Pectoral sandpiper
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- Calidris Melanotos (Pectoral Sandpiper) Family: Scolopacidae (Sandpipers and Snipe) Order: Charadriiformes (Shorebirds and Waders) Class: Aves (Birds)
- Alaska Shorebird Conservation Plan Version Ii
- Field Identification of the Pectoral Sandpiper Calidris Melanotos
- Buff-Breasted Sandpiper,Tryngites Subruficollis
- WHY WAS IT a COX's SANDPIPER? by Richard A. Forster Certainly One
- Alaska Shorebird Conservation Plan, Version
- Identification of North American Peeps
- Migratory Shorebird Guild
- First Northern Hemisphere Record and First Juvenile Plumage Description Of
- Assessing the Relative Vulnerability of Migratory Bird Species to Offshore Wind Energy Projects on the Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf Purpose of Study
- First and Second Sightings of a Little Stint (Calidris Minuta) in New Zealand
- United States Shorebird Conservation Plan
- Field Identification of the Ruff and Reeve (Philomachus Pugnax) in North America
- Pectoral Sandpiper Calidris Melanotos: a New Species for the Indian Subcontinent
- The Long-Toed Stint Erolia Subminuta in Southern Victoria by F
- P0307-P0315.Pdf
- Birds of Conservation Concern 2021 Report
- Review of British Records of Semipalmated Sandpipers and Claimed Red-Necked Stints D