ¦ W don—' ^ -^^ ^ » ^^ ,H the^^ ^ » ^^ -^^ fainterPJ ^ ^ P"PP ^B^^^p* ^^ ^h^ ^^ ,W wentW P "^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ s^^^ oI | far^^ » ^» ~^ " ^^ as^ »~^ " to^^ ^l ^ it witnin the reach of even the modest denounce him as a ' singular compound of resources of many a young and poor student

^^ P ^^^ ^^"^ ^*^ ^PJ ^P^^ —I i * * ^.^^^ ^^V ~^^^P ^B^ ^pipP *^^^ PP ipflB ^ ^V malice^^* ^^ ^^ ^"^ ^^ , cowardice, geniush ^^^~ ^^^ ^^^ ^™* ^B^~' *^^^ ,^V democracy^^^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^*^ ^^^ ^*^^^ ^^"^^ V ,^H and^^^^^ ^^ ^^ ^F of English literature.

MB^h^^^kflMMMMM* conceit/ Uazlitt has been dead nearly sixty ^^^^^^ S

¦ r ¦ F ¦^ ¦> ^ pb yearsw ^*^ •%¦! — ^™ v^B* ,vj an^h^^ p* ^Bto^HB d"*^«p» even^Pj^ ^^p r ^pi ^P> whenV ¦/ ¦¦> ^M ^hpr ^ P* «w we» ¦ ^kp r dul^pj^w* ^M> Ak yw rec*pp^ ^p»^ ^^*v o^^^^ gnis^^ p^ ^pb db ¦¦• ~**^ e^h^ the^i* ^btf' Booksellers' Provident Institution. — fact that in biography, as in other things, The directors of this Institution held their

¦ ¦ — r — ~ 4PPi «h^w dist^^^'¦v ^^ H *« ance* ¦ ^«ta ^b> ^p> ^ ^ is^^ ^^^ apt•». — ^i^ to«jr ^^^ ^ lendppBt i ^ Ph ^1^ ^fe^^B ' en^p^ff V sh ^» c^ |— h^ P> antment^» ^* «AP* «P> ^P ^ ^ ^^^* a^ ^P> ^h^ t^b^ o^^^ the^kv ^»h.^Pfe ^ pjpr * A-** P> ^««^ «¦ A^ .^ P*B* ^V* o y m eeting at the Sunday School Union ; view, 7 there is a good deal to be said for Mr. m nthl , A. ¦ M Ai W 56%J V^ ._ _OldXfc* ' A. V»fc Bail_IL—J %Jv i.A.Xey, ^/ T « on\»/ ^ Thursday*p *J V.* t*/ T t«^ he^-* X^ 15tli^*_^^ S^ .A^ ult.«^ « JL \J » • ¦ ¦ r Al^^^^ ^^^^ ' exander^^^ ^^^^ — ^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^w Ireland'^^^^^ ™ ^^^ ^>^V ^b'^Pr MPi ^PP ^fe^^Pp s^^i^^ estimate^Bjp* P^i^ p ^W ^^^ ^h ^Pb ^Pb VP/ ^ p ^p ^ pp of~ i~ ^^ap his^^^ «^^ apa w^^pi life^ppp ^pb> ^p^ ^p^p> and^^^^pf ^^ ^ p^ ^^^ ^pp s and there were , character. Perhaps it may even be regarded Mr. G. J. Rimell pre ided , ->i —'^™ ~ ««p ¦ i a ¦ ¦¦ ¦ p ¦ ™ r th^^ ^b ^fc irteen^^p ^** ^* ^ ^^ ^*^ ^^ " P>* directors^*^^ ^^ ^^ ^*^ ^*^ ^^ i present.^^m — — ^^^ '^^ -^ ^^ ^p » ^ Thei "™— "^"" ^^"" sum of'^^ ^ ; Pl ^^ r as-^^^^m r h a-^— —w kindI ^-^ ¦ ^^^ ^^v -^^- —^ of-^i^ ^^^ poeticpj I ^-^ ^p ^ -^r «W^ ^Pj pP justiceA« ^^ '^P ^ ^P PPP ^^ ^PIP ^ppP 1 th^PV ^^ P ^^ atP^^*^V ^^P so*^i^ ^^^F competent^^^* ^^^^ ^P* ^^> ^^ P ^pH ^ ^^ P ^V ^ ^^ P ^i ^ ^P^ *" . . and enthusiastic a student of Hazlitt as essayist £115. 2s. 6d. was voted in temporary and j

u u pyffrf p ~^^ ~^r - p< ¦ permanent^^^ «^ A^ A m ^ *^ ^^ ^^ ^^ assistancey ^n^ ^^r*^ v ypy ^^ ^ pp^ ^^ to^^ ^^ sixtv^« ^b ™ ^^ y-tweV ^ * " , memb^~^*^m —^^ r ^^ ers^ p *m ^/ ¦ andb ¦ ^— ^^ -^ criticp ^^ ^^ "^ ^— ^ has^^ ^^ -^ —' ¦ u at^fe ^^ p ^ir length^HB ^4^ ^^ 4* JPk ^PP^ ^^ ^^ arisen^^'W 4V P^ W^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^ ,Pfl for^^^ ^^^ MfeP however^M 4^k* ~| |~ P* PI ^PI^ T ^kpr ^B* and vridows of members. i bitter and contemptuous he might be so far as living men were concerned^ , the author of the 7 > ' KoundRound TaTableble ' and the '4 SpiritSnirit of thet.hft AgeA^ ' National Home-Readings Union.—Offices I,

"-^» ¦¦¦ -^"»* ¦ was accustomed to speak with generous haveA A.i_V » ^p ' now^^ \S » » been*~r ^^ ^p' »^ opened*- ' WS ^^ ^^ ^^ ^»*fc for* v^ ^ ••• transacting*^i*p *^ » ^*- *»-• » ¦— mk the*»—.—. »^ warmth of the achievements of the dead. So business of this Union at Surrey- House, 1

~ ~ «k^ —¦ - «-v r^ p- ^ ^ much, indeed, was this the case, that ViV ^^ ctoria^^ p^ *»^ ^ J^ ^^ ^ Embankment.^ ^ «w ¦• ^^ V* * ^ Ah^ -k ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ b « Miss^^ * i "i i m, r*^ w*^ Mondm^ w ^^^ ^pp- ^> <^ -*^^ yw has^v ^— been-^ !

™ ~- ^ ^~ ~p —~* "VW Christop-~" ^^ W*^ her~ ~ ^—" ^™ North^ ¦ ~*—T ^^ ** P* ^ said*^a^ ^ W •> ^ * ^»- th^ ^ *k * at•-• Hazlitt-^^^^ U *y#^ ^ ^ f^ ^^ reversed^L ^p^ T ^taX "^ *** ^-^ ^'^ appointed Secretary of the young people's the old proverb by thinking more of a dead section, and George Ho well, Esq., M.P. ,

JL»« ^ ¦*- »¦ ~^m urn. -^~ «- -^^ « ¦ ass than a living lion. ' In his eyes, death, Secretaryr^-^ *— ' *-/ J- . ^^ W«^»f-« . W ofV^ <*. the*/^ *. ^^ artisans*-^* ¦- "W^»»-'«^»' ¦*¦ ' section.P*-' ^^ ^^ «*^ Miss '

»¦ ^~ ^ ¦ ~ ^-^ ^^ ^ ^ »^-— ^ ^ »^ » p» ^i^ ^,, r ^ p^ ^ k pat ^ & .m. i ¦ ^ ¦» p^.^ » like charity, coversy p^^ a^^ multitude^ _nm > ^^ -«V f^ V>V^ ^h^* ^^^ of\ ^ ^ sins.^ ^ In^^ Mondy has also been appointed Office Secretary. short, if you vvani; his praise, you must die All letters of inquiry should be accompanied ! for it ; and when such praise is deserved, and by a stamped and addressed envelope. given cort amore, it is almost worth dying for !' Hazlitt was responsible for the ' Plain ^^^j ^B m ^m ^h ^ .^ « ^^ > Speaker,' and his friends and contemporaries Sale of Government Publications.—On f.Vi ft 14-+,h nlf. S>ir Cr T^a.rl pn-T:>o'wftl l ¦nut several ¦ -¦ 1 several ¦» put — — w ~- — - -. v v~ ¦—¦¦— p^rf Baden-Powell • the 14th ult. Sir G. -v^fc were by no means disinclined,—- ^^*h A^.^4. ^^ ^ J- r ^k ^B. toW V^ gb_ ive*• V V- ' himJl«. *. A *A an*L^« f ^ * occasional lick with his own brush, especially q uestions to Mr. Jackson, Secretary to the ps_t _¦_ jl »j wl. ju »-^ a. -^^ •»—' as—outside a certain congenial set—he was by Treasury^-» ^w *~m. y ,m respecting**skj i ^ ^v v^ «^ L J> A^& the** ¦• * ^^ salef*s*-sv *. vy of-*^ these^/ * ^^ publica-m ^ *^m ^--» ^-- -- - no meansmeans anrm « manm n.n , andn.n rl in truth+.rnf.Vi asnet tions. It appears that Her Majesty's Stationery angular as he was able. About his claims as Office is at liberty to make large reductions in a critic there can scarcely be two opinions, the sale prices without any corresponding 1. though few men were more unequal, or readjustA V>L-UV'*. I *-«.*-» V mIA! entVll U ofX^ JL theUi&V trade»W JL «-« V*. V-* discountV4. tJV ( V^ IA*A W orV- *" i. the•- - - — turned out at times more indifferent work. annual premium paid by the contractor. This y *^ p» considerabl — ' - "— - - ^"~ •— — — — — — *• » P f ^ Ihl »-¦ ¦»> » state of s wlH of necessity, » / thing " »^ v *> ^ • *S%t -». A V.i *L J»,^ Jt » _^ J, X.^ I V» ^ Vk *. « ^- / H_7 , He was often a partisan, and his^^ prejudices were palpable and sometimes violent, but his influence- the terms and prices tendered by wit was keen, and his sensibility to beauty, future contractors. in art, literature, and life, was quick, graceful,

m~ — — —- — — -~- ^p ¦» - — ^^- ¦ . > and ' >"» >*-» • —»- ^«-^» ^^ wv T • ^»- A * X^"k ^^ ^.^ Wi * %-W »^^ spontaneous. Thackeray, indeed, ap- Popular Book Club, Acre Square. - proached the truth when he declared that This club, under the patronage of tho Lord II — — — -— — -— •• ^- - — v -^- ,fc ^j. ^^ , fv ^ — jfc ^ v. ^ p^/ «-* JL JL M.MUk there were ^^ ^ . «^*v V^* .^-* " ^_y * *S * A A & A H_/ probably not a dozen men in IJ JL BishJL- *»A. *J JLM.op\S \J ofV-/ M. Eli ' i J 1. y,T «| providesIV X \_/ v iviV -J atC^tl a€41 reasonableV^ LVUV/JIAUI J. V^ cost^-^ I^I H England with powers so varied, and that ' the interesting and amusing books for the leisure II pompous¦DOniDOli a bi^-wicrabig-wigs n.n rl soTi nnim pn ' -wr li rk r»r»np>rl and schoolmen who posed hoursVionra ofnf teachtfta.nTi ersftrs., omcialsoffir^ in charitablenha.rita. nl ft nisti-ilistl- ¦ as critics in Hazlitt' s time, hooted the man tutions, and others who may not have ready ¦ down, and di arla.inRfl to Ti Pin r frnfh "hnf o.n.mna down, and disdained to hear truth that+. came C>V ¦ fJV\y / KJ fc>J V V-' Jw M, V-f mS \JU & J> V-*. CL \y x^ Vti A J. IL-^ A JL A ^- >" K^ i^w ^^^ ^ -^ to access\^\~ to cheap\ ^ *^* and good libraries ;y also |^ H from such a rugged philosopher. His life was supply a constant variety of books suitable f<> '* I much less satisfactory than his writings, for lending, either privately or through existing ¦ his mind was ill-balancedill-balanced, and his rnnrlnrt in iv/ ¦ , and his conduct in villageviiia^t? book-cluuuK-auuaubs andanu. readingreciuiiig rooms.l uuina. Therei^ ¦ certain respects anything but excellent. As are also carefully chosen books for children. ¦ an essayist Hazlitt ¦ , was even greater than as We may add that full particulars can he a critic, for when h« waa n.llnwftrl spTl pirit. hin a critic, for when he was allowed to+.r» select his obtained on application to the librarian. ¦ subject, and to follow it unfettered, the fresh-

— —^ -^ -— -^ -mr^^ — —p -~r —— — H BPk ~m ^ ^ •#* ^m ^T ¦ ^m ^ ^W J« J» K ^ " — ¦ / ness and originality^ of his*f^ powers^^ ^^ J^ P^^ff weref/ ^^^ a^ ^^f seen^^ ^ ^ ^^ J^ ^ at their best. Mr. Ireland—who is, perhaps, Vitrk's ' Bible Polyglotte.'—About the I Presidentjt jl cj»i^ **- ¦ best known as a friend and biographer of middlemiuuie ofoi thetile seventeenthseveni»eeiibii centuryceiivur y ir Emerson and as the comp Le Jay, an eminent Paris lawyer and a n^ a , iler of a choice little J ¦ volume, entitled * The Book Lover's Enchi- of wealth, encouraged Antoine Vitr^, the roynl ¦ ridion '—has not merely written a sympathetic, printer, to enter upon the pro^Ugic-uB task of stood en- ¦ and, on the whole, a satisfactory sketch of printing a polyglot Bible. Le Ja y ¦ WilliamW illiam MazlittHazlitt., asaa man and criticr»ritin_ buthnfc has tirely alone patron of the enter pr ise. , as the ¦ made an altogether admirable and repre- He advanced Yitr^ more than 100 ,000 crowns, ruin. ¦ J- -J sentative selection from his writings. The a credit which resulted in his:financial * .... Cuj J+ ' "" '" i ii r . h *¦ \ Sept. 2, 1889 *Th e ^Publishers' Circular I( ^35 He met his losses with a dignity and com- great expanse now about us. The French-

"^p»~bbb B ^bb » ^b pf- ^ pfbb * ^ p*^» ^™^bb^bp ^vsibb> ^btbp ^f^ bb/ ^b p^ bi bbbbp 1 bbbp bbb> ¦^¦f ' ^bbbbbfbbpi a|h ¦¦ BBBt ^bbf BB» ^ » ^ FB ^ , _J * t * bbif° v^bb ^^B ^bb' ^^^* ^"^ ^^^™ ^ ^^ B^fc ^bbt <\ ^hvV V^^ ^™bi * -^ -^» ~— ~— ^^ ^ ^^ BB B ¦ B ^^^ B^ ~B^V ^BVBBr TBBBW ^B* BBBb ^m^ BB*B BBp, MBb- ~^BB > ^ p ¦¦¦>¦¦¦> ' ^^^^ J ^ ^ ^ V ^M^ ^BW ^^>^^ ^^ ^b# ^B> «1^ ^b^ ^^ ^"^ ^ ^ P posure at once admirable and surprising, re- classical influence long weakened the tone^ ^ of* ^^ jecting Cardinal Richelieu's offer to make current criticism , and formed the style of

^ pf - ^bp 11^^ "^ p*»- 1 ^b p- bbb«bb ^^^ ~^^ ^ ^™ "—^ ¦ ™ ¦ ^™-^^™ *^^ b» ^^^ *—.ar "^b»- ^^bp* bb b^^' ^bpf- ^bbf ^ar^v ^bp^bb "^bb ^b^b » ^b bp* HaB g ^^f* ^bpfbp ¦» ^^ ^^^™ good^^^ his entire losses, because the * grand^ courtlycourtlv fastidious second-ratesecond-ratfi writerswriters*, who ministerb m 'A attached- ^ .¦- the- ^ _condition ^m at - * that_ ^ his*b» bb looked only on the polite world for their^ pub-

¦ ¦ » (wapa- ^ » ^ ^ p- ^— ^» -^^- — *™ ^bp- ». — • -» ^B> ^pr-B»- ^ *apaap ^aa- I tm -w^ bb ^* r- ^f aa>avaj ^P* aafc r *^ ^aa- ^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^"^ ^^ aaaiaaa ^ Ba^ 1 1 (Richelieu's) name should be g^ aVA% iven to the lic.^^* ^^B ^^r ^p But^ p^^v^^^ ^B ^^ B ^pjpr withV V ^^^ ^BP ^>^ ^^^ Defoe^^ i^B ^^^ ^ ^BB* ^^BB p ^*^F ^¦^P' weV B ^B|pV begP^P ^BB' VflVHk in^^^ ^^^ ^^^ the ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^*^ renewal^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^^ * ' ^^^^^^ ^^^ of^^^^ ^^^ polyglot and Lie Jay's dropped from the work a race of greater men who dealt with essentials

-m --™- -¦¦' -^™~ -^ pf- t p^^ ~^ b ¦ -^ -™~ -^^ -~- ^ ^^^^ ^^" ^bf~ ^ ^ p^ ~^-^^ ¦ ™ ^pf-^p— ^b»* ^ »r ^a.- ^^» ^»~^ -^ pb» ¦¦ ¦ ^™ vjp* ^^p-aaB" mii" - *^ » ^ ^ p' ^^™ ^^ ¦ r ^ ^^ ' ^^ ^-^ ^^ ^»^^^P» ^ipT V B»P BP P^pV B ¦ ^» ^PBT ^P-«BB» h ¦ ~^^ ^^ .^b^BBPBBB»^P>^^ Vfr BBto ^BP^ ^BB» P%bP -^P~BBP -^^ ^ W .. ^^ ¦B JJPr W*^ ^ ahrf ^ as its patron. Placed face to face with poverty of life, as all true thinkers do. They^» 4b ^""' f^ sp'oke^^ ^ | ^ Le Jay took orders and was named Dean of straight home to the main body of the people,

1 aBB V ^a." ^^•^rm -^^p" ^^™ ^^p*^™ ¦ ^ ™——^^^^ ^^ ^p* ^bp 1 -«bbf ^^^m ^^pv bb* ^Bpp~ ar m ^aF-^pFp^^F ^aBF ^^B ^BBP^ V^P ^ Bp ^^B^ ^BaP1 ^^B*aB ^BBP " ^^pF » V^ P^B -aBB- ^BB" ^^^ ^^^b ~»^ ^^^b ^^^ p* *^P -^r-^m r M Vezelai. Later he was created Councillor of cre^"" ^^ » II ated— ^ -™~ ^ ^ P" b»-^— y¦ degrees-^^^^ ^^»- ^ BMBk I ^^^ B »-^—' a^v^v more'^— -^— '^^ ^^B* ^^ P* national^^ ^B"^P*^P" ^^ ^^™ H ^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^BB> audience^B^^ P1 ^h^^» 'BJ*'^ fli^ '^PF' ^^ ^^ "^^B' -^ajp , State by Louis XV. The famous ' Bible and wrote under influence of a sense that they

P*^^ v ¦¦¦V ^BP* ^b^P P ^VlBr ^^^^ _ ^^T *^^ W ^H^^ h ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ * ^^^^^> W^^^ ^^^ B^^ ^ ^P^^^^ ^^^ ^BP> ^M^ ^V^^ ^^P^^BV ^^B* ^^^^^ ^>^^ ^^^^>* ^B^^ V ^^~ ^^^ ^ktf'^BV ^B.^ P' ^ta^' ^BP> ~^HB ^B ^ ^h ^^ BB Polyg«/ ^J lotte ' was finished in 1645 and consisted had to touch the minds and hearts of English- of nine large folio volumes beautifully printed men at large. Their matter rose in worth,

—¦ ¦ B^ .P' «pr VBB1 ^ BBjT »^ BJ BBBP —. ^ p- ¦— on-**.* 4 fine— — ^ ^» ^^^ paper»•-* m* m m*^ ^^¦B' ^^ , but«B^B ^ its pages^V ^ ^ ^ ^ ^BP^ "*BW wereV ^hP T B*h ^ BV literal^P' Blfl B| IB l^ y» their manner became more direct, and there sown with errors, misprints, &c. Vitr6 sur- was gradual paling of French-classical moon-

7 ~ ~ ~ ~ vivedV >W * ^Btf" ^^^B> the^^ ^~ ^^ " ^8 .* countless^B^ "^i^ ^P> ^ i^B* ^ ^P* ^ BBi ^BpP * ¦¦ M^ p' '^BP' vexationV ^bP^ ^^^^BB> "^ fe^^p B^ pT 4BB» ^« ^^ sV*|^ arising^BP^^BT ^BB» ^BB> BB.B* ^Bta ^B» ^Bk Vjpah from*B> .BB* ^ BP^ Bk ^ BB* the^pT ^ PBp ^Bb ^^p r shine in the dawn of what may be called an enterprise, and, what was still more fortunate English Popular Influence. It was, indeed,

l\/i. AXXXJ.J. m ULV TV J.XX lkJ J UAlV LJJ » / «>V «. VA X XJILC«J> -M_»/X /X X ^BBr ^^v^^ ^^ ~ ^^-^ -^^ ^^ "^™ -^^ b -^^ ^^m -^m ^^ ^BP ^BP" ¦ ¦* '^B^' -~ —^ -^r -^^m -^^ ^m ^^ r -^^ -~ ^ "^— "^~ ¦ b X^ V^ W^^ ^^ »^» ^^^ ^v^B ^ *^ W -^ ^^ ^i^ ' ^ y B^4^k ^*^ b ^ BJi»J for him, saw his great>Z* ~ ^-^** *-* enemy Cardinal Riehe-*- such infl uence of the people at large upon its lieu removed by death. Colbert placed Vitre* writers that had helped to give power to the

at the head of the royal printing house. It is ElizabethanBBBPHPBBV ^BBi *^ BBB-» BP ¦ Pfepr ^BBT «P» ^ ^" " " ^ ^BB drama."m^^ ^^ ^ . BB P^Bkflk Bji BB BP Successive¦ " ^^ ^BVBBb " ^B P^ «P ^ ^| pr «BbP »^P » ^BP » ^BP- stages¦ BJ ^B » ^"^ ^ B^k ^B^ r^^ of^^ ^ BBp this^P- ^^ —» -^ I B said that the punches and matrices of the fonts change will be observed nipre readily in illus-

^" ^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^"^ ^^^ ^^B ¦/ ^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^v ^^B ^BP* aBBV ^^^ ^BB BBf ^ b ^^^ VB^ ^PBP ^Biff' VPB^^^^^ ^^^ *^BP^ ^"^B ^^^P ^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ V ^^ |^^ _ ^BBI ^^^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^BBV ^PlP^BP ^^^ B ^Bj ^' — — used in printing the ' Bible Polyglotte ' are trationsW ^Bb ^P»"^ ^^ ^^ ^^» ^" ^^ B' ^p- of^ ^^ - ^^^ our-^^- —¦ ^^m prosebi ^^ ~ ^^ » ^ ^ p^k^ '^IP^ literature^^"^^ ^^ ^BP » ^^ ^l*'^ ^p* ^p » ^ ^^ ^^^ .^ Steelep ^^ - ^^ ^Bg r ^^ '^^ r and'^^ -^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^" still in existence, although for many years Addison were becoming young men during

-^^ -^» Vitre' was suspected of having destroyed them William» ™ ^^^^^^^^ ^ ^ ^B pi ^ pr — ^^^ ^ III.^ p^^ ^^^^ ^^W V 'sI id re^BBP ^BB' i^^ gn'^ B*A ^^ ^"* ,¦¦ and^**^"" ^~ ^^ each^ ^ ^ P^pr ^^»" ^^ ^^ at^ ^ -~ the^P » ^^ ^^ -^"- end'^^ ^^ — ™ of—^ -^^ to prevent their being used by other printers. this reign w^as upon the threshold of his literary

— Lhe American Bookmaker. life^^ ^»

^BB^ ;BH Steele¦ ~ ~ ^ ^Bp^ ^B^ ^^ '^ F' wasBT ¦ "^^^ ^ P^^ th^P » ^^ ^^ en^Bip» ^Bto ^BP read^^^ '^IP' ^B"^» "»* -^ y¦ to^F- ^*— follow^^ ^^^ -^^ -^^ ^ i F' * w Defoe^' -^ pr ^^— — — 's•" -^ lead , and help his friend Addison into the An International Literary Competition. work by which he served his countrymen and won Tiih fn rnft. T)p.r»iftl Fnp. an. DissenT)ias«ntertfir 's son. ~ ¦ , hbB ~ won his fame. Daniel J^ oe ~ V , ' ^^ ^BBP ^^ ^PBk dBh ^p ~ 4BB BBH ^BpP ^B^F * ^^ ^^ W ^BpF ^Bb> ^Ht ^b*" ¦ ~ " ^PB ^ |pr ^ B» ^Bk^ ^B ^^ Bb '^ P^b V | ^h^ *B W The bW ^^ ^h^ ^^ fourth centenary»/ of the discovery•/ of America is to be celebrated by a literary com- was born in 1661 , and, after training at a good

-¦— 1 ~ r ^^^ B' ¦¦ ¦ B B Vf ¦ ¦ schoolWBk.r ^^p P *B» B^ ~ ~ ~| -^m t for^^B> ^^F " ^Ph> DissentersP^^fc^F- SBBP BBBB> ¦ BP ^BB F* ^B* ^^ ^*" ^BP' ^^^ P^^ ,H JiecamW» "*^ ^"" ^"* F ^iV^V ^^ B^^~^^ e^BP" a factor" ^^ ^*" ^^^ in^^ ^"— the^^ " ¦—" """ petition, which, it is hoped, will result in a ^_ « ^K ^^^^m^^^^ I ^B _ ^ ^ BK ^^ i^k ^B Bft

db KbV «pT J os ery trade. He was distinguished from his ~~ -WF- ^ pr BFFB " ^h B. ^ h i ^P" ^ ^ B. pT Bfa* h-4» * V great*B historicalBPB ^P* ^P* Til ^ VlhF' ^*F ^Bp * ^B^ ^bT B» workV F ^ , ,^ ^ ^ b to^p " perpetuateK «** ^BB* * ^^ W*^ ¦ I ^F * V^«» « * ^ theV ^B> ^k ~1 memory^ B ^^ ^ —F ^^

~ ¦ ¦* » -«#- -Bbtf -^F F 1 . B ^FBjf VHP ^k.^B. 1 f ^^. BBL ¦ B/ ^^ J^ ^.f * ^^ ^ ^ V ^feBF * ^V ^VBT B^« ^.^ ^ ^h "^^ T ^fe^ ^-^ «B> BP> ^V 'Btf Bi BBP' ^ ^ ^f - ~^^ ^^ ^^ ^— ^— ¦ ¦ - of the festival. The Duke of Veragua, a father, who lived long,^" % ^ by constant use of his lilinnealoa.l drl escendant=»sr!ATirl n.-ntf. of ChristopherOhrisfcrvrVh fvr ColumbusOolnm hna., is Christian name or its initial, and it has been president of the competition. The work must reasonabl^BH. ^BpP" ^PfT^B* ^^B » ~ |— ^^B ^BB - ^BF^Bp* B^_.^F PBj yB/ suggestedF^^B^ ^"*^^ BpBBBh ^ BB^K ^"¦p' P^^P" ^P' ^^^ ^F* ^^ thatBF ^^" ^^» ^F^^B i ^ ^ a«|F^P p¦ B lay^^— ^^ ^ " ¦ ful— ~—*^— h impulse¦ — ^^ ¦ V ^ "^^" ^— — - ~—~ m led to the transformation of D. Foe into De consist^^ ^^* P^B^ ^BP* of^^F' ^P^ an^B^^P" ^^ ^^F» historical^^B ^^h ^^ h P^B^ ^P ^^^P' BBBB ^^^ ^.P' VP^BP ^^^ stud¦ ^ipr ^pB*^B ^^bf^h y,w ^B written^ V ^^^^ ^^^ ^» ^pr ^^ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ in^^^ ~^ - -— proseBT>^ ^^^ ^-^ v-^^ ^BpF ,BBJ

^^^^" ^^ ^BipF - BP BPBBBF ^P^B ^^f*^ ^^ ^^ ^^B- 4^r "^^ ^FB ^Bj^P ^^^^BJ ^^» ^>^b^ ^^p' ^Pt ^^F^»^F-^ ^^F r ^F^ ^^^ ^fcBF r ^^^^ ^^ ~* ^^^ ^ ^— ^^ ¦ " ^^ ^^^ ^^— — — — —^-' ' ^ recording the event which it is intended to Foe. From the first, Defoe cared intensely^ commemoracnmmpTnnrafte. p. ItTfc mustmnat, contain, in aa. for the issue of the content that led to the

B^ JB ^ T — — -* ¦ F ^ BBI B— ¦ I « ™ ^— w- Revolution^ A^FB i W ^BBF * V ^ta ^ ^ B» B^b* b^ ^ -iT bB» ^fc ofVp^ SBh» 1688.VK« ^ ^ p - f* He^h^ tJjoinedB ^i^ ^B h ^B. ^K ^BBT I Monmouth^P^« ^B^pa -^^ ^^ .^B 4BJ ^B> ^B ^^^> ^~ ^> ^ in pendious introduction, accounts of travels and ^^ geographical advances made up to the time insurrection, he wrote pamphlets upon vital" «1^ fl » 1.^ ^^^ ~ m.1 ^Bh ^ b F-*^~ .«^_ BB BBJ ¦ »- ¦ ^hBFr « ¦ ^>F- ^ ¦ of thet.Ti A settlementHfiHi pTn fiTi f, ofr»f thet.Vi fi InfanteTn ffl.n t.ft Don HenriqueT^nrinnft q^ m uestionsT ^ ^BB»* r «BF* ^h ^mf ' ^ b ^ b ^1 fT in4 ^Bi 4^ theVBF* ^^ fei^^ '^B * ' ^^ gn^^ ^ ^ ^Fk of^*^ ^ James1* — II.a^ P** , he was™ of Portugal in Sagres, concluding with an heart and soul with the Revolution, and when I

— ~ ~ •&¦¦ ¦ BP W Bl^ ample treatise on the changes and benefits towards^^ ^l-Ht F* ¦ V VBJ ^ ^ .^ bBa r pT theV^ ^ PV ^Bk 1,| closeTl 1^ ^"» VT P*#* ^ BP* of^~lF^ ^ ^ William* * -«k ^Bh JBb Bfc. '^ f ^ ^Bh «B» III.W^ i^^k* - 's^ re~^^ i^ gnBBm ^— ^^ ,V a^f- «P ¦ I J J wrought1 • on civilisation• • T " * b1 y united* 1 T international* * "I poem called the ' Foreigners echoed the cry w o or men -^ p- h f PBP 1 -^ p- then common against the King, — — ^- F- B -**^ "^p F- ^ F> — ^ ^ ^w ^b P- »"rf -^F- — ^— ^— w - ^ ^B. effort^r as«faFWpV^BV regard*^ ^^ I ^ K "bf'Vf ' bBp ^Bl" Bfc sp^BJ F commerce^BP ^^^ ^ BB^ , the policy of

» ^W ¦R ^B> ^BlflW ^BPT T" - ^BB F< «m ^wi F* ^h.^ ^*W ^ ^ ^-^ B» W V*** ^^T» ^ d F^.* * *B^ ^^ ^B P*" ^B. ^B^ W~^ ^*^ ^^ ^^ ^^ *» "^ ^*^ ^^ ^ ^ — ^ nations, the extension of learning, &c. Any like Defoe and young^^^ Steele personified the Def oe replied in —¦¦ blessing of the Revolution, — m *¦ ^> -L >b,*t Jfc K/A »" V>f~ ¦ _<• bbpW ¦ W » ^fc •¦» »» ™» ¦fc. » —¦¦¦¦ ¦ "~— -~^» ¦-— — ^^ ^^ rm> unpublished^ ^ ^ p b paper^»^ ^ ,• written^b *^ " in SpanishJ » ^ ,J Portu-^ " ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦¦» n _ f III B> ^bbF * ^^—Jg ^ hIbp ^b ^ ^ ^^ ¦ ^ ^^ ¦ * ^F ' '^F ' ^^ ^— ^— ^^ guese, English, German, French, or Italian, 1701£ V^ ^ withT V ^k ^rf «4W B^ his4bV P^ ^ ffJBBP* satireP*l^ ^*V ^ p * called^h* * ^"** ' TheI True-born may enter into the competition. The tribunal Englishman.' Of this many thousands were —' F 1 T F" _f ^ ^ ^b> ^B*lfc d^ BBB» Fife ¦ *** ^H> Mb B^p F p> _pT VaP dBlfef ^b ' ^Bb*" ¦fcp ' P«i^ ,H and^ I'^P BBh ^K >tf BB it*Bfc ^^ turnedVkB* ' *rf Bi BB ^m ^ ^^F - '^ ^ the"—' —— • ^P- guns^pBBBb ^ " of—' ^ T -^ v sold in the streets FBp * ^B> h« ^V "^ r ^v -^ -^ri V ^ K «BkF ~^v ^ ^H ^B I BV ^B. to award*b. f B/ V^V^Bh ^BB-^k the^^ ^k ^BFF * prizeVh-F* B^b ^^ W-^P ^b ^ f* willV ¦ B^ ^" f V* consist^>^ ^^ SBB) ^B p-BtF of twoB- « members^B * P"—f "f the Royal Academy of History, of one the adverse satirists with steady aim upon themselves. Defoe, though a great master in — '*-*' .flk ¦ fV ,/ M M J ^ ^BpT M_ W0 ^BP*" J*fc B«B X' ^fc ^B F dBb ^B^ '•Bj^ **^ta — '^ ¦ B Bi —— p -**^" BT—F- ^b*^ ^« V.F —— — ^ ^V member^ f^ ^ the Royal Spanish of each of f i Academies, and of others. The competing prosenroHfi , acohif>hievedive>c\ in versevfirsfl no-nrv more than the best doggrel in the world, sprinkled with lines work* ' i / A. XX sJO mustHi -LAO U beKJ VJ sent(JVli *J toL/V/ theW.# m_/ SecretaryFV'VWA V-* t/*UWA. V ofv^t* JL theVAAV ¦-» —¦ .B "V J» -• A ¦ ¦/ »¦ » 1«>k ¦» - ^ » —. •» •» -_^— — — »— .... kk ¦-—- — —- -—— -^— Spanish Royal Academy of History before instinct.* A. K^ ^ V^ " • withf r A V* the¦** ^^ vigour^ «*" »- ^* o"*— ' f a"-^^ man of genius •Jan uary 1, 1892. One prize of £1,200 will be who deals with realities and gives his whole CasselVa Library of English " ^F F BFfc 1 mind to them. — - *B m |f^ FTfB l^f pNbT * ¦* Bfc ^^^ ^ta^ BPBB ™ ^F * ^ » ^"" ^ ^ ^ F-^ ^ ^— ^B ^^ ^^ 'W —— ~m ^ g^ J iven, and^_ ^ft .A ^v a^ second^b^ ^^P * *-^ of £600. Each of the ]»rize-winners will be presented with 500 copies Literature for September. ( ~- ^~ ^ FBI T B^ ^fc T ^B^ FPh ^H^ ^Bl BBb ~ ¦ 'F» V « -^^ -^^ — ^ FV ^BfepV ~^B F ^fe p^ 'PF- —^ ^^ ^^ ^^ w ^fv ^bBJ 'f hisP^^ p book.^ ^^^^ ^ ^ ^ L^B« ff The^BlK ^ *Bh p^k ^^BP authors^^F^H ^BM will retain full li ghts over their works and will be able to luive them reprinted- In JXiemo^iatu SUTTON SHARPE. 11 Daniel Defoe.—But the native vigour

