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- The Social and Historical Construction of Black Bermudian Identities: Implications for Education
- What the Principle of Self-Determination Means Today'
- Restoring the Law of Self-Determination in the Neo- Colonial World
- Age of Exploration
- Anguilla and the Art of Resistance
- The Doctrine of Discovery: the International Law of Colonialism
- 1 on Colonialism and Self-Determination Annie Stilz
- General Assembly Distr.: General 24 February 2021
- Introduction Tensions of Empire: Colonial Control and Visions of Rule
- Colonialism and Modern Income – Islands As Natural Experiments
- Settler Colonialism and Decolonisation
- African Colonial States
- Effects of Imperialism in Africa Colonialism Had a Huge Impact On
- Culture, Self-Determination and Colonialism: Issues Around the Revitalization of Indigenous Legal Traditions
- The Economic Consequences of Political Independence the Case of Bermuda
- Discussion Paper of Mr. Edward Wolferspdf
- Did British Colonialism Promote Democracy? Divergent Inheritances and Diminishing Legacies*
- Courts of Appeal and Colonialism in the British Caribbean: a Case for the Caribbean Court of Justice