Standards For School Library Resource Collections

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Standards For School Library Resource Collections

Standards for School Library Resource Core Collections

In accordance with the South Carolina Department of Education’s standards for school libraries, the same levels—emerging, proficient, and exemplary—should be used as a measurement for evaluating the school library resource collection. The results of the evaluation should be used for long-range planning to establish goals for collection development.

All schools regardless of enrollment or grades served should use these core collection standards for collection development and evaluating the library resource collection.

General Requirements  Standard selection tools and the South Carolina Department of Education (SDE) collection development guidelines (available online at are used to facilitate decisions on acquisitions, weeding, and collection evaluation. (See appendix A for weeding guidelines.)  All items available in the library resource collection are catalogued and managed with an up-to-date circulation system.* The online card catalogue (OPAC) is available on every school computer with local area network (LAN) connectivity. Web-based resources are available on 24/7 access.  The resource collection is catalogued and arranged according to a standard system (i.e., Dewey Decimal System).

PRINT:  The collection, regardless of student enrollment or grades served, has a minimum number of books per pupil. Emerging Proficient Exemplary □ A minimum of 11 books □ A minimum of 13 books □ A minimum of 15 books per student that meet per student that meet per student that meet the the Emerging age the Proficient age Exemplary age requirements, are aligned requirements, are aligned requirements, are aligned with the curriculum, with the curriculum, with the curriculum, reflect students’ reflect students’ reflect students’ interests, and are age interests, and are age interests, and are age and developmentally and developmentally and developmentally appropriate. appropriate. appropriate.

 The collection of print resources is aligned with the school’s curriculum to support the instructional program of the school and district.* These resources also meet the recreational reading needs of the school community—students and adults.  No more than five copies of the same print title may be counted to meet standard for minimum number of books per student. Certain exceptions apply— dictionaries, almanacs, thesauruses. See the following charts for specific recommendations for these resources.

Standards for South Carolina School Library Resource Collections 1  Classroom sets, while cataloged into the library media center resource database for inventory and accountability purposes, may not be counted to meet standard.  Multi-volume sets (e.g., multi-volume encyclopedias) are counted as one title.  Paperback books may be counted for up to 10 percent of the number of books required to meet standard. See the following charts for specific percentage recommendations.

NON-PRINT:  The collection provides access to resources in a variety of formats* as reflected in the following charts.  The collection of non-print resources is aligned with the school’s curriculum to support the instructional program of the school and district.* (See appendix B for Resource Alignment through Curriculum Mapping.)  Resources available through StreamlineSC may be counted up to 10 percent of the number of non-print resources required to meet standard.  Periodicals available through DISCUS may be counted for up to 50 percent of the number of periodical subscriptions required to meet standard for the general collection and for the professional collection.  Books-on-tape and e-books may be counted up to 25 percent of the number of books required to meet standard.* Only one copy of each title (either as an e- book or as a book-on-tape) may be counted to meet standard.* These meet the age standards as found in the following charts.

Specific Requirements  To balance the collection and facilitate collection development the following percentages for the fiction and nonfiction sections are recommended:

Fiction Nonfiction Grade ranges percentage of collection percentage of collection Elementary 60% 40% Middle School 45% 55% High School 35% 65%  The general library resource collection contains fiction books o that are age and developmentally appropriate for the students served; o that are diverse and multicultural in scope; o that address subjects of interest to the students served; o that are reflective of current and classic literature; and o that meet the required number of books per student and age standards found in the following charts.  The general library resource collection contains a combination of non-fiction print and non-print resources o that are aligned with the school’s curriculum; o that address subjects of interest to the students served;

