Horse breeding
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- Horse Breeding Behavior an Understanding of the Basics of Reproductive Behavior Is Important
- Equine Forages & Grazing Recommendations
- Heat Detection and Teasing Systems for Mares
- Simulation Study on the Integration of Health Traits in Horse Breeding Programs
- Lesson Plan 1
- Stallion Legislation and the Horse- Breeding Industry
- Principles and Practices Involved in the Breeding, Feeding, and Management of Pure-Bred Draft Horses in the United States Valente Estrada Villegas Iowa State College
- Year 2002 Seminar and Annual Meeting Coming L:Uly 12 and 13 'Lir 'L ,Rll M.Rnbor Irc Tlinnrr Iiri.Lrl Er Cnirrg
- Horses in History Bibliography: Animal Welfare Information Center
- Current Practices in Thoroughbred Horse Breeding
- A Theory of Economics and Horse Breeding in Colonial Virginia, 1750-1780; a Statistical Model
- Domestic Arabians
- Breeding Horses for the United States Army
- The Texas Horse Industry
- Relevance of Test Information in Horse Breeding
- An Overview of Stallion Breeding Management
- [Ie Policies] for Sport Horse Breeding in New Zealand
- Breeding Plan FINAL