» vkj Vy wV^ death on the bUb.1.1,v^X CrVXlO . CwtJUvl %tfih_r^XX XU1X JL ^Cu We regret to announce the , ^vas theref also to • assertv itself.X • Withf T DanielLx l^A Defoe, who had written pamphlets in the time 23rd2.Srrl ulultt ,. of Mr. ISuSuttontton SharpShame,e, seseniornior partner "f James II., and who became conspicuous in in the firm of Sutton Sharpe & Co. , printers, AJ.UM ¦»- ¦ AlA )^ c V^ MV X^*Jfc » JL V^ "-/ V^.-» %At ¥**•* »'*». ^ ¦f' "- » ••-- -»- ¦ * • rs*^ *»-fc--^ Fi-. j-— ¦«->' •- • -—"-. » » —-—- -* v * ^- ^ * Sharpe was well --- -^vui / «^ I C^ -JLJL Jt JLJL V 1 .JL 11 t. Qi-ieen Victoria Street. Mr. literature*- througVAiA V h hig, rhymes ofV^ i TheV** True--JL V* V> | l>orn Englishman ' in theJatter, days of William known in the city, and was formerly in I ^11., our stream of literature took a new bend partnership with Mr. Daniel Grant. > I in its I course, and began to broaden into the. »o» • gfe, 1036 . The Publishers ' Circu lar Sept. 2, 1889

Havergal ; and ' Journ alism and Authorshi p/ HJ qad^ CC^angef by G. Holden Pike. Mr. T. Fisher TTnwin will shortl y remove TheAsclepiad.—' Th e Synthes is of Disease ; ' to more convenient premises , at 11 Paternoster f *^^^^fc- Mm. ^B ^K MM A * ^B ^ ^A ^B " puscula Pract ica ; ' and ' Edwar d Jenner , ' O Mm* ^^^ *^^ _ ^^^^^^ m^^m^^.^ ^^^P^^ ^P ^h_d MX . ^M ^ A * Jiuildings , opposite his old quarters . M.D., F.R.S. / with portrait. _ 5^e Sunday Maga zine. — * Parliament 's Battles for the Children / by W. C. Preston ; Principal fiql in and ' The Age of Jus tinian / by Archdeac on ^I ef t^e Farrar. Tk. T" » "m mr ^ * N ^vp Maga^inef , 6 A 1. '— ' The White Lady of Hazelwood/ Story of Father _- S. Holt ; and ' The — — - - ~— w w m . w — —^^ ~— v- v «n b E ily ^^^ _ qr «r » y Contemporary_ ^^ «^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^flta ^v dv^b^^M. _a_ ^_ mt ^b ^ b ^q^ ^fr m*^f — •— ^""^ £. C/ Review. — ' Eng^^land and Africa ,' by Captain F. D. Lugard and H. R. Damien .'

a ^ b — - — — — v * — ^— ^mr ^b ^m *m* ¦«* ™ ^» *m. ^mm ^ ^» '^ « » ^^ ^m » — - ^^ #- .mmm^ -^^ - ^^ -^- w •*% - Fox Bourn e ; ' Sicilian Travel (1878-1889),^ ' Cornhi ll Maga zine.— ' The Burnt Million/ by Edward A. Freeman , D.C.L. ; and ' Trades ' by James Payn ; and 'A Border Hillside. ' Unionu nion Congresses Social Conerresses ^ndand Social legislationLegislation , ' bvby Time. — ' Young Mr. Ainslie's Courtsh ip/ George Howell , M .P. mr byr^ ^r mf F.^mfmm ^ C^mmw . Phili^^"^ ^^ ^^ ^^ »^^» ^^ psmm.^ w^mr ;v and^^^ ^^^^ '^^^^ ' The~r ¦ Secondary^ ~"^ — ^^ *" Schools

Artr Journal"¦— ™~ ~~ — -~ — — ^ r .^ — * The^Mmrn ^ ^^ ^^ ^.. r Royal^Mmm ^ ^ r ^^^ h m^^mw*wm* Palaces^^^^ ^V^v^w ^^^^ ^^ ^^ I i g :« ' V.~ w of East London / by R. Mitches on. ' Hampton Court , 'by W. J. Loftie ; Lippman n's VW Tinsleym^tmm %f m Vm^ ^ % • *^W ' smL^ Maga«^k " ~ ^^^ ^# zine.«^ ¦ ^> ^ .^ « — ' Biograpmulmm^f ^M ^i^ " a^K ^» ^m^mw ma* hic—.^^^^ *^r a— ^ l Sk etc— h ' Italian Wood-En graving in the Fifteenth Cen- of the Marquis of Duffe rin and Ava/ by C. R. tury ; ' and ' The Pari s Exhibition—Decorative Eag les tone ;J and ' Ambul ance Cla sses,* by*W Metal Work ^^ / by Henry Havard. A. J. H. Crisp i. Maga zine of Art.— ' Glimpses of Artist-Life / rnmrn.. ^^ ^^_J \S « W !• X^> V- ^^V ^^- T a ^k .^^ — — - >»^ »* -^ ••• ^^ ~ — — ^~ St . N^^ icholas.** ' *^ — ' Amongtttm^ the Florida Keys^^ ,/ — - — -— ' --- — — ^—' -*- - n > t^ r « «

Part VI., by Charles D. 1- l JlOtUl JUCtl/UXC _L-£Jk_. K Vi.M.yj jjiiiuv/ i ;» Warner ; and ' The HistoryJ ) / Lecture IX , bJJfy the Edito r lleligiousRelifirious Movement in FranceTTra.n, ' bhvy M.TVT ' Cameos from English History ; ' ' Quietis m. ' ^ Edmond de Press ens^.

r m ^m» w m ¦ ¦ ¦ - - — ^ — ^ Ea^^ k\,^mw \^ m> st**** \S and*^V w •^ ^-rV West.W W **^ *^ *S W — ' Cosett^^^r ^ —/r ri r .* mMr e^tmr ' (Ch» '^^" ^m*^~ aps. IX.- Longman' s M agazine .— ' The Bell of St. XL), by Katharine S. Macquoid. ' Pri nce Paul' s,' Par t II. , Cha ps. XIX.-XXII., by CounlaOniink with the Golden Hair /' bbyv HatneKatherine rin e Walter Besant ; ' Trop ical Education , ' by Tynan . Gran t Allen ; and ' At the Sign of the Ship, ' by Andrew Lan g. The Girl 's Own Paper. — ' Richard J efferies, ' by Alan Wri ght; and ' A Youn g OxfoTd Ma id / Newbery House Magazine.— ' Letters from by Sarah Tytler. Palestine before the Age of Moses/ by Pr o- The Leisu re Hour. — ' Personalia of the — — — — F — —¦ ^» •¦• ¦* ¦¦ ' »¦ M. fc^ %J%i fessor Sayce^J ;y ' Recent^^ ^• Discoveries-^ * *+* ^* W ^a * -m. ^^ HJ» in^.M M. Christian^^ ^L. M. ^ \J M. JL A

m, -m^r .m BM v« w^~— — - rm\, Jm\, ^-^ ^ ^ ^m* *m\ ** . — mmt -m±^ « ¦ ^ ¦^ WT ^ ^~-^ Jfk *m\ ¦ ¥*—T W i^B» ^ • -*m^ *M* mWm,***** *m- -m^rmm *mmr m m and Archaeology in Rome , ' by the Rev. S. Baring- French Revolution / by Richar d Heath ; Ja mes Gould ; and ' The Bishops' Bibl e, ' by D. ' Portraits of the Poet Cowpe r/ by Christie Murra y and H. Herman . Macaulay, M.D. The Sunday at Home.— ' Irish Sacred The Quiver. — ' A Manch ester Minstry : an Literature and Art—the Book of Kells/ by — — — — — — — ¦ ¦ ** ¦ » - F Interview with the, Rev.— " J^- .• -^ • Macfady-a. ».^fc. l^v ^^ *. «.>V ^-* » X^ en M. M- ;m ' and and ' Th e Land of the Rev. Richard Lovett , with a striking the Inquisition , ' by the monogram page Rev. Professor Blaikie. beautiful reproduction of the at the beginning of St. Matthew. Harper ' s Young People. — ' Dorvmatis ' (serial story), by Kirk Good Words .— ' A Hard y Norseman / by Munro ; ' Fishing and by Fishing-tackle , ' by H. P. Wells. Edna Lyall ; and ' A Pioneer in the East/ Isabella Fyvie Mayo. Wo man ' s Wor ld.— ' Brides and Bridal CustomsuusDoms, ' bvoy Janet.J anet DeeJL>ee :; '* LifeJL.ile at (Tirton/Girtnn. ' Little Fo lks.—' Uncle Silvio's Secret ' CSeriai by a Girtonian ; and ' Greek and Illyrian Story), by H. Atterid ge ; ' Elsie Elton 's Two Folk-Songs , ' by Miss Alma Strettell. Adventure s/ by Edward S. Ellis . c Ladies ' Treasury. — The Roya l Weddin g ; ' T he Book Mart.—' A Bonus on Soap / ' Sale and ' Brooke Finchl ey's Dau ghter , ' by M. of Lord Crawford 's Library / ' Fiction and the Albert . Young G irl . ' Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society. The Antiquary . - l Scottish Kirk Session | ( •-— •¦"' ___ _ •mi.w — --_ — — -— w -^ m ¦ m T±s i Notes on Saxifra ges/j b j ^ **r m ^±S* • JL ^t ^ JL « and ^^ y Mr. J. by Rev. A. W. C. Hallen ; G. Baker ; Records / * ^ ^^ ^^ ^k^mm^^ m. ^b M* wm^^^ rn ^^ mm mW *!¦ W.lB Jv ' ' Historical Notes on Dutch Hyacinth s,' by ' Records of St. Thomas 's Hosp ital/ by j — — — — — — ^— — — — — »^w— — n » «_« M. JL tK*F Heer J. H. Kersten ;j and ' The_*^ mum ^» Auricula^L. Jk~ ^^ V^ A UV • / byy Ren die. Rev. F. D. Hom er . Library Journal. — ' How We Choose and The Firesi de. — 'A Mar tyr for Christ ' ; Buy Books/ and ' The School Libr ary a

; ' The Rea ping-—— ^- — Time/^ bvmr Frances Ridlev . f Factor in Educa tion ^/ Sept. 2, 1889 TJb.e Publishers' Circular IO37 , !. ¦ ¦ ¦ . ¦ ¦ —¦¦ ¦ ¦ ii ¦ 1 1 . ¦ ¦ — w — - .. . > * » I The Bookworm.— 'A Book-Hunter at Ox- and true to life, of the strength and weakness ford,' and * The Office of Poet Laureate.' of some sides of human nature—chiefly the side of goodness and virtue. Sc? ibner *s Magazine.— ' Alexander Dumas,' ¦ -w—^ c UVAV/U by Andrew Lang ; ' The Place of the Fitting- From—— — - - —— — Messrs.»—^—"^ -' — • TRT.w w * H.^m^^ w Allen^b^M ^^^^ «M» &^^* r Co.^^^^ # — The,*. ij v_* Student'KJ V w sU School in American Education,' by George Plane Trigonometry,' by Thomas Rone^r. * A comprehensive manualmanual for thethfi usens« ofnf schoolss^hnnls., Trumbull Ladd ; and ' The Master of Ballan- colleges and ober ouis even- , private students, with upwards of I trae ' (Serial Story), by R t L St 3 ,500 exercises speciall y adapted to the present I

. ¦ ¦ son. » t » •m ^msmi m m » *-¦ A. p. ¦ ¦ J ^* •* •*** * ^~* ^ ^^ *¦a a a l^ a *. J Pt^ - (f V^ ¦ J a CVI ^ j pystem of examinations.*^ %^ • ' Mr.^ * Honey* V^ T has madC V\A e^^ English Illustrated Magazine.—' Glan Con- his book ' easy to read.' He explains very fully way,' by Grant Allen ; ' Homeric Imagery/ by the various methods employed in the solution v*. ^V«»r« -m, M-M.S^ % ^^ A.^/J. W. C. Green. of^-^ »- triang*-m--vM.*.j ^les . The exercisssX^AkJ «^kj inJ. JJ, tabularXJtJk,KJ UXCVl form1\J i, IH areCvX V^ intended to make the student—the engineering i llustrations .— * Railway Men : Sir Ralph student especially—expert in practical calcula- Smith Cusack.' tions. In chapter VI. we find an easy method Industries.— * Petroleum Vapour,''Launches of establishing fundamental formulae, which ww.^ — — r *-* &>v I at the Paris Exhibition/ and ' Triple Expan- claims^-^ *- *. ** * tow be" — ^^ new.**v •» • Chapters^ . ^ it ^ »^ V-* J- fc^ X.^^ , t andC<**X-*\>4 XI.^ . ^ . -L a areCV .1 " _ * sion Engines and Dynamo.' designed to give students a thorough knowledge ' of the uses of logarithms. To aid the beginner | Amateur Work.—' How to make a Cylin- almost all the formulas for the solution of tri- drical Boiler,' by Electron ; and ' The Baro- angles are stated in words. A special feature

a _ ^- -»- ^— — — -- — -- "- m ' ^ ^^ J J. H. of the book is the orft at , rmmh pr nf PTArm sps meter, and How to Construct it,' by^ of the book is the great number of exercises, \ Milne. about 400 of which are original, the rest being derived from modern examination nanprs Boys' Own Magazine.— c Cressy and Poic- derived trom modern examination papers. tiers,' by J. G. Edgar. From Mr. Mayson Bee ton.— * The Milroys, a Tale of Woman's Work,' by Nomad. Breadth CasselVs Family•J Magazine.\ * — ' A Woman's 6 of sympathy and an accurate knowledge of Strength,' by A. M. Hopkinson ; and A Man human nature are characteristics of this story, in a Million/ by Gordon Stables, M.D. which deals with the struggles and undaunted I The Season.—This high-class fashion jour- perseverancenftrsfiv6ranne of threethrftR sistersaistftrs. , reducedrprlnnprl in cir-mr. j nal maintains its character for elegant designs cumstances, to earn a living from literature and v ¦ ¦ «-*w^ .^,a — art*-»**. . The-•- *--«. ^-^ gushing^ k a.^ Ek element^—' *¦>-> -a_*~a v,/*.-* w isa fc-J rather.A. C4U »- 4—1.W A. uvy *,/ r- -*- *- and trustworthy information. too pro-' ' minent, but does not^ spoil the favourable

' ' s Home Jour- .*. *--*¦¦¦¦ K 'N- r^jt^r-m.%_^ ¦*-¦»¦ » »-» » *- «. fc^ *. *. h m+s 'V_^ J- *y*/ «. r i_ n _ j s Magazine lvia I—^ " **.- V-* M x^

_» ^_^ X. l» Amber.*. -¦- » J -*~r ¦*—' -m. Citya -7 ;J being^"^ ^^ some^^ ^*^ Ml* V^ €-*/V^ V^ \S *-*. *¦* V V^ A.J1 \_> &q# ^^ account of the X^eviewf, Adventures of a Steam Crocodile in Central From Mr. George Allen, Orpington.— * The Web ¦j Africa,' by Thomas Vetch. A narrative of I of Life ; or, the Story of Peter Holgate's Love,' out-and-out thrilling adventures, making the- by Blanche Atkinson. Peter Holgate is a ijj *^ ^^ blood turn hot and cold by turns. The ' Croco-

j wealthy butterman of Liverpool. His one aim * ¦• ¦ ¦ » j. * VX 1U XX dile^ ~ ^^ ' was» •««*«^' trul«-« ». *-* y^j a*-** marvellous* «^w a. » v^ &J»^ U ' «^kJ specimenK. J J^ /V-/ *_> of\ -J A. aC-W 1 in life is to make money, and, when made, to 40-ton craft. * She was a gruesome thing to ^& A Jk %y JL \>^ jI keepMm ^^ X^s r^J it.X v • Hem n ^^ considers^^ ^^ *' ^^^ ^ ^ >^ ^^ *^ '^' he4L^» ^^ fulfilsJ ^ ^ ^ ***/ the^ wholev ? JL ^ V^ X \ ^ dutyV^^ t^^ ^J y look1WVUV at—long,IAi\J lUllgl low«.v» *V , andUI11U. narrolldll XU wVV ), herJ-id. bronzedUlUlliCU ! of man by devoting six days to business and sides, and rows of steel arms terminating in ji lx X-& x^« «_^/ j i v^ & ^^ / t ^v ^y a a \_ 4 ^y 1 «y ^/ x ^s x^ ¦ 1 j ^y # ^l 1 ' the seventhu ^y to^^ ^ the^ ^ Methodist^^ 1^^ chapel.w** At^^ %^ tjh^' r* ^ e^^ #.^.«^«/ LX \^/ 1XVV — pear-shapedW-* ^w^m^v m. »w/ ^/ ^-^ ^-* . paddles|—* %-** ^-^^ ^^m. a v»>/ ,y g^k iving• * -m a_&m ^ hera «v/a> aC>V horribleA.A V-^ 1 *»^ A like-JL > I chapel he is recognised as a ' pillar/ and in ness to a sunburnt centipede.' She carried I'' businesshnsinp»Rici asoa a veritablevfiH tahlft propnrnn of commercialrnmrnprfial ' Geyser guns ' for throwing streams of boiling

j speculation. But he is stony-hearted, narrow v v v m. m. m.jl -*_x ¦ Ai«>«f «_r &. v x_y v^ M~m ^_j» k_/ water*. * ^ > on**~r *. hosv^<>^ tile*-' .**. natives !• The-*. style^/ v A V** inA ii whichVT XA A yy 1 A •1 minded, and his purse-strings are double- the book is written is exceedingly faulty, but j knotted. No gentle words, no kind actions readers who are fond of stirring adventures j everv * w x. gracec-: x. €.** V>V-» hisxx xu dealingsv*- v> tvx x Ai.kk »_* with»»*«-'*-» others^-^ l/ia v> *. >^f .» The-•- xx v> door*^* v-^ v-'X and hairbreadth escapes will find their tastes i^of his soul is shut to all the ' sweetness and gratified. li ght ' of life. At length, by slow degTees, there J From Messrs. Spencer Blaokett & Hallam. comesv;umesj atx tiraransformation,u»iux j .u ^. Jf • Il^VIJOU^VfUO Peter's breast. Under Peggy^ 's unconscious inUuence 's heart melts his mind opens and the other rushes into matrimony with a Peter , to \W ^f M. *.X the light, and his hoarded money begins to find gayCL •« I deceiverV-* *_V \_/ V-/ A V -% ,f whose»» «'\/UV conductV\/ l-« V». »-i,Vl/ speedilyk/ IL/VV/ VA&l.^ convincesT XHWU <-« his wife that in taking him * for better y or " ^HU V \_M IV I1U V UUXV L>ni JL. >-> A LiVVi U«lX\^i benevolent outlets. Peggyf^ r*}mJ is trained and IhJ M. Ml ¦*J" A. JL educated for a ' real lady,' and at last becomes worseT V V^ & \_> ,• ' sheK^ * V>* has* ¦¦ * i-«k/ ' pB»_^ layed*. * ^V V^* the«. A A foolJL V- ' V^ and«v«# A V-*. erredV> A A V^ V>^ exceedingly.' The mother's unwise training Peter-* vj 1 v^ » 'sO soleOvlf heiress1AVIX. V/M9JJT .• TheJL A-* V> remainderJL V> LJLJi CCi l. UUVl ofV/ Ji theLVXA V> book is taken up with Pesgy's after experience appears t> be the root and ground of these as the owner of extensive property—occasion- unhappy marriages. Vy VV ing-*¦)->) ner1I C1 manyLU.dM.X y qualms\J LiC*JH_L0LO ofV/L conscienceUUUOl/J.Lm the same.—* Tumbledown Farm,' by Alan ajl a>w a. jl*jb» ** . » *. y AM v -v^ a k^ • # • a. a, v^ kjf ^ .jr a. rw^ mjl^. ?_/ vva T • JL her communistic views—and as the coveted Muir f (2 vols.). An absorbing story, free^ *-»X^ prize of several devoted lovers. We trust this froui the taint of unwholesome sensationalism.

VY book— w vmw willYT 1X1 meetJJkJLXsKSV withfVAVIl theI'AAV successfcj «** V> V/V^tJ *-* whichAli.\>AA itXV ~A vein of q uaint humour runs throughout,

¦ ^ A.\S \ *t UUI JMMKA VylXAAA^ IA/JLJL +JLJL k/AVUUAVkl« deserves. Although sometimes faulty in style, enliveningV all the%i M sombre*J \S KS A. pictures. VanityT l/J the bookboolc presentsTvrasfvnts aa. p-nip.t.icturen rf»,. skilfullskilfullvy delineatedd« »fl Hard ware, with a secret * blot ' on her life, tgBE^* ' ^*^^"^ ? ^ ^ ~mmmrmmm—^¦wt ^—w^.K *j ,

1038 The Publishers' Circular Sept. 2, i8S9 ¦ __ ^ ^ — . > . ! is loved by Willie Snow ; but whilst de- ber and character of literary works issued from

^v ^^ - ^ i» ; ¦ ¦*• H J»i ^ h ^^ clining to reveal her secret to him, asks for 1884-^_^ ^^ tov^ ^^ 1888^» ^i^ ^^ in^ < ™ Englandt^^^m ^^ ^ bk ^ « ^^^" , and^^ — J» ^**^ fro^hi ^ b ^^ m 1883«^u ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ to^ ^^^ F hisViis perfectr>ftrfp»p.t trusttvrnsfr, until the titimeme arrives for the 1888 in Germany. Copious details are given revelation. Willie freely grants the request, respecting the gas and water supplies of the

¦¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ m m< * m ^h w v ^r ^w ^i^ ^hi ^ ^k. H r fc and swears absolute fidelity. Very soon he " metropolis^ ^^ ^ ^^ ^m* ^ta^ *^ «fc **^ ,V thev^ «^ ^ ^^ ad^^^^ ^ ^ ulteration^^ ^^ <^ of-^^ food^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^ , new^ ^^ T V houses^^b> ^^ ^ ^ - ^ 1^^ ^^ ^y hears ugly rumours, and, perjuring himself, built, trade unions, building societies, English believes them, and marries before long another naval construction, and the military and naval

^^ w _i ,¦ _> «- w m^r _*¦_> — -^r *» w**r _» ¦ _» — _fe _^-* .» *_b ._fe ' V y 1 r T -* ^*w —» *-*^ w^ r^—' r ^^ —»^ * woman^^ ^ ^' " —> .• Vanity* 's heart is broken^^ —* by this per-^^ facts concerning Germany, Belgium, Switzer- fidy and cowardice. Willie's conscience is land, and Austria-Hungary. A sheet is ap- smitten, but by no nieans^ severely enough, pended to the volume, containing summary

M. ._.._& m-^rr ^+ _V whenV 9 _k_»^—* -¦¦—— he—— —¦ ^"-^ discovers~_»> 4 •»_• ^_T ^^ V >_^ «fe —_• that«^ *h _» «^V *^ the^ «fc*» ~_^ * blott*im *r *^ m^ ' has nothingi^ * ¦ ^^ —«» » ^ _b^ta__. data with regard to the area, population, to do with Vanity's honour, which is unsullied, finances, trade, shipping, railways, and , tele- but springs from her devotion to her father, graphs of the British Empire during the

_!¦_ —— jt _¦-« / ~_^ ¦ ¦ . ¦ «fc fc ^v V. whoV r ^ ^-*r turnV*/ **•- sk, out^^ ^ « ^^ an«^w *— ^- accomp^ ™* v ' ^^ F*"^ lished^** ^ ^^ ^* *~ burg^ i' *-' — V**t lar^ -^ andw ^ ,*. *_¦ «, year 1887. The wide range of topics and \ villain. Years pass on, aod at length Vanity, details covered will render the volume an noble to the last, finds rest, contentment, and extremely useful and instructive compendium peace in a happy marriage. One of the few for a much larger circle than that which com-

ir __ m m _^ » »_.* __ _. ^_ *_, _^ r ¦ r r _r _^ «_h ~ — — _i ~,,~ » j blemishesri r _^ ^ f p ^ _^ ^ * ^^ * in the^^ ^^ book^^ -^^^ ^^^ is the^ b' ^_ i author^v*^v ^^^ ™^ » _* ^_^ 's failure^^ k ^^^ v ^ _fc ^^ & i^t *i * to^^ prises business men. mete out due punishment to Willie Snow, a From the same. — ' The Official Guide to the type of the mean-souled, selfish, young many South Eastern Railway, the Royal M ail Route ^b. _ ^^ - ah ^_^ — — i r — ^ |^ » ^_| r fc who™ V ^_i—» ^_^ thinks^^ ^- ^fc •• ^* ^ ^^** r ™m> more^_^_ ^_^ of^^ the_^ ^^^^ ^^^ observanceia^ ii r «^ V V^^V _fc wfe " — ^ ^ r of~ | the^^ ^ k^ K ^ , -* con-m>B^ | | J ^^^^ to Paris, India, and the Colonies.' This capital ventional rules of society than of the code of * travelling directory ' contains interesting local honour. information concerning the principal English

r ^b^ ~ ~ |f ¦ ^k ^k ** ¦ v — ~ .^h ^^ ^^ i^ ~^i ir ^^^v ^ Vi^Vh ^K^^h ^^^ ^^ ^^ «.h ^^ ~ ~ ^k^ ^^^H ^i' ^^- .^ ~fc j— From Messrs. William Blackwood & Sons.— townsmj and^k>^# ^ 4* ^v '^* watering^^'^ ^^ ^^ ^ ^ p^ ^^ laces^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ and cities on the * Travel, Adventure, and Sport ' (No. III.), ' Tales Continent. It gives a list of fares from London, from BlacltwoocU$ Magazine? Five stories of is embellished with about a hundred illustra- solid interest are comprised in this volume, and tions, and is furnished with no less than nine fully sustain the reputation which this cheap maps, and eight plans of cities and towns.

r~r and handy re-issue has secured. ,^ _ a -v-^ ^--•» «. ¦^^ ¦» ^ nr w ^^^ - -^ »- v — aha * »* ^ b g "^ _» ^"^y *i^ib mb i^M^ -^ ^ ^^ Fromr Messrs. Digby"^^ & Xiong.m ^ —* Ruy»y Bias^" ^ ,T ' by»7

-^r- «# translated by W. D. S. Alexander. ¦ ¦ ¦<¦« -war Victor Hugo, ~ ^fc» ^fc- ^rf- p«v > ¦ -^mr m ¦ ^ ^.» rfk. -m. v/ From.M^ j a n.' V Cassell"^^ K.V "i* ^ ^» &h> Co.,j Limited.*mm *B ^ -^^ -+^^v — * The~mm. ^- Year Book of Commerce : an Annual Statistical The translator remarks that he has ' adopted Volume of Reference ' (First Year). Compiled the twelve-syllable metre of rhyming verse under the authority of the London Chamber of because it is the nearest approach possible to Commerce, and edited by Kenric P. Murray. the great original.' This form of versification \ The object of this volume is * to supply a con- is beset with serious difficulties , which, however, venient handbook of statistics for commercial in the present instance are to a large extent purposes, such as to obviat e the purchase by overcome. Most of the pages run smoothly, - merchants of a large number of official publi- but there is too free a use of idiomatic English y mars JLJk AA Jb not of a poetical order, which frequentl *¦ ^ .^ ,«. r s «^ « cations^^ S^V %s ^* ^^ *~ ,t and«^ "4/ -• ^^^ references^ ^^ ^^ -m- ^k^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ a ^*^ r^^ to^^ ^^ which* v ^- ^ ^^^ ^^ involve^ v x^^ A V ^ s loss^w^ l* _ of^ .^ ^^ time and considerable trouble/ The book is an the effect of a line or a speech. extension of the statistical section of the From Messrs. Eglington Sc Co.— * A Romance

jkj r .¦. ¦ *-4 ^^^ /^b ^k f ^ ^m m ^i_ «fc^^k I ii ¦ ^ ^ ^ ¦ mj ^^ . ^ iflk . -A* ^tunT fl , annual^ ^j -^ ^L report^^^ \- -^ ^^ of^"'^ r the^* ** ^ ^- ' London' ^w ' ^ Chamber^^^ w%^r ^^f ' of^ . ^ Com-^^^ ^ of Posilipo,' by Mrs. T. W. White. The chief

»t^\^ R-' >_• »¦— merce. Besides exhaustive tables respecting KJ \S V>* M~A. *^ *~J ^S ¦ * . V^AA K^ *^r \_^ AX. * . ***! ^ » |^ r laceV^ inA.4X Nap-*. ^ •_*/ ¦*_* les.-*. ^—' K^ • The. ^ v j scenes of this book take p ^ the trade of the British Empire, many pages writer possesses dramatic power of no mean !

» 4 are% «/ ^ ^^ devotedX^^ Xv* " ^ ' ** ^** ^- ^ to^— - ^ the^ ^ ^ ^^^ developments>p^ » ^*S * ^ ^ -^ ^^ V^.^ ^ ^^ -^ ^ ^ ^ ^* m^ ¦*i- ' and^^V J^ ^* ^ *^ results^ ^^^ X^ ^ <^ ^ W ^ * ofV^ ^ - order, and constructs a clever plot which rouses t international commerce. The first and one of and maintains the reader's attention. She can i the most i nteresting of the numerous tables is produce almost faultless pictures of beautiful

¦! ¦! Jk ^tf i^ ^» ^> ^> ^& » ^^ f «. aj m.- that^^ ^ k ^^^ tf ^^ dealing^' k' ^ ^^^ 'V ^b ^ ^ JV^k with" * -^k ^^ ^ ^^ internat^ ^W ^^ ^^^ ^ ^ ional^^ ^ ^ '^^ ^^ trade^»^ ^fc ^ II ^ v^b ^^ ,S relating^k ^^ ^ ^^^^ ^^ ^ ^ ^p^^ women, and shows what dunces men usually to the exports of various countries to the are in reading women's hearts. We hope to United Kingdom, Germany, France, and the see further specimens of Mrs. White's litera ry United States, showing the proportion of trade ability. with each of the purchasing countries. A iWJ. ¦¦ A m ¦¦ nr 1 1 FroM, A. V~/ m*--*-J. MessrsJLJLJ * V** I- * UA fcJ .• "WellsV V ^ -* ¦+.+.•** Q-ardner^*** V* *. *S , Dari414k t"^ onV^ AA &*.^*^ Co.^- ^ ^—' •— similar comparative analysis is carried out in 4 of the second t able with regard to international The Strong and the Stronger : a Series Short Readings upon the Temptation of import trade. Various calculations of cm- Forty v> ^ vuv aa\>i \xi .a.w^' - - vy \jl JL JL-*\^A a a -a » v a^ . ^>k^»'^ byr—' y the^ . jl -b.^ ^ Rev. | sumpt ion por head of the total population Our Lord in the Wilderness/ Thomas H. Burnett. A great deal of practical ! (pp. 86-91) in the United Kingdom of food and teaching, conveyed in a striking manner,- is liquors, and out of the United Kingdom of book " ¦ here deduced from the Temptation. The »- Jt -» v_^ .A. \J kj »-» V_* i«i -m~ _ > a Britishm. ^ A * goods^ k > * * in forea. ^ - i gn^k * J* countriesX_/ V-r V-» «i v/i A V«• h^ andi>» X A X -^ theV & A ^—' is very suitable for home reading, and is Colonies, will be found particularly useful and Evangelical suggestive. The tables, facing each other, written from the standpoint of orthodoxy. ^h 1 H ^ i^ «h ¦\ fc_^ ¦»« » m. m respecting^^ »-* T*— ^"* ^^ ^ ^ the^^ progressI " ^"^ 7^ » ^" ^ ^^ ^^ of^^ education^^ *^ ^ ^^ ^*» ^^* j ^ and^-^ . ^ ^_ ^^ the%^ ^*-r ¦ ¦ ¦ J» ¦*— decrease of crime in the United Kingdom, as FromJL' I V7 U 1 Messrs.JJULC/£3 Ml Ui O-riffltb^--f X \ F V *-»,y Farrarx-*- t**X A UJJUl p, Okeden'V^ VV* %^ ^- » ,p & \ well as those relating to emigration and pauper- "Welsri.—' Guild Addresses,' by Rev. W. Frank ism, are phases of the book which will prove Shawfthnw., B.D.RD Mr. ShawSha.w., beingbeinp-an an extreme Hig'»-Hisrli- helpful to philanthropists and social reformers. Churchinan, bases these addresses to the GuiM A new feature in statistical information is the of St. Mary in connection with his church at tables displaying the occupations of the people ( Eastry on the doctrine and ritual observed bv inaj u Germany,vji ui ixAihiiy , Francex1 x tiin>c, Italibaajy, , BelO->ci^iunigium, Switzer-u wiiici" his sebtion of the Establ i shment. Mingled with land, and Hungary, and the relative industrial earnest spiritual -exhortations are numerous

4-^« ¦¦ Jl MfV/ JkJi » m W m A %^0Mt %J growth, and%JV JkJL ^^ L agricultural«^ k J^ %* \- ^ M^ m ^f characteristics.^^ / ^^ A JL *^* VJ A ^^ S*mJ 9 TheJ ^ ^^ Book-^ L ^ ^^ ^^^ JL ^ observations respecting the origin, j selling Trade in England and Germany receives nlnims and ri crh t.s of the Churnh of England, i attention in two comprehensive tables—for the together with a statement of his views on th«> data of which the Editor appears to be indebted imprisonment of Messrs. Tooth , Green , Dale, and to the I*- */bitulc ers ' Circula r—showing the num- Enraght. On the question of Disestablishment • Sept. 2, 1889 TJie Publishers' Circular IO39

Mr. Shaw appears to be a little doubtful. In his sympathetic and devoted niece, and the

* ¦¦ - ^^ 1 pb- vpr pb^ -b^p- «» 'bj.i m ^ pw ^h^ «b»jbbb> w^ ^ pr pbubbbbbb* ^m^ bbbb> -^bp- bb bp .BBB.B-BBJ, ^p w ^ ^b >^bp ^b" ¦ some places¦ * ^hb * he^ seems ready^ -^* V*T to^^ ^^ we^^ l^^ come^"^ ^"^ the niece herself , Katherine Liddell, who, after downfall of a State Church, and in others he manymanv tritrihulatinns.bulations , settsfittllesfis dowrlnwrin iinn lilifefe * withwi f.Vi almost anathematises not only the members of the man of her choice—are all described with the Liberation Society, but also all Dissenters. a fi delity and vividness in which only a prac-

BB |BB -V — BBBB- ^BBr I ^«T V ^* BBB» .B*BB^T V ^pr W Allahabad.b^p"^^bb» 4BB> BJB ^bb-bb»^bbbbbb» ^bb^^bp r ^t^ bpj*-^ ^ * ^B» in*b>» ^bb-^ bb. December^.jar '^ ¦^ .ph^H naBBr F^bb^ ^.bp - «BBp 1888.^.Phai ^^^ ~ — | ^t ap* ' ¦» .m. ¦»> bb>i ¦» ¦¦ ¦» ->TL Jb. fc_f The object of the above Congress was to con- reached^ w ^irM— ^^ *~rm, ina. some»^ ^^ ^^ of-* ¦ ^ ^- her.bV.**^^ -»- previous|^^ ^ ^^ » X^ »-*. >««^ workT » V^ *.X. s ;• and^>V A A V_*. vince the English nation through Parliament the impression arises that the story has been purposely prolonged to fill the compass of three .B..BB. b»j ¦¦¦ " ^ pp 1 1 of^ta^ ^m* t»* he-bb«^» -^^ urgent~ *» ^ ^^ k ^^ ¦"" ¦ ^^ need^^ ^^ ^p--bj» of^p.- ¦¦— refo.. ^ ^.^ ^.™ ^ *r rm.a. «p.^^BhriBh s—.pr- in«»¦¦»

