Ronald Prescott Loui
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Ronald Prescott Loui [email protected] (preferred), [email protected]
University of Rochester M.S. 1985, Computer Science. Ph.D. 1987, Computer Science and Philosophy/Cognitive Science. Advisor: Henry E. Kyburg, Jr. Funding: U.S. Army Signals Warfare Laboratory.
Harvard B.A. m.c.l. 1982, Applied Mathematics: Decision and Control. Also Intellectual History and Physics.
University of Illinois-Springfield. 2012-2015 Assistant Professor of Computer Science in the College of Liberal Arts and Science.
Washington University in St. Louis. 1988-2008 Associate Professor of Computer Science in the School of Engineering, tenured in 1994. Affiliated with research centers (AI, Computational Intelligence, Semantic Control, and Semantic Network Hardware) and academic programs (Legal Studies/History, Linguistics, and Philosophy).
Stanford. 1987-1988 Postdoctoral Affiliate, Cognitive Science Program. Loosely affiliated with CS, CSLI and SRI. Sponsors: Paul Rosenbloom (invite), David Israel (office), Patrick Suppes (seminar), Yoav Shoham (signature), Amos Tversky (committee). Funding: Sloan Fellowship.
VFormation: SF-based venture capital firm, 2011
Cleveland Clinic HVI: electronic medical records, inference monitoring, text-based datamining, 2008-2011
Cycorp Austin: semantic databases and natural language query, 2008-2011
Global Velocity St. Louis: string processing and machine learning on network FPGA's, 2001-2006 St. Louis: webserver log analysis and usability, 2000
Southwestern Bell/TRI St. Louis: call center expert systems, 1990-1992
McDonnell-Douglas St. Louis: real-time path replanning for F-18 fighter-bombers, 1989
1 Xerox PARC Palo Alto and Webster NY: device diagnostics and prediction, 1988
Rockwell Palo Alto: evidential reasoning, 1988
DEC Hudson MA: internet topology simulation and optimization, 1982
*co-author, +thesis advisor or supervisor
Doctoral Students
+*Moshe Looks, Ph.D. Computer Science, 2007. Competent Program Evolution. External advisors D. Goldberg, B. Goertzel, and M. Pelikan. Also M.Sc., 2005, Program Learning with the Bayesian Optimization Algorithm. Currently a Google Scholar. Nominated for the IEEE dissertation award.
+*Gadi Pinkas, D.Sc. Computer Science, 1992. Inference in Symmetric Connectionist Networks. External advisor D. Touretzky. Currently Head of CS & IT at Bar Ilan University ISRAEL. Nominated for the ACM dissertation award.
+*Guillermo Simari, D.Sc. Computer Science, 1990. Mathematics of Defeasible Reasoning and Its Implementation. Currently Full Professor at Universidad Nacional del Sur ARGENTINA. Nominated for the ACM dissertation award.
Visiting Postdoctoral Research Associates
*Fernando Tohmé, 1996-1997. Full Professor, Dept. de Economıa, Univ. Nacional del Sur ARGENTINA.
*Bart Verheij, 1996. Tenured faculty, Artificial Intelligence, University of Groningen NETHERLANDS, Visiting Researcher at Stanford.
Doctoral Dissertation Opponent or External Committee Member
Arno Lodder, 1997, Maastricht U. Currently Full Professor of Internet Governance and Regulation, U. of Amsterdam NETHERLANDS
George Ferguson, 1995, U. of Rochester. Currently Senior Lecturer, U. of Rochester USA
Gerard Vreeswijk, 1993, VU Amsterdam; also a postdoctoral visitor in 1995. Currently Assistant Professor, Dept. of Information and Computing Sciences, Universiteit Utrecht NETHERLANDS
Peter Eklund, 1991, U. of Linkoeping SWEDEN. Currently Head of PhD School, U Copenhagen DENMARK.
