Schmalkaldic War
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- Catholic Church
- Bernardino Ochino and the German Reformation: the Augsburg Sermons and Flugschriften of an Italian Heretic (1543–1560)
- Cultural Shifts and Ritual Transformations in Reformation Europe
- Significance-Signiticance for Germany Bwer Seventeenth Century Crisis-John Locke Ded and Triumph of Liberalism Ers
- 116 Wolfgang Palaver, Harriet Rudolph, and Dietmar
- Luther and the Justifiability of Resistance to Legitimate Authority Cynthia Grant Bowman Cornell Law School, [email protected]
- Augsburg Confession
- The Peace of Augsburg in Three Imperial Cities by Istvan Szepesi A
- Ia Theological Monthly Concou()Io Tbeological Monthly
- Mark Scheme for June 2018
- Christopher W
- Peace, Peace” When There Is Themselves in the Schmalkaldic League and the No Peace!’ Declares the Lord” (Jeremiah 6:14)