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Dopamine Transporters Decrease with Age

Nora D. Volkow, Yu-Shin Ding, Joanna S. Fowler, Gene-Jack Wang, Jean Logan, S. John Gatley, Robert Hitzemann, Gwenn Smith, Suzanne D. Fields and Ruben Gur Medical and Chemistry Departments Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York; Departments ofPsychiatry and Medicine, Division of Geriatrics, SUNY-Stony Brook, Stony Brook, New York; Department ofPsychiatry, New York University, New York, New York; and Department ofPsychiatry, University ofPennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

the neurochemical changes accompanying normal aging. Aging Postmortem studies have documented degenerationof is associated with changes in several (2) as cells with age, but the changes that occur in healthyaging indMd ualsis lessclear.The purposeof this studywas to evaluatethe well as changes in specific motor, cognitive and emotional extent to which age-induced changes in doparnine transporters behaviors (3). The dopaminergic system appears to be among occur in subjects with no evidence of motor impairment. Methods the most age-sensitive neurotransmitters (4). Of the behavioral Weevaluated23right-handedhealthyvolunteers(agerange20-74 changes associated with aging, the most conspicuous are those yr) usingPETand r1c][email protected] ratioof the related to motonc function. For example, aging is associated distributionvolumefor r1c1d-th@-mefh@be@*istein striatumto with a higher frequency of dyskinesias (5—6)and of mild that in cerebellumwas usedas modelparameterfordopamine Parkinson-like motor changes such as rigidity (7). Some of transporteravailability(Bmax/Kd+ 1).Results Dopaminetrans these motoric changes may reflect an age related decline in porteravalIabift@,wassignificantlylowerin subjects>40 yr of age thaninthose<40 yr.Estimatesof dopaminetransporteravailability nigrostriatal dopaminergic function (8). showed a signfficant negative correlation with age both for the Studies in animals as well as postmortem (r = —0.72,p < 0.0001)and the caudate (r = —0.74,p < studies, have in general documented a decline in brain dopa 0.0001).Doparninetransporter availat@litywas higherin the leftthan mine activity with aging (9, 10). Recently, imaging techniques in the rightputamenbut did not differbetweenthe leftand right such as PET and SPECT have enabled the measurement of caudate. Conclusion: This study documents a 6.6% decreaseper changes in dopamine parameters as a function of age in living decade of life in striatal dopamine transporters of healthy volun human subjects. Most of these studies have focused on dopa tears. mine receptors and have documented a decrease in D2 and Dl Key Words PET; dopamine transporters; degeneration density with aging (11—18).Changes in dopamine J NucIMed1996;37554.-559 receptors, however, predominantly reflect changes in postsyn aptic elements presumably GABAergic, muscarmnicand gluta AccordingtoprojectionsbytheU.S.BureauoftheCensus,matergic neurons and not changes in dopaminergic neurons. the number of individuals 65 yr and older will more than double Few studies have been conducted on age-related changes in by the middle ofthe next century to nearly 79 million. Whereas dopamine neurons in living human subjects. Age changes in the about 1 in 8 Americans were elderly in 1990, about 1 in 5 could dopamine neurons of living human subjects have been studied, be elderly in the year 2030 (1 ). This progressive increase in the using PET and SPECT tracers, to measure dopamine metabo elderly population places a sense of urgency on understanding lism and dopamine transporter sites. Studies using [18F]fluoro DOPA to measure dopamine metabolism have been inconclu sive documenting reduced uptake (19) as well as no changes ReceivedFeb.15,1995;revisionacceptedJul.30,1995. Forcorrespondenceor reprintscontact Nora D. volkow, MD, Med@alDepartment (20,21). Preliminarystudiesusing @l1C]nomifensine(22), BrookhavenNationalLaboratory,Upton,NY11973. [1 ‘C]cocaine (23 ) and [‘23I]@3-CIT (24) as ligands for the