Standards for South Carolina School Library Resource Collections 2 o that are age and developmentally appropriate for the students served; and o that meet the number of books per student and age standards found in the following charts.  The fiction collection will have an older average copyright date than the non- fiction collection; however, this collection, like the non-fiction collection, should be evaluated and renewed annually to remove items that are outdated, irrelevant, or damaged beyond repair. Specific recommendations for average age of the fiction section and for annual renewal rates are found in the following charts.  The non-fiction collection is evaluated annually to remove items containing obvious factual errors, outdated information, or that no longer meet the current curricular needs. Specific recommendations for annual renewal rates are found in the following charts. Non-fiction items removed from the collection should be discarded according to district policy or SDE guidelines, if no district policy is available. (See appendix D for SDE guidelines for disposing of library resouces.) Non-fictions items deemed too old for the library resource collection are likewise too old for general classroom use and should, therefore, be discarded. Misinformation is worse than no information at all.  The following areas of the collection—print and non-print resources—have been identified as critical areas due to rapidly changing information: political science, economics, science, technology, geography, and travel. These areas should be evaluated, weeded, and renewed annually. Specific recommendations for annual renewal rates are found in the following charts.  All electronic resources should be available via the LAN and should be accessible on every computer that has LAN connectivity throughout the school and available through 24/7 access at home .  One-volume reference books (e.g., almanacs, handbooks) should be replaced at least every two years.

Grade Definitions:  Elementary School: Standards for elementary schools were developed for the traditional K-5 school. Schools that include PK3 and PK4 in their population should adapt these standards accordingly to meet the needs of their students. Schools serving other combinations (e.g., PK3-2, 4-5, PK-1) should likewise adapt these standards accordingly.  Middle School: Standards for middle schools were developed for the traditional middle school serving grades 6-8. Schools with any grade combination that includes grades 6 through 8 should comply with the middle school standards with adaptations made to address the standards for other grades.**  High School: Standards for high schools were developed for the traditional high school serving grades 9 through 12. Schools with any grade combination that includes grades 9 through 12 should comply with the high school standards. ** *Indicates SACS Requirement

Standards for South Carolina School Library Resource Collections 3 ** Schools that include middle and high school grades (e.g., grades 7-12) should meet the high school standards.

Standards for South Carolina School Library Resource Collections 4 Elementary School Library Resource Collection Standards Kindergarten through Grade 5 (K-5)

Emerging Proficient Exemplary

□ A minimum of 11 books per □ A minimum of 13 books per □ A minimum of 15 books per student that meet the student that meet the student that meet the Emerging age requirements, Proficient age requirements, Exemplary age are aligned with the are aligned with the requirements, are aligned curriculum, reflect students’ curriculum, reflect students’ with the curriculum, reflect interests, and are age and interests, and are age and students’ interests, and are developmentally developmentally appropriate. age and developmentally appropriate. appropriate.

Fiction and Nonfiction

□ The recommended annual □ The recommended annual □ The recommended annual renewal rate is 1 percent. renewal rate is 3 percent. renewal rate is 5 percent. □ The overall average □ The overall average copyright □ The overall average copyright date for the date for the fiction books, copyright date for the fiction books, including including Easy, paperbacks, fiction books, including Easy, paperbacks, books- books-on-tape and e-books, is Easy, paperbacks, books-on- on-tape and e-books, is no no more than 17 years from tape and e-books, is no more that 20 years from the current calendar date. more than 15 years from the current calendar date. □ The overall average copyright current calendar date. □ The overall average date for the non-fiction □ The overall average copyright date for the non- books, including Easy, books- copyright date for the non- fiction books, including on-tape and e-books, is no fiction books, including Easy, books-on-tape and e- more than 7 years from the Easy, books-on-tape and e- books, is no more than 10 current calendar date. books, is no more than 5 years from the current □ The average copyright date for years from the current calendar date. the total collection is 13 calendar date. □ The average copyright date years from current calendar □ The average copyright date for the total collection is date.1 for the total collection is 16 years from current □ Paperback books may be 11 years from current 1 1 calendar date. counted as 7 percent of the calendar date. □ Paperback books may be total number needed to meet □ Paperback books may be counted as 5 percent of the standard. These books must be counted as 10 percent of the total number needed to cataloged as part of the library total number needed to meet standard. These books resource collection. meet standard. These books must be cataloged as part of must be cataloged as part of the library resource the library resource collection. collection.