.B .p.. «.fc«BPB ^™^^Bi «BB»^aB"-.Bi ^BBBBBB. ^BBB, .aBB. ^«BP> ^.^ .k ^ ¦^ B' ¦ ^^B p m -**- B^- ^BBBB. BBB»* ¦¦ • "*BB^ V ¦ ¦ ¦ B» JB, #fc_^ Indian reformers^*B^ ,^B^^BJ ^kP .BBBI ^^^^ to.B" ^a^P ' establish"^. p ^B" ^BP^^a* 4^ BhV ^ B^ .BBfc^BB. solidarityW^mJ ^..pP * *BB> ^BB. ^^^.Bapk^^B 1 ^^BP *BBP BJ_p- V with V V *pBB ^B^ BBBBBi G. ' ^ M. Robins.^ ^^ "<^ J* ^ B*_* « 3^.^ vols.* V-^ -* ThisB*^^ is^fc. a*^ *V read.Vh V^> Ll*V ^*»- ableK^Vf^Bp ' ^L ^, f their British fellow-subjects. This bulky and w^ell-written novel. It contains neither report contains a detailed account of the pro- intricacy of plot, nor profound analysis of

^p ^^- ¦ p~ ¦¦ B/ ^B^' ^BjB^ ^k^ ^ ^W^BB» i ^BBBBB. ~^ ^ ^ Br^ ^. ^ ^B. ^^"-^^" ¦BBP ^B ^^ ^B^~ ^^^^h ^..BBB ^Bk ^BF ' h ^BJ ^p^^P b^^BI ^.^P^BBI .f V ^Bk ..BB B.t BB^pP* ^Bta ^ BBpP ^B^r ^BBH. ceedings at the Congress^ , and will prove^ of chacharacter,racter, nor anyanv speciallysneeiallv rousingrousinp- scenessopn fts ,. valuable assistance to Indian reformers in this except the storm at sea off JDevon. The men,

¦ ¦ BBB^ ^^^ B ^ — — ¦ — " ~ » ^^ ^b* BBBBMBh^B- ~m^^ Wt^^ ^B* ¦ ^» « ^^f ^Bv ^t^ K ^B ^ ^ ^ ^^^ i Pi ^Ba F^^^ r ^.B ^ Vfl^ ^-^ ^^ ^ , -^ ^P_ B. f ^ ^ B W B^ ' J ^ ^ . B. J country. f or the most part, resemble too closel^^ ^ ^ y the^

<•>!»• WBB male species of 'Lydia Languish,' and r e -BaBF- p es nt BJP»JBBI«BBBB. "BBJ. V ¦» ¦»" --. ^ BBBWSBHBBP.BJBJI ¦JJBBJJBJJ.BJ, ¦» W V ~ -». J- ^^ " ¦ ^B»" ¦ ¦ «- »-•»• •»* »./ -*_#* ¦» ¦>. (J ..fL ^ -Vb» "I l «-"V */ * A Hi-* From Mr. John Hey^^ wood.— * Buxton : its Baths and Climate/ by Samuel Hyde, LuR.C.P., a mixture of inconsistent qualities that very

m *U J, ~ -»--V * "^B- ^ ^^ — ¦^*B — "^B^ ^ ^ BB ^B^ ,BB. & .^ BBB. "^P*- VW ^ 1 BBB. ^ -^^ ^^ * Bj V W .ff. Bfc^ ^^ ^ ^ A H^ ^.. ^ « J L^ V^ M.R.C.S. This book serves the double purpose rarely%¥ combine^~ in real life. With his charac-^ ^^ ters of women the author is more success ful, V-T ^B_ ^*-W ^B.BB^^Bb V^^T ^ Bfc ^^^ *^ W ^B. ^k ^-*T «fl^ ViT ^ B>^ ^.^ ..» ™ B^ » VW ^ ^B, ^ -^^ A Tfcl**' ^^ ^-^U V&i^tf of a manual for the invalid, and a guide-book^tfPfc ^*"fc M VA V-^ *¦ P ^>BBB» ^ ^ ^^ and gives us finished portraits of elderl . for the tourist at the ' Queen of Inland Water- y *BI^B ^ Bk B~-^ ' ^^ BB> %/ ^B« B^lvir BJ B* ^ ^^^ ^bP^ ^B- ^i^ ^ I^^ T ^_ ^ ^B. ^B. ^^^ P ^^ B «_^^« ^ ^ ^_ ^^ B^^B _r iB, T J ^ ^fc . iB^ V " » *J spLp- insters, societyJ belles, and asp^^ B^ ^ iring^ ^ b ^ young^^ k^ ^ ^ . ^^ BBK iBBkiBBB VB^ l^ » -^B' T ¦ ^ B... ^ W V ^^ ^ r V ^IBBV Bb* ^|BF * r Bh.1 BH ^.T ^v '' ^>B ^ | " . | ^ .f^ ^bb' V ¦*P " "| B ^ J J , , ing Places.' The Water Cure^ , the^ ^ ^ * Buxton^^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ladies who worshi Thermal Cure/ the Massage System, the pecu- p at the sfrrine of culture. liar features of climate, and * Buxton, Past and The strength of the novel lies in the sketch

_ ¦ *m B ^BP —¦ -B* BJ ^BB.bp -' .BBB. ^^ ^B|B> r ^fl T '^B^' Bp .BBBBj ^ # ' m W^ ^ ^P» ^/T ^^ ^ -m Bfc BJ ^p * of Elsa Brabourne.^ ^ To that portraiture1^* ^ ^ ^^ "^ ^^ "^ ^^ ^*^ -* ^^ the*^ * ~* ^ .l -mm^ Hi Bl bBBP» » 1B^ BB^ 1 flB. ^^^ BBM BBBB. ^b»- 1 _ * ^BB^BB ^ W *h ^ ^^Bb T ^BB. ^BB. 1^ T H f ^fe^ ^>» ^BB F*-* ^^ ^.ri^ B^B ^ ^B^ ^BB^ ^b ^ "^i*" VflBf'V «4^ f| ^/ » Present,' are fully^ described in a clear and^ ^^ TV author devotes all the skill at his interesting manner. command. Elsa/, a beautiful girl of nineteen, cooped up in ««.*

BB*PB«pfc — ^* ^^" —-^ — BBVW«.B.H ^BB- ¦ — BBI BBBpp I BBi W BBBBBB-^BBBB '^BB' ^ ^B* BB ^ ^BP^BB ^B ^ ^BBJ ^B^BBBBr v^BBJW -^BF ~^— «BB» BVAhbV From Messrs. Hodder & Stoughton^^^ 9 ^ p ^ .V —TheIT ^k.B "« ^ta^ newJb «dB> ^»^ V ¥ the house of her maiden aunts in Devonshire, monotint booklets just published by this firm— surrounded with innumerableinnumerable restrictionrp.striot/ions,s and 1 , On the Ocean of Time,' < Sweet Home,' her rapidly developing instincts repressed at * Excelsior,' and * Sweet Innocence'—are pretty - every point, falls in love with a poor artist, and artistic examples of a cheap and dainty OsmondOsm nn rl AllonbAllnnViv.y, andar\c\ finds herself lovedlr.vr>r? bhvy ; class of modern ' books.' The ' Ocean of Time ' him with a deeper deVotion than her young-

~*f ^^i^F« ^^ v_^BBi F BF ¦ pj ~* ^ B- W ^~ ^^^Bk >^V ^BB. ^B > B^^ ' P^ , B^BbB^BBI ^B*BBBBBBB > ^Bb-aBb ^*> ¦ I BJ | BB^B VfcB^V* Bfepr 4B> -^ BB Bjl .>>^Bb^Br P ^^ B^pk JB ^ B^ B/ ^|^p > m. ^ _^^ B^ ,B^ bML , _ ,~ m ^ m ^ fcJ ^ ^ Bl ¦ »™ ^— •»¦¦ IBB k. Bfe •—-^— ^^— ^BB> ^to^"^ ^B. ^—^^ ~ ~ '.»' ^ BBa^ ¦¦ . ^ " ^1. . I contains Miss Emma Tatham ^ ^B— ^- ^ -^ ^^ ^^ BB' ^ >^i^ ^•^ - ^ "*^ ^ ^B..^ '^^ -^BB. ^_ ^^* W*~* T **^ "** ^* ^^- B^ B^ ^ BjBBh. 's graceful poem, * ^^ ^ 1 - ^ and untrained nature is capable of appreciating V-W-«J ^ ^**u ^ • ^ ^ tf^k « « ^MT * Bbv bb^^ - . ». X X 1_ »Ij j ' The Children of the Year,' with illustrations or understanding. She pays a visit to London, of rustic and marine scenery by G. H. Edwards, becomes petted, flattered , and lionised, and si., ry uuuiuu hi.B^ ^.^ ~* ^bb ^ .«^ ^^ ^^^ flBBi ^BB> ^^ ^BBa ^^b^ ^BB BT ^^^ ^BBb^B_ ^m- ^k^r ^Bi ^^B I k BB> A. Woodruff , * ^ ^^ B.^ ^*^ ^ ^^ ^^ * ^^^^ * BV^bF ~ ^Bb JB. V^^ ^- U ^Bb Jk and Miss Hatton. ^k Mr. Edwards' returns to her Devonshire home a spoiled gV^^^^ irl, illustrations to Longfellow^ 's * Excelsior ' are unfit to marry a poor man. Then Percivale, a

B«bT ¦ ¦ BBh ^ «BBB. ^m W B^^ B) ^ W^ ~ ^^ ^Bk- f ^B. » ^_b » Bj J BJ aB*rf B> 'l-l *¦ * .k ^ Hfcl B«_^ # » J t I ^—* ^_^ ^ ^^ ^^^ J ^ p a*. ^ ^ , ^ ..m^ ^ ^ , p J / ^ ^ X. * |fc __> %_/ ( extremelyJ effective, and this is one of^ ^ the^ ^ ^ most^ rich and handsome idler, comes across her path ^ «H- B. «.» — m T ^ ^^^ . ^ ^-^ T ,« ^ -^ ^ ^B. ^B. V^rB^ — f^ -^/ ^ p ^^ ~^_ ^ ^^ ^JJ ^ ^ V^^W ^B_ ^BBBh * , * V^ _ I we have seen redeems her character from a false charge of^ | this season. The design on the cover is both murdering* her half-brother, and loves her original and pleasing. passionately. She jilts Osmond and marries

v^Bta — | ~ —IJ V> ^BBa * ^BB*-^BP « « - ^*^^* -^~- ^^^ &m~ ^B. ^BBa BB_^ -\__ ^ ^ gp ^ J k_^ J From Messrs. Honlston & Sons.— * Pearly Hall, Percivale^BB ^BbB* ^^ ^ ^^Bf BBB- . A^Bb. bitter'^ •^F ^^ ^*^ ^.^ ^—-^ ^* awakening^^- 4^p ^k for^ ^^ Percivale^ ^Ba J ^ ^ ^ ^ ^Bk ^^.i ' a Tale, with Hints to Wives and Mothers,' by comes at last. He thought he had married

¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ..B ^ -f -**-W —-~- — -*rf- WW «BB*^* -^^ ^ ¦¦ .¦ • Bfc JB- " BJ , perfectl . ¦ . ^ .Bk ^ JB. BB^T Jfc an ideal woman * "AhH^V y trustworthy and James HenryJ Simms.r^^ -^ — ^ This is( ^^ a goodVte - \*^ T V. ^ \_^L story,bK * "bV * * f | |

BBB B, ¦ ¦ hi ¦ ^B^ ~ ~ ~ ^C ~ " - B. w ^BBBB > ^Bl ~ ^Bi ^ BJBk ^~ '^ ** ^^ ¦ I I »- ' — ' fjl P" B^ ^ B* ^^ *^ ^>^ ^ 1 H BVBk ^ JBB> ^B. Bft t B, <^t# T^^^ BJ ^ W simply told, intended for the benefit of the devoted. Thoughtless, superficialF"^ Elsa betrays^B^* f«^ ^L &, ^

B( rfB> B< — -— - — -~- — «^ _« ^m. -^ K.H V**' -^ .^ ™ — "-* 1 Vf B ¦¦ -4BBP T ^1 ^B. V 1*^ "f her husband by revealing a secret to the ^^ ^b ^. ^^4W* Jb^ ^Bk ^bV fcpBk " world ^—T labouring class. To teach working peopPT**^ ^^**^ ^^^ T*—^ le^^ " how^ T^ ^ ^ f which he had striven all his life to conceal. I to foster and retain contentment and happiness ~1 .B, J 4B. BP BJh^^# B. JB. -^^^ ^Bk P| ^1 B^ ' i^B» ^Bb. ^^ ^ •* " ¦ J . B| ¦ g ^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^.^ ^ ^B > ^B^ ^B. ^jgp ^^ .^ ^m V>- ^^ ^^^B^ B*Jk ^^tf> ^^ ^Bt ¦ ^ ^ * , Percivale, • feeling^ as if he had received his^^ ^ ^ ' ut home is the main object of the book. ~Bi ^ 4BI _ A rf'BA.r^ B> ^* ^. ^BB ^ _ death-blo goes off in his yacht and is 1 w/ heard mm Messrs. Hurst & Blackett, Limited.— of no more.

m^f ¦/ | | — ^~ * ^* ^^ **—' — — -*BP~ -* ¦ "^ —— -**-»* •— BBBp^ BB ~* ^T W fl»>^Bta « ^H. "^ &A A_ i ' A Crooked Path,' by Mrs.^ Alexander.^^ ^ XbH^ *^ "^' ^V^ ^fe^ JL • 3W ^ vols.V-/ Mlt**J fj t VB« . . _ . ^m. m •— -m

BBB. ~ ~ .BBk *B_ IbBJbBBB|bBJBB ^^BB' BJBjb* ""BBT .BJB BT^B* PjT ^Bj^ Bfe.«r .BJB bBJb» ^BBB T bBB. ^p prBBB Br^Bafr ^fe BV flPjBBBBti BB_p BP f » ' ^ .¦ fll A A A m. J ^B^ Bk Fromb^bV^ ^- Messrs. Jarrold &^hB^W Sons.— * Summer^^ K ^^ inB^ This ^BBBi^Bk ^V V ^BJ *A B) *1 ¦* ^^pt^BBp fl BB. pk ' |B BBP ^P> is ^^ a story of London life * , introducing ^ characters in various grades of society. There Broadland : Gipsying in East Anglian Waters '

- - *¦ m _s v «. a.^ » V>- (Jarrold's IJoliday ' Series), by the author of ' ' .*..» n» k/k^VA » v- ¦*--» «*k»t#i>. »-• ** AJ.J V^ *¦-» V^i- ' is nothing^ particularl** * yT uncommon"-* X-/^- .»- ** or extraordi-^^ 4'X C>»L V^ A. V L JL

^BB» ^B. Ph r ^ BJ Btl BK » " V .BBBw ta Bf BP fB> ^Ba ^^ Vli V nary in any one of the characters ; indeed, the ' Friesland^ ^^^ ^ *- '^ Meres.BBBBP V ^Bk ^^^ ".¦> ^-^ ^^ ' For^ ^^ ^B« those^ ' ^ ' ^ ^^^ B^.^ B^ who^^ dare^Br ^P» ^^^ not-4 ¦ X . ' V^ counterparts of most of the men and women undertake a yachting cruise on the ocean the who speak and act might be discovered with next best thing is a similar trip on the Norfolk

|BB. M. BF .¦ B.'^BP ¦ ^BBk ' ^BB. V^^ p* BJ —^& ^b '^Bb Bh f bV bBBBbp ^Bk ^ ^ F^^^ ^BpP^ ^ *^ ~Bh ^Bfe . ^BBi ^Bp ^f ^ ^^ » ^BP BiyBJf .» .Bk B^ ^Bjpj ^ B l| II ^B BBk^^»^ ^Ba ^Bi ^BK P> ^^^B B^ # ^ ^p, B^ BJ f very little searching in the west or east end of Broads,^ ThisP^^^ book, with many capital^ illustra-^_ ^ 1own.i own. Therel here is nothing shocking or horriblehnrrihlp, tious, contains a record of the pleasures and neither is there any atrocious villany to appal the penalties, the expeditions and adventures of feelingsf eelings,, set forth in this book. YetYV»fc., notwith-nnt.wilh. a family party on the calm inland waters of standing the absence of the popular methods for East Anglia. Historical notes on the ancient rousing and holding the attention, * A Crooked structures and ruins met with on the banks, \_/ mjVM. A ¦^¦M. AtAllt/U I \_^ V Ui A. A A «. \_^ t~LJ f A k V> -*- « ^ V V AllC J'ath ' is both absorbing and enlivening. The and hints to tourists+KJ *J**S whoVT *.*. \S contemplateW V-^ P ^- *.*• followingV A JL -, widowAvidow oxof mature yearsvears who tries in vain tot,o in- in the track of the ' Gipsies,' form the usef ill crease a sparse income by writing novels, the features of this entertaining chronicle.

¦ ¦ pi. ¦Ib PBJPI W F Fb TJ^/ pTJk ^ ¦¦ « ri fBjr ^ ri ¦ bbIBJv Jl .BBS « P« 4k ***r «B> J1.«B>. ^Bfl- 1 « Bi. BU I ' gilded ^hb T ^fek^ ^^ 9 ^ Ii^ ^^ * * >>B- b¥« ^^BP ^^ .A A «bV^ Bk ^ V« ^f V* ¦ youth,'on philanthropic aims intent, who From the same. * The Norfolk Cricket Annual* ,' _ . Y V A _ BH — «. BBh BBft - — ^^ Hl ^ __ BJjt •» BK -BjBi V •¦ .-jpBh I gloriesiin * slumming,' the blast cl ub man, who seasonB. 1889BBBft ^^ ^Bt. ^B, , edited*»¦ * . by W.^^ S.X*^ Barker" »» and^ J. H.^~ ^_. in to I employs spare moiftent^ making love a Hatch. This annual contains full particulars I vivacious young widow, the tetchy, wayward, of clubs, mat ches, &c, in No*rfolk, and will —— , aji I¦ I but good-heartedqw^-h^b viui i wv/^L uticleU^IVIV.) IH I1V 1U1IC l. "_f HUM I JLJ LH_'IJ1 %.l , who fails to find much therefore prove special interest and service Bl . of ^^H | ^ ' — M. . -> ¦ ¦ sunshine in the wojrld save in the presence of to the cricketers of the county. id4o The Publishers' Circular Sept. 2, 1889?

From Messrs. Crosby LockOTood & Son. — for girls. They contain a' fund of moral teach-

r 1 ¦ i — — - ¦ ¦ —^ ^^^^^ ¦ ^ ¦* r ^» ^W ~ W ^"~ ' ~^~ — — — — ^ p^ ^^^ ™ ~ ^ ^^^ ¦ ^ — ^^^ ^ ^m" ~^^ ^^F" ^v^ ^Bj^^pp ^Bjp^ f ^B^ «V V^^ p* ^^* ^"^^ ^^^B ) ^^ W ^^fc*^.^fc ^^ ^B" ^BBBh "^^ ^^^^^^^~ ~™" "™— ^"~ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^b^ ^^^ ^^^ * ^P P"4 ^^^ ^^"^^ ^^^^^ ^~*^P* ^BrfP^fc ' Laundry Management,' by^ the Editor of the ing cleverly woven into an attractive ground- m^m ^ ^^m v A b*^pv « • m * *^ • • ^ b^ ' Laundry Journal.' The scientific principles of work. Vivid descriptive touches brighten their the modern laundry trade are here explained pages, and, although interest sometimes flags ,

°"^^--^— ~~ ^¦^ ¦^^^^¦^ ^^ » i —^ —^ °"^^ ~ *^»~ ™ - — i °""~ ¦ - — — ~ _.. ^^— - - — - -- # - —— "^-~ ¦ ™ ^— ¦ ¦ i ^ ^^ -~~ ^ ™ ^ ¦ ~ ^b ^BV^B> ^BV^^ B ^h^^^B ^^h w^ M^B ^^r ^^^« ^^^-^^ ^™~ ^^p^ —^r-^^ ^^^"^^^ ^^^^^ -^^ - — ^ pj ^ p * ^ J ^BhdB^BJ ^^^ _ and illustrated in a clear, concise, and able they^ will prove highly^ acceptable as prize manner. Whilst describing various machines books. $ in public — — — -^_- - _- -^_- — -_- _- ^ _ ^r — — _ ^^^^ -^ ^ -^^^ . — ^H ^^^^ ^"^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^*^ ^^^ ^^^^" ^^ ^.^ ^^^ ^^^^^* W and appliances that can be used only Fromrthe same.—* Ester Ried, ' Ester Ried yet^ ^^^ ^B^ laundries, the author supplies numerous sug- Speaking,' and ' Ruth Erskine's Crosses/ by gestions and lays down important rules for Pansy. These are cheap illustrated reprints of

at — »- - ^ — - m ^^— -^— -^— — - — ^— h - — — . ^^ -^^ ¦ —~»— ^p ^^"^^^ ^w^^h ^^^^ ^V^^F^BB. carrying out successfully laundry-work ^^g ^fc^^F the * Pansy^^ ' Series of story books, and are home. suitablA — ^m ^k e for^& distribution^BBt A ^ a Bk in^ Sund^ - ¦ ^^ ay Schools.^ ^^ ^_ From Messrs. Macmillan & Co.— € Dictionary From Messrs. Houtledge & Sons.—' A Brother ^^^. of Music and Musicians ' (a.d. 1450-1889). to* D^B ragons, and^V othera V Old-Time^ ^ ^Bl ^Bk ^r^m-^ ^ Tales^^^^^m ^H ,'^ by Vol. IV., Appendix, &c. Edited by Sir George Amelie Rives. These are stories of the days of Grove, D.C.L., LL.D. The fourth volume of- Queen Elizabeth, and are rendered throughout this admirable and comprehensive Dictionary in the English of the period. They are well contains various corrections to the preceding written and entertaining, free from tediousness, volumes, as well as numerous additional and testify that the writer possesses gifts of an

*b* jbw 'i. pj r r ~- - iir *^^b p w** ¦ I r^.. ¦•» ¦ ^^^ mba *m-^^ ^ b* ^* ^ ^ *_ ^» > ^^v* ^*^*^b» ^* -^ ^bj«t ^fc ^^r v^ ^*^ ^Bh^h^B> ^^ p^^ ** ^^ p> » ¦» ^ — r ^^ ^^ ^B^-^wfli^ • — uncommon Ih X* biograpCU 4. hies and articles on musical subjects.•/ - order. The phraseology, customs, !.# The thoroughness with which the entire work and manners in various grades of society appear i£ has been carried out will render it an invaluable to be faithfully reproduced . The book will be companion to professors, students, and all w^elcomed as a pleasing change from novels i> _ j_ jX* v interested• i jt* in music.• Thm l e_t long list*i* ofj?_ con- dealing w^ith modern life. ^ tributors includes the names of Dr. Spitta, of From Messrs. Sockl & Nathan.^—We have Berlin, Dr. Hubert Parry, Mr. E. J. Hopkins, received for notice some Christmas booklets, | | Mr. W. S. Kockstro, Sir J. R. Sterndale- which from their variety and cheapness will, \ \ Bennett, Mr. W. G. Cusins, Mr. H. Sutherland doubtless, obtain popularity in the "coming

¦ i — mw ^—*¦» ¦ v «^w ^ «w»^ pt_r h pv^ ^ *¦ ^m~*~* V a -«fei « r Tl 2j Edwards, Sir G. A. Maci— ^.^ ^^ farren^ m^w ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^b ,¦ Sirrx v -' ^ ^k Herbert^n ^b* ^^ ^fe. r^^ ^.^ ^ ^^ S.fs^ v season. Several of these we would draw I Oakeley, Rev. Sir Frederick A. G. Ouseley, special attention to on account of their beauti- Mr. Ebenezer Prout, Sir John Stainer, Sir ¦ ^^ v ¦ P^P"^^ ful— — illustrations— ¦ — -~- — ^—^— — — — ¦ ™ "~^» andh ¦ . "^— — entirel•^^ r' ^^H^^v h ^^m ^^h -^.^ y ori-^^^ H^ i^ ^" g^Bl^BB inal^^ ^^ ^^^ ™^^™ ^^ desi^**^^* ^^^" ^^"^ ^^ gns.^BP^Bk .^^^ ^ Arthur S. Sullivan, and the Editor. The Of the larger sort, bound in boards, ' Fairy publishers announce that a full index to the Fine-Ear's Fancies ' is, certainly, the most four volumes is in the press, and will shortly ¦ ¦ ¦ striking- — — — —¦ £——^l as— ^» a— — work— — —^ ^ ^^ h * ^^— ofh - art^^ ^v ¦ h ^— ,^b the^^ ^^r ^^» colouring^^^ ~^f- ^~^ ~*^r ~^m-^* ^^^ ^^ ^^^^^» ^BPVBk of^^^ ^"™* the^™ ^~ ^^ ^^^^ be issued as a separate volume. illustrations being exceptionally beautiful and From the same.— ' The Tv/o Sides of the Shield,' delicate. Longfellow's poem, * Flowers,' forms and ' Nuttie's Father,' b}' Charlotte M. Yonge. the subject of another booklet, of similar size, These are two more of the cheap series of plentifully and tastefully illustrated in sepia. Miss Yonge's well-known stories. The healthy Chiefly noticeable among the smaller ones is i tone, and chatty, homely, attractive style which * Let there be Light,' which is illustrated in a ; distinguish the books of this authoress, have peculiar manner, both effective and original. long since placed her in the front rank of On every other page appears an illustration, of literary caterers for young people. The two a small picturesque arch,overhung with creepers, volumes just re-published, though not the which spans a waterfall. The space inclosed most popular, are certainly specimens of the by the arch is cut out, disclosing a view on writer's best work. the next page of a moonlit stream, whose waters appear to supply the waterfall at the bottom of From Messrs. Methuen & Co.—' Our English the arch. Although the same idea is preserved Villages : their Story and their Antiquities,' by throughout, each illustration is, of course, i P. H. Ditchfield, M.A. The history and romance different. That which next meets our attention _ _ of Engf-j lish villages- j—j are here briefl y and generally ^ ^ ^ is * The Queen of Dolls,' a humorous and set forth in a manner that evinces a consider- ¦ ¦ ^ ¦ ¦ ^ ¦ ¦ ~- — mr^^ - ^^^ -^^ ——• —^^^^ ¦ v W W pi pathetic^v ^~ if ^^^F' poem b^^ yj F.^^^^ Lang^^^^ ^b^^^v .^ ^^ ^BBBBi bridh ^^» ^^ | ¦ ge*p|BB> ^^^r ,¦ ¦ which^^ ^ d^ ^ ^^^ ^^^^ > ,^M to-^^ ^*^ 1 able amount of careful research. Most of the gether with ' Puggie's Grave,' by Hans Andersen,

¦¦ ¦¦ ™—— ¦~~r ^ ' — — ~—~ chapters are^ ^ written— — " ' ™~ — '^^ ^""^^ in^~- —~-^^ a^ar-^ popularm I. — ¦ h ^^^ ^ ^^ ^h^V ^^ and^fc^^* ^*^" ^^^fc W^^ ^ ^ pflP ^ ¦¦ ^ k ^ J ^*^ ^.* ^k • ^^^ suggestive will deservedly find favour among young people. style, and although there is no attempt to treat ¦' ¦ Nor™ - ~"~ must"- ~^ we" - -^^ forget¦ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^BVVh "^ ^ "^ to~^ ~*mr mention^^^^mim ^N^ ^fc ^^ ^~ ^^" ^^^ ^ ^» two^i^ • » ^ ^* " prettilyB ^ ^ ^» ^*i^ ^"^ ^ / the subject exhaustivel y the book will probably designed little booklets, of six pages, which inspire many a reader to investigate for himself are very effecti ve, one in the shape of a horse- the history and legends of the old-world village shoe1 ™ "™" —~ ,» the«^~ other"™^ ^— '—» ™— ' ^^ ~~ ^fc. ^^ ^^^— ^^,^' — i ^ ~ ^k* bt ^^^fc ^^ ^~ ^^^ *^^ ~ ~ . ^ ^^b^a^^V ^^^ ^4. contains^^^ ¦ ^ r ^^^^ ^— -.— -^ ' where his * a heart. The former rude forefathers ' dwelt. quotations from Shakspeare ; the latter, lines From Messrs. Oliphant, Anderson 8c JPerrier. from Longfellow, and both are full of tiny ' Tempted, an Episode,' by Margaret M. illustrations. We regret that space will not Black. Two students, attached friends, com- permit to describe any more of these pretty

™ -¦— — ^ — — ' — —-* ¦ "^^^ i "^ " "^ ~^ "~" f ^.^^» ^ ^" ^^^^ . i ¦ | - pete¦J for a valuable bursary,y and also^" ^fc^ ^n^^ for^.^ ^«^ *fc the^** ^Bk^B ~ booklets ; suffice it to say that they are illus- affections of Mqna^, ..the charming daughter of trated in a most varied and tasteful fashion, in tlie Principal of the College. One of them colours, sepia, and neutral tint.

-— — — — — — — - -^ — - ~ - -¦- -_- **— — ^¦ ^^ ^^-^ ^^^ m ma hi —' wins the bursary,j but inw* ai^H fraudulent~m ^^ ^.^ ^^^^ ^k^ way,^ W ^f^ W V and^.^^fc» ^Bk ^Bh ^^.^^k Fro— m Messrs.¦ ™ ™ ¦ ™ ¦ ™ ' —^ -^ Swan^ ii w ^ ^^^^ *— Sonnenscheinw m^ - ^^^ ^pi^h ^p^p^^B -^^r *mm^^ ¦ - ^^r ^^^^*m var ^ i^^ p^i^^B &^Bjtf^^Br Co.^^^^ r '^—^ ¦' — the other finally wins Mona's hand and heart. A Manual of Emily The repentance, ' Home Nursing/ by Lo uisa confession, and atonement of Dobr6e. Rudimentary, knowledge in the art

— — — — - — - — — — - - -_- — — -_ -^^ - ¦ — - — ° - ¦ ¦ h ¦ hh ^^ - * ^— ^^*- ^^ » the dishonourable student bring the book«^^ r ^ ^^ - ^^^ v^^^i* to^^^ »" a^^^^f — - ¦ ¦- — — ^^ ¦^ of nursing-^ p ^^— — —— — ^ phk is¦ ™ here^^ ¦ ¦ ^^^f w ^ ^^r presentedBJ ' ' ^^ ^^^ ^*^ ^* ^~ w ^v ^i^p^B* in^^ v^^P~ a^.^^V form^^^ ^^^ ^^h ^B.^^»^^ ,^ p clear^^^ ^^^ happy conclusion. The authoress, setting a and succinct, service hi h aim before her. carries it that cannot fail to prove of ^ out with distinct to mothers and daughters. Whilst all techni-

r — — — — — - - ™- -^_~ ™- -~- — — ¦ r j ^^ ^ —— -^ m ~^ ^^ '^* W '^i^ ^ V w " ^k^ ^* ^B* success, and has produced a healthy^ novel, well - ^^ -Bj ¦¦ ¦¦ mr V4 ^» - ^* -^r *hV ¦> It iTf ^k^ ** ^" w — calitiesm^ are^b, ^.^ avoided« "V.^ ^ T f^ ^^^ '^ '^ ,BB the^^ K4 ^^^ mainb% ^B>Jk^p*"V«« ak.^ andV^^"1P 4k^B ^^H- essential^^r ri r t» ^ adapted for the home circle. duties of the home- urse are set forth under OC FromX' LKJ ILI Messrs.XULQOOJl Oi S.KJ. W.VV . PM. artridgeOii UIJU^ O & Co.V^W. —* RuthXV U 1.1J. various headings. A sick person's speedy and

-^^ - — ~ 4| ~ r " ^^ H | ~ ^» — | r .* IVBi Erskine's Crosses,' and • Ester Ried/ by Pans} . comp ^™ "™"ll ¦ lete*"~ ^^ ^^ ^^^ recovery^^ ^.^ \r ^*^ — ^.^ ^Bk W 1 often^^ ^ ^K depends^^^Bt ^BlBr p ^ ^ ^^^ •• • ¦ ^ ^^^ ^*^ on careful^"¦' ^"^ — Tliese are pleasantly-written religious stories attention to apparently trivial though common-

—" ———.——— i. —.— 1 1 ' i ii ¦ ' J iy 1 ' v—-—-' '' ¦ • I . <) . - I. i • • i i , , , • /ff ' ' ' . . ' . i _ 3tt±

Sept. 2r 1889 The Publishers ' Circular 104 1

sense details. Such details meet in this book Mr, Tasker for printing a facsimile edition of _ uc ixx _*j i/ui ^uaoio wicj auu V«.-a.y Rk/ \J , «-^^- J» _*-a. wr fc_/ «-» a. vx with* . - the* emphasis they demand ;, whilstw iliist theL UtJ Dr.JL -' A. • EatonJLJLVUV /1X 'sk7 quainVJ UU11J tW«, beautifulMV. U* «-*. »-*A-*- , butV*. almost^ for- Talue of simple and handy contrivances for the gotten work—• De Fastis Anglicis, sive Calen- ¦ caij •«* -»'V • -¦- »-*' fc/.«-v -_-__ v-__ ^ u.ii-1 liva. UX1\> *V_» JLJUL alleviation of V* X. \J X U V-SJL tUC ^k^^b ^^^ / ^k ^ ^ ^^ & ^k^k^L ^^^^ F ^L'4 ' ^^^ F ^k ^M^k ^^^^^Jk % ^^Vfe ^L>^h ^^^ ^L ^L ^^ ^^ *^ ^^^^ * ^v^' ^* ^^^ ^k^k^K » ^ ^^ r ^^r ^^^ ^h^^ ^^ ^^^ ^*^ ^b^^b pain and_> the comfort of the darium ' The little volume is exceed- ^_ ¦ _ Sacrum. • ^ • invalid receives prominent notice. In the ingly scarce ; indeed, only two copies of it are Chapter•^ ¦^ *-— *— J T-" —' ^^ —• on^b*-.---- Accident._—«-'^«'^ s__^-_.*_-' _k-j_ • sp_r a«>v few-b W »» simpleUAAJ^k/ JL\> directions^ II X W VA V/11O knownknnwn totn existp>-jrist., onennp >. ofnf which\«7hioh is in Mr. Tasker 's are enumerated for application ' until the possession , whilst the other is, fortunately, *¦ ¦ ¦ ¦* ¦»¦ »¦ in ^-" »> ^~r ^- * ** ^^ -" ^- » *—' -»* ¦»-' aJh. A__b ^_^ " " 1 If ¦ ¦ V«WV__. JLltJV B_S JL Vj* t {¦V\,<*\S VI T| A |,HA t.Vi Mnsftmn doctor comes.* ' The Manual is prefaced with safelsfl fnlyv housedVionsj^rl in theA BritishT^rit.isVi Museum.. InTn Mr. a characteristic introduction by Dr. Mary Tasker's words, the book may be regarded as __ Sl_ "» r_fl.i*lior 5»/nr_ p.rvnr».Tnri_ =»s. wi+.h napfn l Viinfa r_n LAlf %., 1A \ M M 1 I 1 1 f I , Ui_i\_j» u l K ~ J.U TV IXlvll' Ji «^*» A-i Scharlieb, and concludes with useful hints on the * outcome* l)^y ^^* of, the times\ *M * ** in which Dr.^ A • EatonJ—* *. V^ ' Cookery for Invalids.' lived, just as the " Parable of the Pilgrim," by From the same.— * .Rough Shooting-,' by T. E. Bishop Patrick, and the " Pilgrim's Progress,"

M^ ____ -_ __.¦_ A\y Vt. Kebbel.JJL\/ K^ ^" t Th-- is• isAkJ a_^V reproductionk/i\/V4. Wi>V/ll ofV/J. various* lAAlV/UO by John Bunyan, were each composed in a articles which have appeared in the Times, St. similar style, within two years of one another,

r r «_«___, »- V t»y»#«.vv v *_>* t^^< w «^ ^ ^ i^ ^_«. v- _/-___ V_* J_ I V IAX X&LWXkj a CWA-LV4. Jl fcj C4J -LJL b y unacquainted with the James' s Gazette,^ and other journals, and is an y authors entirel amusing and suggestive vade mecum for the other's work.' The book contains some genuine

VLWX 11AU sportsmanUyjX-FM _/-_* ______*- _..<___ tov^^ carryX T inJL U his pocketpVVU VW att« V thisUJL____ I_7 seasonfc_7 V-/CA k_>V_/-LJL poetry, and is an extremely interesting illustra- of the year. Partridges, pheasants, snipes, tion of the religious fervour and ecclesiastical ducks, rabbits, as well as the less important leanings of a learned divine at the beginning

__ _ _ i«A _ y TT 111U L/11 victimsT IVVAJuUU ofV-'-*- Sport'£-''« -' _- -^, areV the/ _L_L^_ subjectsU L4 I^ I VVVU whichA^IXVU. insp ire\^ of the reign of Charles II. the author's ready pen. From Messrs. J. S. Virtue & Co., Limited.— From "M.T. "W. Stevens. —' Love will find out the * Sound Investments for Small Savings,' by G. r"W _. j Tart «. -v ¦ w •¦ Way^ '• ('v Famil^ r*^ • 1 y Story" » i Teller- ^ ^ ').* A* pathetic. love Bartrick -Baker. When unsound schemes are story, in which an orphan heiress suffers atrocious so freely floated on the market to catch the v^kj _»_»_» _ »^J *^__ ^_/ »>w j i a w - -v^ a * . ^/-—,**.»_ » ._, «—» e^ _/ v_* » * ¦ "" .*. r a^v V^V- _«--_f._L JLJL .-__,^^ i_j x*/ ty fv//C/ V^ t fi-J ¦*. ixxulva *¦*-* \* treatment^ ^^ for refusing to marry a cousin' ,• whose* * unwary,VA. KJL W €At * T y aC4I vadeC/ CC/ U/ L/ mecnvi*/CtX of this kind must prove±T highest aspiration is the possession of the girl's very serviceable. The author, however, whilst riches. She becomes the victim of a cruel con- supplying a long list of brewing concerns, spiracy, and is consigned to a mad-house, but omitsnmits totn enumerat^ i manymfinv safesafft commercial at length defeats the designs of her foes, and , undertakings which offer a reliable return for escaping from confinement, flies to the man of small investments. herhp>r hearth^q.rt.'s choicervh nir.f*, to whomwhnm sheshfi is finallfinnllvy married. The s ^ ory is well written, and con- From Messrs. Ward & Downey.—' Mister Fare- »T 1-^iJ. L/lUUUCl' > -*-'• » J - Jl. ' Oil.Jt/UJU . ThisJl iXlO isJ.U a*M newil V^ andV^ tains many exciting scenes. brother),' by~'J B. L. Farjeon. cheap edition of a clever and successful novel. From Mr. James Tasker , Shrewsbury.—' The Holy Calendar ; being a. treble series of From the same.— * In the Flower of Her Youth,' epigrams upon all the Feasts observed by the by Mabel Collins ; and 'A Modern Magician,'

¦ CAJ C-C \ ^ S 11 LAA. >_/_-J_ VS -*- -* ¦* IJ Gk 1C411VA • V/ * * * * * l^fV/tJVvL _/ T ___ ^ l/Xll«J-l •**/ M. by J. Fitzgerald lyLolloy. These are cheap Church of England.CJ Composed_L by*/ Nathanael ViVAlUlUllO KJ JL. yjKJ IJ \JL 1>CJL±. UV7 V V^XU^ presenting£S A. V^ KJ V*-*-* v j . *- j . many*j-»«-w*-* Eaton, Doctor of Philosophy and Medicine, and editions of popular novels, ^ ^j

Jk J—^ XtJl-& ^_ ^ L«iJ - ¦- V ^V • k/ certain »«^ f XV * % * VIA V V- A.J. «< '« features which are Vicar* ^—'m^*'^- ofV^ ^ Bishop^-^ 's*^J Castle,* in the county'V^ ^* * T of^- * Salop,V^ f original and startling 1661.' The thanks of all lovers of the sacred to grati f y the preferences of readers of sensa- poetry of the sevent eenth century are due to tional fiction.

