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Nowy Kurier Warszawski
On the Threshold of the Holocaust: Anti-Jewish Riots and Pogroms In
1945-1960 District Court in Warsaw RG-15.156M
Kurier Białostocki" Jako Przykład Hitlerowskiej Prasy Gadzinowej, Wydawanej W Okręgu Białostockim W 1944R
16 November 1940 – the Establishment of the Warsaw Ghetto by the Germans
Propaganda As a Weapon and a Tool of Totalitarian Power: the Image of the Concept in the Common Discourse of the War and Occupation Years (1939–1945)
Wawrzeniuk Anti-Roma Propaganda in DG.Pdf
1939 Everyday Life Under Occupation: a Comparative Perspective Scenario
Political and Transitional Justice in Germany, Poland and the Soviet Union from the 1930S to the 1950S
The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Presentation
Nowy Kurier Warszawski” W Świetle Powojennych Procesów Z Dekretu Sierpniowego
The Case of Krakivski Visti, 1940- 1944 by Ernest Gyidel A
Political and Transitional Justice in Germany, Poland and the Soviet Union from the 1930S to the 1950S” That Took Place in Warsaw in March 2015
Poland on Trial: Postwar Courts, Sovietization, and the Holocaust, 1944-1956
Everyday Life in the Warsaw Ghetto - 1941 by Shulamit Imbar
Guide to the Sources on the Holocaust in Occupied Poland
Młodzie˝ Polska W Propagandzie Prasy Gadzinowej Dystryktu Radomskiego Lat 1939–1945
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