554 THEJOURNALOFNUCLEARMEDICINE•Vol. 37 •No. 4 •April1996 dopamine transporters have documented decreases in dopamine fractions (2 X 5 ml deionized water followed by 2 X 50% transporter sites with aging whereas studies using [‘‘C]WIN35 methanol). The radioactivity remaining on the cartridge repre 428 have not (25). sented unchanged tracer. Solid phase analysis was validated by This report shows the effects ofage on dopamine transporters HPLC analysis of plasma. The stability of @l‘C]d-threo-methyl in 23 normal healthy subjects using [‘‘C]d-threo-methylpheni phenidate to racemization was assessed using a chiral HPLC date, a new PET ligand with a higher sensitivity and specificity system described previously (26). than that of [‘1C]nomifensine and [l 1C]cocaine. We proposed Image An@ [I ‘C]d-threo-methylphenidate, the more active enantiomer of Regions of interest (ROls) were drawn on the individual's methylphenidate, as a PET ligand for the dopamine transporter averaged emission scan obtained by averaging the activity from (26). Carbon-i i-d-threo-methylphenidate binding is inhibited 10—84mm after injection of the tracer. ROIs for (caudate by drugs that bind to the dopamine transporter, but not by drugs and putamen) and from each subject's averaged images that inhibit the norepinephrine and the transporters were then projected to his/her corresponding dynamic emission indicating its selectivity for the dopamine transporter (26). scans. ROIs were obtained in two planes and left and right regions Carbon-i i-d-threo methylphenidate binding in the human brain were obtained in each plane. A weighted averaged value was then is reversible, highly reproducible and saturable and its kinetics obtained for the left and right caudate, the left and right putamen are ideally suited for quantitation (27). The results from this and the cerebellum. To compare the current results with those studywerecomparedwiththosepreviouslyobtainedwithPET previously obtained with [IIC]cocaine, we also computed a striatal and [1‘C]cocaine(28). measure using the weighted average of left and right caudate and putamen. A detailed description for the procedure has been MATERIALS AND METHODS published (27). Binding of [‘‘C]d-threo-methylphenidatewas quantified using Subjects distribution volumes calculated using a graphical analyses tech Twenty-three right-handed healthy volunteers (14 men, 9 worn nique for reversible systems (29). The ratio of the distribution en; aged 20—74yr) were screened for absence of medical, volume in striatal to that in cerebellum (DVST/DVCB) which neurological or psychiatric disease. Subjects in need of medication corresponds to Bmax/K@+ 1, was used as model parameter of and/or with a past or present history of alcohol or drug use (except dopamine transporter availability. The distribution volume pro for caffeine) were excluded. Prescan tests ensured absence of vides a measure of binding that is a linear function of receptor psychoactive drug use. Informed consent was obtained following availability given by: the guidelines of the Human Studies Review Committee at Brookhaven National Laboratory. DV = K,1k2'(l + NS + Bmax/Kd'), Eq. 1

