Compound (linguistics)
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- Automatic Non-Standard Hyphenation in Openoffice.Org
- Context Aware Voice User Interfaces for Workflow Support
- Conceptual Association for Compound Noun Analysis
- Hunspell 1.7 • Best Practices
- Natural Language Processing Methods in Biological Activity Prediction
- Is This the End? Two-Step Tokenization of Sentence Boundaries
- CS345H: Programming Languages Lecture 3: Lexical Analysis 1/38 Thomas Dillig, CS345H: Programming Languages Lecture 3: Lexical Analysis 2/38
- Stanford Typed Dependencies Manual
- Building and Using Existing Hunspell Dictionaries and TEX Hyphenators As Finite-State Automata
- 6. Compounding Rules a Compound Word Is a Union of Two Or More
- Deverbal Compound Noun Analysis Based on Lexical Conceptual Structure
- 3 Compounding
- Parts of Speech Tagging: Rule-Based
- A Mixed Method Lemmatization Algorithm Using a Hierarchy of Linguistic Identities (HOLI)
- An In-Depth Comparison of 14 Spelling Correction Tools on a Common Benchmark
- Tokenisation and Disambiguation in a North Sámi Grammar Checker
- Lexical and Algorithmic Stemming Compared for 9 European Languages with Hummingbird Searchservertm at CLEF 2003
- Integration Techniques for Selective Stemming in SMT Systems