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- Freeing the Wagnerian Leitmotif
- Epiphany the Cycle of Life
- Polish Opera in the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century
- THE VOICE of NATIONALISM in MONIUSZKO's OPERAS by Marlena Niewczas a Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of the Dorothy F. Schmidt
- Zwischenfach – a Distinct Voice Type: a Study of Fach Through Specific Roles in the Orksw of Richard Wagner and Richard Strauss
- The Death of Klinghoffer (1990)
- Trouser Roles - the Development of the Role in Opera from the Seventeenth to Twentieth Century
- Messiah – GF Handel (Dublin Version, 1742)
- Pimpinone March 30–April 2, 2019 Studebaker Theater | Chicago, Illinois Dear Haymarket Friends
- W. H. Auden and Opera: Studies of the Libretto As Literary Form
- Isis: Tragédie En Musique. Livret De Philippe Quinault. Édition De Lionel Sawkins by Jean-Baptiste Lully (Review)
- The Origin and Development of the Italian Aria in the Baroque Period
- Opera Vocabulary
- Gluck's Armide and the Creation of Supranational Opera By
- MADAMA BUTTERFLY Giacomo Puccini
- Voice Classification and Fach: Recent, Historical and Conflicting Systems of Voice Categorization
- Meter in French and Italian Opera, 1809–1859
- The Grand Duke