PET Scan for regions containing receptors characterized by an equilibrium PET studies were performed with a whole-body, high-resolution dissociation constant Kd' and free receptor concentration, Bmax. PET 6 X 6 x 6.5 mm FWHM, 15 slices. To ensure accurate For nonreceptor regions the distribution volume is given by: positioning of subjects in the PET camera, an individually molded DV = K,/k2'(l + NS). Eq. 2 headholder was made for all subjects. The head of the subject was positioned in the gantry with the aid of two orthogonal laser lines, In both equations, NS represents the ratio of transfer constants for one of which was placed parallel to the canthomeatal line and the nonspecific binding, K1 and k2' are the plasma to tissue and the other parallel to the sagittal plane. A chin-strap device was used to tissue to plasma transport constants, respectively. A parameter minimize movement of the head during the scan. Prior to [‘‘C]d proportional to Bmax can be obtained from Equation 1 and 2 threo-methylphenidate injection, transmission scans were obtained giving tocorrectforattenuation.In preparationforthestudy,subjectshad Bmax/IQ' _ DVROI two catheters implanted, one in an antecubital vein for tracer Eq. 3 l+NS DVCB injection and the other in the radial artery for blood sampling. Dynamic scans were obtained immediately after injection of 4—8 Equations 1 and 2 are based on classical compartmental analysis in mCi [‘‘C]d-threo-methylphenidate(specific activity > 0.4 CiIp.M which the effects of cerebral blood flow and capillary permeability at time of injection). A series of 20 emission scans was obtained are implicitly included in the parameters K, and k2'. The advantage from time of injection up to 84 mm (four i5-sec, two 30-sec, four of the distribution volume is that it is easily determined by a 1-mm, four 2-mm, five 10-mm and one 20-mm scan). graphical technique derived from classical compartmental equa tions, it is not a function of blood flow (30) and it is a more stable Arterial Input Function measure than the individual kinetic constants determined directly Total ‘‘Cand unchanged [‘‘C]d-threo-methylphenidatein by compartmental analysis, which are sensitive to noise and plasma were quantified in arterial plasma samples. Arterial blood statistical fluctuations in the data (31 ). The ratio of distribution was obtained using an automated blood sampling device every 2.5 volume for the striatal to cerebellum eliminates possible differ sec for the first 2 mm and then drawn manually every minute from ences in the K,/k2 ratio between experiments. The distribution 2—5mm and then at 10, 15, 20, 30, 45 and 90 mm. volume measures were also used to generate images of the A solid-phase extraction system developed in our laboratoryand distribution volumes for [‘‘C]d-threo-methylphenidatein the implemented by a robot was used to quantify [‘‘C]d-threo brain of a young and an old subject. The graphical technique methylphenidate in plasma samples taken at 1, 5, 10 and 30 mm. was used to generate distribution volume images as described Whole blood was collected in centrifuge tubes containing sodium previously (28). fluoride (1 mg/mI) to inhibit plasma esterases. After centrifligation, Subjects were divided into two groups, one with subjects less aliquots of plasma were counted for total radioactivity. Plasma than 40 yr ofage (n = 13; average age 29.4 ±6.8 yr) and the other (0.05 ml—0.4ml) was mixed with 5 ml water and applied to with subjects more than 40 yr old (n 10; average age 61.4 ±12.7 activated Varian BondElut cyanopropyl cartridges (500 mg). A yr). Differences in estimates of Bmax/Kd (DVSTIDVCB 1) series of four solvent rinses was used to remove the metabolite between these two groups of subjects were tested with unpaired

DA TRANSPORTERLoss WITHAGE•Volkow et al. 555 t-tests. Correlationanalyses were performed using Pearson product TABLE I moment correlation analysis between the estimates of Bmax/Kd DopamineTransporterAvailability(Bmax/Kd Estimates) (caudate and putamen) and age. Estimates of dopamine transporter RightLeftRightLeftSubjects loss per decade, as assessed by BmaxlKd were obtained using the putamenputamencaudatecaudate @ values from the regression slopes. For the study with [ C]cocaine measures of Bmax/Kd were obtained by subtracting one from the Youngergroup published DVST/DV(.Bmeasures (23). <40 yr 1.86±0.24 2.00±0.33 1.77±0.24 1.68±0.19 Differences in dopamine transporter availability between left (n = 13) and right caudate, left and right putamen and the differences Oldergroup >40 yr between caudate and putamen were tested with paired Student 1.37±[email protected]±0.33* 1.11±[email protected]±035t (n= 10) t-tests. The differences in the correlations with age between caudate versus putamen and between left striatum versus right striatum were evaluated using the 01km and Finn method (32). Valuescorrespondto meansand s.d.(Signthcantdifferencesbetween @ groups = p < 0.005,tp < 0.001,tp < 0.0001). RESULTS Dopamine transporter availability in caudate and putamen imaging studies do not seem to document a decrease in was significantly lower in the older group of subjects (Table 1). dopamine metabolism with age (reviewed in ref. 2 1), such Figure 1 shows images for the distribution volumes maps of results are not incompatible with an age-related decline in El‘C]d-threo-methylphenidatein the brain ofa 34-yr-old and in dopamine transporters since studies have shown a compensa the brain of a 68-yr-old. tory increase in dopamine synthesis when presynaptic dopa The correlation between age and the estimates of BmaxlKd mine terminals are destroyed (36). (ratio of the distribution volume in striatum to that in cerebel This study did not document differences in the rate of decline lum-l) was significant both for the caudate (r = —0.74,p < of dopamine transporters between the caudate and the putamen 0.0001) andputamen(r = —0.72,p < 0.0001) indicatinga nor between the left and right striatum. These results are similar @ decline in the availability of dopamine transporter sites with qLl Md (m@th@@ age. There were no significant differences in the BmaxlKd correlation with age between caudate versus putamen and between left versus right striatal regions (Table 2). The rate of decline of Bmax/Kd estimates in the striatum was approxi mately 6.6% per decade and was comparable to that obtained with [‘‘C]cocainein a group of 26 healthy volunteers (aged 2 1—63yr) where the estimated decline corresponded to 7%. Figure 2 shows the regression slopes between age and dopa t •, mine transporter availability in striatum for the current study and for the study done with @l‘Cjcocaine(23 ). Table 3 compares the results obtained in this study with those previ ously published and shows a rate of decline of dopamine transporters that ranges between 6.6%—8.0% per decade for these imaging studies. Comparisons between left and right striatal regions showed significantly higher values for dopamine transporter availability in the left than in the right putamen. No differences between left and right caudate were noted (Table 2). Measures of dopamine transporter availability were also higher in the putamen than in the caudate (Table 2).

