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- The Great American Jewish Awakening : Jonathan Sarna · · ------·------"--·-----··-~·---·-·-·--~
- Jewish Traditions Regarding Death & Dying
- Significant Texts and Writings
- Beginners Guide for the Major Jewish Texts: Torah, Mishnah, Talmud
- The Kabbalah of Forgiveness
- Guide to Jewish Customs Regarding Death and Mourning Temple Sholom
- Jewish RITUAL Practice Following the DEATH of an INFANT Who Lives LESS THAN THIRTY-ONE DAYS
- A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
- Qur'an, Crucifixion, and Talmud
- Talmud Torah Curriculum 2019-2020 Our Curriculum Focuses On
- The Tosefta - Companion to the Mishna Abraham Goldberg
- The Justification for Controversy Under Jewish Law
- The Poetic Superstructure of the Babylonian Talmud and the Reader It Fashions
- TORAH STUDY a Survey Ofclassic Sources on Timely Issues
- Does Daf Yomi Exemplify Talmud Torah?
- Liberal Judaism on Death and Mourning a Guide Each of Us Has A
- INTRODUCTION to KABBALAH – the Sefirot and the Four Worlds the Sefirot: the Ten Fundamental Essences of Kabbalah
- A Guide to the Layout of a Talmud Page