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V, 1BE wmwj ::::: vjA^Sa j m\$£s& *?+ -^^^vJ ^mLv * fl^flM gfl ^gflMPflPitP rt Bif lMg^ H^ ^ ^ WC ' j^gs^—• " ^ Bfe ^ B1 bV BV B% Bi B% B% Bft hfl B% Bi BV Bi Bl Bl BV B) B\ B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B Bi tt Bi Bi Bt tt Bf Bt B% B% BW 4ft flB B% B% Bl B% ¦% BV B\ B1 B% B% Bl B% B% ¦% ' ^ ' J' J* __ /* | _ ' ^.. ^ * BJ^^^ * MB^ B^ B^ B^ B^ B^fc ^ B^P ^ BBl ^ I^ mI ^^ H^ U t C ¦ ¦ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ b ^^ ^ ^ ^ '^ ^K ^h ^ta ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ B ^ B ^M ^A A A ^H ^H ^ k ^ B A M M ^ k B M ^ B~ A M ^ B ^ B M A S A 'M M B^ Bl Bi Bl At ^ ^ A ai^M^feybV^ E BI B^ Bb B^ B^ B^ B^ B^ B^ B^ B^ B^ B^ B^ B^ B^K^ bI Bi b\ A A B\ B A Bi B% Bl Bt B1 BV^ k fli Bi bV A Bi ^M: A BVA A ^ B A M d A A A BlAIBlBB\ ^ Al Bt ¦% ^B Bfe^ft ^ B Bfe Bk ^h'^ h .^ ^ ¦^ h^ rt ^^^ b^^ ^ ' ^^^^ rf| ^^^^ Pfv *^^ JJ . j ^ TT^fc ^^ jjJ IJ^ J '^^ B^ B^fc ^^ B^^ B^^ B^ B^^Y f S MBM^ H^W^ Bi ^ BT^P^^t^H^Tj ^H^ttB ^^ ff ^ Bl ^af ^a^ BW^^ B^ M^^ B^ M^ KJ ^^ BJB ^ B^^ B^ B^fc ^^ B^^ B^^ B^B^B^fc ^ B^fc ^ BTBM ^ P^ B^ B^^ B^^ B^^ B ' fc ^^^ B^^ B^^^^^ B^^ B^^ B^ B^^^ B^ B^ B^ B^ B^ B^ K^ B^»^ B^ B^^ B^^ B^ fc ^^^ B^ B^ B^ »^^ B^ B^^ B^^ B^ B^^ A^ K^^ B^^ B^^>^ B^ t ^^ B^^ B^ fc ^ B^^^ B^ B^ B^ BB ^ B^^ B^^ t ^ B^t ^^ M^^ B^^> T^ B^ PBM ^^ B^fc ^ B^ M^^ B^ B^^>^ B^^ BiBT ^ Bt ~giS^Mi fV*^^^ r r f f | ¦ 4X ¦w»niriB ^ Bff ij ^^ MW^ B^ Lw»iQBfcfr ^*W^ * iBnBrWrwTBnBr ^ riiwT ^^ nBTT™^™^^ '™^iMyw^ fw MWMMTry^^* ^^^*^ '^ '^ ^ ™'^" ^ *™ »^ ^^^ "^ ^"^'™^ »^* »^ ' w^ Br^^ r^ rMr ^^^^^ B>:ww ^^ ^ rMM^»WBWHWifiBWi ^w - ; ¦ • ". \ .- - - "' - " *" : :*' '^ s ^ ipft M^fl N^ , ^ ^ A HIGH-CLASS LIBERA L VAII&ftp&m^ * . and THE LEEDS MBH -CITRY is the PRINGrB ^L MBDIXn«for NewB A^ Manuf acturin g and Agricultu raldistricts of TOBKSHmE ana ^ as as SPECIAL ATTBWTIOMT Is j riwn to BBVIB ^S OF BOOKS A^fctT ^ ^M ^JSi C. well to general LITERAR Y INTELLIGE NCE. >-- ^ 5 PUBLISHERS' COLUMN S are inserted every week;, and the announcements^ under this head appe ar on the same page as Reviews and Notices of Books, thns* giving to Pfiblisners ' Advertisements exceptional prominence. ' Books Ac. for review may be |ent to the Lond on Office. THE WEEKLY j SUPPLEM ENT, Satu rday, Id,, is a POPULAR HIGH-CLASS FAMILY JO URNAL, and contains a Week's Home and Forei gn News, with many ori ginal features , both Literary and Antiquarian , includtn gTFirst -cla88 Serial and Complete Stories. - - ?A sheet that has, as it deserves, an extraordin ar y circulation. '—Literar y World/ * i ' In the Weekly Sopp lbmbnt Advertisements app ear princi pally in the Leader pag e*_ Publi shed by EDWARD BAIKES & SONS, Leeds. London