DISCUSSION The dopamine neurons display a special vulnerability in normal aging. Postmortem studies have documented a decrease of4.7% per decade in nigrostriatal neurons in the normal human

brain (33 ). The results from the present study demonstrate a ,‘ ., significant loss of dopamine transporters in caudate and puta men in healthy human volunteers. Within the 20—80yr decade we observed an average loss of —40%.This rate of loss is similar to what we observed when we used PET and [I‘CJco caine to measure changes of dopamine transporters with aging a' (7% decline per decade) (23 ). These results are also in agree ment with findings previously reported by a PET study employ ing [I ‘C]nomifensine(22 ) as tracer and by a SPECT study employing [‘23l]@3-C1T(24). Though one PET study done with [I ‘C}WIN 35428 failed to show an age-related decline in dopamine transporters, it was done in a very small sample of subjects (25). The results from these imaging studies are summarized in Table 3. The imaging studies are also in agreement with human postmortem studies (34,35). Though

556 THEJOURNALOFNUCLEARMEDICINE•Vol. 37 ‘No. 4 •April1996 to postmortem data which have shown that the rate of striatal ,,1.0V r'' ‘C@Cocaln. 2.4 CId4hreo.M.thYlPheflldt dopamine loss is similar for the caudate than for the putamen ‘S1.I,@‘ (37). The results, however, differ from imaging studies in 2.2‘ dopamine D2 receptors where it was found that there was a @ 1S. S@@& S 0.50 r% S larger decrease in D2 receptors with age in putamen than in S@ caudate (15). The rate of striatal D2 decline documented by 1.6 0.70 S@1@%@;;*,:s S m20S1.0•0.4050•s01u • • imaging studies which has been estimated to be 4%—6%per 1.4 0.60• : S decade (14) is similar to the rate of decline for dopamine 1.25 5•s0.90 transporters. The relation between the age related decline in dopamine D2 receptors and the degeneration of dopamine 20 30 40 50 60 10 60 0.30@@ao @e se so s@o neurons has not been investigated. Such a study is required in Ags Ageie order to determine if the decreases in dopamine D2 receptors FIGURE2. CorrelationbetweenageandtheBmaQlç,estimates(DV@I areprimaryor whethertheyrepresentanadaptationto theage DvcB - 1)obtainedinthe currentstudywith r1c@-th@o-meth@1Phenk@ate(r related decline in dopamine neurons. = -0.77, p < 0.0001) and that previously obtained in a diFferent group of In this study, the values for the dopamine transporters were su*cts wfthC1Clcocaine(r= -0.65 p < 0.0005)(23). Differencesinthe scaleof the ordinatereflectsdifferencesin the rangeof valuesfor the higher in the left than in the right putamen, but there were no Bmax/K@estimates between [11C)d-threo-methylphenldateand [11C]co differences between the left and the right caudate. Asymmetries csine. for the concentration of dopamine D2 receptors were docu mented in a PET study done with [‘‘Cjraclopridewhich showed nigrostriatal neurons in the normal human brain (33 ). This higher values for the left than for the right putamen but no could reflect the fact that in addition to dopamine cell loss, the asymmetries in the caudate of schizophrenic subjects (38). decline may also represent reduction of dopamine transporter Autoradiographic studies in the rat have also revealed an synthesis as demonstrated by a recent study showing a marked asymmetric concentration of D2 receptors in striatum (higher in reduction in mRNA for the dopamine transporter with advanc the right than in the left) (39). The asymmetric findings from ing age (40). There is evidence that with age there is a decline the current study should be interpreted cautiously since slight in dopamine transporters that is larger than that accounted by tilting in the positioning of subjects in the scanner could dopamine cell loss (40). One could speculate that with neuronal generate asymmetries. The higher dopamine transporter con dopamine loss, the cells may compensate by decreasing dopa centration in the putamen than caudate