Coastal engineering
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- An Overview of Coastal Land Loss: with Emphasis on the Southeastern United States
- A Comparison of Beach Nourishment Methodology and Performance at Two Fringing Reef Beaches in Waikiki (Hawaii, USA) and Cadiz (SW Spain)
- A Lesson from Hurricane Katrina: Meeting the Need for Coastal Engineering in the Gulf Coast Region
- Management of Beach Nourishment in an Open Sand System
- Central Basin Coastal Engineering Analysis, December 2015
- Experimental Observation on Beach Evolution Process with Presence of Artificial Submerged Sand Bar and Reef
- COASTAL ENGINEERING an International Journal for Coastal, Harbour and Offshore Engineers
- Beach Nourishment As a Means of Coastal Erosion Control: the Malaysian Experience
- 3. ENGINEERING of DUNES Protection Benefits of Coastal Sand Dunes
- Sand Beach Nourishment: Experience from the Mediterranean Coast of Israel
- Coastal Erosion and Control
- Sea Level Rise Will Drive Divergent Sediment Transport Patterns On
- New Empirical Formulae of Undertow Velocity on Mixed and Gravel Beaches
- BEACH NOURISHMENT: Global Perspectives and Local Applications to the North Carolina Coastline
- The Role of Coastal Engineering in Integrated Coastal Zone Management
- Introduction to Coastal Engineering
- Sea Level Change and Coastal Climate Services: the Way Forward