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- Bank Swallow (Riparia Riparia)
- Tachycineta Bicolor) Reproduction, Body Condition and Diet
- Nesting and Breeding Attempts of Cecropis Daurica (Laxmann, 1769) in Tunisia
- Bank Swallow
- Survival Rates of Hirundines in Relation to British and African Rainfall
- Breeding Phenology and Performance for Four Swallows Over 57 Years: Relationships with Temperature and Precipitation 1, 2 1 TARA L
- Convergent Evolution in Social Swallows (Aves: Hirundinidae)
- Bank Swallow Technical Advisory Committee a Bank Swallow Conservation Strategy for the Sacramento River Watershed
- Hill III JR. Nest-Depth Preference in Pipe-Nesting Northern Rough
- Riparia Riparia (Sand Martin)
- Geographic Variation and Speciation in Rough-Winged Swallows (Aves: Hirundinidae: Stelgidopteryx)
- Notes on the Nesting and Breeding of Delichon Urbica
- AZORES Bird & Mammal List
- Swallow Golondrina Ribereña, Golondrina Barranquera
- Kazakhstan & Uzbekistan April 24–May 16, 2019
- Mineralogical and Textural Characteristics of Nest Building
- Birds and Other Animals at Sand Martin Colonies C
- Phytophthora Borealis and Phytophthora Riparia, New Species in Phytophthora ITS Clade 6