____^ i Index to tho Books published between August pS and 31. "" " The Words in Italics are those under which the Titles are given Alphabetically in full, with the Publisher ' s Name.

Afterward, Redford (L.) 2s. 6d. Children of the New Forest, Marryat (Capt.) new ed. 2s. 6d. Christian Doctrine, Out lines, Atonic. (H. C. G.) new ed. 2s. 6d. Allan Dunstan,/ Keyworthfc ' - - - - (T.)- - S 3s. ^ A mber City, Vetch (T.) illus. 5s. Christianity and Science and Morals, MarColl (M.) Gs. Anatomist, Pocket, Leonard (C. H.) revised edit. 3s. Gd. Christianity of Jesus Christ, is it Ours ? 1' earse (M. G.) Is. Anassthetics Ancient and Modern, Foy (G.) 3s. 6d. Commerce, Fear Book, 5s. Vq ixari a, Marine, Construction &c. Bennett (It. A. R.) 2a. Gd. Composition Made Easy, Longridje ' (C. C.) Vt. 1 ( Id. ; Pt. 3, 2d. Arithmetic Answers, Midland , new edit. Is. Constitution, The Law of , Dicey (A. V.) new edit. 12s. 6d.

Arithmetic — — .__. j______Dnlhousie, Martinis, Life by Capt. L. I. Trotter, 2s. Gd. Examination Cards, Beach (Dr.)^ Is. Athanasius, life and Work, Reynolds (11. II.) 2s. 6d. ' Damien ( Father) Life and Letters, Is. Authors, Great , of English Literature, 3 in 1, 3s. Gd. [ Dead, Fate of the, Clarke (Dr. T.) Is. Cd.

— _ ., _ — ______.. ? j 2s A venger , or Stories of the Church in the Cevennes, la. i Dead Heart, Gibbon (Charles)^ new edit. . A wakening of Mary Fen wick, Wh itby (B.) 1 vol. 6s. Dene Hollow, Wood (Mrs. Henry) new edit. 3s. Gd. A /.ores, Visit to, Roundell (Mrs. C.) illns. 7s. 6d. Directory, County Councillors, 2s. 6d. Butteries, Machine Rifle, for Volunteers, Rogers (Lt.-Col.) la. Doing the Thing Handsomely, Goodall (S.) Is. Gd. Beauty and Glamour, Kelly (Mrs. T.) 16s. Donald and Dorothy, Dodje (M. M.) 3s. Gd. Bible Hi3tory, Stepping Stones to, Butler (A. It.) 2a. Gd. Dutch Republic, Rise of , Motley (J. L.) new ed. 3 vola. Is. 6d. Bible History, Outlines, Ince and Gilbert, new ed. Is. & Is. 6d. Kconom3r, Domestic : Cassell's Book of the Household, Vol. 1, 5s. Birds in my Garden, Greene (W. T.) 2s. Eiffel Tower, Tissandier (G.) Is. •Blue Grass Thoroughbred, Johnson (T.) Is. Electricity, A.B.C. of , Meadoivcroft (W. H.) 2s. Hre tt (Robert) Life and Works, by T. W. Belcher, 103. 6d. Engineers' Sketch Book, Barber (T. W.) 7s. Gd. Busy Little Bairns, Letkp (8. and E.) Is. 6d. Ester Ried : a Tale by Pansy, 2s. ' ' 'ambridge University Calendar, 1889, 6s. 6d. Excelsior, Longfellow (H. W.) illustrated, Is. Gd.

—¦ -¦ i. ___p™_-™ r ¦» Guicer— —- and— _ i its^ ^m Complications~^m' *¦" a — -^ —_^ » ^ ^^ ^^ '^^ _— ^^ ¦ ,« Jennings—^ ^^ . ^ ^ ^r * ^ 9j ^^ (C.» ^^^ ¦> E^^^^~ .v )r 3s.^^ ~^ ^ 6d.^*^ *^~ ^ Far from the Madding Crowd, Hardy (T.) n. o. 2s. & 2e. 6d. < ui)tain Lobe, Law (Join), new edit. 3s. 6d. Farthingful, Meade (L. T.) Gd. < 'artwright, H., the Nitrate King, Loomes (T.) Is. Fancy Work Basket, Leach (Mrs.) Vol. 4, 3s. ¦ ¦ __, «« l JL X 111 _Wf _*» V v ¦»¦»__ _¦—«• -.-.'U VT U'-*.-. v« 4-f*^* x^\ a.» Change of Clothes, Kino (A- F0 Is- Fatal/tf ThreeV/Vf, Braddon-M* I ' (M.\ • E.)/ now edit. 2s. 6d. (chemistry, Watts' Dictionary, Vol. 2, 42s. :FlefdCourt , Id. Chess Openings, Longman (F. W.) new edit. 2s. CJ. France, Travels in, during 1787, 1788, 1789, Young (A.) 3s. Cd. tliild of Japan, _*/ W-y- -¦ _ W The Pub lishers ' Circular sept. 2, IO42 _^____ . . .. . iss9 » Freaks of Lady Fortune, Crommelin (M.) 2 vols. 21a. Nun's Curse, Riddell (Mrs. J. H.) new edit. 2a. Fred Leicester, Rowe (Richard) Is. Nursing, Home, Dobree (L. E.) Is. 6d. French, Army Preliminary Examination, Is. Nuttie's Father, tonge (C. M.) illustrated new edit. 3s. 6d, French History, Outlines, Ince and Gilbert, n. e. Is. & Is. 6d. Ocean Free Lance, Russell (W. Clark) new edit. 3s. 6d. From Log Cabin to White House, Qarf ield (J. A.) n. e. Is. . Oliver Westwood, Worboise (E. J.) 3s. 6d. . From Sword to Share, Nicholson (Capt. H. W.) n. e. 2s. 6d. One of the Royal Celts, Wynne (D.) 10s. 6d. Genesis, Stories from, Butler (A. R.) 2s. 6d. , Orient Line Guide, new edit, re-written, 2». 6d. I Geoff , a Novel, Forde (G.) 3 vols. 31s. 6d. Our Sailmaker's Yarn, Cupples (Mrs.) 13. | Geography, Physical and Astronomical, Cowham ( J. H.) 4s. 6d* Paris Exhibition, B-arton, Is. Golden Lady, Meade (L. T.) 6d. Paris Sketch Book, New, Alger (J. G.) new edit. 2s. 6d. Golden Thread for Daily Weaving, Walton (Mrs.) 6d. Parnell Commission,Opening Speech forDefence,/2MsseZZ, n.e. 2s. Gout, and Diseases of Liver and Kidneys, Roose (R.) n. e. 3s. 6d. People I've Smiled with, Wilder (M. P.) 2s. Grasses, Sedges, and Ferns of Great Britain, Pratt (Annie) 15s. Peter the Apprentice, Leslie (E.) 3d. and 6d. Greek Anthology, Selections from, Tomson (G. R.) Is. PilgrimBoy and other Stories, 6d, Guinness (H. G.) Extinguisher for, Hooper (F. J. B.) 2s. 6d. Pilot, Nesbit (E.) Is. 6d. Handsome is as Handsome Does, 2s. Pioneers, Cooper (J. F.) illust. 2s. Hard Held, Roberts (Sir R. W.) 3s. 6d. Poor Miss Carolina, Meade (L. T.) 6d. Hazlilt(W.)Selections from Ids Writings, by A. Ireland, 3s. 6d. Pre-Raphaelite Movement, Parkes (K.) Is. Health Resort Prince of Peace, or Gospel Stories for the Young, new edit. 6d. , Chronicle of , Helder (A.) 2s. ^ Henley (T. C.) Sermons, cr. 8vo. 5s. Prose Idylls New and Old, Kingsley (Charles) new edit. 3s. 6d. Her Own Choice, Lamb (R.) 2s. 6d. Pumping Engine, and Steam Pump Construction, Bjorling, 5s. Herne Lodge, Desart (Earl of) new edit. 23. Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia, Johnson (S.) 3d. and 6d.

— 7- 2s Hidden Deptfhs, new edit. Is. Reba, a Novel,t Brand (Oliver)%. * . 6d. His other Self , Goodman (E. J.) Is. Reproach of Annesley, Gray (Maxwell) new edit. 6s. Home as Found, Cooper (J. Feniraore) new edit. 3s. 6d. Reuben Minton's Service, Woolmer (D. L.) 9d.

— Wrongs, Pugh (S. S.) 3s. Hunchback of Notre Dame,I Hugo*S \ X Victor)X new edit. 6d. RigJits and Idylls, Auld Licht, Barrie ( J. M.) new edit. 6s. Robin Hood, Life and Adventures, Marsh (J. B.) new edit. 2s. Immortality of the Soul, Baker (Rev. W.) Part 14, 3d. Roland Oliver, McCarthy (J.) Is. 6d. In Safe Keeping, Barker (E. J.) Is. 6d. Roy's Repentance, Sargeant (A.) 3 vols. 31s. 6d. In Sinful Paths, Holmes (J. G.) Is. Russian Grammar, Morfil l (W. R.) 6s. Into all the World, Scarth (J.) Is. Ruth Er3kine1s Crosses, Story by Pansy, 2s.

- -^— — — — — ¦ — — - - — — j ^^ 0 JSankey,^^ ^ ^ and Hymns, 4s. 6d. and 5s. Irish Cousin, Herring (G.) and Ross (M.) 2 vols. 21s. Sacred Songs^^^ ,^ Additional, Irish Industries, Glimpses, Daly (Bowles) 6s. Sacred Song3, 750 pieces, Sankey (I. D.) new ed. 9s. 6d. & 7s. 6d. Iron and Steel Manufacture, Hiorns (A. H.) 3s. 6d. Sailing, Knight (E. F.) illustrated, 2s. Isaiah, the Times of , Sayce (A. H.) 2s. St. Luke, Biblical Illustrator, Exell (J. S.) Vol. 1, 7s. 6cL , Book of , People's Bible, Vol. 11, Parker (J.) 8s. St. Luke, Pulpit Commentary, Vol. 2, 103. 6d. Ken Im Winslow's Conquest, Id. Sermons, Henley (T. C.) 5s. Key Notes for Life's Anthems, Murray (C.) Is. Shan van Vocht, Murphy (J.) new edit. Is. Legend of the Black Loch, Bentley (A. C.) 6s. Sheridan, by Mrs. Oliphant, new edit. Is. & Is. 6d. Life's Morning, Gissing (G.) new edit. 2s. Shooting, Rough, Kebbel (T. E.) Is. Links in Childhood's Chain, Lecky (S. and E.) 1h. Silver Linings behind Earth's Clouds, Lempriere (E. A.) Is. Literature, English, Great Authors, 3 in 1, 3s. 6d . Skirmishing Attack and Defence for a Company,(?ordow(W.)2Si Literature, Highways, Pryde (David) What to read, 2«. 6d. Steamship Guide, Rhodes (T.) 2s. 6d. Little Mrs. Murray, Philips (F. C.) new edit. 2s. Stationers, Booksellers, &c, Kelly' s Directory, new edit. 25s. Livingstone, Anecdotes, by Dr. Macaulay, new edit. 3d. & 6d. Stor3'- of a Pocket Bible, Sargent (G. E.) new edit. 2s. 6d. Long Tots, Examination Cards, Beach (Dr.) 7s. Such is Life, Kendal (M.) 6s. Magnetism and Electricity, Poyser (A. W.) 2s. 6d. Swan and her Crew, Davies (G. C.) new edit. 3s. 6d. Magnetism and Electrodynamics, Watson & Burhury, 10a. 6d. Tales of the Borders and Scotland, Wilson' s new edit. Is. Malcolm and Doris, Water son (D.) 6d. Tales, Plain, from the Hills, Kipling (R.) new edit. 6s. Maltese Cross and othor Tales, Chippell (J.) Is. Temple Bar, Vol. 86, May-August 1889, 5s. 6d. Maori, Ancient History, While (J.) Vols. 1. to IV., 42s. Theatre de la Jounesse, Bell (Mrs. H.) 2s. 6d. Marcus Stratford's Charge, Green (E. E.) 3s. 6d. Three School Friends, Awsby (Edith) Is. Marrnion, Scott (Sir W.) by Thomas Bayne, 3s. 6<1. Traverse Tables, Boilea u (Major-Gen. J. T.) new edit. 12s. Metamorphism of Rocks, Irving (A.) 5s. Two Sides of the Shield, Yonge (C. M.) new edit, illus. 3s. 6cL Miriam Balestier, Fawcett (E.) Is. Vashti, Wilson (A. J. E.) Is. Miser Farebrother, Farjeon (B. L.) new edit. 2s. Wales, Prince.of (H.R.H.) Events in the Life, byG. Potter, Is. Miser's Daughter, Ainsworlh (W. H.) new edit. Gd. Wild Darrie, Murray (C.) and Herman (H.) 6s. Mr. Wentworth's Daughters, Dibdin (M.) 2s. Wedding Days, Book of, 21s. Mistress Beatrice Cope, Le Clerc (M. E.) 1 vol. 6.s. Wellington, co. Somerset, History, Humph?-eys(AX..)21s.&7s.6d. Molihre, Plays, by English Dramatists, new edit. 6d. What to do ? Tolstoi (Count) 2s. 6

- — - — Monk,r EnglishV^ Men of Action,i by J. Corbett j — — — w Wild Cat Tower, Davies (G. C.) 3s. 6d. ^ , 2s. G<1. Morva Hall, Jones (J.) Is. 6<1. Willie Nicholls, 6d. Mother Goose, Nursery Rhymes, Illustrated, 3s. Gd. Wily Widow, Cresswell (H.) new edit. 2s. & 2s. 6d. Nesta, Molesworth (Mrs.) G<1. Winter's Folly, Walton (Mrs.) 2s. Norfolk and Suffolk Broads and Rivors, Britt(tin. (H.) n. e. 2s. Yorkshire, East, Folk Speech, Nicholson (J.) 3s. 6d. NEW WORKS PUBLISHED FROM AUGUST 16 TO 31. *V* The occasional Notes in italics after the titles are only given in cases of short or obscure titles appearing for the f irst time Tfi ey are not intended to be general to ^ or to express any opinion on the literary merit of the books; the sole object being explain the title-page, or to give such additional i nformation concerning the nature of the work as may appear to be required. All books are in cloth when not otherwise described.

Ainsworth ("W . H.)--Tho Miser's Daughter : a Tale. Army Preliminary Examination : French. The Author's Copyright edit. 8vo. pp. 159, 6d Warno [3701 Candidate's Vade-Meoum : 500 Easy Sentenoes and Idioms. Alexander (Mrs. )—Mona's Choice : a Novel. 3rd edit. fOD. DD. 312. boards. 2a F. V. White T3702 By an Army Tutor. Long 18mo. pp. 69, la. Simpkin [3703 ¦ - 1 ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ -¦¦¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ 1 1 r 1 ¦ ¦ ' -¦ --¦"• —¦ -¦..--.-¦¦-» :¦.¦--- . .. - ¦*. . -.,., - , ...... 'j.' . ! " '» . '«' . ,, ' • '' '. ¦ ¦ " ' ' ' . ' ' . " . /iW , ]; ¦¦ '" , q Hn tf ¦ ' _ ' ¦ ¦ ""/ " ' - - ¦ ¦' ' ' "' ' ' " '" ' ' •>¦ Yt) . • . - - > ...... CwB r Sept. 2, 1889 The Publisher s' Circul ar 1043

Alger (J. Q.)—The New Paris Sketch. Book : Manners, Cresswell (H.) —A Wily Widow : a Novel. Cheap edit, Men, and Institutions. 2nd edit. cr. Svo. pp. 296, 2s. 6d. fcp. pp. 351, 2s. 6d. ; boards, 2s Blackebt [3734 W* H. Allen [3704 V Crommelin (May) —The Freaks of Lady Fortune : a , Avenger ; or, Stories from the History of the Church in the Novel. 2 voL cr. 8vo. 21s Hurst [3735 Cevennes. Adapted from the French by H. E. Burch. 12mo. Is. ( Volumef or the Young) Tract Soc. [3705 Cnpp les (Mrs. G.)—Sailm aker's Yarn, and other Stories of the Sea by Popular Writers. Fcp. (Edinburgh, Ntbnmo) Awsby (Edith )—Three School Friends : a Tale for Girls. pp. 128 Is Simpkiri [3736 Fcp. (Edinburgh, Nimmo) pp. 127, Is SinapMn [3706 , Baker (W.)— Immortality of the Soul : the Substance of a Dalho -asie (Marquis of)—Life. By Capt. L. I. Trotter. Sermon. 16mo. pp. 14, sewed, 3d Simpkin [3707 Cr. 8vo. pp. 248, 2s. 6d. (Statesmen Series) W. H. Allen [3737 Barber (T. W.)—The Engineer's Sketch-Book of Mecha- Daly (J. B.)—Glimpses of Irish Industries. Cr. 8vo. pp. nical Movements, Devices, Appliances, Contrivances, and 236, 6s 4 Ward & D. [3738 UXVAA VA4V DetailsJW -*-* WWA *w employedV*A *^ *V * VV*i in** ¦* ¦ the DesignJ_WWA ^ AA andVVJLAVA ConstructionVV/l^OVA UV ofV*. Damien (Father), the Apostle of the Leper3—Life and Machinery for every, Purpose. Nearly 2,000 Illustrations, Letters. Edited, with Introduction, by his brother, Father Descriptive Notes, and- Memoranda, bvo. pp. 243, 7s. 6d. Pamphile. Cr. 8vo. pp. 151, Is... Catholic Truth Soc. [3739 Spon [3708 Dar ton's Paris Exhibition. 4to. sewed, Is. Barker (Edith. J.)—In Safe Keeping : a Story of True W. W. Gardner [3740 Incident. Post Svo. Is. 6d Tract Soc. [3709 A toy-book, with coloured illustration. Barrie (J- M.)—Auld Licht Idylls. -3rd edit. cr. 8vo. 6s. Davies (G-. C.)—The Swan and Her Crew ; or, the Adven- Hodder [3710 tures of Three Young Naturalists and Sportsmen on the Barrie (J. M.)—When a Man's Single : a Tale of literary Broads and Rivers of Norfolk. 5th edit, with Postscript Life. 2nd edit. cr. 8vo. pp. 289, 6s Hodder [3711 and numerous Illustrations. Roy. 16mo. pp. 314, 3s. 6d. Warne [3741 Beach. (Dr.) — Daily-Working and Examination Cards -» (Arithmetic;. Standards 2 to 5. 16mo. packet, each Is. Davies (G-. C.)—Wild Cat Tower ; or, the Adventures of M~M ¦*-^ m**t J. Hughes [3712 Four-¦- v ^-m,M. Boys_M_^ v* W »~f in.*.«_» Pursuit_«_ y^ J. *—> fc.^A V/ ofV^ JL. SportK/ ^f V^ J. W and.\A Natural«*W 1^ V^JL. MJUM. History-» « AU WV/A w in*aa the»* * ¦» ^* North Countrie. With numerous Illustrations. Roy. 16mo. Beach. (Dr.) — Daily-Working and Examination Cards : pp. 331, 3s. 6d Warne [3742 Long Tots. 16mo. packet, Is J. Hughes [3713 Bell (Mrs. H.)—Theatre de la Jeunesse : Twelve Little Desart (Earl of)—Herne Lodge : a Novel. Cheap edit, fcp. pp. 313, boards, 2s Sonnenschein [3743 * French Plays lor Schoolroom and Drawing-room. Fcp. pp. 192, 2s. 6d Longmans [8714 Dibdin (Mary )—Mr. Wentworth's Daughters. With Illus- Bennett (R. A. R.)—Marine Aquaria-: their Construction, trations by Edward Whymper. Post 8vo. 2^. Arrangement, and Management. Profusely illustrated. Cr. Tract Society [3744 Svo. pp. 141, 2s. 6d. , L. U. Gill [3715- Dicey (A. V.)—Introduction to the Study of the Law of Bentley (H. C.)—The Legend of the Black Loch. Illus- the Constitution. 3rd edit. Svo. pp. 436, 12s. 6d. trated by Wycliffe Taylor. Oblong folio, pp. 36, boards, 6s. Macmillan [3745 Fores [3716 Dobr£e (Louisa E.)—A Manual of Home Nursing. With Bjorlin g (P. R.)—Practical Handbook on Direct-Acting an Introduction by Mary Scharlieb, M.D. Cr. 8vo. pp. 164, Pumping Engine and Steam Pump Construction. 20 Plates. limp, Is. 6d» Sonnenschein [3746 Cr. 8vb. pp. 126, 5s. - Spon [3717 Dodge (Mary M.)—Donald and Dorothy. With Original Boileau (J. T.)—New and Complete Set of Traverse Table3, Illustrations. Roy. 16mo. pp. 330, 3s. 6d Warne [3747 .showing the Differences of Latitude and the Departures to Edwards (H.)—Franci3 and Frances ; or, an Unexplainable Every Minute of the Quadrant, and to Five Places of Phenomenon. Post 8vo. (Bristol, Arrowsmith) pp. 276, 2s. Decimals. 5th edit. 8vo. pp. 106, 12s W. H. Allen [3718 Arro wsmith ' s 2s. Series) Simpkin [3748 Book of Wedding 1 Days. —Quotations for every day in Ester Hied : a Tale. By Pansy. Cr. 8vo. pp. 326, 2s. the year. Compiled and arranged by K. C. J. Reid, May Partridge [3749 Ross, and Mabel Bamfield , with Devices and Decorations ' Exell (J. S.) — The Biblical Illustrator ; or, Anecdotes, ior each day by Walter Crane. 4to. 2 Is... Longinans [3719 [Similes, Emblems, Illustrations, Expositor, Scientific, J Braddon (M. E.)—The Fatal Three : a Novel. Stereo- Geographical, Historical, and Homiletic, gathered from a typed edit. fcp. pp. 351, 2s. 6d. ; boards, 2s. . . Simpkin [3720 wide Range of Home and Foreign Literature, on the Verse_ s_ I Brand (O.)—Reba : a Novel. Fcp. pp. 241, 2s. 6d. of the Bible. St. Luke, .Vol. 1. 8vo. pp. 852, 7s. 6d. I Johnstone k«A Husquehanna.*• ' HUVJ tiVlAUUUlUI* AJL-M-rran *. JL l*U«23^X*ged forAV^«. Youth.\S VA.A* With¥ F Illustrations.* VM. %AI V» "** «• Tract Society [3759 Itoy. 16mo. pp. 192, 2s Routledge [3731 Goodman (E. J.)—His Other Sel f : a Story. Post 8vo. pp. County Councillore ' Director y. Containing- a List «fe D. [3760 of the Aldermen and Councillors with Addresses for all 184, Is Ward Counties and County Boroughs under the Act of 1888. Svo. Gordon (W.)—Skirmishing : Attack and Defence for a l>p. 282, 2s. 6d Contract Journal Co. [3732 Company, Battalion, and Brigade. Fully illustrated with 39oh Platesj riatcsvo.. Inxn accordance withwitii themo new InfantryxiiL uii Li y Drill.jlsiiil. Cowham (J. H.)—Graphic Lessons in Physical and Astro- ^rd^vn 8 (Chatham, Gale & Polden) pp. 144, 2s. nomical Geography, designed to meet the Requirements of Simpkin [3761 Male and Female Can^datea for Certificates I" 3,1 v nrnwn^^ » ^^ W W «*• * H^' vnV ^^ W nn.P^ £^ ¦ i ^^ Hh 9.(W 4 ft*«^< ^^ 0 OP9^V0PV*HBav*vvv*vvv *v "^ aill*—'— ^ ^ ' 37*^ - 6~—' V^V2 ' 8vo. pp. 235, 4s. 6d Simpkin [3733 ^^ ¦ \ : " ' . " . ' ( L . V I ¦¦ ¦¦ ' &' ••: . . „ -4 *' 1044 The Pub lishers ' Circular Sept. 2, r8g9 ,

1 Great Authors of Fnglish Literature ; their Lives Kipling (R.)—Plain Tales from the Hills. 2nd edit. cr. 8vo- > andM&A14 Sel*—' V>J,ections\J *s VXV/11>J from.LA \yui tlieV a. J. V/'irX L. Writings.T T JL JL UlUgO* 3%J DivisionsJL~T A V At*-'A' • * asj inJ. * * 1-». vol»»_»-»?. pp. 337, 6s ...... :...... Thacker [3794 crown 8vo. pp. £10, 3s. 6d Nelson [3763 Kni ght (E. F.)—Sailing. W ith numerous Illustrations. Green (E. E.)—Marcus Stratford's Charge ; or, Roy's Pep. pp. 165, 2s Bell & S. [3795 Temptation. Post 8vo. 3s. 6d. (Sunflower Series) Lamb (Ruth ) —Her Own Choice. Post 8vo. 2s. 6d. Tract Society [3764 Tract Society [3796 Greene (W. T.)—The Birds in my Garden. Illustrated by A tale f or girls. - Charles Whymper and others. Post 8vo. 2s. Law (J.)—Captain Lobe : a Story of the Salvation Army. Tract Society [3765 New edit. cr. 8vo. pp. 289, 3a. 6d Hodder [3797 , 6>w Ak? various kinds of birds which may be seen in London suburban gardens, with a sketch of their habits. Leach iCMrs. )—Fancy Work Basket. Vol. 4. 4to. pp. 230, fl 3s Cartwright [3798 I Han dsome is as Han dsome Does, and other Rsadings for Working People. Roy. 8vo. 2s Tract Society [3766 I«ecky (S. and E.)—Busy Little Bairns. Illustrated by \\ Fred lip. 4to. pp. 20, boards, Is. 6d Birn Bros. [3799- II Hard y (T.)—Far from the Madding Crowd New and cheaper edit, crown 8vo. pp. 407, 2s. 6d. ; boards, 2b. Lecky (S. and E.)—Links in Childhood's Chain. Illustra- Low [3767 tions by E. J. Harding. Hoy. 16mo. pp. 20, boards, Is. Birn Bros. [3800 Hazl itt (W.)> Essayist and Critic : Selections from his Writings, with a Memoir, Biographical and Critical, by Le Clerc (M. E.)—Mistress Beatrice Cope ; or, Passag-es in | Alexander Ireland. Crown 8vo. pp. 575, 3s. 6d. ( The the Lif e of a Jacobite's Daughter. In 1 vol. cr. 8vo. pp. Cavendish Library) Warne [3768 335.335, 6s Hurst [3801 Helder (A.)—Chronicles of a Health Resort. Roy. 16mo. Leni pri ere (E. A.)—Silver Linings Behind Earth's Clouds. I pp. 284, 2s TJnwin [3769 Sq. 16mo. sewed, Is Hawkins [3802 f Tex ' s from Scripture and religious poetry^ with coloured, | Herring ,(G.) and Boss (M.) —An Irish Cousin : a Novel. other illustrations. 2 vols. crown 8vo. 21s Bentley [3770 and J Leonard (C. H.)—The Pocket Anatomist. 16th revised Hidden Depths : a Story of Cruel W rong. With an Intro- edit. With 193 Illustrations. Fcr>.cp. pp.dd. 297.297, 3s. 6d. duction by William Shepherd Allen. 9th edit. pp. 255, Bailliere [3803 sewed, Is ,. Hodder [3771 V (Emma) —Peter the Apprentice : a Tale of the j (A. H.) Leslie Hiorns — Iron and Steel Manufacture. A Text- Restoration. 18mo. 6d. ; sewed, 3d. (R. T. S. Library) \ book for Beginners. Fcp. pp. 188, 3s. 6d. . . Macmillan [3772 Tract Society [3804 | Holmes (J. G.)—In Sinful Paths : a Story of the Euston Living-stone Ar iecdotes. By Dr. Macaulay. .. New edit. Road. Post 8vo. pp. 160, Is Sonnenschein [3773 18mo.. 6d. ; sewed, 3d. (R. T. S. Library) Tract Society [3805 ( Hooper F. J. B.) —An Extinguisher for the Guinness Longfellow (H. W.)—Excelsior. Illustrated by Alice ; ' Light for the Last Days,' and a Stopper f or ' The Approach- Price and F. Corbyn Price. Roy. 16mo. pp. 16, boards, j ing End of the A ge.' 8vp. pp. 112, sewed, 2s. 6d. Is. 6d Meissner & B. [3806 Roper & D. [3774 Lon gman (F. W.)—Chess Openings. 4th edit. fcp. pp. 77, ; House (E. H.)—A Child of Japan ; or, the Story of Yone 2s. 6d Long*mans [3807 Santo. Post 8vo. pp. 286, 2s. 6d Drane [3775 j ; Longridge (C. C.) — Composition made Easy. 12mo. f Hu go (V. —The Hunchback of Notre Dame. New edit. (Preston, Watson) Part 1, Id. ; Part 3, 2d. . . Simpkin [3808 8vo. pp. 190, sewed, 6d Warne [3776 Loomes (T.)—Romance of the Nitrate King ; or, Henry Humphreys (A. L.) — A History of Wellington, co. Cartwright of Leeds. Post 8vo. pp. 162 Is. Heywood [3809 Somerset, from Sources principally Original. 4to. net, , 7s. 6d. ; large paper edit, net, 21s Author [3777 McCarthy (J.) —Roland Oliver : a Novel. Cr. 8vo. Is. 6d. Blackett [3810 j Ince and Gilbert 's Outlines of Bible Histor y. Specially adapted for the use of Schools. By Rev. Charles Mac Coll (M.)—Chris tianity in relation to Science and Rogers, D.D. New edit. Fcp. pp. 168, Is. 6d. ; sewed, Is. Morals : a Course of Lectures delivered in Ripon Cathedral > W. H. Allen [3778 on the Nicene Creed. Cr. 8vo. pp. 337. 6s. Rivingtons [3811 j Ince (H.) and Gilbert (J.)—Ou tlines of French History, Marryat (Capt.)—The Children of the New Fore3t. New I including Notices of the Manners and Customs, Dres.-j, Arts, edit. pp. 428, 2s. 6d Routledge [3812 ! &c. Revised and corrected by Arthur Hassall, M.A. New Marsh (J. B.)—Life and Adventures of Robin Hood. New ) edit. Fcp. pp. 134, Is: 6d. ; sewed, Is. .. W. H. Allen [3779 edit, post 8vo. 2s Routledge [ 3843 Irvin g (A.) —Chemical and Physical Studies on the Meta- Meade (L. T.)—A Farthingful. Fcp. 8vo. pp. 64, 6d. morphism of Rocks, based on a Thesis. With Appendices. Chambers [38-14 Written»» ¦*- -" ¦ vvw*.* for*. ^fM. thei/ uv^ Doctoratexy v/wvi uu\j onKJA.1 SciencekJ^lV'Il^/ij in111 thetilt UniversityVlllVL1O1UJ ofVJL London by A. Irving. 8vo. pp. 148, 5s. . . Longmans [3780 Meade (L. T.)—Poor Miss Carolina. Fcp. 8vo. pp. 72, 6d. [38.15 Jennin gs (C. E.) —Cancer and its Complications. 8vo. pp. Chambers 160, 3s. 6d Bailliere [3781 Meade (L. T.)—The Golden Lady. Fcp. 8vo. pp. 64, 6ci. Chambers [3810 John son (S.)— Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia. 18mo. pp. 192, 6d. ; sewed, 3d. ( Cassell's National Library) Meadowcroft (W. H.)-— The A B C of Electricity. Post Cassellxjuoouii [3782L **-> ** «vovo.o. pp. 110liu, 2s^s Heyiieywoodwooa in^n[3H17 Johnson (T.)— A Blue G rass Thoroughbred : a Novel. Post 8vo. pp. 216 Midlan d Arithmetic —Answers, Standards 1 to 7. Com- , Is. (Lovell Library) Drane [3783 plete revised edit. New Code, 1889. Post 8vo. Is. [3818' Jones (Rev. J.)— Morva Hall. Post 8vo. Is. 6d. Simpkin J Tract Soc. [3784 Molesworth (Mrs. )—Nesta ; or, Fragments of a Little | Kebbel (T. E.)— Rough Shooting. Illustrated. Cr. 8vo. [381 (J pp. 90, sewed, la Sonnenschein [3785 Life. Fcp. 8vo. pp. 64, 6d Chambers Moliere. —Plays from. By English Dramatists. With an Kelly (Mrs. TomV-Beauty and Glamour. Illustrated by , Tom Kelly. 4to. 16s Introduction by Henry Morley. New edit. cr. 8vo. pp. 32<> I Yon Portheim [3786 sewed, 6d. (J/or ley' s Universal Library) ..Routledge [3B2i> KellyJfcLeily 's Director y 's Directory of Stationers ., Printers , Book- 22fl 2s. '<> , 3s. 6d Warne [3B-'» Kenelm Winslow's Conquest : a Tale of the Pilgrim Fathers. 4to. sewed, Id Tract Society [3799 Motley (J. L.)— The Rise of the Dutch Republic : a History. [38i'-» Keyworth (T.)—Allan Dunstan ; or, Wheat among the New edit. 3 vols. 8vo. 31s. 6d Gibbings ' ui *<¦¦ Tores.lares. With Illustrations bvby C. Whvmner.Whymper. Post 8vo. 3s. MouleXUUU1C (H.\ ± *- - C.V^. a.)%Jtm ) —Outlines— vjuiuuca of Christianviixi3biau Doctrine.lyui/uuno. •2nl Tract Society [3790 edit, revised . Fcp. pp. 284, 2s. 6d. ( The Theolog ic'l A story of life in the North of England , on the difficulties Ed ucator) Hodder [882f> andarid tet'emulationsmptations of youngtmnnn men.mrn Mur phy (J.)— The Shan van Vocht : a Story of <> ; King: (A. F.)—A Change of Clothes ; or, the Sorrows of United Irishmen. New edit. cr. 8vo. (Dublin, Gill) pp. 34? . i Balaam Noseworthy. Cr. 8vo. pp. 96, sewed, Is. (O. U. R. sewed.sewed, Is SimnkinSimpkin [ 3«23W>ii Books, No. l) Simpkin [E7S> 1 Murray (C.) and Herman (H.)- Wild Darrie. Post 8vo; I King reley (C.)— Prose IdyllB, New and Old. New edit, poat pp. 280, Qs Longmans [38-'' I j 8vo. pp. 292, 3s. Cd Macmillan [3792 A novel. JJ sept. , 1SS9 ^he Publishers' Cfrculai- lq4S _ 1—_—L_* ; L .—, . 'i II Mur ra y (Ch arlotte )?—Key Notes for Life's Anthems. Sanke y (Ira D.)—Sacred Songs and Solos. 760 Pieces- Scripture Texts ' and Poems for a Month. 16mo. pp. -32, New edit. 4to. 7s. 6d. ; gilt, 9s. 6d. ... .Morgan & S. [3858 boards, Is. „ Partridge [3828 Sargeant (Adeline )—Roy's Repentance : a N ovei. jj vols. Nicnolson (BT. "W. ")—From Sword to Share ; or, a Fortune Cr. 8vo. 31s. 6d Ward & D. [3859 in Five Years at Hawaii. With Maps and Illustrations. 2nd edit, post 8vo. pp. 358, 2s. 6d...... W. HT. Allen [3829 Sar gent (G. E.)—Story of a Pocket Bible. New, edit. Post 8vo. 2s. 6d Tract Soc. C3860 (J.) Folk Speech of East Yorkshire. Nicholson —The Sayce (A. II. )—The Times of Isaiah, as Illustrated from Cr. 8vo. (Hull, Brown) pp. 120, 3s. 6d Simpkin [3830 Contemporary Monuments. Post 8vo. 2s. (By-paths of Bible Nisbet (E.)— The Pilot. Square 16mo. Is. 6d. ' " "* Knowledge) Tract Soc. [3861 . Portheim [3831 Scarth (J.)—Into all the World. With numerous Illustra- A poem, with illustrations in colours and monotint. tions. Post 8jfo. pp. 158, Is .Griffith & F. [3862 Orient Line Guide. —Chapters for .Travellers by Sea and On Missions and Missionary Work, by L