Doctoral Committee Memberships
James Moscola (CS) 2008
David Schuehler (CS) 2008
Dan Dooly (CS) 2002
Edi Tudoreanu (CS) 2002
Michael Devore (EE) 2001
2 Sanghyun Kim (Systems Science and Mathematics) 2001
Travis Cusick (Systems Science & Mathematics) 2000
Keith Koper (Earth and Planetary Sciences) 1998
Fan Yang (Systems Science & Mathematics) 1996
Nilesh Jain (CS/Medical Informatics) 1995
J. Andrew Fingerhut (CS) 1994
Yuanlan Wu (Systems Science & Mathematics) 1993
Rosanne Fulcomer Gamble (CS) 1992
Gene Freudenberg (Mathematics) 1992
Kanaan Faisal (CS) 1990
Victor Griswold (CS) 1990
Amol Joshi (Chemical Engineering) 1990
Master's-Level Visiting Research Associates or External Committee Member
Alejandro Javier García, 1997. Currently Adjunct Professor, U. Nacional del Sur, Dept. de Ciencias e Ingeniería de la Computación ARGENTINA
*Carlos Iván Chesñevar, 1998. Currently Researcher, U. Nacional del Sur, Dept. de Ciencias e Ingeniería de la Computación ARGENTINA
*Ana Gabriela Maguitman, 1998. Currently Adjunct Professor, U. Nacional del Sur, Dept. de Ciencias e Ingeniería de la Computación ARGENTINA
Master's Thesis Students
*Adam Covington, 2006. Currently Research Associate at Stanford University
+*Andrew Levine, 2006. Currently Principal Developer at Digital Globe
*James Moscola, 2003. Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Computer Engineering at York College
Selected Undergraduate Research Students
*Jersey Chen, Yale MD, formerly Assistant Professor of Medicine, Yale
*William Chen, Berkeley PhD, Mathematics of Poker author and expert
*Barry Cynamon, Chicago MBA, Visiting Scholar at Federal Reserve Bank StL
*Adam Costello, Berkeley PhD, Software Engineer at Google Inc
*Mark Foltz, MIT PhD, Senior Staff Software Engineer at Google Inc
3 +Diana (Moore) Neuman, VP and Security Expert at En Garde Systems
*Michael Pachos, Wharton MBA, Principal at Samsung Capital Ventures
*Stephen Sachs, Yale JD, Associate Professor of Law, Duke
David Saff, MIT PhD (on leave), Software Engineer at Google Inc
Selected High School Research Students
*Joe Altepeter, Illinois PhD, formerly Research Assistant Professor of EECS/Physics, Northwestern University
*Jessica (Linsday) Mikale, Missouri JD, Prosecutor for Missouri county
Kyle Ormsby, Michigan PhD, Instructor, Department of Mathematics, MIT and Assistant Professor, Reed
Eric Wofsey, Harvard PhD (in progress), Department of Mathematics, Harvard
Applied Research: Grants of $563k, and $859k as co-PI for work on software-hardware co-design for document clustering and classification in multiple languages, sponsored by Global Velocity, SAIC, and AFRL ($1.4M total):
USAF Materiel Command MDA972-03-9-0001 2003-2005 with J. Lockwood
USAF Material Command MDA972-03-0001 2005-2007 with J. Lockwood, R. Pless, W. Smart
Fundamental Research: Grants of $199k, $120k, and $109k as PI and co-PI for work on models of negotiation and argumentation ($428k total):
NSF 9610122 1997-2001 with T. Sandholm
NSF 9503476 1993-1995
NSF 9008012 1990-1992
Research Education: Grants of $84k, $110k, $35k, and $35k as PI and coPI for summer research experiences for undergraduates (REU), sponsored by NSF, with $4k and $3k supplements ($271k total):
NSF 9415573 1995-1996
NSF 9123643 1992-1994
NSF 9102090 1991-1992
NSF 9000823 1990-1991 with W. Gillett
Research Symposia: Support of $10k, $3k, $3k and $2k from various sources for funding of academic symposia including NSF and McDonnell Douglas ($18k total).
Hardware donations: approximately $5k value from alumni, $300k for UIS Cyber Range from Global Velocity, 2013-2015 ($305k total).
4 Patents
J. Lockwood, M. Pachos, J. Moscola, and R. Loui. U.S. Patent application 5/21/02, 53047/9014 Methods, Systems, and Devices Using Reprogrammable Hardware for High-Speed Processing of Streaming Data to Find a Redefinable Pattern and Respond Thereto. Issued 8/15/06 as U.S. 7093023. Intellectual property basis for two licensing agreements, including Global Velocity's founding technology, St. Louis RCGA #1 Start-Up of 2003 and Missouri Technology company of the year 2008.
Provisional Patent (TF15052, 2015-053-01/PRO UIllinois) Methods for Securing Servers from Scanning Attacks, with R. Salvador and L. Caughey, 2014-2015.
Scholar.Google Citation Counts
Citations for top-12 papers (*single-authored): 598, 550, 322, 253*, 245*, 166*, 101, 75, 71, 63, 63, 58; h- index=20, 18 with co-author normalization, 13 since 2011
* cited 1+ ** cited 10+ *** cited 100+ (u) undergraduate co-author
Full Journal Articles
R. Loui, M. Ghasemisharif, Z. Zhao, H. Panday, and P. Bhamidipati. Three human factors projects resulting from data integrity experience with a large clinical database: outlier warnings, auto-selecting fields, and controlled meta- language, under review at Biomedical Engineering and Computational Biology, special supplement on Big Data Analytics for Health, 2015 (invited).
R. Loui. Against narrow optimization: an argument-based, path planning, and variable multiattribute model for decision and risk, Journal of Logics and their Applications, accepted conditionally on revision, 2015.
