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- Geology of the Shenandoah National Park Region
- Sedimentation and Stratigraphy of the Mount Rogers Formation, Virginia Kenneth Morris Blondeau Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College
- 38. Summary of Lithostratigraphic Findings and Problems
- 1 the Dalradian Rocks of Scotland: 6 7 an Introduction 8 9 10 D
- Geochemistry of Pyritic Mudstones from the Singa Formation, Malaysia: Insights Into Gold Potential, Source of Sulfur and Organic Matter
- Submarine Canyon Systems Focusing Sub-Surface Fluid in the Canterbury
- TR 11 Properties of New Zealand Concrete Aggregates
- The Dalradian Rocks of the Highland Border Region of Scotland
- Definitions Are Largely Based on Input From
- Tracing the Origin of Metasedimentary Rocks in the Faroe-Shetland Basin Spåra Ursprunget Av Metasedimentära Bergarter Från Färö-Shetland Bassängen
- Geologic Map of the Slate Creek Quadrangle, Idaho County, Idaho
- 4 Macduff, Dalradian Turbidite Fan and Glacial Deposits
- The Greywacke
- Geologic Resources Inventory Report, Shenandoah National Park
- Sedimentary Petrography and Sedimentation of the Rockvale - Coffs Harbour Region
- Taconic Stratigraphic Names: Definitions · and Synonymies
- Peak Metamorphic Temperature and Thermal History of the Southern Alps (New Zealand) O
- North American Geology