Gothic War (535–554)
Top View
- Constructing Belisarius: His Life in Context
- The Eastern Influence Under Great Theoderic's Reign: A
- Totila and the Lucanian Peasants: Procopius Goth
- Topography and Sieges of Rome in the Gothic War Peter Francis Sian Guevara Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
- The Imperial Policy of Otherness Justinian and the Arianism of Barbarians As a Motive for the Recovery of the West
- Procopius, with an English Translation by H.B. Dewing
- The Goths and the Buildings of Rome
- Plague and the End of Antiquity : the Pandemic of 541-750
- De Restitutione Patriae)
- History of the Wars Books V. and VI
- Honorius, His Rooster, and the Eunuch (Procop. Vand. 1.2.25–26)
- The Byzantine Empire
- The Making and Qualities of Ostrogothic Kings in the Decade After Theoderic
- Masculinity, Identity, and Power Politics in the Age of Justinian
- Download Download
- Justinian I One of the Greatest Emperors in the History of The
- Gausian Dynasty
- A Little Horn