Fire regime
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- The Role of Fire Disturbance in the Invasion of South Florida Jens Stevens University of Vermont
- Visualizing When, Where, and How Fires Happen in U.S. Parks and Protected Areas
- Fire Ecology in Colorado
- Defining Pyromes and Global Syndromes of Fire Regimes
- Analog-Based Fire Regime and Vegetation Shifts in Mountainous Regions of the Western US
- Fire and Fire Ecology: Concepts and Principles Mark A
- Climatic Changes and Cultural Responses During the African Humid Period Recorded in Multi-Proxy Data
- Effects of Climate Variability on Savannah Fire Regimes in West Africa
- Impacts of Fire on Biodiversity 20110117 FINAL
- Optimizing Fire Regimes in Everglades Fire-Dependent Ecosystems
- What Is Fire Ecology?
- Buffering the Savanna: Fire Regimes and Disequilibrium Ecology in West Africa
- Humans As Agents in the Termination of the African Humid Period
- Easy-To-Interpret Procedure to Analyze Fire Seasonality and the Influence of Land Use in Fire Occurrence: a Case Study in Central Italy
- Fire Ecology Module 2: Fire Ecology
- Fire, Ecosystems and People: Threats and Strategies and Social Consequences of Altered fire Regimes for Global Biodiversity Conservation
- Interagency Fire Regime Condition Class Guidebook