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- A恥恥融龍麗k職膿躍騰灘e鵬s F暇fa翻醗睡恥⑪酋恥e置醜丁眼艦ey
- Evidence for a Bimaterial Interface Along the Mudurnu Segment of the North Anatolian Fault Zone from Polarization Analysis of P Waves
- (NEMATA: HETERODERIDAE), in BOLU PROVINCE of TURKEY Mustafa İmren1*, Halil Toktay2, Halil Kutuk1, and Abdelfattah A
- The View and the Attitude of Allies High Commissioners Toward Istanbul During the Declaration of National Pact
- Bolu Ağzinda Yemek Kültürüyle Ġlgġlġ Kelġmeler
- Gerede Yukarı Hamam Restorasyonuna İlişkin Değerlendirmeler
- Astragalus Aybarsii a New Species of Sect. Onobrychoidei DC. (Fabaceae) from Turkey
- Evliya Çelebi Seyahatnamesindeki Bolu Ve Dörtdivan Ağzina Özgü Sözler Üzerine*
- The Evolution of Turkish Air Transport Industry: Significant Developments and the Impacts of 1983 Liberalization
- Türklerde Yer Adi Verme Geleneği Ve Oğuz Boylarinin
- The Massigli Affair and Its Context: Turkish Foreign Policy After The
- Sepiolite Occurrence Introducti
- Zoölogisch Museum
- Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment of Ilgaz - Abant Segments of North Anatolian Fault Using Improved Seismic Source Models
- 19. Yüzyılda Kastamonu Eyaleti'nde Hükümet Daireleri
- An Annotated Catalogue of the Mayfly Fauna of Turkey (Insecta, Ephemeroptera)
- BOLU TARIM MASTER PLANI Yerinden Planlama Süreçlerinin Önemli Bir Tamamlayıcısı Olacaktır