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- A Bayesian Approach to Age Estimation from Cranial Suture Closure in Japanese People
- Measurement of the Various Identifiable Bony Landmarks from the Center of Pterion in Human Skulls from Indian Population
- A Comparative Study of Variation of the Pterion of Human Skulls from 13Th and 20Th Century Anatolia
- Anatomic Analysis of the Internal and External Aspects of the Pterion
- Possible Cerebrospinal Fluid Pathways in the Middle Fossa Floor And
- Anatomical Variations of Pterion: Analysis of the Possible Anatomical Variations of Pterion in Human Skulls**
- Pterion Types and Morphometry in Middle and South Anatolian Adult Skulls
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- Temporal ,Infratemporal and Pterygoplatine Fossae 11-10-2017
- STUDY of MORPHOLOGY of PTERION and ITS CLINICAL IMPLI- CATIONS Vasudha T.K 1, Divya Shanthi D’Sa *2, Sadashivana Gowd 3
- Morphometric Study of Pterion and Its Clinical Significance
- Investigating Pterion from Two Perspectives: Phylogenetics and Biomechanics
- A STUDY on SUTURAL BONE at BREGMA Abraham Ratna Joseph Nayakanati 1, Bannur B M 2, Srinivasan K R 3, M.V.Raghavendra Rao 4, Shaik Hussain Saheb *5
- International Journal of Scientific Research
- 101 Unusual Sutural Bone at Pterion
- Infratemporal Fossa Approach: the Modified Zygomatico-Transmandibular Approach Soung Min Kim1,2, Sun Ha Paek3 and Jong Ho Lee2*
- Reappraising the Neurosurgical Significance of the Pterion Location, Morphology, and Its Relationship to Optic Canal and Sphenoid Ridge and Neurosurgical Implications
- Radiological Mapping of Nepalese Calvaria