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- Plato's Orpheus: the Philosophical Appropriation of Orphic Formulae
- Pindar's Homer and Pindar's Myths , Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies, 35:4 (1994:Winter) P.313
- INFORMATION to USERS This Manuscript Has Been Reproduced
- Pindar's Third Olympian Ode, Under a Voegelinian Lens Text
- Truth, Falsehood, and Reciprocity in Pindar and Aeschylus
- Callimachus, the Victoria Berenices, and Roman Poetry
- Pindar Olympian 1
- Pindar's Material Imaginary
- Ananke Final Doc After Corrections
- The Religion of Ancient Greece
- Pindar's House Slater, William J Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies; Summer 1971; 12, 2; Proquest Pg
- Pindar in Plato Patrick Miller
- Homer Is Not "Our" Homer
- Pindar's Olympian 2, Theron's Faith, and Empedocles' Katharmoi Nancy Demand
- Review Of" Thucydides and Pindar: Historical Narrative and the World
- Pindar the Pious Poet: Prayer and Its Significance in Pindar’S Epinician Odes
- Review of Gregory Nagy, Pindar's Homer: the Lyric Possession of an Epic Past
- Eustathius and Callimachus , Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies, 24:4 (1983:Winter) P.367