Canadian Environmental Agence canadienne Assessment Agency d’évaluation environnementale Comprehensive Study Report Detour Lake Gold Mine Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency November 2011 Photos are credited to Detour Gold © Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada This publication may be reproduced for personal use without permission, provided the source is fully acknowledged. However, multiple copy reproduction of this publication in whole or in part for purposes of distribution requires the prior written permission of the Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada, Ottawa, Ontario. To request permission, contact
[email protected]. Catalogue No.: En106-105/2011E ISBN: 978-1-100-19543-8 This document has been issued in French under the title Rapport d’étude approfondie de la mine d’or de Detour Lake Alternative formats may be requested by contacting
[email protected] Executive Summary Detour Gold Corporation (the proponent) The Canadian Environmental Assessment proposes to redevelop an open pit gold mine Agency (the Agency) prepared this with a production capacity of approximately comprehensive study report in consultation with 61,200 tonnes per day. The proposed Detour DFO and NRCan following a technical review of Lake project (the Project) will be located the proponent’s environmental assessment report 185 kilometres by road northeast of Cochrane, and an evaluation of the environmental effects Ontario. The Project consists of an open pit of the Project. Environment Canada, Transport mine, an ore processing plant, and tailings and Canada, Health Canada, and Aboriginal Affairs waste rock storage facilities. It also includes and Northern Development Canada provided site access roads, power transmission lines, additional expert advice.