parallels the D2 receptor mine transporter synthesis leading to higher synaptic dopamine findings where a higher concentration for the putamen than for concentrations since the dopamine would not be removed as the caudate has also been reported (38). Because of the limited effectively from the synaptic cleft. Preliminary data on rhesus spatial resolution of the instrument and the fact that the caudate monkeys indicate that dopamine clears slower in the putamen of has a smaller volume in the axial images than the putamen, this older than younger animals (41 ). Investigation of the mecha finding could reflect the different recovery coefficient for these nisms regulating the rate ofdopamine transporter synthesis may two regions. help clarify the decline ofdopamine transporters with aging and Future imaging work using MRI to corregister the PET its functional significance. images may enable evaluation of the extent to which there is a Additionally, because dopamine transporters have been differential concentration of dopamine transporters between the found to upregulate or downregulate in response to drugs that left and right putamen and between the caudate and putamen. If change dopamine concentration (42), it could be argued that the replicated, the functional significance of the asymmetric find changes in dopamine transporters could represent adaptations to ings in dopamine transporter availability and their relation to age related changes in dopamine concentration. This is unlikely the dopamine D2 striatal receptor asymmetry would merit since most studies have failed to document a decrease in further investigation. Coregistration with MRI will also enable extracellular dopamine concentration with aging (37). Rela correction for possible age-related volumetric changes in stria tively normal extracellular dopamine concentration with aging tal regions. This is relevant in that striatal atrophy may be an may reflect an increase in dopamine turnover rate by the important confounding element in the analysis ofregional tracer remaining dopamine neurons (37) and/or changes in the extra binding in normal aging. cellular clearance of dopamine (41 ). In interpreting the func The decline in dopamine transporters observed with age tional significance of the decline in dopamine transporters with could reflect a decrease in presynaptic dopamine terminals aging it is useful to compare the magnitude with that observed and/or a decrease in dopamine transporter availability in a given in patients with Parkinson's disease. We obtained data with terminal. The estimates of dopamine transporter cell loss, 6.6% [I ‘C]d-threo-methylphenidate in only one patient with Parkin per decade, for the current study with [‘‘C]d-threo-methyl phenidate and 7% per decade, for the study with [‘‘C]cocaine, TABLE 3 are slightly larger than the estimated 4.7% loss per decade of ImagingStudiesofDopamineTransportersinHealthyVolunteers perTracer Age range% Decline TABLE 2 Subjects @yr)decade DopamineTransporterAvailability(Bmax/K€,@Estimates) r1cjff@si@ena[11Cjcocaine (22)7 (6M, 1F) 24-81 Region Left Right 7%*r@'qi@-crr(23)27 (27M) 21-63 8%C1CIWIN(24)28 (14M,1419 18—83 0.33*Caudate1Putamen1 .79±0.411 .65± none[11C)d-threo-methylphenidate2335428 (33)10(5M, 5F) 19-81 .46±O.37@1 .48 ±O.42@ 6.6%**Obtair@ (14M,9F) 20-74

Vaiues correspond to means and s.d. *signffi@t differences between left from changesin estimates(DV@/DVca 1).,6Jl and right regions (p < 0.01); t@gnjfj@t differences between ipsilateral studies,dopamine@ansportersexcept for (24), docuBmax/Kdmented an age-relateddecline in caudateand putamen(p < 0.0001).

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Gender Differences in Cerebral Blood Flow as a Function of Cognitive State with PET

Giuseppe Esposito, John D. Van Horn, Daniel R. Weinberger and Karen Faith Berman Clinical Brain Disorders Branch, Intramural Research Program, National Institute ofMental Health, Washington, D. C.

