Superhero comics
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- American Superhero Comics: Fractal Narrative and the New Deal a Dissertation Presented to the Faculty of the College of Arts
- Comics – Start Here! an Introduction to Graphic Novels for Librarians Looking to Start, Expand, Or Just Better Understand Comic Book Collections
- Representations of National Identity in Canadian Comic Books
- Marvel Comics and New York Stories: Anti-Heroes and Street Level Vigilantes Daredevil and the Punisher
- Using Superheroes to Visually and Critically Analyze Comics, Stereotypes, and Society Mike P
- Comic Book Superheroes – Bibliography
- Best Practices for Cataloging Graphic Novels
- Death Penalty Marvel Heroes
- Legacy and Propaganda in Superhero Comics
- Superhero Comics and the Authorizing Functions of the Comic Book Paratext
- Understanding Understandings of Comics: Reading and Collecting As Media-Oriented Practices
- RCAF History in Comics
- A Look at Johnny Canuck from the Comic Page to the Dramatic Stage Lindsay Thistle Trent University
- Superheroes and Comic Books Activity Card
- Representing Heroes, Villains and Anti- Heroes in Comics and Graphic Narratives
- The Golden Age of Comic Books: Representations of American Culture from the Great Depression to the Cold War Mark Kelley Marquette University
- The Aesthetics of Supervillainy
- Graphic Novels