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- Microsoft Teams up with Japanese Game Studios 16 September 2010, by TOMOKO A
- Xbox One Kinect and Voice Commands
- Set up Your New Console
- Azure Kinect Body Tracking SDK Zicheng Liu, Principal Research Manager Microsoft Azure Kinect DK
- Microsoft Kinect
- Real-Time Body Tracking and Projection Mapping in the Interactive Arts
- Studying the Role of Kinect As a Multi-Sensory Learning Platform for Children
- Web GIS in Practice X: a Microsoft Kinect Natural User Interface for Google Earth Navigation
- XBOX-01 XBOX360 KINECT Sensor Wall Mounts
- Xbox One Kinect Modification
- Obstacle Detection with Kinect V2 on a Ground Robot
- XBOX ONE and KINECT SENSOR Product Manual
- The Ename 1290 Game, Based on the Use of Microsoft Kinect and Unity December 2016
- Xbox One and Kinect Sensor Product Guide Important
- How the Kinect Works
- Personal Safety in the Cloud Enabling Trusted Interactions and Minimizing Risks in the Online World
- Start Here!™ Learn the Kinect™
- The Accuracy of the Microsoft Kinect V2 Sensor for Human Gait Analysis