gender-related differences in interregional correlational patterns This study explored the role of cognitive states in gender-based of glucose metabolism particularly involving the left frontal differences in brain function. Methods: We used the 150-water bolusmethodto measurecerebralbloodflow (CBF)in 14 young lobe, suggesting tighter functional coupling between this and normal volunteers with PET. Each subject was scanned six times, other brain areas in women. Andreason et al. (1 1) reported three during different neuropsychologicaltasks linked to the prefron higher orbitofrontal cerebral glucose metabolism (CMRGIu) talcortexandthreeothersduringcustomizedsensorimotorcontrol values in women, while Rodriguez Ct al. (12) found frontal tasks. The prefrontaltasks were the Wisconsin Card Sorting (WCS) asymmetry (right > left) in men that was absent in women. Test, DelayedAfternationtask (DA@and Spatial DelayedResponse Nevertheless, these findings have been extremely controver task (DR).Results: A significantmain influenceof sex on global CBF (mVmin/lOOg) was seen, with higher values in women, as viewed sial. A majority of previous studies have demonstrated higher acrossallsix conditions (means:60.9versus53.2,ANOVAF = 9.35, global CBF or CMRG1u metabolism in women (11—16),but a p < 0.01). Post-hoc contrasts, however, showed that this finding number of others found no sex-based differences (10,17—20). was not uniform in all conditions. Differences between men and Despite these inconsistencies, there have been no reports of women were seen during performance of the tasks, but higher brain activity in men than women. Considerable varia not duringthe sensorimotorcontroltasks.Evenwithinthe three tion exists among these studies as to how measurements were frontal lobe tasks, results tended to vary: the differences between the sexeswere most significantduringthe DA and just reached obtained and what functions were measured. Positive findings, traditionallevelsof significanceduring the WGS.Therefore,ifwe had however, have emerged regardless of the technique used: with utilized a single task condition to determine whether men and xenon technology (9, 12, 15), SPECT (14) and PET (16); with womenhavedifferentglobalCBFs,disparateconclusionswould measurements of rCBF as well as glucose metabolism; and in havebeenreacheddependinguponthetaskchosen.Conclusion: studies performed both with subjects at rest (9, 12, 14—16)and Although clear sex differencesin global CBF can be demonstrated, during activation (i.e., when subjects were asked to perform the cognitivestateof the subjectsmustbe controlledandconsid motor, sensory or cognitive activities during the scan) (I 1,13). ered when interpreting the differences.Also, variations in the cog nitive state might explain some of the discrepancies in gender In contrast, studies that have failed to demonstrate gender studies in the rCBF and cerebral glucose metabolism literature. differences in global brain activity have mainly been performed Key Words: cerebralblood flow; PET;cognitive stimulation;gender while subjects were at rest (10, 17,19,20), a condition which has differences;frontal lobe been demonstrated by some authors to be more variable than J NucIMed1996;37:559-564 when subjects are active (21 ). There has been only one activation study that has failed to delineate global gender differences in brain activity (18). ‘Le searchforsexualdimorphismandforgender-basedWhile the explanation for these striking discrepancies in the functional differences in the human brain has produced a large literature regarding global flow is not entirely clear, a variety of amount of research in the neuroscience literature. Several factors have been suggested. Among the more relevant expla studies have found structural (1—3) and electroencephalo graphic (4,5) differences between male and female brains. A nations are the possibility that variable brain size of subject considerable amount of research has also arisen from neuropsy groups could add variability to the results (22). Moreover, chological comparisons between the sexes, including observa disparate results could be explained by an interaction between tions that men and women have different verbal and/or spatial subject's age and sex, as evidenced by the fact that differences skills (6—8). between men and women occur in younger cohorts only and Both regional and global differences between the sexes have converge in later years (14,15,23). Another potentially crucial been reported with functional brain imaging techniques. As for source of variation that has not received sufficient attention is regional patterns, findings in the frontal lobes have been the cognitive state of the subjects (16,20). The present study, particularly prevalent. Mathew Ct al. (9) found a more robust therefore, sought to explore this factor in healthy young men difference between men and women in frontal areas than in the and women by measuring their rCBFs while performing a parietal, temporal, or occipital regions. Azari et al. (10) found variety of cognitive tasks. These tasks include some that are traditionally linked to the region most implicated by previous ReceivedFeb. 1, 1995;revisionaccepted Aug. 21, 1995. For correspondence or reprints contact: Giuseppe Esposito, MD, National Institutes functional brain imaging studies of gender differences—the ofHealthBuilding10,Room4N-317,9000RockvillePike,Bethesda,MD20892. frontal lobes.