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- Downloaded from Brill.Com10/05/2021 06:19:44PM Via Free Access - Antonio J
- Simbolisme Mantra Semar Mesem Terhadap Kekuasaan Di Banyuwangi
- Unsur Mistik Pada Pertunjukan Wayang Calonarang Bagian I Kiriman I Ketut Gina, Mahasiswa PS
- The Roles and Significance of Wong Pinter, the Javanese Shaman
- Warrior Kings and Divine Jesters: Indonesian Rod Puppets
- LOLOS DARI TERKAMAN BATARA KALA” Elaborasi Filosofis Mitos Batara Kala Dalam Ruwatan Jawa
- The Essence of Wayang in Modern Indonesian Artworks 57-78
- Structural Presupposition in Wayang Golek
- Mysticism Among the Pedandas of Bali
- Social Media Influencer in Wayang Performance: the Punakawan
- Batara Kala Masa Kini: Transformasi Slametan Ruwatan Pada Masyarakat Jawa Di Malang Selatan
- Glossary of Frequently Used Terms in Balinese Music Andrew Mc Graw Angklung, Gamelan
- INVOCATIONS to NATARAJA in the SOUTHEAST ASIAN SHADOW-PLAYS with Special Reference to the Kelantan Shadow-Play
- Sri Mulih Pendawa Sebagai Sarana Pelengkap Grebeg Sekaten Di Keraton Kasunanan Surakarta
- Visual Elements of Semar Calligraphy on Cirebon Glass Painting Of
- Kawi Dalang: Creativity in Wayang Theatre
- The Worship of Semar, a Claim to “Jus Primordialis”
- Kepercayaan Kepada Kekuatan Gaib Dalam Mantra Masyarakat Muslim Banten