R. Loui and T. Loui. How to survive a cyber Pearl Harbor, IEEE Computer, accepted, to appear, 2015.
R. Loui. In praise of scripting: toward a real programming pragmatics, IEEE Computer 41, 2008.**
R. Loui. A citation-based reflection on Toulmin and argument, Argumentation 19, 2005 (invited).**
C. Chesnevar, A. Maguitman, R. Loui. Logical models of argument, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Computing Surveys 32, 2000.***
R. Loui. Process and policy: resource-bounded non-demonstrative argument, Computational Intelligence 14, 1998. WU CS TR 92-43, 1992.***
R. Loui and J. Norman. Rationales and argument moves, Artificial Intelligence and Law 3, 1995. WU CS TR 93- 03, 1993.***
R. Loui. How a formal theory can be normative: interpretation vs. implementation, Journal of Philosophy 90, 1993.*
G. Simari and R. Loui. A mathematical treatment of defeasible reasoning and its implementation, Artificial Intelligence 53, 1992. WU CS TR 89-12, 1989.***
R. Loui. Argument and belief: where we stand in the Keynesian tradition, Minds and Machines 1, 1991 (invited).**
5 R. Loui. Defeat among arguments: a system of defeasible inference, Computational Intelligence 3, 1987. UR CS TR 190, 1986.***
R. Loui. Nozick's acceptance rule and the lottery paradox, Analysis 47, 1987.*
R. Loui. Temporal evolution of beliefs and beliefs about temporal evolution (response to Hanks and McDermott), Cognitive Science 11, 1987.**
R. Loui. Decisions with indeterminate probabilities, Theory and Decision 21, 1986.**
R. Loui. Real rules of inference: acceptance and non-monotonicity in AI, Communication and Cognition - AI 5, 1988. UR CS TR 191, 1985.*
R. Loui. Optimal paths in graphs with stochastic or multidimensional weights, Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery (CACM) 26, 1983. Undergraduate thesis, s.c.l. UR CS TR 115, 1982. Translated and reprinted in Bit (Japan), 1984.***
Other Journal Columns, Reviews, Introductions, Letters, and Newsletters
R. Loui. Scientific and legal theory formation in an era of machine learning: remembering background rules, coherence, and cogency in induction, American Philosophical Association (APA) Philosophy & Computers 14, 2014 (invited).
R. Loui. Paths to defeasibility: reply to Schauer on Hart, American Philosophical Association (APA) Philosophy & Computers 12, 2013 (invited).
T. Bench-Capon, et al., including R. Loui (24 authors). A history of AI and Law in 50 papers: 25 years of the international conference on AI and Law, Artificial Intelligence and Law 20, 2012 (invited).**
R. Loui. A modest proposal for annotating the dialectical state of a dispute, SCRIPT ed Journal of Law, Technology & Society 5, 2008 (invited).*
R. Loui. Comment on the Cardozo conference on graphic and visual representations of evidence and inference in legal settings, Law, Probability, and Risk 6, 2007 (invited).*
E. Rissland, K. Ashley, and R. Loui. AI and Law, a fruitful synergy, Artificial Intelligence 150, 2003.**
R. Loui. Review of Jaap Hage's Rules and Reasons, Artificial Intelligence and Law 8, 1999 (invited).
R. Loui. Review of Henry Prakken's Logical Tools for Modelling Legal Argument, Journal of Symbolic Logic 64, 1999 (invited).
R. Loui. Review of Brian Smith's Origin of Objects, Artificial Intelligence 106, 1999 (invited).*
R. Loui. Review of Meyer and Wieringa: Deontic Logic in Computer Science, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Computing Reviews 37, 1996 (invited).
R. Loui. Why gawk for AI? Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on Programming Languages (ACM SIGPLAN) 32, 1996 (invited).*
R. Loui. Models of deliberation in the social sciences (strategic directions in AI), Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Computing Surveys 27, 1995 (invited).*
R. Loui. Report on The Workshop on Computational Dialectics, AI Magazine 16, 1995 (invited).*
6 R. Loui. Foucault, Derrida, Women's Speaking Justified, and Modelling Legal Argument, a review of The Rhetorical Tradition: readings from the classical times to the present, and Henry Prakken's Logical Tools for Modelling Legal Argument, Artificial Intelligence and Law 3, 1995 (invited).*
R. Loui. Kyburg and Volkswagens, Computational Intelligence 10, 1993 (invited).
R. Loui and J. Dorosh(u). Edited partial transcription of The Workshop on Defeasible Reasoning with Specificity and Multiple Inheritance, Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence (ACM SIGART) 2, 1991. WU CS TR 90-35, 1990.*
R. Loui. Report on The Workshop on Defeasible Reasoning with Specificity and Multiple Inheritance, AI Magazine 11, 1991 (invited).
R. Loui. Review of Harman's change in view, Artificial Intelligence 32, 1987.
R. Loui. Response to M. Henig on optimal paths, Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery (CACM) 28, 1985.
R. Loui. On spelling error detection, Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery (CACM) 24, Forum, 1981.*
Conference Articles Fully Peer Reviewed/Refereed
R. Loui. An easily adopted markup discipline for annotating electronic medical records with ontological and epistemological qualification: toward disciplined asterisks, parentheticals, marginalia, footnotes, and hashtags, Proc. IEEE Intl. Conf. on Health Informatics (ICHI), 2015.
R. Loui, D. Dozier(u), E. Barber(u), P. Bhamidipati, J. Harish, Auralization of process and port status using program binaries to generate semantically meaningful non-fatiguing noise as canonical sound signals," Proc. IEEE Electro Information Technology (EIT), 2015.
A. Ratner and R. Loui. High speed identification of language and script, Workshop on Data Stream Mining and Management (DSMM), Proc. IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), 2007.
M. Looks, A. Levine, G. A. Covington, R. P. Loui, J. W. Lockwood, Y. H. Cho. Streaming hierarchical clustering for concept mining, Proc. IEEE Aerospace Conference, 2007.**
A. Levine, R. Loui, J. W. Lockwood, Y. H. Cho. Sensitivity analysis of gigabit concept mining system, Proc. IEEE Aerospace Conference, 2007.*
S. Eick, J. Lockwood, R. Loui, et al. (8 authors), Hardware accelerated algorithms for semantic processing of document streams, Proc. IEEE Aerospace Conference, 2006.**
R. Loui. A mathematical comment on the fundamental difference between legal theory formation and scientific theory formation, Proc. Computational Models of Scientific Reasoning and Applications (CMSRA), 2005.*
J. Lockwood, S. Eick, D. Weishar, R. Loui, et al. (8 authors) Transformation algorithms for data streams, Proc. IEEE Aerospace Conference, 2005.**
M. Looks and R. Loui. On game mechanisms and procedural fairness: preliminary framework, Proc. Intl Conf. Legal Knowledge and Information Systems (JURIX), 2005.