1 Here is the formula used to calculate the average copyright date for the total collection: The collection percentages for fiction and for nonfiction were multiplied by the number of years from current calendar date (e.g., 20, 17, 5). The results were added together and rounded to the nearest whole number, where necessary. Example: To calculate the total collection average copyright date for the Proficient level: 17 (years from current calendar date for fiction section) X .60 (percentage of total collection for fiction section) = 10.2 years. 7 (years from current calendar date for nonfiction section) X .40 (percentage of total collection for nonfiction section) = 2.8 years. Add 10.2 and 2.8 (10.2 + 2.8 = 13.0). The average copyright date for the total collection at the Proficient Level should be no more than 13 years from current calendar date—see chart above.

Standards for South Carolina School Library Resource Collections 5 Emerging Proficient Exemplary General Encyclopedia Emerging Proficient Exemplary □ A minimum of 1 multi- □ A minimum of 2 multi-volume □ A minimum of 3 multi- volume print set no more print sets (different titles): one volume print sets (different than 10 years old. set is no more than 3 years titles): one set is no more □ Access to DISCUS. from current calendar date; than 2 years from current one set is no more than 7 calendar date; one set is no years from current calendar more than 5 years from date. current calendar date. o 1 primary level o 1 primary level o 1 upper level o 2 upper level □ Access to DISCUS □ Access to one additional online encyclopedia beyond DISCUS. Dictionary □ 1 unabridged dictionary □ 1 unabridged dictionary □ 1 unabridged dictionary □ At least 10 copies of an □ At least 15 copies of an □ 25 copies of an abridged abridged dictionary (no abridged dictionary (no more dictionary (no more than 3 more than 7 years from than 5 years from current years from current calendar current calendar date) calendar date) appropriate for date) appropriate for upper appropriate for upper upper grades. grades. grades. □ At least 10 copies of an □ 15 copies of an abridged □ At least 5 copies of an abridged dictionary (no more dictionary (no more than 3 abridged dictionary (no than 5 years from current years from current calendar more than 7 years from calendar date) appropriate for date) appropriate for current calendar date) primary grades. primary grades. appropriate for primary □ 1 foreign language dictionary □ 1 foreign language grades. for common languages of ESOL dictionary for common □ 1 foreign language students. languages of ESOL students. dictionary for common □ Access to DISCUS. □ Access to DISCUS. languages of ESOL students. □ Access to DISCUS Atlas

□ 1 U.S. atlas □ 2 U.S. atlases (different titles), □ 3 U.S. atlases (different □ 1 world atlas at least one of which is the titles), at least 2 of which □ 1 state atlas latest edition are the latest editions □ 1 electronic atlas □ 2 world atlases (different □ 3 world atlases (different titles), at least one of which is titles), at least 2 of which the latest edition are the latest editions □ 2 state atlases, at least one of □ 2 state atlases, at least one which is the latest edition of which is the latest edition □ 1 electronic U.S. atlas □ 2 electronic U.S. atlases □ 1 electronic world atlas □ 2 electronic world atlases □ 1 electronic state atlas □ 1 electronic state atlas Almanac

□ 1 general almanac □ 2 general almanacs (different □ 2 general almanacs □ 1 state almanac titles), at least one of which is (different titles), the latest the latest edition edition available (Multiple

Standards for South Carolina School Library Resource Collections 6 Emerging Proficient Exemplary □ 2 state almanacs, at least one copies of one are available of which is the latest edition for group work.) □ 1 electronic general almanac □ 2 state almanacs, the latest edition available. □ 1 electronic general almanac □ 1 electronic state almanac Thesaurus

□ 1 standard thesaurus □ 2 thesauruses (different titles) □ 2 thesauruses (different □ 10 copies of one thesaurus titles) latest editions. □ 15 copies of one thesaurus Geographical Dictionary

□ 1 geographical dictionary □ 2 geographical dictionaries □ 2 geographical dictionaries (different titles), at least one (different titles), one of of which is no more than 5 which is the latest edition years from current calendar and the other is no more date. than 5 years from current calendar date. Subject References

□ One multi-volume □ At least one multi-volume □ At least one multi-volume encyclopedia in each of the encyclopedia (no more than 7 encyclopedia (no more than following subject areas: years from current calendar 5 years from current o General science, date) in each of the following calendar date) in each of the o World cultures, and subject areas: following subject areas: o Geography. o General science, o General science, o Social studies, o Social studies, o World cultures, and o World cultures, and o Geography o Geography Periodical Index