w>^F Crown 8vo. 3s. 6d Blackett [ 3849 ^^ ^^ »^^ ^^^ ^fc^^ ^b^b ^^^ F ^^^ . ^^^ v^^ h ^ta ^ ^%^ ^^^ r ^^ k V# ^m^k ^fc^F ^^ k^r ^fc^' ^^h ^k ^^. ^fc^. ^^m V^vf ^L^K ^»^fc ^^^^ F^^h tf Wilson 's Tales of the Borders P^^ f ^^^rf ^^^^ ^V^^L C^^ V^ ^h^L ^mVi _. I and of Scotland.—. TkT" _.1Jj_ TT _ 3 f% ^^ *< __ ^r-*-^ ^— . . _ _ ~ ¦ I Rogers (Lieut .-Col . E.)—Machine Rifle Batteries for New edit. Vol. 22. la W. Scott [3880 I Volunteers. Illustrated. 8vo. pp. 60, sewed, Is. "Wood (Mrs. Henry )—Dene Hollow:»-Novel. New edit. I Heywood [3850 Cr. 8vo. pp. 472, 3s. 6d Bentley [3881 Roose (I>r. R.) — Gout and its relation to Diseases of the Woolmer (Dora L.)—Reuben Minton's Service. 18mo J-iver and Kidneys. 6th edit, crown 8vo. pp. 191, 3s. 6d. 9d Tract Soc. [3882 H. K. Lewis [3851 Worboise (Emm a J.)—Oliver Westwood ; or, Overcoming Roundell (Mrs. O.)—A Visit to the Azores, with a Chapter the World. 7th thousand, cr. 8vo. dd.pp. 680.680, 3s. 6d. "ii Madeira. 25 Illustrations from Sketches and Photo- J. Clarke [3883 ^ruphs. Crown 8vo. pp. 197, 7s. 6d Bickers [3862 "Wynne (D.)— One of the Royal Celts : a Novel. Cr. 8vb. Rowe (R.)—Fred Leicester ; or, the Southern Cross and 10s. 6d Blackett [3884 Charles's Wain, and other Stories. Fcp.(Edinburgh, Nimmo) Year Book of Commerce : an Annual Statistical Volume PP. 126, Is Simpkin [3853 of Reference. Compiled under the authority.of the London Russell (Sir O—The Parnell Commission : the Opening Chamber of Commerce, and edited by Kenric B. Murray. speech for the Defence. Carefully revised. 3rd edit. 8vo. 8vo. pp. 304, 5s Cassell [3886 pp. 419, sewed, 2s Macmillan [3854 Yonge (C. M.)—Nuttie's Father. Illustrated by W. J. edit, Russell (W. C.)—An Ocean Free-Lance, from a Privateers- Hennessy. New post 8vo. pp. 426, 3s. Gd. man's Log of 1812. New edit. Cr. 8vo. pp. 460, 3s. 6d. Macmillan [3886 Low [3856 Yonge (C. M.)—The Two Sides of the Shield . Illustrated by J. W. Hennessy. New and cheaper edition, cr. 8vo. Ruth Erskine 's Crosses : a Story. By Pansy. Cr. 8yo. pp. 429, 3s. 6d Macmillan [3887 PP- 320, 2s Partridge [3866 Yontf g (A.)—Travels in France during the years 1787, 1788, Sankey (Ir a D.)—Additional Sacred Songs and Solos, with 1780. WithWith an Introduction, Biographical SketchSketch,, and Standard Hymns. 809 Pieces. 4to. 6s. ; boards, 4s. 6d. Notes, by M. Betham-Edwards. Cr. 8vo. pp. 438, 3s. 6d. Morgan

( n I < "lfe ¦ ¦ — — .a m — ^ — 046 The Publishers' Circular Sept. ±, m$ II ^' ' \ • r ' 1 • 1 - . ME SSRS. MACMILLAN & CO. 'S NEW BOOKS. NOTICE TO THE TRADE. On October 1 'JKJESSMS. MA.CMILLJlI? & CO. will begin, to issue in monthly volumes— (1) A Siocpenny Edition of Charles Kingsley' s Novels. (2) A. 3s. 6d. Edition of the ' Wo rks of Thomas Hughes, Q.C.S Author of ' To m' JBvown' s Schooldays.9 (3y A. 3s. 6d. JEdition of JUr. F. JKarion Cr a wford ' s Popular JSfove\s . _ (4:) Sioc additional volumes of the series of ' The Selected TVorJcs of Charles JBLingsleyS Price 3s. Gd. each. BTovv in of p ublication. course^ (5) The publication of the 3s. Gd. JEdition of JUiss Yonge' s Novels will be continuedjmonth by month. The Yearly Volume of THE ENGLISH ILLUSTItATjEI> JMAGAZINE will be ready this month9 price 8s. It contains a complete story— * San t 9 liario/ by JMr. IP. wford a Sequel to his 9 JKarion Cr a ^ ' Saracinesca. Several changes will be made in the new volume of THE ENGLISH ILLTTSTJRATEJD MAGAZINE , which begins with the October number.

Pr ospectuses of the above Series and of THE ENGLISH ILLTISTJRATEU MAGAZINE are now ready, and may be had on application . In order to ensure uniformity of Delivery, the Trade are requested to send in their orders on an early day, M ESSRS. MACM 1LLA N & CO.JS NEW BOOKS. " A NEW NOVEL by MR. F. MARION CRAWFORD. S AmJ I? 9 ILABIO. By F. Marion Crawford, Author of ' With the Immortals,' * Greifenstein,' ' Paul Patoff ,"* ' Mr. Isaacs,' * Dr. Claudius,' *¦ Marzio's Crucifix ,' " ^r sept. 29 1SS9 The Publishers ' Circu lar io^f j CASSELL & COMPANY'S ANNOUNCEMENTS. . _^ i i • __^ . , , _* ! NEW SERIALS FOR SEPTEMBER 26. An Entire ly New Publication. In JMontiily JPar ts, price One Shilling, The Cabinet Portrait Gallery, I ' Containing a series of Cabinet Photo gr aphs of Eminent Men and Women of the day, from Pho tograp hs by Messrs. W. <& E. DOWNEY, Pho tograp hers to the Queen, with accompanying Biograp hical Sketches. JPart I. ready SEP T. 2O9 price Is.

an" Illustrated Serial Edition of The Holy Land and the Bible. By the Rev. CUNNINGHAM GEIKIE, D.D. I With from Ori inal Drawings b Henry A. Harper Illustrations g y ^ and Authentic Photographs. *#* With Par t 1, read y September 26, price Yd., will be issued , free of cha rge, a Lar ge Ma p in Colours of the Holy Land.

i ¦ — ¦ * 1 a Wew Issue , in Monthly JParts , price 7d.9 of - j CASSELL'S Illustrated History of India. I WITH 400 ILLUST RATIONS. I *** With Part I., ready SEPT. 26, will be issued , free of charge, a Magnificent I Portrait of H. R. H. PRIN CE ALBERT VICTO R (size 29 in. by 21 in.) ^ I beautifu lly printed in lithograuhy. 1 — ¦ ¦ Pr ospectuses V , Showbills ,

THE TIMES OF ISAIAH, as Illustrated from STEPPING STOKES 3TO BIBLE HISTORY. Contemporary Monuments. By A. H. Sayce, LL..D., I. * 14 the Beginning ; or. Stories frotn the Book of Author of ' Fresh Light /fromthe Ancient Monuments/ Genesis.* By Annik B. Butler, Author of ' Glimpses * The Hittites : a Story of a Forgotten. Empire,' &c. of MCaori iLandy and ' Stories of the Children's Medical (By-Paths of Bible Knowledge, No. XIII.) With a Map. Misfeion/ With 39 Illustrations. Small crown Sva Crown 8vo. 2s. cloth boards. 2*. 6d. cloth boards . In this little volume Professor Sayce has brought This is the firot volume of a series of books for toliildren 0 1 ^tended to cow in time the whole together the Illustrations of Jewish Foreign Policy in the *?& y°™« P® ? *' . time of Isaiah afforded Assyrian Bl*>le History. The volumes will be uniform in size^n by the and other monu.- 1 ments. These are put together with great skill, and enable ^P6. »nd» *>£ * " ¦ 1£?lh5f *£ '^S^l JKS%f ?£j?* the reader to obtain a clear and living picture of state- be copiously illustrated. Each will be complete ih itself. policy in those far distant days. THE BIRDS IN MY GARDEN. By W. T. ATHANASIUS : His Life and Life-Work. By Gkkekb, M.D. Illustrated by Charles Wbymper and Henr y Robert Reynolds , D.D., Princi pal of Cheshunt J ?the !? ' Crown 8vo. 2*. cloth boaTds. . . „ ,, Ooll ege, Author of ' John the Baptist/ ' The Phi losophy Dr Greene m a writ er upon birds , of established of Prayer / &o. { Church historySeries , No. V.) wk. reputetion . In this work he enumerates the various kinds ^ ^ which he ul olCid n suburban gardens , Portr aitand 3 Illustrations._ 2s. 6<*. cloth.of of 2,fJ ^d8. **& SS^< *' ° . A „ * teresting, ,. and , . sketch, , , . the,, life... . frfvinl f in connection with each a sketch of their habits, 7? pictures que g d enlivening his narrati ve with an ecdotes, the^AJ great * Alexandrian arch bisho p, one of the most varied _ • ^_ -_-- ™,,™« « it -mT <**¦»¦« « and wonderful lives in all Church History. A full summary GOLD EN THREAD~«S FOR****** DAILY* ?* wEAV-**¦ ; is also given of the great Aridto. controversy, and of the ING : a Text, Meditation, and Verse for each Morning part taken by Athanasius in the development and establish- . and Evening of the Week. By Mrs. O. F. WaiLton, ment of the doctrine of the Trinity. The book covers a Author of ' Christie's Old Organ * <§ec. A Charming period of Church History with which every Christian man Gift for all Seasons. 6d.% with- Floral Design om ought to be familiar. Cover, exquisitely printed in Colouxs. NEW ILLU STRATED STO RIES. 1 MARCUS STRATFORD'S CHARGE ; or, HANDSOME IS AS HANDSOME DOES, and Boy*s Temptation . By Evelyn E. Green , Auth or of other Headin gs for Workin g People. Ful l of Pictures , * Barbara 's Brothers ,' &c. (Sun/lower Series.) With and with Coloured Frontis piece. (Comprising Nosr. 25 Illustrations. Crown 8vo. 3s. 6d. cloth boards. to 36 of the Books for - the People.) Imperial 8vo. 2s. ! A good stor y for boys, showing how Roy overcame his cloth boards. wilful temper , and his impatience of control. The incidents . --»»^^ ——^-« «« « •* ¦«• -« -» «¦ «r are interesting, and the tale exhibits all the skill of this WINTER S FOLLY.** By Mrs. WALTON, well-known writer. Author of ' Christie's Old UusOrgan,' * A Peep Behind the e C trations- CrOTO 8vOfc 2 . RIGHTS AND WRONGS : a Story of Village C1OW1 3aru8 ^ " ^ Life. By S. S. Pdgh, Author of ' Stories of the Old ^Thboafd" a- ^ Romans / 'My Schoolfellow Val Bownser. ' ' His A new story f rom the pen of the author of * Christie 9 Masters / &c. With Illustrations. Crown 8vo. Ss. Old Or gan .' It sho ws how a little girl found ' her way to I cloth boards. the heart of Mr. Winter , a disa ppouat ed and friendless old tA.n amu sing stor y of village life, showing how lads and man. There is much hel pful and simple Gospel teachin g j others "who were inclined to resent the advent of stran gers in the story. were ultimately led to find in them friends and benefac tors . o- XKTT?ijr rm/\T> TW T\ AimUTF CitLa. QC rfy"fto- AL^AWATT AM nTTTtf ^TAW • Orn-r TKTh&ntW neat amongsimrm tnetVi f» MK. WliJN 1 WOKlxl O UAU LxttL A£UIi?iAW V > Misa Mar y Dibdin. Illustrations by Edward Whymper. Tares By Thomas Keywort h Author of * Tbe Crown 8yo. cloth boards. Maresborough Victory / 'A Long Delay/ J3OOlHtILi]ErrS JF*OJFCL - JBLJt^XLi SE ASONS. Series A —BOOKLETS FOR THE NEW Series C—BOOKLETS FOR THE YOUNG, YEAR AND ALL SEASONS. With Floral Grou ps Intere sting Addresses fqr 'Youn g People , for the New and cover , beautifully printed in Colours , with pilt Year and all Seasons. In Coloured Covers , from edges, and tied with gold cord . Well ad apte d for Designs by Henr y Bri ght ; the Lette rpress with enclosure in letters , lv. the packet of three Booklets : Tinted Margins. \s. the packet , contain ing two of each : A Year's Mercies. By Norman Macleod , D.d. The King's Bird Catchers. By Mrs. O. V. Walt on, May You Live for Ever I By the Rev. Georok Bvtcrard . Author of * Chr istie's QW Organ ' &o. Gospel. By Horatius Bonar, 1] TheD Treasures of the From thetor Rising * *of ^the ^ SunT By Mary k. Martin. SEbies B -BOOKLETS FOR THE YOUNG. *>ar Do Four attractive little Gifts for Children in Sunday SERIES ^D.—THE SWEET?^£T^££ STORY SERIES. Schools and Families. With pretty covers in Colours A'Box of Twelve Booklets, telling . ' The Sweet Story and Mouotints. Is. the packet of four Booklets : of Old ' in very Simple Language for the Little Ones. con- HdW to be Happy. By W. Filming Stevenson, D.D. With Pictures in Colours. 15. in neat box, Sunny Days of Childhood. By Mrs. O. F. Walton, taining two of each : Author of ' Peep Behind the Scenes,'' Little Dot,' &o. The Sweet Story of Old. Believin g in Jesus. Children of the King. By Mrs. Deck. The Golden Rule. Praying to Jesus. Follow my Leader. By the Rev. R. R. Thom. The Good Shepherd. Gentle Jesus.

London: THE RELIGIOUS TRACT SOCIETY, 56 Paternoster Bow.¦ • ¦•¦¦ ¦ i . ¦ . -^=zJ m .. t m ¦ t y% > ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ J ' ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ V i 'W vf!.' f f- ' -r? -T; .^¦¦ . ' . >v , ' ' • -. . ' . • • f v Oj^plff- • f - V*^i "' * v - * s^f

Sept. ar, ^889 Tlie Etiblishers^ Circular 104^ [ The Religious Tract Society's New Packets of Cards . SJBASOK 1889-189O. ; ^ ^H ^ 1 C E S\ x- # 44- Christinas Cards. Designs of 31.«* V/nriStmaS ^ CarClSS^ , ^A PaCKet^ : Of landscape s and Birds . By HUNBY Fonr ^CaEfls (siz£ 6f by 4f inches), with Bri ght. A Packet of Eight Cards (size delicately -printed Designs of Rose, Cycla- 5 by 4£ inches), with Pictures of pretty I men, and Pink. Corners rounded . With little Birds in the Snow. Christmas Poems by Sab ah Dqxjdnby, and appro- Texts and Mottoes , and Orig inal Verses priate . Mottoes. . by Mab y E. Ropes. 82. New Year Cards. A Packet of 45# jjew y«ar Cards. A Packet of Four Card s, same -Designs as Packet Eight Cards , same designs as Packet No. No. 31, but with Ori ginal Poems by , . 44> but with New Year Texts and Mottoes bAKAH Dottbne y. _ and Ori gina l Verses by Mab y E. Ropes. 83. Christmas Card s. A Packet of 46 S5rjh AArv Snn ^ ? for Wintrv Dfl vs ouver wim • uevby eiiea . vj ng ind j . , eu ges. Ori iy ineil V*»rsw» « hv kSSRirnvw fi-wir v sinri Christma8» Ve^8SK^2MABT Mii,T K0PE To E S othfrs^uSd cLfr sad^anx^ 34. New Year Card S* A Packet of hearts at all seasons. Four Cards , same . Designs as Packet . No. 33, but with Original New Year . Yerses by Mab y Ewily Hopes. . SIXJPEJSTN 1TFJL CKJE TS. 35. Monotint Landscapes. A Packet 47. Christmas Cards. A Packet of of Four Cards , with same Designs as Twelve Cards (size 4f by 3£ inches), with Packet No. 33, but adap ted for general " pret ty lrttle Floral Sprays in Colours and use at all seasons. Orig inal Verses by Garden Views in Monotint. With Scrip- Mr s. O. F. Walton , Author of ' Christie 's ture Texts and Christmas Mottoes. old organ ' &c. 48. New Year Cards. A Packet of 36. Chris tmas CardS. A Packet of Tweive Cards, same Designs as Packet Nine Cards (size 4f by 6 inches), with ' No. 47, out witlr New Year Texts and pretty Land and Water Scenes and Floral Mottoes , and spaces for inserting Names Sprays . Original Christmas Verses by ,. of Giver and ( Recipient , and a Good Frederick Lan g brid ge, m.a. Wish on back of each Card . 37. New Year Cards. A Packet of 49. Floralof Remembrances. A Packet Nine Cards ^ same Designs as Packet Twelve Cards , same designs as Packet fc No. 36, but wit h' appropriat e New Year No. 47, with Scripture Texts suited for Verses by Mrs . Deck. all seasons , and Ori ginal Verses on back bv Sfi ThA nhiMi »AYl ' Q Psi plrAt for nil of each Car^ Mrs - °- F- Walton 88' Antiw* of • A Peep Behind the Scenes ^> sLcS oSSK^ (sle c 5i by, 3| inches), with pret ty Coloured * \ Pict ures of Children and Monotint Back- 50. Christmas Cards. A Packet of .grounds. On the back of each are Twelve Ca rds (size 4f byj3£ inch es), with Ori ginal Poems by Mrs. O. F. Walton , bright Floral Designs and Moon -lit Lak e the popular Authoress of w little Dot ," Views,_Scripture Texts and Christmas *< Christie 's Old Organ ," &c. Mottoes. 39. Christmas Cards. A Packet of 51. New Year Cards. A Jacket of I Eight Cards (size 32 by 5J inches), with Twelve Cards , with similar Designs to Embossed , Design of Leaves in green and Pa cket No. 50, but with New Year Texts bronze , corners rounded. Ori ginal Verses and Mottoes , and on the back of each by Mab y Emily Hopes. Card a Good Wish " and spaces for insert- £0. New Year CardS. A Packet of in# Names of Giver and Recipient. Eight Cards, with same Desi gns as Packet #£. SOIlg*S in the Night. A Packet of No. 39, but with Ori ginal New Year Twelve Cards , with the sam e Designs as Verses by Mar y Emily Ropes. Packets No. 50, but with Scri pture Texts 4 1. Christmas CardS. A Packet of and Verses on back of each Card by Mrs.. Twelve Cards (size 3£ by 4f inches), with °- F - Walton. Suited for all seasons . Embossed Floral Designs in Coloured 53. Chris tmas Cards. A Packet of Bronzes . With Texts , Chri stmas Mottoes , Twelve Cards (size 3i by 4i inches) , with 9,nd Orig inal Verses by H. 8. B Ainbrid gB. delicatel y-printed Designs of Roses, 42. NeW Year CardS A Packet of Forget-me-Nots, &c. With Scripture Twelve Cards , same *Desi gns as Packet Texts , Christmas Mottoes and Verse s by No. 41, but with Original New Year Mrs , Ha yoraft and Miss Bainbrid gbj. verses by Mrs. Deck, 44- Floral Gr eetings. A Packet of 43. Floral TextS. A Packet of Twelve Twelve Cards, with Scripture Texts, same Cards , same Designs as Pac ket No. 41, but Designs as Packet No. 53, but adapted ^ with Scri pture ^Texts suited for all seasons. ^ for general use at all . seasons , j [_ London : THE BELIGIOUB TRACT SOCIETY, 56 Paternoster Row. ¦• ¦ ...... :. .. .' . ¦ v . — — dfe«p- - :^. .. . ,^^^ - "" • ' " - ^7>- vv« ^ ^ The Publi shers ' Circular Sept. ^050 ¦ ______^__. rt— . ¦ ' 1 1 I ^ ^3 ¦¦ I n ~ ¦ ' = : T ^ ~* —! *-^ > \ \ . ¦ new scmooij-jsoos: by nMi a&bott. r' ~ • '

I Just Published. Crown 8vo. 3*. 6d. cloth. THE LATIN GATE. A FIRST TRANSLATION BOOK ON A NEW METHOD . [ illustra ted by French. , and English. Etymology. "With , graduated Headin g I | | " Lessons , ITotes and Vocabu lary, and Hints on the Structure of ' .' :. | Xj ^TIIET 'WORDS .A- ZfcT ID S ZEOSrTIEl ILsrGIES.

- • . f •¦ . - . I Br the same Author. LATIN | PROSE THR OUGH ENGLISH HOW TO TELL THE PART S OF I IDIOM. Rules and Exercises on Latin Prose SPEECH ; or, Easy Lessons Jin English Composition. Thirty-fifth Thousand. Price Grammar. Twenty-fourth Thousand. 2s. Is. 6d. cloth . .. -. . _ cloth. . , ^ VIA LATINA. A First Latin Book. ENG"SH LESSOth NS FOR ENGLISH Thirty-ninth Thousand. Crown 8vo. 3*. 64. E E B Re;.; ED™ A 1 ^Head°/Ji Master\ ^of thef City of LondonJ H School *?^', HOW TO WRITE CLEARLY * Rules and J- R- Seeley, m;A., Professor of Modern and. Exercises on 'English Composition. History in^ the University of Cambridge. Forty-firs t Thousand. Is. 6d. cloth. Fifteenth Thousand. Crown 8vo.^ 4,8.6d. cloth. unw ta DADcr a a.. w i HINTS OH HOME. TEACHI NG. - Beobnd HOW TO PARSE. An Attempt to apply Edition. 3*. cloth. the Principles of Scholarship to English ' There are few teachers so experienced or Grammar. Twenty-first Thousand. 3s. 6d. skilf ul that they may not learn from it.' ' cloth. . . - , . Spectator. i| London : SEELEY & CO., Limited, Essex Street, Strand. For the Autumn Holidays, the annual double illustrated number of The Fishing Gazette ; Will be Published about the same date as last yea r, ¦ ¦ s^TTT :R,:D^"3r 7 September v^ ,

Ther e are more Anglers on tli e Rivers , Loclis, &c , in Sep- ' tqmber and October tha ,n . at any other season , and the Hotels in the Fishing Districts are full ; this Holiday Number is sent direct to all the best Hotels patronised by Angler s, and lias als o an exceptionally large Sale. . '^

¦ ' i ¦ ¦ ¦ - — ¦ ¦ ! _ ¦¦ ' - ¦¦ — , . . 4. ' V " be sen 'in by Sep All Orders and, A-dvertisernents ^should t temb er " 4^ TO - . .- -' THE MANAGER, THE ' FISHING GAZETTE/ • . ST. DUNSTAN'S HOUSE, FETT EB LANE; EJC. : ! sept. a, x889 Th e Publisher s' Qir cular .Io5* I ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' ' \h . Tp BE PUBLISHED DURING THE AUTUMN & WINTER SEASON, 1889-9O. BY GRIF FITH FARRAN OKEDEN & WE LSH,

FINE ART GIFT BOOKS . GRANNY'S STORY BOX. By the Author of < Our White Violet,' < Sunny Days,' &c. &c. A New Edition. With 100 Illustra tion s in Black and White , and 16 Full pages in Colour . By Mrs. Seymo cj b Lucas. Large quarto , boards , price 5$. HOLY GLADNESS. Twelve New and Original Sacred Songs for Children. Bf Edward Oxenford. Witfi Music by Sir Johx Sta ixer , Mu s. Doc., &c. With 31 Illustrations in Black and WTiite by Cb ^abxotte .Spiers , " L1OTJI& Davis , Geo. Q. Haite , and 8 coloured pages by Henr y RYiiAND. Uniform .with * Sing Me a Song.' Large quarto, boards , price 2s. GcL

SING- ME A SONG.J Twelve New and Original Songs for Children. By Edwabd Oxen- ford. With Music by Alfred Scott Gatt y, F.S.A., York Hera ld . With 31 Illustr ati ons in Black and White by Ellen Welb y, Edith Berkele y, Charlotte Spiers , Marion Reid , Sidney Baker , CJeo. C. Haite , Geo. Hare , and 8 coloured pages by Edith Berkele y, Lixnie Watt , Ellen Welby. Uniform with * Holy Gladness. ' Lar ge quarto , boards , price 2s. 6<2. " ...... A BIN G OF -RHYMES. By E. L. Shute. 96 pages, each illustrated in Colour. Small quarto , boards , pri ce 3*. 6d. A brigh t new book for the little ones, with dainty tasteful drawings ,Tjuaint ori gin al verses , and much good fun in every merry pict ure and rhyme . Ninety-six New, Nursery Bhymes , said to be ninety- six times better than the old ones. THE BABIES ' MUSETJ M ; or, Mother Goose's Nursery . Gems. Arranged by Uncle Char lie. A New Edition. 1G0 pages , entirely printed in Colours. Paper boards , 4to. coloured picture cover, price 2s. 6d. Over 100,000 copies of this book have been sold in black and white ; and in this form it has been pronounced to be the finest and most popular collection of Nursery Rhymes extant . Evifery one of the 184 pictures in this edition is printed in colours , and it will certainly prove the cheapest colour book for children ever put upo n the market.

THE BOOK OP BOSH!. Containing a Series of Amtising and Instructive Nurseryin Stories in Bhyme, especially ada pted for rea ding aloud to young children. 2& page *, with qt ^&nt illustrations colours. ; Paper board s, price 2s. 6d. These Stories are written so that each suggests a moral , though more frequently expressed Jn a negative form , and the verses are so simply constructed that they readily impress themselves upon the memory before - the child is able to either read or write. QTTEEH . PEOPLE , such as Goblins, Giants, Merry Men, and Monarchs, and their Kweer Kapers. Illustrated by Palmer Cox, Author of * The Brownies , their Book.' Small 4to. paper board s. Profusely Illustrated. New and chea per edition , price 3s. Qd. Queer People , "with Paws and Claws, and their Kweer Kapers. By the same Author, New and Cheaper Edition , price 3s. 6d. Queer People , with Wings, Stings, and their Kweer Kapers. By the same Author. New and— Cheape r Edition , pric e 2s. 6d. OUR CHR IST MAS BOX. Containing Six Popular Old-Fashioned Nursery Favourites. Newly Illust rated , by A. Chaskmore and Will, Gibbons. 150 pages , all Illustrated , with 6 full-pa ge Colour Pictures. Fcp. '4tof boards , price 2s. 6d. ' ^ " *" THE - OLD CORN ER ANNUAL. A Gift Book for the Young. Consisting of nearly * 300 pages , all Illustrated by the best Art ists, and 7 Coloured Plates. Coloured Cover , pap er boards , cloth back. Crown 4to. .pr ice Ss. Qd. THINE FOR EVER. Commemorative Offices for the Anniversaries of Baptism, Confirma- tion, and First Communion. 16 pages, printed in gold, ajad BQpia, and 8 Coloured Plates. Gilt edges, done up in crusfied paper and tied with gold cord, price Is. 6d. ' *~ " " This work is compiled for the use of those who are accustomed to observe the anniversaries of the three great epochs in their spiritual lives, and is especially suitable as a Confirmation , Birthday, or Memorial Grift-book. r OUR SUNDAY BOOK , of Reading and Pictures. Edited and Arranged by THOMAS Archbr. 200 pa ges, with numerous Illustration p. .Coloured Frontispiece and Picture C©¥«p» Crown 4to. price Ss. 6d. ; or , cloth boards , price 4s. Qd. For Sunday rea ding, and at the sam e time brigh t, varied , and. interesting. Jt chiefly consists of careful selections from the work s of writers of different peri ods, comprising poetica l, descriptive , anecdotal, biogra phical , imaginative , and characteristic—a volume not exactin g too much thought from juvenile readers , and adapted for the quiet hours of Sunday, either alone or in the family circle. THE OLD CORNER SERIES. The following additions to this Popular and Attractive Series of newly illustrated Editions of Old Nursery Favourites will be issued this year. They each contain 82 pages, foolscap quarto. Every page Illustrated with Coloured Frontispiece and Cover. Price 6d. each. PBTEB PIPER. Illustrated by A. Chaskmorb. OIN "I)BRBLI jA. Illustrated by W. Gibbons. THE FAIBY TALE ALPHABET. Illustrated PUSS IN" BOOTS. Illustrated by W. Gibbons. by a. Chasbmokk. LITTLE BED BIDINa-HOOD. Illustrated by A APPLE PIE. Illustrated by A. Chasemokb. W. Gibbons. T#E BQOKS ALJIEAJDY PUBLISHED IN THIS SERIES ARE :— Dame Trot and Her Cat. Illustrated by W. Dick Whittington and His Oat. Illustrated by Gibbons. , . .J ohn Pbootob. Old Mother BEubbard. Illustrated by W. Gibuons. Cook Robin., Illustrated by E. Morant Cox. 11 The Old Woman and Her Pis. Illustrated by The House that Jack Built, Illustrated by B.f - II A. Ohabbmokjc. • „ Morant Cox. . \\ • , -, ¦ ,- - .,...... :.- . ..I -,-,,- -... , ¦- . .-.-.^ ~ 7 -. . -, ^ :-^- -- ~~— ~ - ^r :r- ^ ^ ' ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦¦ ' ¦ ^^ ^ 7 v » ^TT^ ^ ^

ilair¦ ¦ ¦ ^ TStie Ptibfesbers ' «¦ G^ct ._«...... _ . . . -,*.- Sl>Uii„; *— . ..--f*t»«W xo& ...... ~.< . i8(^isiK*«*= ' • ¦ ¦ ¦ i- ¦ - :.:; ;; X. . j.'i'f. ^— ' — '\\, \ , . , 4 , .¦ > 1 1 . 1 »* r> »» ¦ »r i. n .ii lih V GRIFFITH FARRAN OKEDEN & WELSH 'S LIST OF , ?|W BOOKS—continued.