M. Looks, R. Loui, and B. Cynamon(u). Dynamics of rule revision and strategy revision in legislative games, Proc. Intl Conf. Legal Knowledge and Information Systems (JURIX), 2005.
7 J. Moscola, M. Pachos, J. Lockwood, R. Loui. FPsed: a streaming content search-and-replace module for an internet firewall, Proc. Hot Interconnects (HotI), 2003.**
J. Moscola, J. Lockwood, R. Loui. Implementation of a content-scanning module for an internet firewall, Proc. Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines (FCCM), 2003.***
R. Loui and J. Norman, et al. (7 authors) Progress on Room 5: public interactive semiformal legal argument, Proc. Intl. Conf. on AI and Law (ICAIL), 1997.**
R. Loui. Hart's critics on defeasible concepts and ascriptivism, Proc. Intl. Conf. on AI and Law (ICAIL), College Park, 1995.**
R. Loui, J. Norman, J. Olson(u), and A. Merrill(u). A design for reasoning with policies, precedents, and rationales, Proc. Intl. Conf. on AI and Law (ICAIL), 1993.**
G. Pinkas and R. Loui. Reasoning from inconsistency, Proc. Conf. on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR), Levesque and Brachman, eds., Morgan Kaufman, 1992. WU CS TR 91-27, 1991.**
R. Loui. Argument and belief: where we stand in the Keynesian tradition, Proc. American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) Spring Symposium on Argument and Belief, 1991.**
R. Loui. Two heuristic functions for utility, Proc. American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) Spring Symposium on Limited Rationality, 1989. WU CS TR 89-9, 1989.*
R. Loui. Defeasible decisions: what the proposal is and isn't, Uncertainty in AI V, Henrion, Schachter, Kanal, and Lemmer, eds., North-Holland, 1990. Uncertainty Workshop, 1989. WU CS TR 89-30, 1989.**
R. Loui. Evidential reasoning in a network usage prediction testbed, Uncertainty in AI IV, Schachter, Levitt, Kanal, and Lemmer, eds., North-Holland, 1990. Uncertainty Workshop IV, 1988.*
R. Loui. Analogical reasoning, defeasible reasoning, and the reference class, Proc. Conf. on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR), Levesque and Brachman, eds., Morgan Kaufman, 1989. WU CS TR 89-7, 1989.*
R. Loui. Computing reference classes, Uncertainty in AI II, Lemmer and Kanal, eds., North-Holland, 1987. Uncertainty Workshop, 1986.**
R. Loui. Interval-based decisions for reasoning systems, Uncertainty in AI, Kanal and Lemmer, eds., North- Holland, 1986. Uncertainty Workshop, Los Angeles, with J. Feldman and H. Kyburg, 1985.**
Unrefereed Conference Articles Appearing in Proceedings
R. Loui and L. Caughey. What if intraverted women tend to dislike java and object oriented programming? Proc. IEEE Research on Equity and Sustained Participation in Engineering, Computing, and Technology (RESPECT), poster and lightning presentation, 2015.
R. Loui. The curse of Frege, Proc. Conf. on Theoretical Aspects of Reasoning about Knowledge (TARK), Vardi, ed., Morgan Kaufman, panel position statement,1988 (invited).*
Other Non-Proceedings Conference Work: Posters, Papers Read, or Plenary Presentations
R. Loui. NSA, Section 215, and FISA, FBI Infragard Cyber Defense and Disaster Recovery Conference (CDDR), 2014 (invited).
R. Loui. Mobile platforms and cyberwarfare: diversity is good, fragility is bad, misplacement is ugly, FBI Infragard Cyber Defense and Disaster Recovery Conference (CDDR), 2014 (invited).
8 R. Loui. Some AI models of negotiation, plenary talk, Intl Conf. Legal Knowledge and Information Systems (JURIX), 2007 (invited).
R. Loui. Three kinds of machines we program, Institute for Theological Encounter with Science & Technology (ITEST) AI and Virtual Reality Workshop, 2004 (invited). See also Book Chapters.
R. Loui. Pessimism and punishment in negotiation, plenary talk, La Conferencia de la Asociación Española para la Inteligencia Artificial (CAEPIA-TTIA), 2003 (invited).
R. Loui. Some philosophical remarks on the foundations of computing, read at Society for Exact Philosophy (SEP), 1998.
R. Loui. One hundred observations about fair games, read at Workshop on Legal Argumentation, 1998 (invited).
R. Loui and J. Norman. Precis of progress on Room 5, presented at the Conf. on French-American AI and Law, Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales (EDHEC), 1998 (invited).** See also Journal Articles.
R. Loui. Logic of arguments, and arguments of cases, World Congress of the Intl. Assoc. for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (IVR), 1997.
R. Loui. Alchourron and von Wright on conflicting norms, presented at Workshop in Honor of Carlos Alchourron, 1996.** See also Book Chapters.
R. Loui. Argument and arbitration games (precis), American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) Workshop on Computational Dialectics, 1994.**
R. Loui. Should those who exercise the authority of rules also know the cases? read at Workshop on Human and Machine Cognition, 1993.
