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- The Children of Odin
- Snorri Sturluson Edda
- RAGNAROK: the TWILIGHT of the GODS the Cradle of Humanity Is in the North
- Bassil-Morozow-“Loki Then and Now: the Trickster Against Civilization”
- Norse Mythology a to Z
- Stories from Northern Myths the Macmillan Company New York Boston Chicago Dallas Atlanta San Francisco
- THE NORSE GOD LOKI AS TRICKSTER by Shawn Christopher Krause-Loner Loki
- YOUNGER EDDAS of SNORRE STURLESON. Translated from the Original Old Norse Text Into English
- Anglo-Saxon Cosmology
- Asgard and the Norse Heroes Re-Told by Katharine F
- Hugtakasafn Úr Norrænni Goðafræði
- From Fairytale to Goddess Frau Holle and the Scholars That Try to Reveal Her Origins
- Völuspá Lays of Dead Idols 2 Völuspá Lays of Dead Idols
- Influences of Pre-Christian Mythology and Christianity on Old Norse Poetry: a Narrative Study of Vafþrúðnismál
- British Theories of Mythology and Old Norse Poetry: a Study of Methodologies in the Mid-19Th to Early 20Th Centuries
- Odinic Rite Vinland Midwinter Festival
- Edda Ii – Söngtextar Edda Ii – Texts
- The Indexer Vol 18 No 2 October 1992