THE NEWBERY TOY BOOKS. 1 A STEW SERIES OF CROWN QUARTO TOY BOOK S/ Each containing 32 page s of Beading and Pictures , every page Illustrated -with a, Coloured Frontis piece and Cover , printed in 12 colours , pri ce 6d. eaoii. ! THE BOOK OP DICKY BIRD S. By T. THE BOOK OF FLATMATE S. By Mrs . Archer. Geulle (M. B. B.)« ' THE BOOK OP PUSSY CATS. By T. THE BOOK OS1 DOLLIES . By Mrs. fctajK Archer. » (M. b. B.). THE BOOK OW BOW-WOWS. By T. THE BOOK OP CHBISTMAS . By Mrs. Archer. Qbljak (M. E. B.>. THE CHILI ) OF THE CABAVAN. By B. M., Author of • Against the Tide.' With numerous Illustrations by Miss Edith Scj lknell. Small 4to. cloth , price 3*. 6d. A story, for children , of a little boy in a musical compan y who is possessed of remarkable musica l genius. With little help him , he learns Enough to make the offering of his best the motive power of his life, and to lead him to look beyond his wretctted Ito surr oondfngs to the Master for whom he works. \ 1 TTNEFOBM WITH THE ABOVE. v* __ Christmas in Many Xjand.8. Cloth elegant, bevelled boards, price 3*. 6d. By Florence Scannell. Illustrated by Edith Scajj neix. Or , separately, as follows, Is. each :— I. Christmas in England, i III. Christmas in Germany. II. Christmas in France. I IV. Christmas in Italy. ¦ i • - v • ' - ' SOME OTHER PEOPLE. By A;lice Wbbee, Author of ' When Tin a Man.' Illustrated )I by Edith Berkele y, Fannie Moob y, Florence Ma pl-estone , M. Cobtxell , Gert rude Demain Hammond , \ Annie Manvi ^lb Fen n, G-ertrude Ma y, J. Fennimore , A. W. Strutt , R.B.A., and Edith Ma plestone. 48 6d, , pages small 4to. printed in monotints cloth boards , price 3s. " \ ' , , . • ¦ ¦ ¦ • ¦ - ) J MBS. MOLBSWOBTH'3 NEW BOOK. ,AlET OLD PINCUSHEIOiKr ; or, Aunt Clotilda's Guests. By Mrs. Molbswobth, Author of ' Carr ots,' * The Palace in the Garden ,' * Five Minutes ' Stories ,' • That Girl in Black ,'

NEW BOOKS FOR BOYS. THREE BOYS ; or. The Chiefs of the Clan Mackhai. By G. Manvillb Fbnn, Author of * Dick o* the Fens ,' ' In the King 's Name,' Author of ' For Queen and Klnpr/ ? Tbe Cruise of the Was p,' • Under Bayard' s Banner / * The Saucy May/ <£c. With Illustrations by Davidson Knowxes. 260 pages, crown 8vo. cloth , price 2s. Qd. The Captains of Cadets are two lads who have been sent on board the Britannia , and who snbseqnently serve in tbe .enmo Qorvette on the African Coast. Life on board the trainin g ship is depicted , and the subsequent adventu res of tbe youtig middies will Inter est both boys and girls—the brothers and sisters of naval cade ts especially.

¦ ¦ ¦ . ¦ ¦ - • - ' ...... - . " '-¦ ( ^ P ^^ ' ^ ' ' i i 14 i i ' Cfj) ¦ I ¦ - ¦ ¦ •\.VsW^.:V'^.\®e-Sa^«jf»-I- «V J*J Jr . ••$.-U-<=HK • ¦ • '¦' •• •* "if . '...I r.. - • ; » . ;• - , . . , " . . . ¦ • . , . •,Vf r».-«. A ; Vi 1 ^ ' ' • ¦- ' • x " r " i '^r-V^-^*^^^ :" . • . t- - - 'i£ii£&fr$-' ¦. ¦ ¦--¦¦ . - . : * ~~ --. - -, , * if IF -fl^-jPfaWiBitfeBA' r iCareoEtt 1 septr-atiSbj ' ifSJ l I i —¦ -==- ¦ « r ¦ HI GMTOH F1RBAH 4WM & UEIiSffS LIST OF HEW BOOKS—omtinue cU-¦> MEW BOOKS FOR GIRLS. HOSE M28RVTT N : dr Tale of the Rebecca Riots. By Anne BeAlit, Author of « Simplicity and Faseioation ,f_ * Gladys the Reaper ,' ' Nothing Venture , Nothing Have ,' &c. With numerous Illustrations by A. Hitchcock. 384 pages , lar ge crown 8vo., cloth , price 5s. Contains a strictly historical account of the riots in Wales caused by the attempt to put down turn pike gates. The, scenery, chara cters , and customs ^are also from life. The tale is moral and religious. AULB LANG- SYNE : a Nineteenth Century Story. By Alice Webbb, Author of *When I' m a Man / • The Old House in the Square ,' &c. With numerous Illustrations by Miss Taylor. 384 pages , large crown 8vo., price 5«. ~ ANNABEL. By M. E. Burton. With Illustrations by W. S. Burton. 352 pages, large " crown 8vo., cloth , pr ic.e 5*. on The story ^of a " lonely ^child, who f record s. In teY ali>j , it furn ishes a descri ptive accoun t of a jou rn eyJfrom Jerusalem to Naphllis , made by a pleasure pa rty of the day, .and ru nning thr ough the whol e la a love story of special interest. ' * "* — . i ¦ ¦ GBIPFI TH FABBAtl OKEDEN .#, WEL SH, - i Newbery Hovjse, Lojidoa; and Sydney. . / ,j| l ' ¦ ¦ ¦ i] i - - ¦ .:.:\i ^.:. - ^^^^ ' ^ ^ . -^wl JmttT - ' ' " ' ' . " ... - ' . ... *> **' **~****'*f **!*'''#*^ * ' 081 ^ ¦ ' ¦ : ¦ ' "" ¦ "" ¦ • * ¦ . • :• ¦ :-f*- in tjTr : . Si c3»54 T!h» ^^l^iB{Iifep^rjCSrealitr t .. z}4^ F^^c^N Pi4^ pson ' ¦ !i Sam 1— o\a^

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' Oug ht to be in the hands of everyone who takes an interest in the associa tions which are connected with so many London houses . The index map is useful, and the book is small enoug h to be carried in the pocket. 7—Times. * It must often hav e occurred to the London topograp her that a book containin g rep r esentati ons of the houses associated with celebrated men would be both useful and interestin g. The distress- ing mani a of local author ities for altering the numbers in the streets has made this the more necessary, as the visitors to famous houses mus t often have felt uneasy whether they were actua lly worshi pping at the ri ght shrine or not. With a woodcut of the house before them this difficulty will be overcome. Mr. Wilmot Ha rrison may be congratulated on having acted on this idea , and on havin g produced an interesting book/— Athenj sum. ~ *> 'An excellent little volume Easil y carried in a side pocket , is profusely illustrated , ancl is provid ed with a numbered plan. The necessity of such a book is so obvious, one wonders that it was never before thoug ht of.'—World. -— ' Should be in the hands not onl y of every visitor to the metropolis , but of every Londoner who takes a pride in the city in which he dwells.' — Echo. --*— ¦> Lonaon : SAMPSON LOW , MARSTON , SE ARLE & RIVI NGTON , Limited , St. Dunstan 's House , Fetter Lane , Fleet Stree t, E.C. —.. -¦ A NOVEL , COMMENDED BY MR. GLADSTONE AND BY DR. GEORGE MACDONAfcD . FOR THE RIGHT. NOW READY , NEW CHEAP EDITIO N. Price TMJREE SHILLINGS ana SIXPENCE. M r. (jrLADSTONB , in Thb Nineteenth CentuIr y :— * It is with some confidence that I commend to your re aders a work of Karl Emil Franzos , entitled For the Right. ' Althoug h it is charg ed with the profoundes t moral teach ing, it has not the fault—I shou ld say, the unpardonable fault — of being a didactic novel . It does not trifle witfr the reader , so the read er should not attempt to tri fle with the book * He ough t to be the better for per using , but if not the better he may be the worse. ' • Geor ge MacDon ald :—-• I have seldom , if ever , read a work of fiction which moved me with ¦ much admiration. ' " >o OF ALL BOOKSELLERS. I t ».-¦¦— ¦ — - . . . . ¦ —i ...... I. . - - ,.i ., ...... 1 i - .I.,.. ¦ i i — —. —i. -i ' ¦¦ -- — " - . ¦¦ ¦¦ - ¦ ¦¦¦ ¦ ! ... London : JAME S CLARKE & CO., 18 & 14 Fleet Street , E.C. ¦ ¦ "**** iHuDjrt - ...... i '.. i » . . ' "flffil ' ' / ' ¦•J fc ' " ' ' ' ' ¦" '¦' • '' ' ' ' ¦ " fc ' ¦ I ,s«pt. «, 1889 TMe Ptublishers> "CifcuIaj' 1065 f ___^ " ___^ . _ \ i_^_ EYRE & SPOTTI SWOODE. ACTS OF PARL IAMENT and all jGTOVmi jWMtf BPf ^TXBI^ICATIOlffS (except Ordnance Maps , Pate nt Specifications , and H.vdro graphical Notices) , or any informatio n relating thereto , can be obtained. lasts and Catalo gues of various Series furn ished. . ---n AGRICULTURE. • Write for List of Acts and Papers of Interest to Agriculturists. BAMTERUPTCTT; Sixth Report by the Board of Trade on the Working of the Act of 1883. 6d.

BILLS UNDE ¦ R in both Houses of Parliament are t>n Sale to the Public. - - +¦* DISCUSS••» »¦«¦ ION -¦«•.- * • »•» . BLIJN"D, DEAF-AND-DUMB, Report of the Royal Commission on. 1*. Id. , CIV IL ESTABL ISHMENTS , Treasury Minute respecting. 2d. Superannuation Bilu l^d. ECCLESIASTIC AL MATTERS. All Acts of Parliament, Returns and Reports relating, to Bishoprics , Cathedrals , Qhuifc ti Buildin g, Church Estate Commissioner s, Ecclesiast ical Commissioners, &c. Our selected Catalog ue contains a very useful list of these Papers . EI3UCATION. Elementary. Education Acts, Code, Instructions to H.M. Inspectors, Education Blue Book, Rules for Plannin g Schools, &c. Write for List-of these Pa per s, with prices. I FRIE NDLY SOCIETIES , Report of Select Committee on. 5\d. Yol. containing Evidence I in the press. • • . ¦ „ INSECTS INJURIOUS TO. CROPS : Hop Plants, 2d. ; Corn, Grass, &c, ±\d. ; Fruit , 7\d. ; Roots, Celery, &c , 5%d. LOCAL GOVERNMENT r (SCOTLAND ) ACT, 1889. 10^. LUNACY ACTS AMENDMEN T ..ACT , 1889. 8^. PREVENTION OF CRUELTY. TO, & PROTECTIO N OF , CHILDRE N ACT , 1889. l^d. - , PUBLIC GENERAL ACTS, 1888. C£heap Edition.) Published by Authority. Red . ; cloth , 3jj . This volume contains all the Public Acts passed during the Tear , with Index and Tables . REVISED STATUTES. (Second Revised Edition.) Royal 8vo. Edited by G. A. R. FrPZQBRAiii>, EBq. Vols. I. and II., price Is. 6d. each. Vol. lUl in the press. TRUST INVESTMENT ACT , 1889. -Id . of en Monthly Lists^ Parliam tary Papers upon application. Quarterly Lists, ^post-free, 2d. Selected Catalogue of Papers, with Classified Lists, Revised, and Enlarged, 6d. EAST HARDING STREET, LONDON, E.C. O. TJ . .R. : BOOKS. ": No. I. (Beady). A CHAN GE OF : CLOTHES !¦- . | Or, The Sorrows of Balaam Noseworthy. ; I - By ALFRED) ^ITZMAURICE KING. I 160 pp., closely printed, in'striking Cover; price One Shilling, will be ready immediately, _ I under the title of j|_ No. II. THE VEILED PICTURE ; . , | ^ Or , The Wizard 's Legacy. ^ | .. By ELIZABETH. J. LYSAGHT, Author of ' Sealed Orders/ B ¦ ¦ ' - - 112 p^., Picture Cover. ^ — tt No. in. (Oc tober.) THE JAWS OF DEATH. | ...... - - • By tJRA^TT ALLEN. lj No. IV. (November.) NURSE REVEL 'S MISTAKE. By FLORENCE WARDEN. " 112-12 0 pp., with about 20 brilliant Designs. No. V. (November.) THE CLERICAL CRACKSMAN . A Tale for the Bur glin g1 Season. , By ALFRED FITZMAURICE KING, Author of * A Change of Clothes.' || 132 pp., clever Picture Cover* IE No. VI. (November.) II , > By GEORGE MANVILLE; FENN. It 132 pp., Picture Cover. ' H ,OF No. VII. (November.) THE ; BURDE^ CASSANDRA. * | By FREDERICK L^NGBRIDGE and ELIZABETH J. LYSAGHT. H London : SIMPKIN, MARSHALL & CO. ]j\ . , . —- ,—,

ii>6% The Publishers ' Cir cular Sepi. ^^ws^ t NOW MJEA.I>Y. JPJRICE ONE ^MUOJLlNa. HARPER'S MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER NTTMB EB. CONTENTS : ' LONDON MOCK PARLI AMENTS — ... ~ John Lillub. Eleven Iiii,usTBATiONs. Drawn by Haee y Fubniss. A Chairman—The Cogers In the Old Days—A Badical—Co gers * Hall—An Importa nt Coger—Sketches at Discussion Forum , Fleet Street—Wi nding up the Debate— * Irisn Hot '—After the Debat e—Ener gy—Sketches in Kensington Parliament . « _ «UN PROFIL BLOND—A STUDY IN RED.' IUustration for American^ F Artists at the Paris Exhibition.' From the Painting by W. T. Dannat ... / AMERICAN ARTISTS AT THE PARIS EXHIBITION Theodobe Child. Twenty Illustrations. From Paintings by James McNeii, Whistles, W. T. Dannat, John S. Sarg-ent, Alexander Habbison, George Hitchcock, J. Gabi Melchers, Walter Gay, Ridgway Knight, Julius L.. Stewart, Charles Sprague Pearoe, E. Jj . Weeks, C. S. Keinhart, Henry Mosler , F. D. Millet, J. Carroll •Beckwith, and Abbott H. Thayer. A LITTLE JOURNEY tS THE WORLD. A Novel, Part VI. Charles Dudley Warner. THE RELIGI OUS MOVEMENT IN FRANCE ...... JM. Edmond de Pressense, Senator, THE PENDRA GON TRIAL. A Story .". Lynde Palmer. A LEGEND OF THjE SKY-WATCHERS. A Poem .-. Nina F. I^ayard. KENTUCKY FAIRS James Lane Allen. Eleven Illustrations. From Photographs by James Mullen, Lexington, and Drawings by T. de Thulstrup, W, A. .Rogers, A. Kappes, A. Brennan, and F. V. J)u Mond. JOE GILFILLAN. A Story John Elliott Curran> THE OLDEST AND SMALLEST SECT IN THE WORLD ... Rev. John F. Hurst, D.p. JUPITER LIGHTS . A Novel. (Con clusion ) Constance Fenimore Woolson. HOLY MOSCOW , ., Theodore Child. Fifteen Illustrations. Drawn by T. de Thulstrup. TO THE CUCK OO. A Sonnet William Wordsworth. With Two Illustrations. Drawn by Alfred Parsons. AESTHETICS Drawn by George pu Maurier. EDITOR 'S EASY CHAIR George William Curtis. ^ EDITOR' S STUDY ... William Dean Howells. MONTHLY RECORD OF CURRENT EVENT S. EDITOR 'S DRAWER ... Conducted by Charles Dudley Warner. ! Seventy Illustrations.

NOW HEJlI>Y9 JBouna Irv Co loured SilJc, price l &s * AI1TISTIC VOL. II. JHPHD Sn 3IIU6tratefc 3ournal of Hrt6 an& 3n&U0trtes * 6ONDUCTED BY S. BING.

Published also in Fifteen Parts, each containing

TENBeing ROYAL Rep roductions QUART of Wo rkO by COLOUREthe best Jap aneseD PLATESArtists. ,

PRICE 2b« BACH. \i ' We ha ve seen nothin g of the kind which is at once so daint y and so oheap ; it iB reasonable to assume that it will ach ieve immediate and considerable popularity . . " Artistic Ja pan ," we think , is a capital publication. '—S atuuda y HmviKW. I * A treasury of quaint designs and prett y colours.' —Pall. Ma ll. Gazette. London : SAMPSON LOW, MABSTON, SEAELE & EIVINGTON, Limited, 1| St. Dunstan's House, Fetter Lane, Fleet Street, E.C. ¦ ¦ • ' ¦ • ' ¦ ¦ ¦ •• . • .' ¦. . ' L >" • ,i- ' . ' -. ; " ¦>• ..-', ;_ ¦¦ ' - ¦ ' ¦$ - ¦ '?'? ¦ ¦ " " ¦»¦ ¦ . . . •> . -, \J -5ST ' . '> r^fi- --:.V v 'f- ; .:. .J-.\: -^ *:; .^. __ . " -t* ^.* if i f: , . ' . . 2* r • . . . . ' ' ¦ : - ' : ' ¦ '-t 'il " /¦ ¦ " . y. ' ' •.' ~ • ¦ - ¦ ¦ " ' ' ' ¦ ¦¦ ' ¦' '' ' * ¦ ¦ " ' " ' ¦ ¦ ' ' ' L ' "" . . . - . : ' . . - ri . . . . ,^ . . * yi^' \, - - ' • ¦• ' ' * -' - • ' "• "^" ' ' ' ''^ -' " ' • ' ¦ ' ' ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ . . l i, Uijlili ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^g*^^^^^^^^ !^^^^^^^ ..

Sept. 2, XS89 The Publishers ' Circular ,06^ A MARVELLOUS SUCCESS.—THE MAPS OF THE FUTURE, THE TEACHING OF GEOG RAP HY GREATLY 8IMPUFIED. SEVEN GOLD AND SILVER MEDALS AWAEDED 1884 to 188 8. ' The ' Excelsior ' School Maps. Adopted thro ughout Gr eat Britain , the United States , and the Coloni es. 30 Maps now ready, each 4 by 5 feet, mounted on cloth, and varnished, with rollers, price 13*. each. Mr. Bacon entered upon th is important undertaking - believin g that it -was possible to produce a set of Large School Ma ps far in advance of any others extant , and determined that , at whatever cost, they should fully justify their title choae Tr^ExoeiSiOTT'^^ BTje '^mSS ^^S ^claixns to have accom plish ed, and that his already famous Excelsior Map s stand wholly without a rival. _ ' A common fault with School Ma ps has been that of overcrowdin g—evidently with th e view of combinin g the com- mercial with the School Ma p. This error Mr. -Bacon has catef ully avoided. The selection of such detail s as are only required for Educat ional purposes affords ample room for that Boldness of both Outline and Letterin g so essential for class teachi ng. Another important feature—and one which gives the remarkable charac ter to these Ma ps—is the ado ptTon ^Sf^our separat e colour printings for the Outline , Names, Town Spots , and Hills. Tne various features thus - stron gly contra stin g wholly unparalleled, Physical produce a clearness and also¦ enable the and Political features to be separately stud ied and without confusion. - - The general verdict of Educational Authorities in favour of the se Maps has surp assed all expectatio n. The special-featur es may be thus briefly summarised :— i No attempt to combine the Commercial with the School Map. Bail ways in Red—Trunk lines only. No details beyond those of Educational requirements. Capitals of Coun tries shown by a red square. Names printed in Black—ver y lar ge and readable. Steamshi p routes in Red—with distances . Town-s pots in Red— large and very conspicuous. Battlefields shown by crossed sword s and date s. Outlines and Rivera in Blue—ver y bold and clear . Timei dials on eacb Meridian line. Hills in light Brown —prom inent and distinct. , * Test Ma ps/ without names , the Red Town-spots specially conspicuous . EXCELSIOR MEMORY MAPS-—' Merit, and will achieve, success.'—Practical Teacher. 60 now ready, \d. each. COMPLETE CATALOGUES AND SPECIMENS P OST-FREE * London : G. W. BACON & CO., Educational Publishers, 127 Strand. • A complete JEncyc lopcecbia and epitome of pretty well all the curre nt knowled" ge in art , science; literature, and biogra" phy, geography, and chronology?—British Mail. . SECOND EDITION, NOW READY. Imperial 32mo. marbled edges, ornamental cloth, 3s. 6d. ; roan, 45. 6d. Xj O "VST 'S POC KET E NCYCLOP EDIA : A COMPENDIUM OF GENERA L KNO WL EDGE FOR READY REFERENCE. Containing: 1,206 columns, upwards of 25,000 References, and numerous Plates . Specialists in many departments of learning Have contributed to this volume* OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. -• The han diest book of reference ever offere d to the ' The neatest , small est , and most "useful En cyclopae dia public'—Cour t Circ ular. we have yet seen/—Spectato r. * Explains almost every known subj ect or object , scien- « The pith of volumes has been packed into a little book tiflo or otherw ise.' —Euro pean Mail. which can be put easily in the pocket.' —Scotsman. ¦ ' Undoub tedly conta ins much more informat ion than (Tn tw DM n«Mo -i «* * « i * * *

and yet thoroughly vecor facts to^be vfcry briefly portabilit y/—Mornin g Advertiser. ^^ J >^ ' It is no hasty compilation , but a comprehensive work ' More , infor mation ' is given tha n in many more pro~ * of referenc e of a ver y solid and useful character/ tentious Encyclopaedias of several volumes/ . * Daily Chro nicle. Sheffield Telegra ph. «A veritable multum in parvo. - . . Its store of facts is «^ littl e information about almost everything/ wonderfu lly graphic and extensive. Its information is well Weekly Dispatch. up to date/—Leeds Merc ur y. «A perfect marvel of condensatio n and arran gement. It * An enormo us mass of information/ "" is not enough to say that we know of noth ing to sur pass Saturda y Review. this miniature Encyclopaedia—we know of nothin g "Which * V«ry correct and trustworth y/—Standard . app roaches it/—Glas gow Herald . The First Edition ofJTen Thousand Copies was exhausted within a few weeks of publication. London : SAMPSON LOW, MARSTON, &EARLE & RIVINGTON, Limited, St. Dunstan's House, Fetter Lane, Fleet Street, E.G. II r Tlie Publishers * Circ ular ^p66> sapt* ^ i£8£

¦ I!I THE* YOUNG: :—:PEOPLE' ooooaowo- 7 S LIBRABt; I1 A HANDSOME PRESENT f FO& I FAM I LI ES, SCHOOLS , OR LIBRARIES. \ : Price dB>9 * ~Os. complete.

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( Hi^^^^^^ ffl^^ Ei i^^^^ Su^Enli ^^^ ffl^^ B^^^^^ R^^^^ M ^^ tfii^^^ Dii^^^ uii^^ Hiu ^^ t^nu ^^^^^ BHiiiHi^^ ^ ' , ^gE ^^ r ^ |^^M ^^ 3CT ^^Hwill - * • - ^ ^P^i^ a ^ ^ B I STA N DAR'D' ' B OO k S F.Q' R r ' " B'O"YS «"^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^WB llH

1 1 ^^^^^^n 11 ¦ ^^^Hi 111 ¦ ^^^^li^^^^^i^^^^Dn^^T ^^^ |I1|i ^^^^H^^W ^^^^^^^n 111 ^^^^^Bi I ll ¦ ^^^^Bfttl 1 ^^^^^niiil^^^^H^i^IV ^^^^^^^^^S ^^l^^lHSI^^^^^Il^afBi ^^^^^¦TbIiv ^IvHM^^^^I^IH^^^^^^^S^II^B ^^^^^^h^^vb ^^^^V^^^V^^^^|V1^i i^^^^^^HVWw ^^^^^^IM ^^m11TI

¦ i • • ^^^^^ H^^^^ KI ^D^^ H^IBI ^^^^^^ HHI ^^^^^Hi^Bl^^ DI^^ BI^^^^ B^^ R^BE^I^^^^^^ B^^ I^HIiil I ' I ^^^^^^^^^^^ K^^^^^^^^ Hii ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ tf ^^ lllll F j ' -r ^l "-i^ !IHni!!i! 'ri! {||»nnMlHHlTHI»H ^

¦ ¦ I? v - > . • This Bookcase , in black ebony pine, French polished , contains 75 volumes fro m SAMPSON 1 Low & Co. 's Juvenile Series , suitable for both boys and girl s, as detailed below, all of which are of the highest literar y merit , and are illustrated in th e most grap hic manner from designs by celebrated Eng lish and foreign artists. The contents of the case are as follows :— One Set ST^JNTD ARD BOOKS FOB , BOYS. By Kingston, Hent y, ") Gr. M. F enn, H. M. Stanle y, and others. Fully Illust rated. Very L 33 Volumes , handsome cloth gilt binding. Crown 8vo. J One Set POPULAR SE RIES FOR GIEL8 . By Miss Alcott , Mrs.\ Whitne y, H. B. Stowe, and others . Cloth gilt. Small crown 8vo. j t% , ANT) 1 One Set AUSTBALIAN TAJLES STORIES. By Maijd\ J . J eanne Franc . Handsome cloth binding. Cloth 8vo. J " I . Total ... 75 Volumes. I Descriptive Illustrated Catalo gue of these Works sent post-free upon application. -

I London : SAMPSON LOW , MAR STON , SEARL E & RIVINGTON , Limited , M St.. Dunstan 's House , Fetter Lane , Fleet Street , $.0. ¦ ¦• " - ¦• 1 . . -

¦ sept. 2, 1889 T\he Publishers* Circular $o6f

¦ ; -—— _ ..„ . .. I Sampson Low, Mars ton , Searle & Rivington, Ltd. ,

^ ¦ ^ —— ^ — ^ _ ^ ¦ /

-« bST 5" "" ¦ t^^SMM , wJ ^ IliiilkliilllIilH li^feOilSiiiiiiitofciiiii! ^^B^fc • ^S ^ t -*$. C^^ w ^ ^^^ H-H ii^BHB ^^ teBB» ^^ «BK ^ ,,<:^jl!i.!iiHii!i8i i^ni ^ . ^^ uy^iisiiae iSn^^^^ BI ^^^^^^^^^ HHVH ^^^^^ HVBB ^^ HI ^^^ HHB- ^^ Si ~sS53iii2"'iyui SHB C^ ^^ K '¦" i= ii : - -^a - r ¦ ¦ -^- ¦ liiii^hg^i^H ^^ feg ^^ Hp p^H ^^^^^^ HH H ^^^^^^^ HH ^^ HHH ^^^^ B^^ B^ _ ,- ^ ¦H >>4.,HKi3.;^ I ¦ -*- ¦ ^^^ J ilil^^ HlL ^^^ H9PSS5K£K ^^ ^^^ HHH E^B3^^^^ ^ RB ^^ IB EBH |^^ H ^w ^- g^^^^^^~ '^¦Huln niS ^^ ^H HIin|HO^i. 'I W^ ^^^^ ^ ^^ K^^i^^^ wB^^^^ B^^ ftB^rwir ^^ B^B^C^^Wi^M^fcj ^^^1 C^J ^yMB^MBHliffiiffJ MB1 I^^ Ki^^^^Hiijjj ^^^ B^I^B B^aa B^^^^^^^^r Bi ^ i^^ 'H^ H^ H^^ I^^^ I^ F^^ S^ S^ S^^ ECSfll ^^^^ HBm ^ B^fiHs , ^^^^ B ^^^^^ L ^^^^^^^^^^ H ^Hi ^F P" ^I^B || ^^^^ ^i^B^V^ | ^^ H ^^^^^^^ fa^H ^Lr ^lH^^^^^ HVBn ^^^ H ^^^^^^ HnBBS Qu^HulfiHiDUBl ^ *V B^Ni 1 .' laRI^^^^^^ a^^^^^^^^^^^ Hni^^ i^HiK H^^ B^H^^^ ^B^^ H^BBE^^^^^^^ W ^^B^^ R^^SMa ^^^^^^^ BESiV 'HHBiHII ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ Hlff^^^ HH ^B^Bl^BI Bail^KB l^^¦^ ¦4 l / ^ ¦1 Qw^^^^^^ b^^^^^ H ^mIB&U ^^ H ^BISS^kIF ^b^^ F^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^+f \ IS'

OH! ^^^^^^^^^^^ H ^^^ M lil^^ B^^^ f^BFl ^H^Hll ^B^HM ^^ H^^^ H^Hri ^l^HlUli^^ l^H ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Hl ^^ lH^^ Hfll ^l^B ^^ ^ ^

¦' ^ ' - ^ ^ ¦ " ...... Messrs . Low & Co.'s New Premises , St. Dunstan 's House, fetter Lane , Fleet St., E.C. Sampson Low, Marston t Gov Ltd. i?£<7 to inform their Correspondents in Austbalia, New Zealand India, and the Col onies, that their New Premises afford greatly increased accommodation f or the supp ly and ship ment of all kinds of Mebchandise, and more especia lly Books, Periodicals, &' Stationery.

CATALO GUES AND TERMS FORWARDED••••••#•••••, ON APPLICA TION, TO BONA-FIDB TRADERS. •••••••••••• * A complete ] rdsum6 of Books specially suited for Colonial ! sale, and a Special List of New Remainders adapted for tlie present season, are now ready, for Export only. • • j it _ ST. DUNSTAN'S HOUSE, FETTER LANE, LONDON, E.C. | ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ i ' . . ' . '• ' it '- - . - v . - v- T- -. i: fJj>yv'jVsJ ' ' ; ~ ' ' ¦ ' " ¦¦ . iil . ' . ! • " . . ' , * - .¦ '' ' ,'?3: ' ' • ^j f , V il1 - . :.; . :. . . * || BI |B—¦ ¦¦ ' ¦ •'• ¦ llllll ¦ B-B- BI IB -lll-—llll- lllillll n H ^ B ^ *** '—" * —' " — * 'l-^ —™-^^" ll"" ™ ^^ -Bu cTs «o6S ^-fce blish f Cii-culaf sej *. ^, ^885 JA CKSON'S SYSTEM OF Vertical or Upright Writing SPECIAL. NOTICE. Tlie Bublisl iers liave much, pleasure in an- nouncing

TJ"DPI^ IC3 - HT .f _tu ZsT ^VC -A-ItTS HH 3. JACKSO N' S NEW STYLE VERTI CAL WRITI NG COPY BOOKS I n rEiglit Books. Pric e Tw o pence each.

ADOPTED BY THE SCHOOL BOARD FOR LONDON. THE ST. DUNSTAN'S SERIES OF - JACKSON 'S NEW STYLE VERTI CAL WRITI NG COPY BOOKS. EIGHT NUMBERS. PRICE ONE PENNY EACH. PROFESSIONAL OPINIONS from Cler gymen, Ins pectors , Mana gers , Teachers , &e. *>I can stron gly recommend Mr. Jackson 's new style of | * There is no doubt It is the best system now in use.' vertical writin g.*—The Lord Pri mates of Ireland. TRttBNEra 's Literar y Record. i * The specimens are of great excellence.' « It Oan be more readil y acq uired than the orthodox Genera l Ga mble , War Office. system/—Thos. Smith , Oapt., H.M . Inspector of Schools , • Especially useful in the Civil Service Examinations , in Admiralty Departm ent, whioh bo many otherwise competentfreqaent can didates fall in t llQ __ *_. . _ „„„,,„ !, j „ h *i£S2.T flTnWK o tvl fl ^ ,*«,. i * SStew ^^^ SS^ a oau* of to SXS^.f SS^LSFS&AST S(Rev.) W. S. Darlb y, Diocesan Ins pector of Schools. ' Needs less supervision than any other style with which ' The natu ral system of writing. ' I am acquainted/—Robert Headlb y, Star Lane B, S., . Rev. B. P. Rob , LL.D. London. THE ONLY COPY BOOKS TEACHING VERTICAL WRITING THAT HAVE BEEN ADOPTED BY THE SCHOOL BOARD FOR LONDON. : t . Londoa : SAMPSON J iOW , M;ARS TON , SEAKLE & RIYINGTON , Limited, II Si. Bunstan 's House , Fetter Lan e, Fleet Street , vp.O. J

* 1 1 ' " — : ¦ ; \ Sept. 2, 1889 The Publi shers ' Circular iodg* | = : : 4 h* 1 Telegra phic Address, ' SPALDING / LONDON. ] [Telephone No. 2530. ' 'I1

SPALDING and HODGE, m! I 145 , 146 , & 147 DEUEY LANE , , 1i i l ?* LONDON , W.C. *+ U5f )olesale $t ationcrs & ITl atttt facf uxexs.

Hold the Lar gest Stock in the World of every description of Papers. I j

,...„„„„ ^ ., „ .,.,,^ ,^ ~~^ ^ ^—^_ ^ A SUPERFINE & FINE PRINTINGS, & SUPER CALENDERED ART NEWS, f PRINTINGS, of every Quality and Price. :



**??? ??«««?«????«???????««??????????? ????????????????????????????????????? «>??? ???????????« SPALDINa & HODGE, j Exp ort Stationers ama" 3Ian ^ifaet%irer8, ' 145, 146, & 147 DRTJUTT LANE , LONDON , W^.O. I * " ' » ' - ¦ ¦ '; ¦ - ¦' • - • •'• " " ' i ^fc> • i .. i - , i i. . ,. .._ . . . .,.. . ' , ...... ,. . . ' , -l: iiV i i i ' uv I

I io7o The Publishers ' Circula r Sept. 2, 1889 ¦ ~ ~ : *-— ¦ _. < I t JOH N DICKINSON & CO. Ltd . MIL LS : CROXLEY, If ASH, APSLEY, HOME PARK, BATCHWORTH. I Fine Print ings and Super Calender ed Pa pers for Newspapers , High-class Ma gazines and Books. Printin gs of all qualities and prices. TJnstretchable Litlio Pa pers . PLATE , "Wo odcut , Ma p, and Drawin g Pa pers . Hand-mad e Printin gs for Repro duction of Old Auth prs, for IBditions de Luxe, &c. WMte and Tinted 'Writin gs, BLOTTZN "G-S, and Cartrid ge Pa pers . Brown and Pac kin g Pa pers. Enamel Pa pers, Cards and Car dboar ds, Envelopes* ITote Pa pers, <&c. 65 OLD BAILEY , LONDON, E.C M R. T.TANNER&Co. SALISBURY SQUARE, FLEET STREET. WHOLESALE AND EXPORT STATIONERS.

PRINTING. HAND and MACHINE-MADE WRITINGS, TIS8UE8, NEW8, and TI NTED and COLOURED PAPER8, 8TRAW, and PLATE PAPER8. CARTRIDGES and B LOTTING8. MILL BOARDS. yy rss v y ry TyTy yTTTT Tyy Ty yyy 'y y *^*r *'^^* r ^^ 'wm^n ' ^ T ^ir T'r yTTTTT ^ T ^ www^wvw^******* SA MPL ES AND PRICES ON A PPLICA TION.

¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦¦¦ ¦ ——¦ 0, " ' — — —- —¦ —¦ ¦ , . . — ¦ ¦¦¦ . ; — — «V TO PROPR IETOR S OF ILLUST RA TED PERIODICAL S, BOOKS , Ac. For Sale.—Electrot ypes of upwards of 150,00Q Wood Engravings. Specimens and Term s upon application to CASSEIil * & COMPANY (Iamite 4), Belle Sauvage Yard , Ludgate Hill, London , E.G. iLa W.B.—Xlxamino tlila Stook before ordering new tmb joot *. sept. *, i8»9 T^he Publishers ' Gitcula * 1071


Jf fe ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ J r ^ J 68 eANNON STREET, JT # <&%f ^conidoist, ~M. ^ ^ *mt* &s ^-JF - ^g-p

flint. # Ss/ Jr vr nn" n5^ 6 (Jlue u (J>ambt0+ TJ?f i^ing, PARIS. M^^^ \ ^J # ^ ffl rajg^ninG. C JF WHATMAN'S PAPERS <# l ( >* ^" ^ KE PT IN STOCK. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ X^y if -m ^^^^ A6ENT8i|«- & j^T*Y IF TTAN GELDER S KJ jf Z&ut ti) -f HanXi»niabe • • ¦ ¦¦ - ¦ ¦ ¦• ' •'- " ¦ ¦ m ¦ =i

j t ' vyixutiia j. -1372i i<*72 'She_Liit? Publiuruiis jtHSJ.shero s Circular •Sept^- oepUrZa., -isso1989 [11881SH E R & ISON Bookbinders ^ gw. TWj S g^E^ji we^Kg, (^HURCH GNTRY, (£ARTE R LANE, E.C. LEIGHTON, SON, & HODOE, telegraphic WHOLESALE BOOKBINDERS , telephone | ADDRESS : number LEIG H ODGE Ko n > 16 KEW-STREET SQUARE, FLEET STREET, E.C. 2737 ' j L., S., & H. beg to intimate to PUBLISHERS, POINTERS, AUTHORS, &c, that they execute in the best style and on the most reasonable terms every description of "Wholesale Bookbindin g, either in Cloth , or Leather. Their Stock of Engraved Brass Dies is most extensive and varied, and their powerful Machinery and Steam-power give them unrivalled advantages in the rapid execution of large orders. ~ - L., S., & H. have a separate Department for Account-Book Binding, and are prepared to under- take every description of work, including the supply of Pa per , Billin g, Printin g, Perforatin g and ! Pa ging of Books for Commercial purposes. { Applications for Estimates will meet with prompt attention .

' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ " ' " ' ' " " ' ' " "" ' — — .--. " " - — ~~' " ' ' — - ¦-— "1 I iN K( ) [N H c\T ^ ( ) ^^^^^^ Sv WHOLESALE BOOKBINDERS, ^^^^^W' ^^^^^^f l85i- 76 Fleet Street , LONDON , 76 Fleet Street . l86a* j i 1 Publishers ooksellers ^ B , and Trade in town and country are herewith inform td that this f irmexecute rapidly, punctually, a«*/ /« ^^ f^1 style all orders for Plain, \ ' ' J 9 1 Elegant and Ornamental Binding ; original designs by good artists. Additional steam power and new machinery enable them to compete successfully with other f irms, in taste, speed, and price. Estimates and samples by return post when practicable. \


Messrs. SAMPSON LOW, MARSTON & CO., Limite d, Have prepared a List of Works from which they are willing to supply selections of Electros. This list they wilt be happy to forward to any bond fide purchaser. Address—St. Dunstan's House, Fetter Lane, Fleet Street, E.C. • ¦ ' - v«- . , . , . ¦ - • ¦>_ ,; . sq>t. - 2,- 1889 Tfye Publishers ' Cir culatr ' 1073 - J OHN GALPINV f ^|cr father atiir Sttt|tflcs alt Station er, T8 FLE ET STREET




SOLLINS MILLS, ZCLA.I R/WIEi lET , LAIsTOAS HIH/E. BOOK PAPERS, FINE PRINTINGS, COLOURED PRINTINGS, N EWS AND FINE NEWS IN SHEETS OR REELS, LONG ELEPHANTS, CARTRIDGES, E. S. WRITINGS; ALSO CHROMO, ENAMEL, SURFACE COLOURED AND GUMMED PAPER, 3TATN U Jb'ACTURERS. Samp les and, JPf ices on, app lication,. London Agent : W. V. BOWATER , 28 Queen Street , Cheapsi de, E.C. LA.DIES' CLUB NOTE . The LADIES' CLUB NOTE. A silken- only Note Paper that has been special ly finished Note Pa per , made specially for made for Ladies , and will be found pecu- Ladies , LAliarl y adapted to their style of handwriting. sssjr 0 £SL sssBjrayi. "8H&tai ned prom all Stationers^- pers 5 op all Statio ners. 9* per 5 Quire 9^- Pa cket. Cour t or Heraldic Envelopes^ to Quire Packet Co urt or Heraldic Enve- lopes to match , 9^. per 100. ; ^aioh , Qd. per 100. THEI GENTLEMAFSpNOTE THE GENTLEMAN' S NOTE. A lugh-class Note Paper for Private and The Not e p of the d for Privat e and Professional Use. Has a special surrace to Profess ional use. suit all pens. THE GENTLE MAN'S NOTE . THE GENTLEMAN'S NOTE . See Waterma rk in each Sheet. , Can be See Watermark in each Sheet. Can be had of all Statiowers. \s. per 5 Quire ~* obtained prom all Statio ners. 1*. Pa cket. Envelopes to per 5 Quire Packet. Court or Heraldic Court or Heraldic * mat ch , 1*. per ICO. Envelopes t;o match , 1*. per 100. ! ' ' ¦ ' ^= ...... ,h» " rr T ' * ¦- ¦ ' V) ~ ^By ***" . ' J!!l' " ' ''* -' ' ' ' ' , ,.. — £ J$ tb74 The Pubtts tos' Circular sept. 2; 1889

¦ ¦ ——* * ' ' ' ¦ ¦¦¦ ¦ * ' ZeTT SmSTElSS O-AlI5/X>S ,

^rinf ers , ^ ubli ^^cr ^, ^oo^cUcrs , &c. I Td*»hont809. I I nTPYPPTff QWT? 3^* »o. ,5 1JM &Ar Jar l ol V JBi &> B. DELLAGAH A & C9. L?. ^ ^ STEREOTYPERS, ELECTROTYPER8, PHOTO-ZINCO106 107ETCHERS SH0E IN RELIE F', t f & LANE» FLEET STREETf E.C, ; LONDON^*t™*t 48 FETTER LANE , HOLBORN, E.G. $ 1 14 8ISH0PSGATE AVENUE, CAMOMILE ST., E.C. MANCHESTER 62 & 62a GREENGATE, SALFORD ; m LIVERPOOL -35 ATHERTON STREET . Lhs bsliab ^ \5r BUT GOOD . 1 WM^ > 3 Amen Coeneb , Paternoster Row, E.C, H. IoqK, ; MARSHALL BROTHERS, ElectrotyperJ^ilv^ and Stereotyper, : WHOLESALE 79 KNIGHTRIDER ST., DOCTORS' COMMONS, E.C. \ booksellers anb Wtthlis^cts. ,' AND 92 BLACKFRIARS ROAD, S.E. \ ^^^^^^^^ k jgk A k k k ^L ^^^^ k ^^^^^ ^^k^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ ^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ No Commission on Miscellaneo ps Ord ers . I

Registered G. W. W. Trade Mark. NEILL & CO, G. W. WILSO N & CO, 2 ST. SWITHIN STREET, ABERDEEN,

"WHOIi ^SALE Establis hed 1749. (fJrinfers anb i^fecfrofu^ers EDINBURGH.

ESTABLISHED 1797. E. MABIiBOROTTGE: & CO. MITCHELL & HUGHES , printers ai (Btnt uloQuni Wiaxhs , SI Old, Bailey, E.C. 14O , ^ARDOUR STREET , zLon ^TDDon ^r , "w\ rCXlttH&Q O 3ST APPLIOATI02ST . Ped igr ees, either in pages or in sheets , prepared for the Trade.

TAYLORPUBLI BROTHERSSHERS OF , ! OHROMO SHEET ALMANACS, AS USED BY GROCERS, Fifty Choice Designs . Samp le Set 5s. allowed off £5 order. OFFICE CALENDARS FOR STATIONERS, &c, ON SUPERFINE ENAMELLED CARDBOARD. Sample Set Is. 6d. post-free. EXAMINATION C ERTIFICATES FOR SCHOOLS. Samples now ready. g$T Chromo Lithographers and Letterpress Printers to the Wholesale Trade. THE ST EAM COLOUR-PRINTING WOR KS, LEEDS. _ tfg k- T^, , . -— in ' - r . 1 i - -. L_.!iL ———— —»»» »»J | g ^ fcT? ^ - "^— * " ^ ^ r * ^ ***** ^T—^""*" ™ "~"—" ^ ^ —" —""*!!*"""""""""""T" ^T^^^——^—-~-^-~—^—^~~-^*"*~*^" —^" Q^r ' ' . ., . ., ,- ¦ .>...-«.....', .„ »¦:...... ^_ 2. ... : _. ....C .. ._...< . .i ... 'Tf. . S .,„ ...... ¦ •» ,, j |£ k " ^^^^^^ l^^ l^^^^^- aHH ^H ^^ HHggBMSnMIHtfMVMAHMIVMHMSMMMMMVIIMMBMVMBHMk ^MiMMiBrfHVHVnMBI ^MBIVVlBMMMflMMMi ^BMB ^IV^^ BiBiVNVMiflVHSflM— ^. ^flMH ^BBMVii ^^ . . * ^^^^^ ¦¦¦ 5, ¦ ¦;¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ 1 ? „— . . .:. ...-=uL ji ^ i. -Jv;-iagjiam p .-i g^-m i-iT - . /¦^•¦ - ¦ : , _- - -- ¦ " * " ' ' " " ^^^ | 1 ' ! V n i n Yl il l " l ' "' ' T I I " ' I i ~' ' I ' ll VT~ " •> " I il II p rinters, Sec. Sfr^ PRINTERS GO- S/s PRINTERS CO'

oO Few-st reet Square <€ New-stree t Squar e Sr v mndoh ^OC!r\ . Se.9v ^ LOKDor * ^QO—

, . . —.. i. - fw] I m «***££? !**. r±t A ft Ldft .2 I Y" 7Td. 'C<5TD _^ CjOGSO tww. — «»«£9a O . . < |O^ ^ . S^^^ !^^ C A8IIIAME* ^* ^C/ <^«a-Nni >^ r^ (S6Lj ^ ^ ! || ^^ 1] ™ »35(*r VTJ7 ^HP^ D " ^SJiK ^ BiElSSfii ^ , wii uJufiltTiu n * : C ?il LiP : © W " =^ ^ Klsa rC ^ (Spt ^ Teuphonb No. 6596. ac^C* GILBERT AND RIVINGT6N, LIMITED , Oriental , (tlassitai , anD General tyxinttrs , ST. JOHN'S HOUSE, CLERKENWELL ROAD , LONDON. SPECIAL FACILITIES JP O » OBIENTAL LANOUAaES- T. & A. CONSTABLE, JES SE SALISBURY, er print ers fo «^ ^ilaicstB, 3Booft6eller t UNIVERSITY PRESS, 11 NEW COURT, FARRINGDON STREET, E.C. English, Foreign , and Colonial Books, Newspapers, and EDINBURGH. Periodicals, supplied by Mail or otherwise to all parts of the World. bo ok ^ ' i^insTTinsr o-. Commissions at Auctions, &c , Faithfully Executed. KEJ TSHVY &c CO., W00DF0RD FAWCETT & CO., anb |J)L efo*pap£r , $$Ln %u$inz, nnb (§ zxttxvil ^xi n tzxB t&»pograj>t)tcal ^ffusic general unit ^pttbliatyers, PBHSTTEBS, DORSET WORKS, SALISBURY SQUARE, 25 CAMDEN ROAD , LONDON , N.W. FLEE T STREET, LONDON , (Telegrams—' Kennico, London/) Printers of ' The Pishixo Gazette,* • Nursing Record/ ' Moonshine,' * Charity Record/ * Christian Treasury/ FIRST-CLASS BOOK & PERIODIC AL WORK. • The Optical, Magic Lantern Journal,/ ' Good Machines up to and including Four-demy Perfecting. Company/ JBp. T^ li phonb 1,708. * 1 ¦ ¦ ¦ • ¦ ¦ ' r : ' _ '\ . , :¦ • ' - ^Wmmmm ^^ ' ! j pj ^ The Pu blisbers Circular s^Rt, 2,: i889 Messrs . HOIxME S & SON", Mr. A. M. 'BTJtEt Q-HBS, # zttmvAimt% VAL UER &, ACCOUNTANT I&ulmx * % 2\> Publishers Booksellers ne TO BOOKSKLIiBBS, BTATIONBBS, PBINTHBS, NEWS' , , Statio rs, Printers,£ c. PAPBR, PKOFBIBTOBS, fee r la PATERNOSTER BOW , 33 PATERNOSTER ROW Is instructed to Sell the following Businesses:— (Late 66a Pate rnoste r Row), , I Are instructe d to sell the following Businesses :— STATIONE RY, PRINTING &c—First- class market town in Lincolnshire. Fine central QTATIONERY, FANCY, and LIBRARY premises. Rent only £65. Returns .£2,500 a year, at ^ BUSINESS, in lovely district on banks of the full profits. .An old-established very safe business, Thames, within 12 miles of London. Established over having large connection. For sale in consequence of half a century. Returns about -€2,000, and increasing. proprietor's ill-health. About JE 1,600 Required. A S » \ \ Long Lease/ Splendid premises. About £1,1100 re- rare chance. \ quired. A very good concern. ' OOOKSEL.L.ING BUSINESS with CIR- PRINTIN G , STATIONERY, * &c—An " JL> CULATING LIBRARY.—In University Town. J- excellent old-established business in prosperous town in Lancashire. Spacious premises,, in \ Death of Proprietor cause of sale. A very well-known advanta- I • concern. The Library receipts are about .£500 a year. geous position. Moderate rent. . Returns exceed Open to every investigation. Premises in leading situa- .£8,000 a year, at good profits. About £3,000 required. r Superior modern plant, large stock, copyrights, &c. i tion. All at valuation. About .£1,800 required. —*..t - PARTNERSHIP.— Half Share Partner STATION ERY , PRINTING,, &c—Fa- wanted in old-established Bookselling and Station- ^ vourite and thriving town in Surrey. -Splendid 1J-ery Business in leading Town, South Coast. Very premises, in best position. 300 feet long. Rent .£250. attractive situation. In same\ands 26 years. .Increas- Long lease. Returns over £6,000 a year, and capable i i°g years necessitate help in the business, which is of increase. About \£2|800 required for everything. f; increasing. Returns about £2,100 at good profits. An exceptionally good opening. f; About £800 for half-share. RY, LIBRARY, and FANCY STATIONERY, BOOKSELLING. STATIONE ^ —Fashionable South Coast town. Double-fronted r BUSINESS.—In splendid neighbourhood, West- corner shop, in main road. Rent £100. Ten rooms i end suburb." In same hands 15 years. Returns about and side entrance. Returns last year .£1,250, in- } £1,300 to £1,400 at good profits. Capital premises. creasing. About £500 required. A b capable ' About £650 required (part may remain). A capital of great extension. Worthy of attention. ; opening. • i THE LEADING BOOKSELLING, STATIONERY, LIBRARY, &c—Main j JL STATIONERY, and FANCY BUSINESS in the ^ London thoroughfare. . Shop and seven rooms, in Ji Island of Malta for sale. Proprietor retiring, having good repair. Rent only £40. Pleasant open locality. ! ; made a fortune. About .£1,500 required. A splendid Returns £6 to £8 a week', capable of much increase. business. To anyone seeking a delightful climate this About £180 required. Suitable for one or two ladies can be strongly recommended. desirous of taking a central position. TX)OKSELLING, STATIONERY, and STATIONERY, FANCY, &c—Pleasant \ -L> PRINTING BUSINESS.—In attractive market ^ town in Essex. Shop and eight rooms. Good \ town. Rent £45 (very low). Excellent shop and verj- repair. Rent £40. Returns £300 a year ; full profi ts. \ good residence. Returns average .£2,312 a year, at About £150 required. A well-selected stock and I verj" good profits. The business has had no personal handsome serviceable fixtures. Business capable of \\ supervision from the principal , and could therefore be increase under good management/ \\ greatl y increased. About £ 1,000 in cash, and balance .; by instalments. 1300KSELLING &c—Central premises, I STATIONERY and PRINTIN G B(JSI- -¦-J in crowded thoroughfare. Rent £80. An old- | | *~J NESS, with Weekly Newspaper attached. About established ' well-known business, carried on by the \{ 70 miles from London. The leading business in Town presen t proprietor since 1854. The net profi ts can be I and District. Circulation of Newspaper fully 2,500 shown to reach ne"arly £400 a year, and by attention }; weekly. Nett profits £250 to £300 a year. A tho- can be increased. The whole is offered for £600. ' roughly genuine concern. Can be strongly recom- Very cheaply. ' mended. £800 to £900 required. T3OOKSELLING, S TATIONERY, and PARTNERSHIP.—The proprietor of a -*J NEWSAGENCY BUSINESS.—In one of the *- . large and important Stationery, Library, Fancy, most aristocratic parts of London. The Business has and Book selling business on the South Coast offers a been in samp hands 40 years. Splendid premises in ex- half share in his business, which has, during the last position. Returns about £3,500 to .£4 ten vears, been largely increasing. About £1,600 ceptional ,000. required. The advertiser knows the business personally, J About £900 required. and can strongly recommend it. l\ DOOKSELLING, STATIONERY, and j I JL> PRINTING BUSINESS.—In excellent seaside ORINTING &c—Market town in Mid- I town ; southern counties. The oldest and best Business * -L Surrey. Fine corner premises. Rent only £50 . in town. Rent £85 ; 2 Shops and 2 Houses. One Returns £1,000 a 3'ea r. Good modern plant. About .house -let at £20 a year. Returns last year £1,380 £600 required. Old-established safe business. Worthy (proof) at high profits. £800 in cash, arid small balance of prompt attention. bv arrangement. STATIONERY, BOOKSELLING, and PARTNERSHIP. — A successful City J- ' ^ NEWS BUSIN ESS.—In leading thoroughfare, 1 Printing business requires about £2,000 further West End. Established some years. Returns average ' capital to fully develop its resources. The profits are ti year. Agencies worth JE55 a year. very large, and can. be greatly increased on a speciality a front £2*500' Good shop. About .£700 required for everything. in great demand. L ull investigation will be freely allowed, and the highest references given. . I 9 • I * Monthly Register ' of over 150 Businesses for Dis- • Monthly Register of Businesses for" Disposal f or- *oMtt forwarded post-free on app lication to Messrs. warded post-freeon app lication to Mr. A. M. Buk«hB8, Holmks & Son, 38 (late 66a) Paternoster Row. E.O. 1a Paternoster Row, London, JS.C. ¦ I i' ' ¦ ¦ . SH ir.v s rnKi.^Z ^ I'.y. . '" '. '.' ." ' '''' ' ' ' ' ' ~"~ pfTj —^^g ^^^^ g ^/^^^^ft/^t^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^¦ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^¦ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^¦ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^ W^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ 1 ^^^ ^^^^^^ • ;. • • . _ - ET ...... " IR! 7 y .The Publishers - Oircular sept. z 1889 ' *bi .— \ . . ,« . n ... >, &\" ¦ . ' : —— _ ; \. '. -** FI1 STE ART ELECTROS. »? MOP S' ELECTROTYPE A GENCY, 1.9 LU DGAT E HILL , LONDON , E.C. T3 have at our disposal 2,000,000 (two millions) of Engravings suitable for illustrating News- papers, Books, Circulars, Magazines, Pamphlets, Children's Papers, &c, &c, and have comprehensive Indexes of Portraits and Views always ready for reference. We shall be glad to receive a call from anyone requiring illustrations of any kind ; and if clients at a distance Will kindly send us a list of subjects they require, together with size limit, a selection of suitable proofs will be at once despatched to them. Cuts found to illustrate MS. or text. One Tear ' s Copyright, or sole use, given uritK all Electros. Electros from 'THE I LLP. LONDON NEWS,' 'GRAPHIC,1 and the principal pape rs of the world. Telegraphic Address : Dbnops, London. Telephone Number, 1880. Branches : PARIS, NEW YORK, MELBOURNE, ONTARIO, & BOMBAY.

AMERICA. QTATIONERS.—Wanted a JUNIOR (in- *3 doors). Stat e fullest details , when dis- WANTED any Books , Pamphlets, or engaged , &c. Any photograp h sen t will be Tracts , prin ted before 1830, relating to returned. —Horace Edwards , Cheltenham . America , Canada , and the United States ; also earl y American printed Book s, and Portraits of anyone connected "with American History. WANTED, an Experienced LIBRARIAN J. H. and A. A8HWO RTH, for a North Country Library , Must be a 49 Land 's Lane , Leeds. competen t person , with indisputable references and character. Unmarried and a Churchman All communications answered. Catalogues solicited. preferred .—Apply, stating age and other particu- lars . Key, c/o Messrs . Simpkin & Co., Stationers ' A BIELEFELD, Court Bookseller, Hall Court , London , E.C. ^ f Karlsruhe , wants all books and plates about Fans and Goldsmith' s Work . BOOKSELLERS ' ASSISTANTS WANTINB BUSINESS FOR SALE. SITUATIONS. TO BE DISPOSED OF, in a Fashionable -*- Health Resort , a High-class BOOKSEL LING , STATIONERY , PRINTING , and FANCY GOODS TO BOOKSELLERS and STATIONERS. BUSINESS, with Library. Fine premises , in —Re-engagement Wanted as FIRST AS- commanding position. Amount required , about SISTANT. Thorou gh knowledge of Books and £2,500.—Apply to B. B., 4 Granville Road , Ilford , Stationery. Ten years ' experience in two first- Essex. class houses. Hi ghest references. —No. 206, Pub- lishers 1 Circular Office. BOOKSELLERS WANTING ASSISTANTS. TO COUNTKY PRINTEHS.—A Young \TEW AND SECONDHAND BOOK Man , well used to country woi;k , desires RE- -^ TRADE. —Wanted an ASSISTANT with ENGAGE MENT. —Address , J. B., 34 Skelbrooke frood pract ical knowled ge of the Business ; also a Stree t , Earlsneld , Lower Tooting, London , S.W. J UNIOR.—Apply to James Faw n & Son , Book- sellers , Bristol. YOUNG MAN , aged 26, Just Dis- A engaged , nine years * first-class experience in MANAGER WANTE D for Good Class the Book , Stationery , and Fancy Departments , -*-"-V Bookselling, Stationery, and Fancy Busi- ness, in fashiona ble requires RE-E NGAGEMENT as an ASSISTANT. Watering-p lace. Mus t be fully , good address. —A ly, J. F., competent in all bran ches. Excellent references pp Good stock keeper , Publishers '1 Circular Office , London. window dresser , and buyer ; also ab le to take and forward printing, engravin g, binding, and die stamping orders (not done on premises}. reAb- stainer prefer red. Pers onal and ^business fe- PBINTERS.—All-round Jobbing Hand rences unexce ptionable. Phot o, with age, salary ¦*.' seeks Permane ncy in a good Offic e. ? Stead y, j (out of doors), and fullest particulars, to Alpha , thoroughly reliable. Highest reference. — Ad- A ¦Publisher *1 Circular Office . dress D., Mrs i fl[urfurt , Printer, Towcester. !| • ¦ •¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ " 'igpf. .. ¦ ¦ ¦ • ¦ . ;..- . - .: : ;i: ...... ; - ; j >% .:> ¦?, . - ¦ vwctsv ¦ \\ ¦ ;j .— . «j . 7?^ r ' ^^ f S f p ! " ' —— ¦ *-»-- -.-— -.---X V -»-. .- . w V . , .... . ^MM.w^ ..i,. ; - - .,. * rt , t . .v. „..- . .,- . -r-._,. -^.- ,*jl.. -«- ,. ^ ^~ «. .^^*w.^^ -^fr^i.Mfc ^-^ .i> ^ij; $«**«** ^ ¦>; ..^ .Jfcft *>« - . r A ^, .*.a-**~**~»- *~.« : t.J% ^>^- ^H ' • -¦>..¦ ¦ .. ..f- 1 ^ ¦ - ¦ ^ 1 ' —iii iir -11' rtri Trii nirirri -l [ , , vTi - - i i ii ii - mii i i- i i i i • rn -| mi ni in n "lin - r - i n n - ) t iiTi Tiii iiiiyi ii i riiii i ' ni VTninirea **«*«i*ia __ rj M , HjMBey .*" — ^ ^——— > ¦ —>> ¦ «« ¦ —« ^ >->_ ^ " ^ l w ai >~" < ai B <>> >>> a n w t *Ma> jB ' S ^ " " ^ * " ^ " ^ r ~ ^ * ^ Th . e Publi sher s' Circu lar Sept.% |«8 ^78 ''* " ¦¦ ¦ ' ¦ • ¦ ¦ 9 ¦'¦ ¦' ¦' <' ' ' ¦! «' 'I ' " 1 1 ~ , p i BOOKS FOR SALE. AdvertUemenis are inserted under this, heading at 3d. per line, prepaid. - ? ! .. . _ . .. . - -' . . . . . ,\ I 'Before sendin g money, ^ : books or Subscribers should satisf y themselves as to the BONA FIDES ! ' . ' of Corres pondents. , ~ *' -

¦ ¦ •«> •• • »_

Baker, J., <£ Son, Clifton i Martin, #., 93 Rue de Fg. St.Honort Paris ^ , Encyclopaedia Britanniaa,'Vols. 1 and 2, 9th edit. 1875 Wilson's Ornithology of America (Philadelphia, 1808-25), ; Punch, 1873 and 1874, in 1 vol. 9 vols. folio, half-morocco, 240 coloured plates, early im- ; pression, £20 Dawson, W., 41 Elderslie Street^ Glasgow ; Berkeley's (Grantley) Life and Recollections, 4 vols. half- Portrait of WashingtonWashinerton., folifolio,o, paintednainted bybv G. Stuart andami : bound, 1865, 17s. engraved by Hearth (1797), large pap er , superb proof, 24.?. | | Irving's (Edw'd.) Collected Writings, 5 vols. cloth, 1864, 25*. Heraldry in Miniatures, containing: all the Arifts and Crests Martingale's Sporting Scenes, 8vo. calf , 1840, 20s. of the Peera of England and Scotland (London, 1788), sewed,seweu. 1ids.6s. Hiscoke & Son, Richmond, Surrey Fielding 's New Peerage of England, Scotland, &c. (London, MacaulayJ.U.CkWCbU.LOr ^y O vOJOoa j O, 3t? vYUlOiols. 8vo.UVU, 1stJ.OU edit.CU1U. 18s.XiJOm 's -Essays^ Murray), 12mo. calf , scarce, 16s. ; Macaulay s Lays 1st edit, prize calf , , '¦ , 18s . Gulliver Revived by Munchausen (London, 1793). 2 vols. ' : ' 2nd edit, uncut, 5s. 12mo. calf antique, 7th edit with 30 engravings, 28s. Rejected Addresses, Jlst edit, uncut, 35s. ^ — ~ My Pocket >Book, or Hints (London, 1808), 3rd edit, curious Carol, 1st edit, clean* copy, 60s. % v frontispiece, 12mo. boards, 8s. Burns' Poems 1st Edinburgh edit, wants title, 21s. vols. in ^ , Somerville's Poetical Works (1780), Bell's ^dit. 2 1, . Smolieit*s Travels, 2 vols. 1st edit half-calf , 9s. l#tl JL lfimJL * ' MEM o.\J f calfV^C«V& L antique^ M 1 J «A^^*, illustratedA Jk A i4O VA V^* W%^«4i^*, 15fX^ A r.JL # _ , Lucille, 1st edit, morocco, title mended, 10.?. 6d. Addison and West's Poetical Works (1778), Bell's edit/l vol. i Meredith's Wanderer, 1st edit, half-calf , 35s. ; 16mo. calf antique, illustra ted , 15f r. Rogers' Poems, 1834. morocco, good copy, 50s. . Gibbon's History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Jesse's En-gland tinder the Stuarts, 4 vols. 8vo. half-calf, 70s. "Empire (London; 1797), 12 vols. '8vo. calf antique, por- Talfourd's Letters of Lamb, 2 vols. 1837, half-morocco, 17s. trait, 35s. Martin, O., 93 Rue de Fg. St. Honori , Paris Byron's Works in English (Baudry, 1832), 4 vols. 8vo. plain Shakspeare, The Plays (London, 1793) , 15 vols. 8vo. illus- calf , stamped. 15s. x_/ a_r |_r (y^v fc W& Ml yvUAAVJ * ^/dW » *«% i_* »-*^ rf **. AA>^ y A -*.V> 6 vols. 12mo. calf antique. trations, calf*- antiqueA^ ^ ^, fine copy, £3.'-^ • 4s.• Pope's Works (Edinburgh, 1764^), Bonaparte's (Lucien ) Oimithology. Supplement, Vol. 1, folio, with crests and engravings^ 20s. half-morocco, first impression, 36s. At, cheapest rate - • ' W. GLAISHER'S

NEW GENERAL Is CATALOGUEnow rekdy, and can beOF had onRE appMAINDERSlication. FOR 1889 IT CONTAINS MANY IMPOR TANT BOOKS, OFFERED AT A GREA T RED UCTION IN PRICE BY WILLIAM GLAISHER , Wholesale and Export Bookseller , 265 High Holborn Londo n.

BOOKS WANTED TO PURCHA SE/ Note.—It must he distinctly Mnderstood that lists cannot be inserted for others than subscribers%n except at a charge of 6d. per line prepaid. Books in Print are not Advertised f ov^but must appear the ordinary Column Advertisements, and at the same rate.

.Amer, R., Lincoln ' s Inn Gate, Carey Street , London, W.C. Bain, J., 1 Haymarhet, London* S.W . Long's Popular Guide to Taxes. Published at Is. 6d. Prendergast's Cromwellian Settlements. 2nd edit. Bedell's (Bp.) Life and Episcopate, by Clogy, 12mo, 1862 Anderson A Son, Dumfries Wirt's Life and Character of Patrick Henry. 1818 (Philadel.) Hawkins' (Susannah) Poems (Dumfries) Moore's Diary of American Revolution, 2 v. 8vo. 1860 (N. V.) J^W«AU *J AlJlM4AVf4.UIA. ,a.. >.tj %tm « 4JI&VNJ>A Vte# UUVU4 .Li Tfc V7 Bolle's Financial-*. Hist,* of-#*. United^—f States,* 1774-89.t 4/ ¦ 1879.J. Wf 1/ (N.1 •* .' * Y.)•*- */ 64 Sadd ler Street, Durham Wesley's Journals, 4 vols. 8vo. or oth Co., m er good edit. Andrews_ A Burke» ^ . '_ s Peerage^««^^ and«* Baronetage.^m ^ ¦ 1888h ^^ ^-^ ^^h or 1867^a ^^ ^^ ^^^ Sinclair's History of the Revenue of British Empire, 3 v. 1 £03 Landed Gentry, 2 vols. 1883 Carey-s Principles of Political Economy. 1837 Littlebury's Herodotus, 2 vols. Ashuorth, J. H. & A., 49 Lands Lane , Leeds Branson , Mr., 61 Hanover Street, Sheffield - iUlUl^WO TT C»A A*-* XXJUUV.1.AUU> J » UIOi UA T UiO. A 44 T( - Andrews' War in Amerioa,9 4 vols. or Vols. 1,y 2,f 4 , Couch's British Fishes, blue cloth. 1st edit. Vols. 3, 4 €oryat's Crudi ties 8 vols. or Vol. 1 Swan 's Lakes of Scotland. Page 157 to 160 Ney s (Marshal) Memoirs. 2 vols. or Vol. 2 aj\^a ' Fs- v^ TV V#> V ^Mk^jt ¦^- /v^ Lkt-rAV/p. w Jk ,y , Strickland's Queens of Scotland. Vol. 7 3 vols. 17.68, 6r Vols. 1 3 Ingram's Memorials of Oxford, 4to. Vbls. 8 Eliot's (George) Adam Bede, 3 vols. or Vols. 1, 3 Rogers' Italy. 1830. Title-page & Co. (Limited), Bradford Baker, jEL Bookseller, 15 tt & Sorp, 44 f ore Street, Taunton ¦ Cassell's Shakspeare. . 1864^68. Parts 1, 11 , 12, 50 Brotherlon , O., 36 Hart Street, Burnley ' J Beuche's Practice of Medicine . \ " JBlacktbood,- W., & Sonst ?7 Paternoster Row, Lohdony E.G. Sowerby and Johnson's Wild Flowers. Coloured plates • - life .atfd Death of King James the First \ of Scotland, Vicar of Wakefleld, illustrated by the Etching Ojlub' edited, lor the Maltland ¦ Olub by Mr. Joseph Stevenson in u_ liiastoratea oy.Jtcawiaaaqonf < wm* U 1837, oi: 1857 ' ' ' ' • « Allord and HigRins* Embroidery . . AJ 1 ll i ri ir ilfr • r -1 • ¦•• r v ' ' " " ' ' " ' »> ''' ' . liPl i t ¦ *wm4w * -^.. w ^^ 4^W^>ra- ; *p^SB3Si• »w^^ -^-,^^ -^p ^^ T-~ ' ^. "" ^ ^ :rr =r ;r ^Sw^^-^ i^rrr ^^ ^^ »^- » . ' ' ' ' ; ' *W sept. V 1889 \ 'The PHibl iifi^s' eirctilar . ,.. f|5y | 41 • •¦• ^ ¦¦ ¦¦ ^ 1 ^ 1 ^ ¦ ¦ ^ BB ^^ ^ —^^^—^^ - ¦¦ ^—^»^^^^^^^^^^—^^ —— . H ^ » ^™^^^ «—^—^ "- n™^ ^ M ^—^^^ W»iB ^^ ».» ^ »—*-^^^^^^^^^. ^ ¦. ^^^^^^^^ ¦ ^ ¦ ¦ ^ ¦• ¦ ^^^^^ ¦ ^^^ iB^ ^^ i ^ B^B^^^^^^^^^— ^ ? ^ ^

BOOKS WAITED TO PtJRG HASE— crfwwi. S ¦ < t __: : \ Brotcrij A. TF.,15 Bristo Place, Edinburgh • Cornish Brothers , 37 NewStreet , Birmingham I Gentleman's Magazine from 1777 to 1781 ' \ Newman's (Dr.) Pamphlet and Kings^ey's Reply . p™» ¦ .p ¦ ^^ p v« -^v mw Edinbu^^^ m *p^p-»»^ ^p rg^» y^ h.^*^ » Courant-^^ <^p- ^*^*^ m ^h* ^p- Newsp^^ « v v x ^*^ w^aper;^^ m 9^ ^p^ .^ w 1777*.¦» v w v to^^ r 1781.^b v ^^ ^b Cossa's Guide to the Study of Political Economy \ . ¦ ' Pennington's (J.) Works . Mazzini's Works, Vol. 5 (Smith <& Elder) ' ; Penn'sA (W,) No Cross No Cro;wii ; Coulston, W., Bookseller, Burnley * - Brown; T., ifc ^., 9 Ray Street, Farringdon Road, London, E.C. \ Britton's Domestic Architecture, 11th to 17th CeAturies ' I Moberly's Bampton Lectures^ Ecclesiastical Architecture | Mozley. Essays, 2 ^vols. Galton on Heredity I Oxford Lent Sermons. 1868 - .' Knight's Old England ' .' 1 p-^pp p« ^ » ¦ ^ -™ h ^^ ™ ¦ "^ ^^^^^^ » —i ^™^^ ^f— " ^^m-^^m^^^~ w t w ^^ ^B^r ^p ^ - Paulists' Sermons. Any^ vols. i Hudson's (Professor) Debt and Grac& * | Simeon's Works, 21 vols. . Clarke's (Adam) Commentary 1 us " 1 Bump , T. B., 2 George Yard, Lombard Street, London* E.C. Dale.Dale, J.,J.. & Co..Co., Booksellers.Booksellers, BradfordBradf ord ' | I ^ r \ .w Stock Exchange Year Book for 18b $> _ I Cloister life of Charles V., Dryden. Aldine edit." "Vols. 4, 5 - Davies, J., Bath I "¦»- -™ " ^-^ ^ —' "^ ^^^ ^ ^^ ^—^^ p^ »^» ™ ^ at ¦ V ^^rvwn U — ¦ ^ p*^V V ^^-.^h^^^ w V Ap^ p : J»^ ^^ " ^ X! Large ^ Landscape Annual. ^^ paper. Any vols. . Jameson's Italian Painters ' | Pickwick Papers. Any parts Girl's Own Paper. Vol.. 1 I English Historical Review. A set ' Brassey's Naval Annual. Vol. 2 Burgis & Colbourne, Leamington Spa Busch's (Wilhelm) Bushel of Merry Thoughts . Day, J., & Son, 16 Mount Street, W. ik_ %rf ¦- » Gibbon^ . rfi ^h W^ «%^ ^^ ^b^k 'slh.V Gospel^ _f l ^^ «^ K^ ^^ A* of^ J the^^ ^J Fatherland%>V IV " ^ ^> ^^ J li rU " ~ ^a f^ Greville Journals, 8vo* 1st Series. Vol. 1 Disciple's. Prayer . . Boyd's Crown Ward Cadman, M., Bookseller, 13 Holly Street, Sheffield ' Cardinal . .. . Countries of the World. JPart 18. 2*. (Cassell) Aide's ( Hamilton) Rita Wright 's Poultry. Last three parts. 6dL The Cadeau Christmas or Birthday Present. 1832 . Deakirv, H., 42 Green Gate Street, Stafford Chambers' Journal. Last two years ComicKJ\Jl-LA±Ks EnglandJJJ1-L Q± <*J-±\A,) cloth.VsllTlMtX * 1847J.UT .• Vol.V VX» 1J- Parts 19, 20 ' / Carson Brothers, 7 Graf ton Street, Dublin Vanity Fair. Any parts

( , ~ Petit's V.) Illustrations of Old Castles of France, in French ^fc ^^ ^fc^fc w w ^» ^^ ^ ^ V ^^^^ m w y ^ f ¦ ¦ ¦ ^ -^^ Pickwick. Any^ parts • ¦ * ¦ ^r ft . Year Book of Treatment, 1887 (Ca§sell) Lever. Any odd1 partsi Weaver's Lectures on Mental Science Cruikshank. Any odd parts ' Ortelin's Map of Ancient Ireland Taylor and Skinner's Maps of the Roads of Ireland. 1778 Dent, W. % 34 Southampton Road, Kentish Town, London, N.W. Patty's ( Sir W.) Maps of the Down Survey. 1665. Perfect DanieU's Large Coloured India. Part 2, No. 15; Part 3, or imperfec t No. 7 r Part 4, No. 6 .