R. Loui and N. Jain. Exact dominance without search in decision trees, Workshop on Normative Systems, 1991. WU CS TR 92-51, 1992.
R. Loui. How a formal theory can be normative: interpretation vs. implementation, read at Workshop on Human and Machine Cognition, 1991.* See also Journal Articles.
R. Loui. Dialectic, computation, and ampliative inference, precis delivered at Midwest AI and Cognitive Science Conference, 1990. WU CS TR 89-41.* See also Book Chapters.
G. Simari and R. Loui. Confluence of argument systems: Poole's rules revisited, Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning (NONMON3), 1990.*
R. Loui. Back to the scene of the crime: who survived Yale shooting, presented at Workshop on Human and Machine Cognition, 1989.*
R. Loui. Some inflammatory theses, Workshop on Defeasible Reasoning with Specificity and Multiple Inheritance, St. Louis, 1989.
R. Loui. Benchmark problems for nonmonotonic systems, Workshop on Defeasible Reasoning with Specificity and Multiple Inheritance, St. Louis, 1989.
R. Loui. Defeasible specification of utilities, presented at Society for Exact Philosophy 17, 1988 (invited).** See also Book Chapters.
R. Loui. Optimal paths in graphs, presented at the Operations Research Society Conf. (ORSA/TIMS), 1984 (invited).*** See also Journal Articles.
9 Books and Special Issues as Co-Editor
E. Rissland, K. Ashley, and R. Loui. AI and Law, eds., special issue on AI and Law, Artificial Intelligence 150, 2003.**
B. Verheij, A. Lodder, R. Loui, and A. Muntjewerff, eds., Legal Knowledge and Information Systems, IOS Press, ISBN 978-1-58603-201-2, 2001.
H. Kyburg, R. Loui, and G. Carlson, eds. Knowledge Representation and Defeasible Reasoning, Kluwer, ISBN-13: 978-9401067362, 1990.**
Book Chapters
R. Loui. An architecture for purely probabilistic negotiating agents: pessimism and punishment, laissez-faire paths, and one-sided rationality, Probability and Inference: Essays in Honour of Henry Kyburg, Jr., Harper and McClennan eds., College Books, 2007 (invited).
R. Loui. A citation-based reflection on Toulmin and argument, Arguing on the Toulmin Model: New Essays in Argument Analysis and Evaluation, Argumentation Library v. 10, Hitchcock and Verheij, eds., 2006.**
J. B. Sharkey, D. Weishar, J. Lockwood, R. Loui, et al. (10 authors) Information processing at very high-speed data ingestion rates, in Emergent Information Technologies and Enabling Policies for Counter Terrorism, Popp and Yin, eds., IEEE Press/Wiley, 2006.*
R. Loui. Three kinds of machines we program, AI and Virtual Reality, Postiglione and Brungs eds., 2005 (invited).
R. Loui and M. Tutunaru. Fed cite harvest: recueillir les jurisprudences importantes, Droit et Intelligence Artificialle, Bourcier, Hassett, and Roquilly, eds., Romillat, 2000 (invited).
R. Loui. Case-based reasoning and analogy, MIT Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science, Wilson and Keil, eds., MIT Press, 1998 (invited).**
F. Tohme and R. Loui. Alchourron's defeasible conditionals and defeasible reasoning, Logica, Informatica, Diritto, 1996 (invited). Logica Della Norme, Martino, ed., 1997. WU CS TR 97-03.
R. Loui. Alchourron and von Wright on conflicting norms, Nute, ed., Defeasible Deontic Logic, Kluwer, 1997 (invited).**
R. Loui. Back to the scene of the crime: who survived Yale shooting, Ford and Pylyshyn, eds., The Robot's Dilemma Revisited, Ablex, 1996.*
R. Loui. Ampliative inference, computation, and dialectic, Philosophy and AI, Pollock, and Cummins, eds., MIT Press, 1991 (invited).**
R. Loui. Defeasible specification of utilities (Defeasible reasoning about utilities and decision trees), Knowledge Representation and Defeasible Reasoning, Kyburg, Loui, and Carlson, eds., Kluwer, 1990.*
Technical Reports and Cited Unpublished Work Not Appearing Elsewhere
R. Loui and J. Norman. Eliding the Arguments of Cases, 1997. WU CS TR 97-12, 1997.*
R. Loui and D. Moore(u). Dialogue and Deliberation, 1997. WU CS TR 97-11, 1997.*
10 R. Loui, J. Norman, A. Merrill(u), K. Stiefvater(u), J. Olson(u), and A. Costello(u). Computing Specificity. WU CS TR 93-03, 1993.
R. Loui and J. Chen(u). Clothespins on Timelines: Utility Interval Representation of Time, WU CS TR 93-05, 1993.
R. Loui. Human and Machine Cognition Workshop papers 1989, 1991, 1993 (includes Rule maker's and rule follower's meaning), WU CS TR 93-27, 1993.
R. Loui and W. Chen(u). An Argument Game, WU CS TR 92-47, 1992.*
R. Loui. Corrigenda to Poole's Rules and A Lemma of Simari-Loui, 1992 (no TR number).*
R. Loui, G. Simari, M. Kahn. Expanded Report on The Workshop on Defeasible Reasoning with Specificity and Multiple Inheritance, WU CS TR 90-22, 1990.
R. Loui. User's Manual for CCRC: (common) computing reference classes, statistical reasoning shell v. 2.5, WU CS TR 89-8, 1989.