□ Access to DISCUS □ Access to DISCUS □ Access to DISCUS Magazines

□ At least 20 subscriptions □ At least 30 subscriptions □ At least 40 subscriptions (Periodicals available through (Periodicals available through (Periodicals available through DISCUS may be counted for up DISCUS may be counted for up to DISCUS may be counted for up to 50 percent of the number of 50 percent of the number of to 50 percent of the number of periodical subscriptions required periodical subscriptions required to periodical subscriptions required to meet standard for the meet standard for the general to meet standard for the general collection and for the collection and for the professional general collection and for the professional collection.) collection.) professional collection.) Newspapers

□ 1 current subscription to a □ 2 current subscriptions to local □ A minimum of 2 current local or regional newspaper or regional newspapers subscriptions to local or □ Access to DISCUS □ 1 current subscription to a regional newspapers national newspaper □ A minimum of 2

Standards for South Carolina School Library Resource Collections 7 Emerging Proficient Exemplary □ Access to DISCUS subscriptions to national newspaper(s). □ Access to DISCUS

Internet Resources

□ Printed list of web sites that □ List of web sites that support □ List of web sites that support the curriculum. The the curriculum. support the curriculum. list is updated annually. □ List is available via an □ List is available as a link on Internet-based bookmark the media center's home service (e.g., page through an Internet-, based bookmark service (e.g., □ List is updated at least each, semester. New links are added as needed. and also as a printed list. □ The list is updated at least each nine weeks. New links are added as needed. Professional Resources

□ A minimum of 10 current □ A minimum of 15 current □ A minimum of 20 current subscriptions to professional subscriptions to professional subscriptions to professional magazines. magazines. magazines. □ A minimum of 30 □ A minimum of 50 professional □ A minimum of 75 professional books whose books whose average professional books whose average copyright date is no copyright date is no more than average copyright date is no more than 10 years from 7 years from current calendar more than 5 years from current calendar date. date. current calendar date. □ A 1 percent annual renewal □ A 2 percent annual renewal □ A 3 percent annual renewal rate is recommended. rate is recommended. rate is recommended. □ The books are cataloged as □ The books are cataloged as □ The books are cataloged as part of the library resource part of the library resource part of the library resource collection. collection. collection. □ The books are arranged □ The books are arranged □ The books are arranged according to a standard according to a standard system according to a standard system (e.g., Dewey (e.g., Dewey Decimal System) system (e.g., Dewey Decimal System) and and housed in the library Decimal System) and housed in the library media media center. housed in the library media center. □ A current list of web sites for center. □ A print list of web sites for professional information and □ A current list of web sites for professional information and staff development for professional information and staff development is educators. The list is staff development for available. The list is updated electronically via an Internet- educators. The list is annually. based bookmark service (e.g., electronically via an, Internet-based bookmark service (e.g., and updated at least each, semester. and is updated at least each nine weeks.

Standards for South Carolina School Library Resource Collections 8 Middle School Library Resource Collection Standards Grades 6-8

Emerging Proficient Exemplary

□ A minimum of 11 books per □ A minimum of 13 books per □ A minimum of 15 books per student that meet the student that meet the student that meet the Emerging age requirements, Proficient age requirements, Exemplary age are aligned with the are aligned with the requirements, are aligned curriculum, reflect students’ curriculum, reflect students’ with the curriculum, reflect interests, and are age and interests, and are age and students’ interests, and are developmentally developmentally age and developmentally appropriate. appropriate. appropriate.

