Grettis saga
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- Going Berserk: Battle Trance and Ecstatic Holy Warriors in the European War Magic Tradition
- Prof. Dr Kate Heslop
- Skaldic Poetics and the Making of the Sagas of Icelanders
- 43-64 by Arwen Van Zanten
- Morality and Social Structure in the Icelandic Sagas Author(S): Vilhjálmur Árnason Source: the Journal of English and Germanic Philology, Vol
- ÍSLENZK FORNRIT the Leading Icelandic Language Edition of Old Icelandic Texts
- Remnants of Revenants: the Role of the Dreaded Draugr in Medieval Iceland by Mistresss Caitlin Christiana Wintour
- It's in Their Nature; Examining Revenants in the Icelandic Sagas and What They Represent in Early Medieval Society Caitlin
- Elements of Superstition in the Icelandic Family Sagas
- Grettir's Saga