R. Loui. Defeat among Arguments II, WU CS TR 89-6, 1989.*
R. Loui. Theory and Computation of Uncertain Inference and Decision, doctoral dissertation, U. of Rochester, 1987. UR CS TR 228, 1987.**
D. Chiu, D. Ting, R. Jain, R. Loui, and W. Hawe. Impact, Design, and Use of Etherbridge, Digital Equipment Corporate (DEC) Research Report, 1983.
Independent Publications by Students and Staff during Supervision include thirteen refereed papers and twenty total papers as independent authors in Artificial Intelligence (4x), Journal of AI Research, Machine Intelligence and Pattern Recognition, Neural Computation, AAAI, IJCAI, GECCO, and NIPS.
Professional Societies
Officer of the International Association for AI and Law 1999-2001
Nominated for office in SIGART 1992
Founding member of the Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (conference) corporation 1992
Former member of AAAI
Former member of ACM
Former member of PSA
Member of SEP
Founding member/section editor of the Harvard International Review Military/Technology section at JFK School of Government Institute of Politics
11 Journal Editorial Boards
La Revue EDHEC Journal of Law New Technology, and Best Legal Practices (Comite Scientifique)
Journal of Computer Science and Technology (JCS&T/Latin America)
Journals Refereed
Advanced Computational Intelligence
Annals of Mathematical Computing
Annals of Mathematics and AI
Artificial Intelligence (AI Journal)
AI and Law
AI and Society
Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems
Communications of The ACM (CACM)
Computational Intelligence
Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Games and Economic Behavior
Group Decision and Negotiation
IEEE Expert
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering
Intl. J. of Approximate Reasoning
Intl. J. of Information, Technology, and Decision Making
Intl. J. of Intelligent Systems
J. of AI Research (JAIR)
J. of The Association for Computing Machinery (JACM)
J. of Logic and Computation (JLC)
Minds and Machines
Structured Programming
12 Synthese
Funding Agency Refereeing
NSF/US incl. 4 panels
DHS/US incl. 2 panels
Conference Organization
Conference Organizer, SEP (Society for Exact Philosophy), St. Louis 2002
Conference Organizer, ICAIL (International Conference on AI and Law), St. Louis 2001
Conference Organizer, MiniSymposium on Interactive Foundations of Computing, St. Louis 1997
Conference co-Organizer, AAAI Workshop on Computational Dialectics, Seattle 1994
Conference co-Organizer, Workshop on Defeasible Reasoning and Multiple Inheritance, St. Louis 1989
Conference Program Committees
COMMA, International Conference on Computational Models of Argument, Liverpool 2006
CMSRA, Fourth International Workshop on Computational Models of Scientific Reasoning and Applications, Lisbon 2005
FINCO, Foundations of Interactive Computing, Edinburgh 2005
ICAIL (Intl. Conf. on AI and Law), Bologna 2005
ICAIL (Intl. Conf. on AI and Law), Edinburgh 2003
Workshop on Argument, Dialogue, and Decision, with KR 02 and NonMonotonic Reasoning 02, Toulouse 2002
JURIX, Amsterdam 2001
IASTED AI and Law, San Francisco 2000
Computational Dialectics Workshop, ECAI, Berlin 2000
AAAI National Conference, Orlando 1999
ICAIL, Oslo 1999
IASTED AI and Law, Honolulu 1999
13 AAAI National Conference, Portland 1996
AAAI National Conference, St. Paul 1988
Additional Conferences Refereed
FINCO 2005
ICAIL 2005
CMSRA 2005
ICAIL 2001
JURIX 1999
KR 1996
FAPR CD Workshop 1996
ACM CSC 1993
Hawaii Conference on Systems Science 1993
IJCAI 1989
Uncertainty in AI 5 1989
Uncertainty in AI 6 1990
Uncertainty in AI 7 1991
Uncertainty in AI 8 1992
Uncertainty in AI 9 1993
3rd Midwest Conference on AI and Cognitive Science 1992
University Level Service
UIS University Undergraduate Research Committee 2013-2015
WUSTL University Residential College Faculty Associate 2004
WUSTL University Information Technology in Medical Education Committee 2004
WUSTL University Board of Trustees Undergraduate Committee 2002-2004
WUSTL University Bookstore Advisory Committee 2002-2004
WUSTL University Chancellor's Management Team Research Speaker 2001
School Level Service
14 UIS CLAS Curriculum Committee 2014-2015
WUSTL SEAS Speaker of Engineering Faculty Assembly 2001-2002
WUSTL SEAS Voting Member of Executive Committee 2001-2002
WUSTL SEAS Tenure Committees, both successful
WUSTL SEAS Library Liaison 1990-1991-1992-1993
WUSTL SEAS Engineering 2001 Report 1990-1991
WUSTL SEAS Engineering Library 1989-1990
Department Level Service
UIS Department Faculty Search Committee 2013 co-chair, 2013-2015
UIS Department By-Laws Committee 2013-2015
WUSTL Department Graduate Recruiting 2000-2001 chair
WUSTL Department Technology Adoption Committee 1999-2001
WUSTL Department Doctoral Committee 1998-1999 chair
WUSTL Department Summer Research 1990-2000 chair
WUSTL Department Graduate Admissions 1988-1991, 1999-2001, twice chaired
