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- Phylogenetic Analysis of Magnoliales and Myristicaceae Based on Multiple Data Sets: Implications for Character Evolution
- Phylogeny and Geographic History of Annonaceae Phylogénie Et Histoire Géographique Des Annonaceae Phylogenie Und Geographische Geschichte Der Annonaceae James A
- Pleodendron Costaricense (Canellaceae), a New Species for Costa Rica
- Potential of Myristica Fragrans (Myristicaceae) in Ayurvedic Antidiarrhoeal Formulation
- Myristica Fragrans Houtt
- Gene Dispersal in Tropical Trees: Ecological Processes and Genetic Consequences
- Endocomia, Gymnacranthera, Horsfieldia, Knema, and Myristica
- Flowering Plant Systematics
- A Multi-Forest Comparison of Dietary Preferences and Seed Dispersal by Ateles Spp
- Myristica Fragrans) Using Matk Gene
- Myristicaceae) from New Guinea
- Diet of the Caquetá Titi Plecturocebus Caquetensis
- Angiosperm Phylogeny: 17 Genes, 640 Taxa
- Virola Sebifera
- Phylogenetic Classification of Seed Plants of Taiwan
- Phylogeny, Molecular Dating and Floral Evolution of Magnoliidae (Angiospermae) Julien Massoni
- Myristica Fragrans: a Comprehensive Review
- Natural and Cultural History of the Golfo Dulce Region, Costa Rica Historia Natural Y Cultural De La Región Del Golfo Dulce, Costa Rica