Iraq Petroleum Company
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- Britain in Iraq During the 1950S: Imperial Retrenchment and Informal Empire
- Southwestern Ifaq
- On Pipelines and Resource Sovereignty
- Iraq Oil & Gas Outlook
- Iraq's Balance of Payments and Economic Development
- Analyzing the Future of Oil and Gas in Iraq and Syria: RIAC Work- Ing Paper № 48/2019 / [V
- Translating Iraq: the “Unknown Soldiers” of the US Occupation of Iraq
- Iraq: Oil and Gas Legislation, Revenue Sharing, and U.S. Policy
- An Investigation Into the Oil and Gas Contractual and Legal Relationship Between the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) and the Iraq Federal Government (IFG)
- US Relations with Iraq
- The British-American Imperial Agenda in Iraq: the Oil and Railway Line from Kirkuk to Haifa, 1920-1932
- Considerations for the Management of Oil in Iraq: a Human Rights Watch Background Briefing April 2003
- Chapter 1: After the 1991 Gulf War
- The Iraqi Nationalization of the Iraq Petroleum Company: Implications for the International Law of Expropriation
- Iraq: an Introduction to the Country and the People