Invited Speaker at Meetings
Assn. for Public Administrators Regional Event on Cybersecurity 2014
FBI INFRAGARD Regional Event on Cyber Defense 2014
FBI INFRAGARD Regional Event on Mobile Security 2013
Keynote speaker at JURIX 2006
Spanish National AI Conference 2003
Regional Commerce Growth Assn. St. Louis, MO 2003
Invited Panelist
Intl. Conference on Health Informatics (IEEE ICHI) Panel on Data Quality 2015
Conference on Visual Representations of Evidence, Yeshiva Law School 2007
Olin Women's Graduate Fellowship Panelist 2006
15 University of Rochester Campus-Wide Symposium on Probability as a Guide to Life 2004
Future of Schools, Harvard Club of St. Louis 1998
First Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Conference 1988
Week-Long Supported Visits at Universities or Labs
University of Linkoeping CS, SWEDEN
ICOT (5th Generation Project) Tokyo, JAPAN
Universidad Nacional del Sur CS, ARGENTINA
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam CS, NETHERLANDS
University of Maastricht Law, NETHERLANDS
Bonn GMD (Gesellschaft fuer Mathematik und D.v.), GERMANY
Universita Degli Studi Di Pisa Law, ITALY
Short Visits as Colloquium or Symposium Speaker
Brown University CS (job interview), RI
SUNY Albany CS (job interview), NY
UC Boulder CS and Cognitive Science (job interview), CO
U Michigan EE and CS (job interview), MI
UI Chicago CS (job interview), IL
Brandeis CS and EE (job interview), MA
Washington University CS (job interview), MO
SUNY Buffalo CS and Cognitive Science, NY
UI Urbana CS and Library Science, IL
UCLA (AI class), CA
Stanford U CSLI, CA
Xerox, Webster, NY
Saarbruecken DFKI (Deutsches F.z. fuer Kunstliche Intelligenz), GERMANY
University of Rochester CS and Philosophy, NY
University of Georgia, CS and Philosophy, GA
Washington University Philosophy, MO
16 CMU Philosophy, Linguistics, and Robotics (two talks), PA
U Cincinatti CS (AI class), OH
Northeastern U Law, MA
Meijigakuin School of Law, JAPAN
Washington University Economics and Political Science, MO
University of Rochester campus-wide event, NY
Universidad del Pais Vasco CAEPIA, SPAIN
UMSL Math and CS, MO
UI Urbana CS/Robotics, IL
GE (job interview), NY
Rand Corporation (job interview), CA
Individually Invited to Events Hosted by Universities
U West Florida Cognitive Science HMC, FL
Chicago-Kent IIT Law WAI, IL
Sorbonne Law JURIX, FRANCE
Vrije Universiteit Brussels Law JURIX, BELGIUM
Nice EDHEC (Ecole de Hautes Etudes Commerciales) FAAIL, FRANCE
Washington University Law ICAIL, MO
Cardozo Law, Yeshiva University, NY
Attendee or Presenter at Events Hosted by Universities
U Minnesota Unc AI, MN
Catholic U Unc AI, DC
Brandeis Northeast W. AI, MA
Stanford U Spring Symp. AI and Fall Symp. AI, CA
U Toronto Northeast W. AI, CANADA
17 U Pittsburgh Unc AI, PA
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Law ICAIL, NETHERLANDS
SIU Carbondale MAI and Cognitive Science, IL
U Maryland Law ICAIL, MD
Universidad de Buenos Aires Law IVR, ARGENTINA
U Chicago Law SAIL, IL
* using closest current course numbering ** offered more than a dozen times *** taught online at least once
Courses Assisted as an Undergraduate Student at Harvard
ES119 Introduction to Decision and Control (Optimization)
Courses Assisted as a Graduate Student at The University of Rochester
CSC170* Introductory Programming (in Pascal)
CSC440* Graduate Artificial Intelligence
CSC571* Introduction to Cognitive Science
Courses Taught as a Professor at Washington University
CS100 Computing Tools**
CS141 Web Services and Web Enterprise (experimental course)
CS104/160 Web Development (new course developed)
CS201/301 Formal Foundations of CS
CS300 Art and Science of CS (experimental course)
CS313 AI Laboratory (new course developed)**
CS363 Server-Side and CGI Scripting (new course developed)
CS436/456 Software Engineering/Software Project Management
CS547/507 Formal Languages and Automata**
CS511 Artificial Intelligence I
18 CS512 Artificial Intelligence II
CS513 Knowledge Engineering
CS513A AI (Entrepreneurial) Programming Project
CS540 Formal Foundations of CS (course redeveloped)
CS580 Topics in Knowledge Representation (experimental course)
CS6742 Research Seminar in AI
Courses Taught as a Professor at The University of Illinois
CSC315 Robo Ethics***
CSC368 Systems Programming Languages***
CSC452 Web Design***
CSC453 Web Development and Programming***
CSC454 Client Side Scripting***
CSC540 Graduate Research Seminar
CSC570-1 Cyber Warfare***
CSC570-2 Computer Surveillance***
MAJOR SOFTWARE PROTOTYPES (WITH STUDENTS AND COLLEAGUES) crc/ccrc/rcstat/rd- automated statistical reasoners in lisp and c nathan - defeasible theorem prover and planner in c lmnop - legal precedent automated reasoner in lisp hserver - Harvard alumni mailserver social network in gawk/cgi argcol/sophie/antigone - argument formatting in vi, gawk
