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- 2016 Orangutan PHVA.Pdf
- Orangutan Farces and Questions of Interpretation Helen Gilbert
- Animal Rescue Katharine Mershon Phd Candidate, Divinity School University of Chicago
- Great Apes, Elephants, Pandas, Canids and Other Research Studies
- Conserving the Chimpanzees of Uganda
- Best Practice Guidelines for Surveys and Monitoring of Great Ape Populations
- Managing Sociality of a Captive Female Bornean Orangutan from Breeding to Post-Partum at the Smithsonian's National Zoo
- Culture Extends the Scope of Evolutionary Biology in the Great Apes
- Stolen Apes – the Illicit Trade in Chimpan- Zees, Gorillas, Bonobos and Orangutans
- Recipient's Name
- Ape Teacher Packet.Indd
- Unidad Educativa Particular Javier
- Orang Utan Eep Best Practice Guidelines 2018
- History of Tropic World's Gorillas
- Great-Ape Y-Chromosome and Mitochondrial DNA Phylogenies Reflect Sub-Species Structure and Patterns of Mating and Dispersal
- Examining the History, Role and Purpose of the Modern American Zoo Lilly Burba Depauw University
- Syllabus May Change Through the Term