Aging brain
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- Neural Plasticity in the Ageing Brain
- Exercise for Brain Health: an Investigation Into the Underlying Mechanisms Guided by Dose
- Structural Brain Changes in Aging: Courses, Causes and Cognitive Consequences
- Attentional Control in the Aging Brain: Insights from an Fmri Study of the Stroop Task
- Comparing Volume Loss in Neuroanatomical Regions of Emotion Versus Regions of Cognition in Healthy Aging
- Cognitive Aging Is Associated with Redistribution of Synaptic Weights in the Hippocampus
- Successful Aging Booklet
- A Review of Physical and Cognitive Interventions in Aging
- How Area Agencies on Aging and Title VI Programs Address Brain Health
- Neurochemical Changes in the Aging Process: Implications in Medication in the Elderly
- Aging of the Cerebral Cortex Differs Between Humans and Chimpanzees
- Aging-Related Hypometabolism in the Anterior Cingulate Cortex Mediates The
- Structural Changes That Occur During Normal Aging of Primate Cerebral Hemispheres
- Altered Proteins in the Aging Brain
- MR Imaging of the Aging Brain: Patchy White-Matter Lesions and Dementia
- Aging and Functional Brain Networks
- Frontal Lobes and Aging: Deterioration and Compensation
- Age-Related Demethylation of the TDP-43 Autoregulatory Region in the Human Motor Cortex