313games - stratego, soccer, football, baseball simulators for AI optimizations in gawk hterm/webvi/webmail/webshell - unix tools with cgi interface in gawk mcow/mebay - server support for lightweight and band-limited clients in gawk argument game - model of legal analogy in gawk negotiation demo/negotiation game - model of bargaining process in perl, gawk cgi mmmalloc - memory allocation to improve locality in c
19 room5/fed-cite-harvest - legal citation mining, citation-ranked search, and e-gov portal in gawk best shots - automatic rating of photographs in c and gawk log replayer - for in gawk cgi subman/superman - intelligent html front end to unix man pages in gawk cgi colorscheme - automatic analysis of composition and colors in gawk cgi djtools - cloud-based image manipulation tools in gawk cgi autoclass/autocluster/boris - clustering demo with simulated annealing & visualization in gawk fpgrep/fpsed/fpawk - hardware-based streaming string processing in gawk bb/afe/winnow - for SAIC in gawk foreign language & script triage - for NSA in gawk
EMR/dashboard/data analysis tools - for Cleveland Clinic in js, gawk, sql, and mysql text mining/ontology & proof tree visualizations - for Cycorp in js with ajax argjs - argument gameboard in js and gawk cgi update.cgi - fast/contextual/expressive discussion board for UIS students in gawk cgi
Trevor Bench-Capon, Professor, Liverpool, UK
Sviatoslav Braynov, Assistant Professor, SUNY Buffalo
Steve Cousins, Technical Manager, XEROX PARC
Dan Dooly, Assistant Professor, SIUE
Hector Geffner, Professor, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain
Moises Goldszmidt, Senior Research Associate, Stanford
Kate Larson, Assistant Professor, Waterloo, Canada
Eric Neufeld, Professor, University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Simon Parsons, Reader, University of Liverpool, UK
Michael Pittarelli, SUNY Utica
John Pollock, Professor, University of Arizona
Henry Prakken, Lecturer, University of Utrecht, Netherlands
20 Edwina Rissland, Professor, University of Massachusetts
Tuomas Sandholm, Associate Professor, CMU
Fernando Tohme, Associate Professor, National Southern University (Bahia Blanca), Argentina
Bart Verheij, Assistant Professor, University of Maastricht, Netherlands
Gerard Vreeswijk, University of Utrecht, Netherlands
Spanish, e.g.,(AR) Restablecimiento y especificidad en sistemas argumentativos; (ES) Subastas y Sistemas Multiagente; (MX) Una Revisión de las Semánticas de Argumentación; (BR) Toulmin: razonamiento, sentido común y derrotabilidad; (CO) Análisis De Las Relaciones Internacionales Desde La Teoría De La Argumentación; (BO) ACTAS DE LAS VII JORNADAS DE EPISTEMOLOGIA DE LAS CIENCIAS ECONOMICAS 2001; (CL) El concepto de acción y el lenguaje de la imputación
Portuguese, e.g., (PT) Optimização em redes com parâmetros aleatórios; (BR) COERÊNCIA E DIREITO TRIBUTÁRIO
Italian, e.g., (IT) Stima della topologia per Smart Grid
French, e.g., (FR) Contributions aux approches logiques de l'argumentation en intelligence artificielle; (CA) Conflit: vers une définition générique
Vietnamese, e.g., (VN) So trùng mẫu dựa trên Cuckoo Hashing ứng dụng cho Nids
Japanese, e.g., (JP) 準無矛盾論理に基づく議論フレームワーク
Korean, e.g., (KR) 멀티 컨텐츠 snort rule 에서의 고속 네트워크 침입탐지
Chinese, e.g., (CN) 辩论的逻辑模型研究综述冰; (TW) 應用於場效可程式邏輯陣列之高效能入侵偵測系統
Estonian, e.g., (EE) Läbirääkimiste modelleerimine arvutil
Russian, e.g., (RU) Оценка аргументации: би-решеточная модель
Czech, e.g., (CZ) Je nemonotónní logika logikou?
21 Hungarian, e.g., (HU) A feljogosító következtetések logikája
Finnish, e.g., (FI) JavaScript: ennen ja nyt
Dutch, e.g., (NL) Informatietechnologie voor juristen
German, e.g., (AT) Nichtmonotone Systeme der deontischen Logik und ihre Bedeutung fuer Behandlung bedingter Norme; (DE) Hardware-effiziente Auswertealgorithmen für die bildgebende Echtzeit-Messung partikelbeladener Strömungen am Beispiel thermokinetischer Beschichtungsverfahren; (CH) Kontrollierte Sprache für juristische Informationssysteme
Shared ACM George S. Forsythe prize, 1983, for best U.S. undergraduate paper. Organized Harvard Internet Alumni Association, 1992. STEM Research Mentoring Award from UMSL.
Expert user of the Unix system and its associated tools, and is a gawk user guru. Thousands of hours using image manipulation tools such as Photoshop/gimp and manipulating dynamic web sites in dhtml, css, javascript, and cgi programming. Some systems administration and familiarity with many scripting languages such as php, perl, tcl, and others, including matlab. Database analyst in mysql and Oracle sql. Formerly an early Pick-basic, fortran, and lisp programmer. Experience with simulations, rapid prototyping, service innovation, workflow paradigm-shifts, and software project management functions.
Born 12/61 in Honolulu, Hawaii. Graduate of Punahou School 1979. Married to Melissa Clark artist/entrepreneur.