Bumiputera (Malaysia)
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- In Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- Successful Economic Development in a Multi-Ethnic Society: the Malaysian Case
- Public Opinion Survey: Residents of Malaysia
- Regimes of Toleration in Nation-States and in Consociations: the Recognition of Ethno-Cultural Diversity and Its Dilemmas in a Globalized World
- Malay Nationalism, Islamic Supremacy and the Constitutional Bargain in the Multi-Ethnic Composition of Malaysia
- Ketuanan Melayu: What's in a Name?
- Multiculturalism in Malaysia: the Need of Local Knowledge to Grapple with Identity and Ethnicity ======Oleh: Shamsul Amri Baharuddin Dan Mansor Mohd Noor
- Othering the Malay Kugathas Final
- Ketuanan Melayu : What's in a Name
- Malaysia-ONLINE-E9c6.Pdf
- Malaysia 2020 International Religious Freedom Report
- Hipotesis Anjakan Pekerja Migran: Dari Buruh Kasar Kepada Pengusaha (Foreign Workers: Between Needs and Liability)
- MICROFILMED IS 989 INFORMATION to USERS the Most Advanced Technology Has Been Used to Photo Graph and Reproduce This Manuscript from the Microfilm Master
- MALAYSIA RACIAL DISCRIMINATION REPORT 2016 Launched on March 21, 2017 in Conjunction with the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
- And Common Ground – in Malaysia's Ethnic Relations and Policies
- The Malaysian Chinese Dilemma: the Never Ending Policy (NEP)
- Understanding South Africa's Economic Puzzles*
- A Review of Racial Microaggression in Malaysian Educational System and Its Higher Education Institutions