Fiction and Nonfiction

□ The recommended annual □ The recommended annual □ The recommended annual renewal rate is 1 percent. renewal rate is 3 percent. renewal rate is 5 percent. □ The overall average □ The overall average □ The overall average copyright date for the copyright date for the copyright date for the fiction books, including fiction books, including fiction books, including paperback books, books-on- paperback books, books-on- paperback books, books-on- tape and e-books, is no tape and e-books, is no tape and e-books, is no more that 20 years from the more than 17 years from more than 15 years from the current calendar date. current calendar date. current calendar date. □ The overall average □ The overall average □ The overall average copyright date for the non- copyright date for the non- copyright date for the non- fiction books, including fiction books, including fiction books, including books-on-tape and e-books, books-on-tape and e-books, books-on-tape and e-books, is no more than 10 years is no more than 7 years is no more than 5 years from the current calendar from the current calendar from the current calendar date. date. date. □ □ □ The average copyright date The average copyright date The average copyright date for the total collection is for the total collection is for the total collection is no more than 15 years from no more than 12 years from no more than 10 years from 2 2 current calendar date.2 current calendar date. current calendar date. □ □ □ Paperback books may be Paperback books may be Paperback books may be counted as 5 percent of the counted as 7 percent of the counted as 10 percent of the total number needed to total number needed to total number needed to meet standard. These books meet standard. These books meet standard. These books must be cataloged as part of must be cataloged as part of must be cataloged as part of the library resource the library resource the library resource collection. collection. collection.

2 Here is the formula used to calculate the average copyright date for the total collection. The collection percentages for fiction and for nonfiction were multiplied by the number of years from current calendar date (e.g., 20, 17, 5). The results were added together and rounded to the nearest whole number, where necessary. Example: To calculate the total collection average copyright date for the Proficient level: 17 (years from current calendar date for fiction section) X .45 (percentage of total collection for fiction section) = 7.65 years. 7 (years from current calendar date for nonfiction section) X .55 (percentage of total collection for nonfiction section) = 3.85 years. Add 7.65 and 3.85 and round to the nearest whole number (7.65 + 3.85 = 11.5). The average copyright date for the total collection at the Proficient Level should be no more than 12 years from current calendar date—see chart above.

Standards for South Carolina School Library Resource Collections 9 Emerging Proficient Exemplary General Encyclopedia

□ At least 2 multi-volume print □ At least 3 multi-volume print □ At least 4 multi-volume sets sets (different titles). The sets (at least 2 different (at least 2 different titles). oldest set is no more than titles). The oldest set is no The oldest set is no more 10 years from current more than 7 years from than 5 years from current calendar date. One set is no current calendar date. One calendar date. Two sets are more than 7 years from set is no more than 5 years the latest editions. current calendar date. from current calendar date. □ Access to DISCUS. □ Access to DISCUS □ Access to DISCUS. □ Access to 2 additional online □ Access to one additional encyclopedias. At least two online encyclopedia should be available beyond available beyond DISCUS DISCUS. Dictionary

ENGLISH/LANGUAGE ARTS ENGLISH/LANGUAGE ARTS ENGLISH/LANGUAGE ARTS □ 1 unabridged □ 1 unabridged □ 1 unabridged □ At least 10 copies of an □ 2 abridged dictionaries □ 3 abridged dictionaries abridged dictionary (no (different titles); one of (different titles); no more more than 7 years old) which is no more than 5 than 3 years from current years from current calendar calendar date date □ At least 25 copies of one □ At least 15 copies of one abridged dictionary abridged dictionary □ 2 online dictionaries □ 1 online dictionary

FOREIGN LANGUAGE FOREIGN LANGUAGE FOREIGN LANGUAGE □ □ □ 1 foreign language 1 foreign language 1 foreign language dictionary for common dictionary for each common dictionary for each common languages of ESOL students. language of ESOL students. language of ESOL students. □ □ □ 1 foreign language 2 foreign language A minimum of 2 foreign dictionary for each language dictionaries for each language dictionaries for taught. language taught; one of each language taught; one which should be the latest of which should be the latest edition edition.

GEOGRAPHICAL GEOGRAPHICAL GEOGRAPHICAL □ 1 geographical dictionary □ 2 geographical dictionaries; □ A minimum of 2 one is no more than 5 years geographical dictionaries. from current calendar date. One is the latest edition and □ 1 online geographical one is no more than 3 years dictionary from current calendar date. □ 1 online geographical dictionary Thesaurus

□ 1 standard thesaurus □ 2 thesauruses (different □ 2 thesauruses (different titles); one of which is the titles), latest edition latest edition available. □ At least 15 copies of one □ At least 25 copies of one thesaurus thesaurus □ 1 online thesaurus □ 1 online thesaurus

