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- Viral Diagnoses Using the Rapid Immunofluorescence
- Always a Little More
- University of Turku Placement Profile
- Concrete Architecture of the 21St Century Seeks Clarity and Simplicity
- Turku–Tampere-Yhteysvälihankkeen Tiedottamisen Kehittäminen Google Maps -Karttapohjan Avulla
- Resilience and Vulnerability of the City of Turku
- Discovering the Culture of Southern Finland
- How Public Are Turku's Public Places?
- The Soviet Plans for the North Western Theatre of Operations in 1939-1944
- Cargo Timetable
- Destination & Archipelago
- Finland Land of Islands and Waters the Sulkava Rowing Race Is the Larg- Est Rowing Event in the World
- Turku–Tampere Yhteysväli (Vt 9 Ja Rata) 17.5.2021
- History of Finland and Path to Independent Finland
- The Diplomatic Preclude to the Winter War
- Viking Line and the Accession of Estonia to the European Union Tomi Tervo, Jacques Pelkmans, Aimé Heene
- Finnish Architecture and Design: a Natural Fit
- War, Social Policy and the Nation As a Historical Agent - Finland As a Nordic Exception a Very Tentative Draft