~i r w i ^k^^ ^k^1 ^f ~h^ ¦ ¦ ^ h ^^^ r ^ h^ .^^ Kelly^^ ki-4 * ^ h ^ 's¦^ p' Directory.^p ^ ^^ ^^ v Gloucester— ^^ ^^ ^>^ ^«^ vv ^^^ ^k> ,b Hereford^a..^^b> n ^«^ «^ ^^ ^fc ^^^ ,w WorcesterTV ^^^ ^ b ^^ w ^tF^^K Cassell & Co. ( Limited'), Ludgate Hill% London, E.C. Strange's Light of Prophecy, and Sequel Wonderland^ of Woric Great Industries. Vol. 1, 2, 3 Diack, W., 56 Schoolhill, Aberdeen ( Brodrick's Reform of the English Land System Bacon's Plays WhvWhy I am a Liberal Boswell's Johnson, 10 vols. Dante's Inferno, a vols. 1787. Vol. 3 (Paris)

¦¦ ¦¦ Tr ¦ r Hi » ¦ ¦« ¦ ~ ~ 1 m i » p CJiapman , J. C, Bookseller, 36 Coney Street, York Flim" &^*4 « Flamsi ^^ , 3^^ v.V 1806^^ ^ k^ V*-* ^^ .V Vol.v ^k^ 2*^ ,« or^- p^ ^k. ^ Front.^^ ^b> v ^ ^p 0 , Title^ i ^ v^ ^b^ ,m andfc< ^ ^ ^--^ Cont^ i^ p ^^ r ^^^ V ents^fci ~ Wl ^ ^kBNtf fH^ Cassell's Family Magazine. Dec. 1885 Read's Cabinet of Irish Wit. Parts 1-7, or Vols. 1, 2 j Pompeii, 2 vols. Vol. 1 (Lib. of Entertaining Knowledge) Clark, J., 16 & 17 Cumberland Street, Devonport Quiver. Dec. 1883 Dodgson, J., Bookseller, 35 Park Roto, Leeds

-^ p. . ^^ h^P" ^^ ^^ ^^^ ^ "^ ^ ^^ ^.P^ ^^^ ^*^ -^^ ^-^^^^^—^ ^ ^^ — — » w^^ .^ -^r ^^ ^ k ^ ^^ Bridge s Poems. 1873 (Pickering)^U ^ - -• '— ' fm ' Combridge

«p^#>^ ^ ¦bi ^ p^* 11 1 .» w w ^^^^^ *¦ H p^ ^*^ W*^ Mr^ ^^ ^^ Macmillan. Ditto Library. Large^ ^ ^ paper Punch. Ditto Books and Bookmen. Large paper Bottiger's Sabina, translated into English Mark of Cain. Large paper Fraser 's Magazine. Nov. and Dec. Io70 Letters to Dead Authors. Large paper Aucassin and Nicolete. Large paper Combridge C, 5 New Street, Birmingham Euterpe. Large paper

^ ¦ ¦ ^ i^ W ~ .1 ¦ ^ h ^ Pulpit Commentary. Any vols. Perrault'^V « ^.T ^^ ^^ VPV .- ¦ t^ ^V s*^^ Popular^^.— ^^ W ¦¦ B ^ ¦ ¦ ^p« Fairy^^ ™ ^ ^^ ¦ Tales.^^p^ H ^ ^pT ^ t^ ^ Large^^^^^ .¦ ¦'p^ H^fc pape^IpFtfr ^ iH ; ¦» Clericali ^ii ^ Librart*i y. Sets.. _ * or odd_ "ii vols._i (H./TT &O— S.)

Alford's Greek Testament, cloth. Vol. 3 Proverbsr^^ .^ ^>^P V ^H^ 0t* f* ^.^ in^^ «.^P^ Porcelaiu^^i^V ^^^ ^.B ^k^ ^^P ^- ^~ ^ ^« ^P.^^ I^ H Pulmau's Book of the Axe, roy. 8vo. Stevenson's Edinburgh. Lttrge paper | Ho well's Conflict of Capital and Labour. 1878 (Chatto) Haines' Monumental Brasses, 8vo. Douglas tk Foulis, 0 Castle Street, Edinburgh I Rendall's Hulsean Lecture on Emperor Julian Kirk's (J. F.) Charles the Bold, 3 vols. 1863 I Forest Sketches, 8vo. 1865 - I

^ p* ^^ *t •» ¦» »^ »^^^ >^^ ^p^ **» ¦¦ ¦» ¦» »' Cornish, J., & Sorts, Booksellers, 297 High Holbor n, London Hamerton,^L^k ¦ ^ ¦* ^^ ^ ^v/ a^t 's Painter's Camp ' rp| Shipley's (Orby) Ritual of the Altar Kaye's Sepoy War, 8vo. Vols. 1, 2 i Annual Dahlia Register. 1836 Lee's (Dr. Robert) Life and Remains, 2 vols. 1869 I Thirlwall's Gr*eece. Vol. 8 (Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia) Mackintosh's History of England, 10 vols. (Lardner) E West on Veracity (Longmans) Moore's History of Ireland, 4 vols. (Lardner's Cyclopaedia) I Harry Lorrequer. 1st edit. Russel's (Alex.) Salmon. 1864 f Magazine of Art. Part for Nov. 1880 Shirley's Nugee Oriticee. 1862 k Thompson 's Day Dreams of a Schoolmaster Cornish, J. E 83 Piccadilly *Man chester Scott'e Tales^ of the CCrusades,rusades, bboards.oards. 1825.820. Vol. 4 Drayton, S.,

« ¦ w m v« ^f T^^J " ^kp v ^b %f J l !¦ ^.p * p« ^k. ^ ^ k ^ «^ ^^ ^^ p^ ^ ww ^r B ^^ rf ^^ the Faeroe Islands ' Birds of ^ p^a ¦ Fleming's Practical Horsekeeper ~- ¦> ^—~ — >k * ^b Fergusson's History of Architecture. Vol. 4 Gray's Birds of the We3t of Scotland Bunsen's (Baron) Life, 2 vols. 8vo. Holmes' Wit and Humour. 1866 (Hotten) Blunt's History of the Reformation Carroll's Hunting of the Snark Ceesar Borgia , Cornish, J. E.f 16 St. Ann' s Square Manchester fl»-nl/\ni 1n l OUr.-1-nVmn nv\ /1 Qt-.l'i rl 't *\\\ T+Cll\r Symonds' Sketches and Studies<*

Publishers ' CSrcular ioso 33i£ ~~Sept. ^8, i^ ' ~~ ' : it : ; ¦ . ^ • j BOOKS WANTED TO PTJRCKASE-f Continwed.

i Eland, H. 8., 236 High Street, Exeter Hagyard, J., 31 St. NicholasStreet ^ Scarborough - 1I liflifee of the Rev. Andrew CantCant,, of Aberdeen. 1640 Bayld__L_Pcaij r Ji\__.vrxjLon onvtj ljl Tillagesj - a*«c»^^>*j ( ' ' >. ' 1 Aquinas' (Thomas) Venerable Sacrament of the Altar _ Burke*-s Landed Gentry . 1 Reid's (Dr. Thos.) Works, edited by Sir W. Hamilton, 2 vote, J. Vjf ThA UMVAVXackerayCI f 's0 (Mis^ ilUUWs) y FiveA » ^W OldV*U FriendsJ-» A. tVA *\*O ,| &c.WV« Harvey , F., 4 >8tf. James 's Street London, S. W.- The TatlerTatler., a DailDailyv Journal^ of Literature and the Stage. I Elliot, A., 17 Princes Street, Edinbur gh -i831-32. Nos. 258 to 284, 286, 287, 289 to 300, 365, 378 to ] Mpnteitb's Lays of Kirk and Covenant MHb BM B> A ^B^ m A » A ^BP-BI ^V ^ ^^ Makers^^^^^^^^^B^B B^ B^ ^BFBB> B^B^ of^B ^ ^Bk Florence.B^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^ ^B* ^^^^™ ^^^ ^^^ W 1st^^*^ ~^B" ^^ ed^^^ ^ ¦ t.^^ ^r Ham erton 's Portfolio. 1880; 1888. Parts preferred I Makers of Venice. 1st edit. Pope 's Works. Vols. 2, 4 (Nat. Illustrated Library)

m m Tnr ^___ i^ am idk Johnson^^ W\ 's>^ Livesv ^^^^ of^^ ^ the^' k ^ ^^ Po^^ ^^^^ets. «r^^ v Vols.v i ^ 2,A 4^ b (Nat.% «^^ «^v «^v Ulust.^—^^ v%^^^ w Lib.)^_^_ i^^ p # 1 Fletcher ^Vfl V F^B^' ^*^ ^B^ ^^w^^r^» ^^B^^ -^» ^^.^B^V , 1 Rae's Contemp^^B" B^^ orary Socialism a Onesimus, Memoirs of Disciple of St. Paul (Macmillan) VoL 13, or Nos. 93-100 1 Adams-Reilly's Map of the Chain of Mont Blanc j_ v v^laaav ~ ¦ ¦ >» a__k Ajk*&/v ~ -~ ~^T-~m " ¦~~ _iti I Freestone & Knapp, 4 The Poultry, Nottingham BonneyJ 's*•* High Alps of^^ *. Dauphin^ e. " J Stevenson's (R. L.) Silverado Squatter, cloth Gilbert and Churchill's Dolomite Mountains

B** W^B,M ¦¦¦ ¦¦¦ bb— ~ —-^B^y 1 » - » B>^Bp ^r %%VVV%V w - —»-B- . ¦¦ — »» -^ » ^ b« ^ ' 1 Morley^^ ^b — 's (John)^B ^b b»b>b>^ » Rousseau, Gl^b A ^ obe^^ r ^^ ^b* 8vo.•**.* » ^^ V Vol.^B 2B^ (Macmillan)• _^Tj ^ ^^^ - \T Hinchliff's Summer Months in the Alps ¦»» ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦» ¦ _ ¦ _b j f Reville's History of the Dogma of the Deity of Jesus Christ M¦ i m oorei^ ^ - '«. ^rf (A._k^k.« W.)x * m- j His_- Journ^ - -"» ^ m —¦»^'^^^al of^* 1861.^b ^^ « w P^b* rivately^ ^ « «^ ^•^' ¦ —T printedf** ™ ™* «#^*^ fc Whymper's Scrambles among the Alps . <.. I Friend, D. B., 77 Western Road , Brighton I Fisk's literal Fulfilment of Prophecy 4 M.C.C. Cricket Scores and Biographies Higham, C, 27a Farrin gdon Street, London, E.C, ^t to. t otton's (Bishop) Sermons on the Epistles . 1864. VoL 1 * Prayer Book, with Marginal References. 1840 (S.P.C.K.) 9 Fock, G., Bookseller, Leipzig Caryl on Job, small 4to. Chapters 30, 31 4 Catalogues of Astronomical and Mathemat. Books. 3 copies Hodge on the Confession of Faith ' ' 90 1 Gilbert, H. M., Ye Olde Boke Shoppe , 26 Above Bar , Southampton Pulpit. Vols. 78, 81-83, 86-88, I Greville Memoirs, 8 vols. 8vo. cloth 1 I Sowerby's Botany, 12 vols. 8vo. 1832 &c. Hindley, " C , 41 Booksellers Row, Strand , London , W.C. 9 Johnny Ludlow.• ' 3rd Series, 3 vols. 1st edit. J Qlaisher , H.t 95 Strand , London , W.C. Herbert's Livery Companies. 1837. Vol. 2 J Sterling's Secret of Hegel Selous' Hunter's Wanderings 9 Visitation of Oxford (Harleian Society) I Fergusson's Architecture. Vol. 4, Modern Hirschf eld Bros:, Bream ' s Buildings, Fetter La ne, London , E.C- I ' Any Books on French and German Architecture of Twelfth Expositor, edited by Nicoll. Series 1, 2 I to Seventeenth Century Byron 's Works, edited by Moore, 17 vols. Rawlinson's Cuneiform Inscriptions of Western Asia. 1861 I Grant , C. J., 2 Acre Square , Park Road , Clapham, London t S.W. a Hodge and his Master to 1864 3 ILondon Post Office Directory. 1888 Layard's Early Adventure3 in Persia. 1887 Hawnsley's Village Sermons Wallace's -Island Life | | ^^^ p ^pi ^^^ B Geographical^^^1 ^^^T ^^^ V^M ^b ^i'^r H^^ ^^^ B ^h ^.^ ^^^^ ^ ^ Distribu^^ B^r ^^^^^ v^^^ h ^^ v*^^ tion^^ *^^ ^.^ ^^ i^^ of^i^ ^^. Animals^i^v ^^^. ^^ i^^ i.^^. ^^-^^ ^^m- ^^ ,^m 2^^^ b vols.v ^.^ 0^*^^ ^v I Booksellers' Catalogues as issued Sedgwick's (C.) Elementary Textbook of Zoology, 2 vols« I Macleay's Highlanders Rink's, Tales and Traditions of the Eskimo. 1877 British Association Report. 1882 I Grant , J., 25 *fc 34 George~W IV. Bridge, Edinburgh 1 l PhomKoi-o ' _Trx«f ^r»c« l r\\a -f/-.» 1Q Fl/t •»- /-» 1Q R. Wt IQfi^l •»¦/-» 1 QCD Sadleir's Aborigines of Australia 1 Chambers' Journal. Vols. for 1854 to 1858, 1863 to 1868, s Cyprus 9 1883-85 , 1887, 1888 Cesnola' I Couch's Fishes. Vol. 3 Hull on the Geological Age of North Atlantic Ocean. 1885 1 Trotter's (Robert) Derwentwater. 1825 (Edinburgh) Me Master 's Notes on Jerdou 's Mammals of India. Cir. 1870 a Hyjnns of Faith and Hope. 1st Series. 5*. edit. -m » >vwa. __» 9 jljv_iv« , Surrey | | I-aVater*~ ~*m *4- 's Essays.^~§K**Ji *ijra Edit, of\s+- 1789.-*¦ • w * Any-_^JLJLj jf volsT v/jlo *. Hiscoke

H ^ _. -~_r ^— ¦ T Jfc 1 ^ __rf._^ I De Amicis^^ ^_ —————fc ^_ ' Morocco^^ ^ ^^^^ ^_ * ^^ Memoirs of Richard Baxter I Hore's Eighteen Centuries of Church History Calamy's History of the Nonconformists a Hansel's Letters, Lect ures , and Reviews Abbot's Concordance to Pope Meredith's (George) Poems. 1851 (Parker) I Gregory, G., 5 Argyle Street, Bath Geikie's Palestine, 2 vols. V- ¦ ¦ r*.» «« J Bacon's (Roger) Works. Any 1st edits LucasJmI IA V/**f ' German\-A WA U4MU Dictionary..*-^ ^ ^^ W* *^ »«»* ^J • Vol.V 2 1 Advancement of Learning. 1640 Symonds* Greek Poets. 1st Series | | Works. Aiiy 1st edits. Macdonnell's Donellan Lectures J Gentleman's Magazine. Vol. 98, or any vols. early in this Hare's (Augustus) Sermons to a Country Congregation i century Burke's Peerage. 18b7 and 1888 ; Macaulay's History of England, cr. 8vo. Vol. 8 Temple Bar. A set I The Mouth. Jan. 188 1, or vol. Cornhill Magazine. A set ( Grose , W., 37 Leicester Square , London, W.C. Howell, E., 26 Ch urch Street, Liverpool I Vauxhall Affray, or Macaronies Defeated. 1773 Browning's Red Oottoji Nightcap Country - . | | k Pi^nne¦ 's¦ (W.) Histrio Mastix, the Player's Scourge. 1633 Inn Albuni 3 His Defence of Stage Plays. 1649 or 1822 Dramatic Idylls. Vol. 2 I Baker's (Sir R.) Theatrum Redivivum. 1682 Lewin's St. Paul, 2 vols. > — - k ^^ ^^ ^^ ^f^ ^^

^p«_v ^ _h — «__ v j1m Quin^ ^ ^^^ 's*^* (James)^l ^- ^ w ¦ ««. « ^.v^^v m Life.i^ v 1766-^ ^^ Landscape Annual, cr. 8vo. 1835-39 fl Riccoboni's (Louis) History of the Stage. 1754 Hunt , W., 7 Briggs Street, Market Place, Norwich j Hachette & Co., 18 _T//i(7 William Street , Charin g Cross, W.C. Harrod's Gleanings of Castles and Convents in Norfolk ll Adams-Reilly's Map of Mont Blanc. About 1870 Norfolk Rood Screens, 3 folios L Estrange's Church Bells of Norfolk fl Hamilton , Adams & Co.y 32 Paternoster Rom, London E.C. Moore 's Suffolk Words 0 Student and Intellectual Observer. Vol. 3 ^ Green 's Bacton U Harding, G., 6 Hyde Street, New Oxf ord Street , London, W.C. ZfwW , Z5*. H., 10 ClemenTs Tan Passa ge Strand , Londo n, W.C. . > aB HistorvHistory of Ent?landEngland, in a Series of Letters from a Nobleman Fane 's From Dawn to Noon ^ I to his Son, 12mo. 1764. Vol. 2, or complete Denzll Place I Carmelite Missal Trollope's Kellys and O'Kellys. 1848 1 Carmelite Breviary Beltonv ^ ^^ r mm v ^^ r ^am Estate.^ ¦¦w ^ib' wf ^ b ^b- ^b^ bj 1S66v^b ^v -w ^b*

____ 1 _K H_tf^_f ____h 1874 JEEall' __M^__ Harr y Heathcote. fl _ _| . tf^_V s Select< _ J _ ._ Observations. __ _. on English_i __.^ Bodies. 1657 __l _> _ ,., - . . 1 JLayngXCM.) nod, a Poem, in Three Cantos, 4to. 1704 (Oxford) English Spy. VoL 2 , ^ i - 1 sept: *k to»* ^^ W.¦ « p Mapes^^^^ -^-^ Moor's Hindu Pantheon ; ReUqudi Antiqua Rushton's Grammatical Rules —r— Early Mysteries Lindley's Jurisprudence • , '•• - ¦ . -***—-— Apocryphal 'Acts of the Apostles ^ — Essay on the Legends of Purgatory Kramers, H. A dc Son, Booksellers, Rotterdam Yule's Marco Polo, 2 vols. LJ Babyhood, ^v ols. 1, 2, or separate parts Yule and Burn eU/s.Glo3sary of Anglo-India n Word s |f - - *• .¦ ¦¦¦ ¦ '^ > ...... ' —-- ¦ """ "" * " "' " r.:-—:, -¦ W* * ' ' ' " ¦. ' ^^f&^-^W 1082 The-Publishers' - Circular Sept. 2, 1S80 If

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Low, Marston, Searle & Rivinglon, Limited (Foreign Dept.) , Morris, J. B.% Eastbourne St. Dunstaitfs House Fetter Lane, London, , ^V^ Vanity Fair. Vol. 9 ' ^M^^h A W^K ^B A A m ^A E.C^n * Fergusson's Essays on BM^^^ reeding Poultry. 1853^^ ^^K 1884 , No. 829 ; 1885, No. 880, and Winter No. Davy's Philosophical Chemistry r Trowbridge's Jack Hazard (Low) Nutt.Nutt D..., 270 Strand.Strand London.London, W.C. *-^j ¦ AA^# , Z> , DaviesA/W T JV ^^ W * Mechanis>i " * r "1 ~ " - » - m----^ ofx^ A the%* Circulation-%_ ^ A A. v *4t.A«« WA-«_r ff AW (\ Sir»fc^ A T.)-A. • J Conventionsv^ *~r M^m. » ^_/ a^ aa ^»t forA. «^ A. Neutralisation.A. ^> * ab ^v-b? aa ofv^ A. Terri.A. wa, a. a toryW^-* A, V PhiHipson & Oolder, Booksellers, Eastgale Row, Chester Miiller's Observatione3 Anatomicee de Vermibus quibusdam SalmonOiUUiUll 's3 Introduction±li blUUU(J LilUU to\i\J theU1J.O StudyOI/ UUJ ofUl theUUC Newi1CV» TesJ. O3 tament.UaiUCU l/« i Maritimis. 1882 (London) 1st edit. • ^ Huxley qn Hermaphrodite and Fissiparons Amoeba. IS85*~ Ladye Shakerlye. 6s. (Hurst & B.) L&M>AAV AAV ¦ • SikesF*-J 4, AA.*^*n? ' (0.\ r> W.)* ¦ • J Letter*» W\^4i toV V^ ChancellorV ^/AA *_f A ofV- ' A> the1^ Exchequer.r ¦ *Fi ^ i ' A A^^ *—t W*^«A> # 1859^k. V V *» Goldsmid's Eastern Persia ** ¦ Pickering. G. A F., Bath XVVy Ouseley's Travels in the East A. AtVj JXIVU. V^ KJIX ^V Vk^V^ A> V AAV Giliespie«—^ A * A.^^*^ ^^ fc%/ WA-A Memoir of Sir Robert Rollo * SFt ^UAlmitt' W V s"-* (Eavd\ Jb ^^ ai V n)# Easternm m* yi _T L/^_/A ¦ r Persi^k. %_/A. uxi«a Memoirs of Mrs. John West (Seeley) Chesney's Waterloo CampaigiT\ Harmony, tr. by Morgan. American Huxley's Evidence as to Man's Piace in Nature .Richter's Manual of ed. JL. VSA, \J TT AAV-* VU Vaa ^^ .a. •JMAUX 'J ), V^ * V^ « » ^^*« a» Kit3chen's Commentorium Novum Organum. 1885 (Oxford) Perowne on the Psalms 8vo. Vol. 2 Veitch's Lucretius and the Atomistic Theory. 1875 Stanley's Jewish Church, 8vo. Vol» 1 Arnold's through Persia by Caravan. 1877 Hughes' Country of Beloochistan Pickering & Chat to, 66 Haymarket, London, S.W. Macgregbr's Wanderings in Beloochistan Select Fables, in three parts, '12mo. New edft. &c. 1784 St. John's (Oliver) Eastern Persia (Newcastle) , Blandford's Eastern Persia Lovett's (Bere3ford) Eastern Persia Pink, J. W., Bookseller, 20 Pittville Street, Cheltenham Valpy's Shakspeare, 15 vols. brown cloth. Vol. 15 Lupton,J. & A.s 28 Manchester Road and Market Hall Burnley Family Classical Library, 52 vols. Vols. 31, 33 Watts' Bibliotheca Britannica ^ Eliot's (George) Adam Bede, 3 vols. cloth. 1859. Vol. 3 Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica. Vol. 1, Part 9, with Gleig's Memoirs of Warren Hastings, 3 vols. 8vo. 1841. Vol. 3 Title and Index ; also, N. S., Vol. 4, pp. 97-108

- - ~ ¦ j ^ ^- wa v/ Beard'•*—^^_/«- ¦»*. \a st^r (G.\ ^_^ • M.) • ¦ Practicaljb ,l * vv vi*-^->** * Treatise-^ .*. N/v« v*jk«-j' »> onv^ «.jk Ne.*- v v-f rvousj ^ * *-r *-*vj Exhaustion* lain*1 r &A Read & Barret t, Ipswich Con.Way's Zermatt Pocket Book (Stanford) Burdett's Cottage Hospitals a. Madan's Juvenal and Persius, 2 vols. (Tegg) The, » m.> Truthn x. u. vu aboutc k-/ *-' •--•- v ourv^ *.* Cousins^_^ v^ w»»^ a AA.«_r Thompson's Three Great Runs (Bishop) Sermons. Yol. 5 (Anglo-Cath. Library) Maggs, 17., 159 Church Street^ Paddin gton, London W. Andrews' X> JL ^ ,JL» Burto^ 1 ^ ^*^^ V V^ n* A 's"^ Arabian^k^k A, ^40 ^^/ A,Mf&X NightsV A >» 1 ^ V v ,* andL4i A A V-^ Supplement**^ l^A k/ ^ ^/ A l-A^AA «^ Conington's Virgil. Vol. 3 French's Shakspeareana Genealogica Alford's Greek Testament. Vol. 4 Southey's Brazil. Vol. 1, or imperfect Grey, Sturt, and Eyre's Journeys in Australia Redway, O., 15 York Street, Covenl Garde n, London, W.C Martin's Natural History, 2 vols. 1785 Grimoine of Honorius a.aa »».*j Scott's Novels, boards. 1st edits. Any _m_ j l luovijl *j -a. ¦*¦* ^->». -»- v^v ¦ >*%a* w Fraser 's Twelve^ ^^ Years in India Herbert's Nimrod, 4 vols. Masters, J., & Co., 78 New Bond Street % London, W. Fludd's Mosaicall Philosophy. 1659 Shipley's Lyra Eucharistica Behmen's Works. . Vol. 4 (Low's 4£o. edit.) . Ritual of the Altar Relfe Bros., 6 Charterhouse Buildings, Aldersgate, London, E.C. Mathews% E., Vigo /Street, London, W. Morley's (Thomas) Plain and Easy. Introduction to Practical i«k ¦ ¦ M w^J ¦ » Maxima-and* a W 4k JL AA JLw ' ftiiV " ^ ^i Hints^k ^ & f T for^ V^ Jk anL^ Angler..A ^^ a & a v^ M. % 1833«*. v^ % ^ <^ Music. About 1590 Barrie's Auld Licht Idyls. 1st edit. j Du Barry's (Countess) Letters. 1779 Ridgway, A., Z Union Street, Gravesend &\A Utl fcJ ~ M. A_4 Sheridan>ut A AV^A. A 's LecturesTH. V M4. X«/ «_f onX_^ & ElocutionA N_* X_J k-«. «^A V^ *-*. Pegge's Proverbs and Sayings

Bullen s Lyrics. 1st Series / LA A. A »""* AA»* -A.I.A. A ¦ _T ^_«^S «.^«-« B-A ^_f *>W ' Curialia^ Miscellanea I !; Ballads, by the Author of ' Guy Livingstone * North Kent Books and Views ; Morgan JYewcaslle-on-Tyne ¦ Mawson, Swan & , Robbers, J. G., Amsterdam Cassell's Familyon Magazine. Dec. 1887 Meredith's Ring of Amasis Hawker.M -A. Ul T V »k Vrf *• (P.^\ A. • J V^ A A Shooting.>¦>-' a-A 1-r V/ %« & CA h> 9 1844-* ¦ V/ A A. Spenser-Cobbold's Grouse Disease Salisbury, J., 11 New Court , Farrin gdon Street, London, E.C. Hutchinson's (T. J.) Ten Years' Wanderings amongst the May, Q. II., 103 High Road , Kilburn, London, N.W. AJUlil^JJJlUlkiUEthiopians Morris' Birds. 1st edit. Vol. 6 Adams-Reilly's Map of the Chain of Mont Blanc ; Seats, cloth. Vols. 5, 6 Bonney's High Alps of Dauphin6 JL UiU VAA li.lll\jlUlAl a I^J *-* IJ-*U *V> MJLVUVI1U amongl/UQ theV^ Alps^-A.A^*^ Months_ - s Summe_ rt . K . |. Cruikshank's Almanacks. 1838, 1851-53. Clean Hinchliff' -— .a * i 1 _ m & ^ . ^u Ingrain's Memorials of Oxford , cloth. Vols. 2, 3 Moore's (A. W.) Journal from 1864. Privately printed Mfc V-r k^ ^ V VAVil/AVll &WAA\.A -¦- » A A \S kl ¦ ¥ »• A« , 93-100 I BeecherJLJXjXJKst1 X\JM.' s Evolution^ and Religion.*^*-» Vol. 2 Alpine Journal. Vol. 4, 21-28 ; Vol. 9 61-68 ; Vol. 13, Lectures to Students. Complete Builder. Vols: 1 to 3, 50 to 63. Numbers preferred Quarterly Journal of Microscopic Science. Aug. 1887 Midland Educational Company (Limited ))* Birmingham, Mind. Vols. 9 to 12, or any parts, and Index to Vols. 1 to 10 U&v/ iA w a, T» VU«^«* ;( Mill'JULJLLAa sO SubjectionUUIk/jVV of Women Architect. Vols. 31 to 38 I i Long'a (Lady C.) Sir Roland Ashton ¦ Sampson', J., York I i , Midland Educational Co. (Limited), 7 Market Street, Leicester Brewer's Picture of England, boards. 1820. Vols. 2 I T-vJ _!___„» \T4nlrlnk«r 1QQC1 . i Dickens' Nicholas Nickleby. 1839 German National Cookery (Chapman & Hall) v ¦ 1 Sherran'a Meditations and Experience b«h ^ 1 PratLCIUVt' s*J AccouaJI (W\/muivnt of*^*> Buohauu*««.««>jmjn Simms, S. W., Bath . I 1.^Vinqe 's Life of King David Crozler'a Oivilisation arid Progress II Tat ¦ ——*—r Unchanged Saviour e's Mollusk^ ¦ I _ • _ __^^^^ — t' ^fi^M r sept. 2, ftw PK ^l% ^^i^^ CJii ?ctiia.r 1 ^ —, . , i " ' - - -.-. /. .. ———i^lj —^ * -^ : ^ . . . iog^ i .. _ - .

BOOK S WANTED TO PU RCHA SE—continued. ; Skeffington j& Son, 163 Piccadilly,Xomlotv TF. ; Tasker+J., \2A Cdstle Strekt,Shrewsbury \ Robertson's History of the Christian Church, 8vo. Vol. 3 Salopian Shreds and Patches Baringr-Grould's lives of the Saints. Nov.a 'nd Dec Trevellyan, a Novel .. . . - . , j. T| [tlllBT**j*«| •¦» —— ^^^ *^^*^ » «»J t V VM •* Manning's Sermons. "Vol. 4 ¦— -—¦-* AiwvAuvi l CE" — uvres* — de**-w Racine. 1808.AVUt Vols.T V/iO< 1J.), 2*t ,y 3** (Paris)\ A. Cm *. LO/ \ Church Congress Report, 1887. Paper covers Owen and Blakeway's Shrewsbury. L. P. Odd part3 . Shipley's (Orby) Ritual of the Altar Sof herein, H., . x *r«^ —; Advice concerning Physick, The-*- ** DisgraceA'AMQAMIVV of^ the** a^ ^^ Family.j Parts* 1,9 3^^ 8vo. 1701 Nicholas Nickleby. Part 2 Poetical Blossoms, by a Boy at the Guildtord Grammar School Jessie Phillips. Pages 37, 38 Briefe Description of the Worlde, small 4to. and 8vo. 1600 Our Mutual Friend. Parts 15, 17, 18 Russell's (John) Elements of Painting with Crayons, 4to. 177/ Hector O'Halloran. Parts 3-5, 9, 11 Curwen's (John) History oflNell y Vanner. 1840 (Ward & Co.) David Copperfleld . Parts 7, 16 Any Guildford Books Uncle Tom's Cabin. 1852. Part3 1, 6 (Cassell) (Jrley Farm. Parts 9, 11- 13, 18 Wills, H.« 4 Market Place, Loughborough LadyXJt *Ul V withW A. Ull theV11V WhiteIT 111 \J\J Camelliay ^/CMiM-HK ^AH.CM ^pottiswoode & Co., New-street Square , London Winter's Life of Mary Anderson Kapier's Peninsular War Wilson, A., 18 Qracechurch Street, London, B.C. Stevens, B. F., 4 Trafalgar Square, London, W.C. Lovelace's Poems Ueaumont and Fletcher's Complete Works, 2 vols. cl. 1883 Smith's History of the Sea Boole's Theory of Probabilities,. 4to. 1862 Chrysal, or the Adventures of a Guinea. 1766 J., 57 &«^ Street , Perth, N.B. ¦*• Wilson. M. CV LUU1\J \ 7lV^\JJLUf» iyy \_/ VV/J.\J Jl±.\A V^ LililVUi ^ i UA | 1746A. * X.>_» 'V^A 1771a * * ^ . Cicero, De Oratore,j Ad Quintum Fratrem. or Entertaining Things (Magazine) for 18G1 and 18G2 Dennis' Cities and Cemeterie3 of Etruria, 2 vols. cloth. 1848 Divine Worship in England in ] 3th and 14th Centuries, 4to. Wyllie, D., & Son, Aberdeen 1877 (Pickering) Statutes of the Realm. 1749-96, 1816-19 , 1836-41

A. » v i ^ b. v-f » ¦ m. -^J «. ». 4_v v Sulton, Albert, 130 Portland Street * Manchester Wf f ilsonA IAJ ^- » AJL 's*-^ CreedV/ ** ^-f .*. of^r ^ To-morrow* Month. April 1881 ; Oct. and Nov. 1882 Lyric of a Hopeless Love. Argosy. Vol. 15 Wallace's Tropical Nature Nature. Title and Index to Vol. 29 Darwin s Expression or the Jimotions in Animals and Men Urwick's Nonconformity in Cheshire Boxiana. Plate, * Hudson's Silver Cup ' Sportsman's Magazine. 1824. Vol. 2, or imperfect WANTED : FIRST EDITIONS , clean and uncut, of Lever, Thackeray, Ainsworth, Marryat, George Meredith, Kingsley, Shelley, Keats. Lamb, Browning, Jesse. pAELIAMENTARY REPORTS : an Also Works Illustrated by Rowlandson, Leech, Doyle,

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