Bako Tibe
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- Economic Efficiency of Smallholder Farmers in Wheat Production: the Case of Abuna Gindeberet District, Oromia National Regional State, Ethiopia
- RAAE 1 2019, Regular Article, Asfaw Et
- Economic Efficiency of Smallholder Farmers in Maize Production in Bako Tibe District, Ethiopia
- Characterization and Classification of the Major Agricultural Soils in Cascape Intervention Woredas in the Centeral Highlands of Oromia Region, Ethiopia
- Isolation and Enumeration of Fungi and Determination Of
- Fertility Mapping of Soil Macronutrients of Bako Tibe District, West Shewa Zone of Oromia National Regional State, Ethiopia
- Effects of Large-Scale Land Acquisition in Rural Ethiopia the Case of Bako-Tibe Woreda
- ISS Research Paper Template
- Physico-Chemical Analysis of Honey Produced in Bako-Tibe District, Western Showa Zone, Oromia Region, Western Ethiopia
- Ethiopia Work Plan FY 2018 Project Year 7
- Journal of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development
- The Status of Animal Feeds and Nutrition in the West Shewa Zone of Oromiya, Ethiopia
- Ethiopia: Oromia Region Administrative Map (As of 15 Aug 2017)
- Ethiopia: Oromia Region Administrative Map (As of 05 Jan 2015)
- A Case Study of the Bechera Agricultural Development Project, Ethiopia
- Key Determinant Factors Affecting the Performance of Small and Medium Scale Manufacturing Enterprise
- Addis Ababa University School of Graduate Studies
- Aciar 'Trees for Food Security' Project