Standards for South Carolina School Library Resource Collections 10 Emerging Proficient Exemplary Atlas

□ 1 U.S. atlas □ 2 U.S. atlases (different □ 3 U.S. atlases (different □ 1 world atlas titles), at least one of which titles), at least two of which □ 1 state atlas is the latest edition. are the latest edition. □ 2 world atlases (different □ 3 world atlases (different titles), at least one of which titles), at least two of which is the latest edition. are the latest edition. □ 2 state atlases, at least one □ 3 state atlases, at least two of which is the latest of which are the latest edition. edition. □ 2 electronic U.S. atlases □ 2 electronic U.S. atlases □ 2 electronic world atlases □ 2 electronic world atlases □ 1 electronic state atlas □ 1 electronic state atlas Almanac

□ 2 general almanacs □ 2 general almanacs □ 2 general almanacs (different titles) (different titles), one of (different titles), latest □ 1 state almanac which is the latest edition edition available. Multiple and one is no more than 5 copies available for group years from current calendar work. date. □ 15-25 copies of one general □ At least 15 copies of one almanac general almanac □ 2 state almanacs, latest □ 2 state almanacs, latest edition available. Multiple edition available. copies for group work. □ 1 online general almanac □ 1 online general almanac □ 1 online state almanac □ 1 online state almanac Biographical Reference

□ 1 biographical reference □ 1 biographical reference □ 2 biographical reference source on each of the source on each of the source on each of the following groups (Subject following groups (Subject following groups (Subject areas should include math, areas should include math, areas should include math, science, fine arts and science, fine arts and science, fine arts and literature, government, literature, government, literature, government, politics, and other areas politics, and other areas politics, and other areas relevant to the curriculum): relevant to the curriculum.): relevant to the curriculum): o Authors; o Authors; o Authors; o Americans of current o Americans of current o Americans of current and historical interest, and historical interest; and historical interest; o South Carolinians of o South Carolinians of o South Carolinians of current and historical current and historical current and historical interest; interest; interest; o World figures of current o World figures of current o World figures of current and historical interest; and historical interest; and historical interest; and and and o Personalities of general o Personalities of general o Personalities of general interest to the student interest to the student interest to the student population. population. population. □ These reference materials □ These reference materials □ These reference materials should be no more than 10 should be no more than 7 should be no more than 5 years from the current years from the current years from the current calendar date. calendar date. calendar date.

Standards for South Carolina School Library Resource Collections 11 Emerging Proficient Exemplary □ Access to DISCUS □ Access to DISCUS □ Access to DISCUS Poetry

□ 1 poetry index □ 2 poetry indexes; each □ 2 poetry indexes; each indexing different years. indexing different years. □ At least 1 index is no more □ At least 1 index is no more than 7 years from the than 3 years from the current calendar date. current calendar date. Quotations

□ 1 standard book of □ 2 standard books of □ 3 standard books of quotations quotations; one is no more quotations; one is no more than 10 years from current than 10 years from current calendar date. calendar date and one is no □ Access to one web site for more than 7 years from quotations current calendar date. □ Access to at least 2 web sites for quotations. General Reference Sources

□ One multi-volume □ One multi-volume □ One current multi-volume encyclopedia in each of the encyclopedia in each of the encyclopedia in each of the following subject areas: following subject areas: following subject areas: o General science; o General science; o General science; o World cultures; and o World cultures; o World cultures; o Geography o Geography; o Geography; □ One volume handbook, o Special area of science o Special area of science dictionary, or encyclopedia (e.g., biology, (e.g., biology, in each of the following chemistry); chemistry); subject areas: o Health, Food, Nutrition; o Health, Food, Nutrition; o Business and and and economics; o The Arts. o The Arts. o Careers; □ At least 15 other □ At least 20 other o History; encyclopedia, handbooks, encyclopedia, handbooks, o The Arts including dictionaries on subjects dictionaries on subjects music; related to the curriculum, related to the curriculum, including Parliamentary including Parliamentary o Health, Food, and Procedure. The overall Procedure. The overall Nutrition; average age of these average age of these o Mathematics; and resources is no more than 7 resources is no more than 5 o Parliamentary years from the current years from the current Procedure. calendar date. calendar date. □ 1 handbook of first facts □ 1 handbook of first facts □ 1 handbook of first facts □ 1 handbook of trivia □ 1 handbook of trivia □ 1 handbook of trivia □ 1 handbook on at least two □ 1 handbook on at least four □ 1 handbook of sports trivia of the subjects from the of the subjects in the □ At least 1 handbook on each following list: following list: of the subjects in the o Birds, o Birds, following list: o Plants, o Plants, o Birds, o Trees, o Trees, o Plants, o Wildflowers, o Wildflowers, o Trees,