Office , 65 Fleet Street , E;C, THE PALL .. BHALL. B*J I>GET. PEICE FOURPENC E . EVERY THURSDAY. - Is * the most readab le paper in Engla nd. ' It contains f rom f orty to fifty Illus trati ons in ' th lss e# It should1 be in every H ome and Hou sehold. ** " _ ^ __ It oners constant variety _ to the Sat iated It contains the Freshest , and Stron gest Dis- Read er. - cussions of Current Topics by competent +, . - * , /} . ^, T.. *. , «r ^*Wo i it is a storehouse• of valuable and* int erestin g reaam ^ maixer. It contains a Weekl y Carto on upon the Ques- ¦ tion of the H bur. Once purchased is not^ likely to be given up. It summarises and I nterprets each week the It is the most widely-circulat ed Paper in the News of the World . Wor ld. Offices:. 2 NORTHUMB ERLAND STREET , STRAND , LONDON , W.C. & CO. S JAMES CLAR KE PUBLICABY TIONS. i£ », NOVEL S EMMA JANE W0KB0B5E. ™r ^» ^S£ „«•«„J -J I xp ^ "p^ jv^it -4i^z> cheapedition, Q T? HP T-T J ^ T Q- T. A G ERMAN ROMANCE. These Novels, hither to publiihedissued at Five Shillings each, By KARL EMIL FRANZOS. aye now.be ^g at Given in English by JULIE SUTTER. Thr ee Shillings 4nd Sixpence each. With a Preface by DR. GEORG E MAC DONALD . The volumes of this New Edition app earof at interv als of a ' lengthy and app reciative review in ^* fortn ight, v&., on the l^t and 15th each mont h. Mr. Gladstone , in a - the Nineteen th Cbntit by, saj s :— 'It is with eome conn- • ._ . dence that I commend to the notice of y our readers a *ork TheAne Ifollowlneouowm K are«« hoW&ow Mfl(ivready .— of Carl Emil Franzoa , entitled " For the Right." It is like Thorn ycroft Hall. Grey and Old. a picture full of atmosphere and light , and affords a welcome MS11 . • . v-r>A~i~i, tui- m««»«.«« » reJlef from the hackneyed conventionalities , which for m the Milliccnt Kendnck . Mr. Montmorency a sta ple of so much French , and , I fear it must be added , much St. Beeth a 's. * Money. , _ English romance. ' . xn « «r t~ v M , The G&a phic says :— « " For the Right " is bo noble a Violet Vaughan. Nobly Born . work , both in idea and in execution , and from .a dramatic as M argaret Torrin gton. ., Chrystabel . well as from a picture sque point of view, that to do it justice —>. _ . - xa -»L~ j . , .... is a matter of unusual difficulty, e^ecially after Mr . The Fortunes of Cyril^ Hus bands and Wives. Macdonald' s eloquent introd uction , whioh renders almost Denhara. The House of Bondage. any other criticis m a superfluity/ Canonbur y Holt. Emilia 's Inheritance. NOVE LS BY AMELIA E. BARR. Singlehxirst Manor. Father Fabian. • In descri ptive wr iting, in simplicity and gracefufness of Overdale . I Oliver Weat wood. style , and in perfect mastery over her characters , Mrs. Barr can' _ ] hold her own with any living English novelist/— Gla sgow H erald. \ In a varie ty of hands ome cloth bindin gs, or bound uniformly . v Crown 8vo. cloth , &i. 6d. each. TUT I ITmillV UlAni H Feet of Clay. The Squire of Sandal Side. I¦ lit ¦ TheH ousehold of McNeil. TheBow of Oran ge Ribbo n iifc fc»LI »I fcl*O"»til AH I WUHLUlW*Wi»fcl# l In Spite of Himself. Between Two Loves. TV'tiwag S./Tl>/tVWr&ao,y *M/r»firif wii—• f llW] l^ FT TVTVV A Bord er Shepherdess . A Dau ghter of Fife . Jl ^very — XPJX.M * j r&JXJXX. Paul and Chr istina. J an Veddcr 's Wif4 „ an is j mt E New B6ofr pf ^y theimpo]ct Ce Be- viewed ^S«lected Bxtracts in Gase of Leadi ng Arnipf^fvr i Tr ^£m nBr£n ^ nm ^iS f ??U8Wd ? *%*?in ^L ^HceJ ^S ^ W ^ ^ t Works-Beflects the best Aspects pf Curre nt Crown 8vo. price U. ' " Liiteratur e—Aims at Guiding ' tHeT- Student and thi hXkvest of t3B^b wind. Bearer in Choosing among ] Sew Books. \ \ JAMBS CLARKE & CO., 13 and 1 Fleet Str eet, Londo n, E.C, , ; - - -;—--- 4 - ¦ •- - » r-~- ' , ¦ ¦ " , , , , ' ,\/ ; , y ' ; , , , ll l l:;Li r i : ' , , - , r - M ^ 01^^^^ ^^^ L ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ J/ ^Bf/tHU ^P^^^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^*^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^^^ ^^ ^ ^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ... , ,. /Wf- t * • . ,, ¦ , . ¦ ¦ " ' • •? ¦ ' •»¦¦' - ' ¦ ¦ - • r . - ! < ' \ N° 1247 .—Voii, LII. rA TT T? T> r\ i *«***"**»> . A^tllixlyV * K rran ^U^AWoaa. ^^ V' w^-T — ^.^^ ^""^^ ^^ ^^^ ^ . % THB ^^P ^XAE ?ND Gene ral mccorU of 25rtti ^l) anti foreign literature OONTAININ Q A. COMPLETE ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL NEW WO RKS PUBLISHED IN GREAT BRITAI N awo EVERY WORK OF INTEREST PUBLISHED ABROAD [Issued cm the 1st and l &tli of each Month] Pbicb 3d. Septembe r 2, 1889 &35 ££ msriD imix: to -A.:D Tr:E2 :R,Tis:K: :R,s_ ' Ash worth (J. H. &. A.), Leeds 107 7 Griffith , Farran, & Co 1051-1053 ! Pall Mall Budget (The) ii i Bacon & Co 1065 G-rosvenor, Ciiater, <fe Co 1071 Penny Library of Fiction ..._... i v 1 Bone & Son 1072 Holmes & Son 1076 Potter & Co 1073 j Burghes (A. M.) 107 6 Horner & Son iii Religious Tract Society 104S, 10*9 Cassell & Co 1047, 1056, 1057, 1084 Hurst & Blackett 1055 Salisbury (J.) 1075 r Clarke & Co . ii, 1062 Hutt (F. H.) 1083 Seeley & Co 1050 Colonies and India (The) iiihi Kenny <fc& Co ]075J075 Silverlock (H.) 1074 ;j Constable (T. & A.), Edinburgh .. 1075 Ladies' Club Note Paper 1073 Simpkin, Marshall, & Co 1063 Cooke <fc Co 1074 Leeds Mercury (The) ii Sockl & Nathan : 1<»61 f\J ^r -¦¦ +r ^-r • -^w ¦ vrv» Q «^r v v ••>•- — .^.uva* " J g_r ^w a.i>Aa.
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