Huronian glaciation
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- Geochemistry of Pyrite from Diamictites of the Boolgeeda Iron Formation, Western Australia with Implications for the GOE and Paleoproterozoic Ice Ages☆
- Searching for the Great Oxidation Event in North America: a Reappraisal of the Huronian Supergroup by SIMS Sulfur Four-Isotope Analysis
- Analysis of a Precambrian Resonance-Stabilized Day Length 10.1002/2016GL068912 Benjamin C
- Did Prolonged Two-Stage Fragmentation of the Supercontinent Kenorland Lead to Arrested Orogenesis on the Southern Margin of the Superior Province?
- Chapter 17. Glaciation
- Pre-Pleistocene Glaciation on Earth" Implications for Climatic History of Mars I
- Serra Sul Diamictite of the Carajás Basin (Brazil): a Paleoproterozoic
- Palaeoproterozoic Supercontinents and Global Evolution: Correlations from Core to Atmosphere
- 5.18 Soils and Global Change in the Carbon Cycle Over Geological Time
- Pervasively Anoxic Surface Conditions at the Onset of the Great Oxidation Event: New Multi-Proxy Constraints from the Cooper Lake Paleosol Michael G
- Published Version
- Investigating Potential Climatic Cycles in Glacially-Influenced Rhythmites of the Upper Gowganda Formation Using Geochemical, Sedimentological and Spectral Analyses
- Andreybekkermsthesis1998(2)
- Climates of the Earth and Cryosphere Evolution Gilles Ramstein
- Carbon and Oxygen Isotopic Variations in Stromatolitic Dolomites of Palaeoproterozoic Vempalle Formation, Cuddapah Basin, India
- Timing and Tempo of the Great Oxidation Event
- Glaciers in Austria
- The Lower Huronian Ice Age