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- Genetic Non-E041709plos2c0909
- The Evolution of Monogamy in Primates: a Phylogenetic Approach
- Acoustic Variability and Its Biological Significance in Nocturnal Lemurs
- Acoustic Repertoire of the Philippine Tarsier (Tarsius Syrichta Fraterculus) and Individual Variation of Long-Distance Calls
- In Rural China, the Highest Compliment You Can Get Is Not That You're
- Population Mapping of Gibbons in Kalimantan, Indonesia: Correlates of Gibbon Density and Vegetation Across the Species’ Range
- Tarsier-Like Locomotor Specializations in the Oligocene Primate Afrotarsius
- (Western Tarsier) and Nycticebus Coucang Menagensis (Slow Loris), Using Line Transect Methods, Was Carried out in the Peat Swamp Forest of the Sebangau
- Anti-Predator Behaviour of Sahamalaza Sportive Lemurs, Lepilemur Sahamalazensis, at Diurnal Sleeping Sites
- Introduction to Phylogenetic Methods P. Higgs, U
- Understanding Primate Polyspecific Associations Through Current Literature of Primate Predation and Communication" (2018)
- Tarsiidae & Lorisidae
- PRIMATES in PERIL the World’S 25 Most Endangered Primates 2018-2020
- TARSIERS TYPES of TARSIERS Philippine Tarsier Pygmy Tarsier Spectral Tarsier Siau Island Tarsier Peleng Tarsier Sangihe Tarsier
- The Use of Animals As Photo Props to Attract Tourists in Thailand: a Case Study of the Slow Loris Nycticebus Spp
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- Standards for Prosimian Sanctuaries
- Acoustic Variability and Biogeography of Tarsiers in North Sulawesi