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- Duabanga Moluccana
- Jayaweera (Sonneratiaceae)
- Mangrove Ecosystems: a Global Biogeographic Perspective Structure, Function, and Services Mangrove Ecosystems: a Global Biogeographic Perspective Victor H
- A Molecular Phylogeny of the Lythraceae and Inference of the Evolution of Heterostyly
- Vegetative Growth of <Italic>Decodon Allenbyensis</Italic
- Revisiting the Floral Structure and Ontogeny of Trapa Natans L. (Lythraceae) Andrey A
- A Nuclear Phylogenomic Study of the Angiosperm Order Myrtales, Exploring the Potential and Limitations of the Universal Angiosperms353 Probe Set
- Plant Diversity Patterns and Conservation Status of Eastern Himalayan Forests in Arunachal Pradesh, Northeast India P
- Tropical Timbers of the World
- Comparative Wood Anatomy of Family Lythraceae of Assam/NE India with Reference to Their Identification Malti K
- Xzttropical Timbers of the World
- Flora Malesiana Series I – Seed Plants
- Shirley A. Graham, Curator Missouri Botanical Garden P.O
- A Biogeographical Comparison Between Yunnan, Southwest China, and Taiwan, Southeast China, with Implications for the Evolutionar