Standards for South Carolina School Library Resource Collections 12 Emerging Proficient Exemplary o Shells, o Shells, o Wildflowers, o Fish, and o Fish, and o Shells, o Wild animals. o Wild animals. o Fish, and □ Access to DISCUS □ Access to DISCUS. o Wild animals. □ One additional online □ Access to DISCUS. database subscription □ Two additional online beyond DISCUS and related database subscriptions to the curriculum. beyond DISCUS and related to the curriculum. Periodical Index

□ Access to DISCUS □ Access to DISCUS □ Access to DISCUS Magazines

□ A minimum of 15 current □ A minimum of 20 current □ A minimum of 25 current subscriptions for student subscriptions for student subscriptions for student use. use. use. Newspapers

□ 1 current subscription to a □ 2 current subscriptions to a □ A minimum of 3 current local or regional newspaper local or regional newspaper subscriptions to local or □ Access to DISCUS □ 2 current subscriptions to regional newspapers national newspapers □ A minimum of 3 current □ Access to DISCUS subscriptions to national newspaper □ Access to DISCUS Internet Resources

□ Printed list of web sites that □ Printed list of web sites that □ Printed list of web sites that support the curriculum. The support the curriculum. support the curriculum. list is updated annually. □ List is available via an □ List is available on the Internet-based bookmark media center’s home page service (e.g., as a link to an Internet-, based bookmark service (e.g., □ Links are checked and, updated monthly. New links are added as needed. □ Links are checked and updated each nine weeks. New links are added as needed. Professional Collection

□ A minimum of 10 current □ A minimum of 15 current □ A minimum of 20 current subscriptions to professional subscriptions to professional subscriptions to professional magazines. magazines. magazines. □ At least 30 professional □ A minimum of 50 □ A minimum of 75 books whose average professional books whose professional books whose copyright date is no more average copyright date is no average copyright date is no than 10 years from current more than 7 years from more than 5 years from

Standards for South Carolina School Library Resource Collections 13 Emerging Proficient Exemplary calendar date. current calendar date. current calendar date. □ A 1 percent annual renewal □ A 2 percent annual renewal □ A 3 percent annual renewal rate is recommended. rate is recommended. rate is recommended. □ The books are cataloged as □ The books are cataloged as □ The books are cataloged as part of the library resource part of the library resource part of the library resource collection. collection. collection. □ The books are arranged □ The books are arranged □ The books are arranged according to a standard according to a standard according to a standard system (e.g., Dewey system (e.g., Dewey system (e.g., Dewey Decimal System). Decimal System). Decimal System). □ A print list of web sites for □ A current list of web sites □ A current list of web sites for professional information and for professional information professional information and staff development is and staff development for staff development for available. The list is updated educators is available in educators is available in each semester. print format and as links print and on the media from the media center’s center’s home page. The home page. The links are links are checked and checked and updated each updated monthly. New links nine weeks. New links are are added as needed. added as needed.

Standards for South Carolina School Library Resource Collections 14 High School Library Resource Collection Standards Grades 9-12

Emerging Proficient Exemplary

□ A minimum of 11 books per □ A minimum of 13 books per □ A minimum of 15 books per student that are aligned student that are aligned student that are aligned with with the curriculum, reflect with the curriculum, reflect the curriculum, reflect students’ interests, and are students’ interests, and are students’ interests, and are age and developmentally age and developmentally age and developmentally appropriate. appropriate. appropriate.

Fiction and Nonfiction

□ At least 3 percent of the □ At least 5 percent of the □ At least 10 percent of the general collection is general collection is general collection is renewed renewed annually. renewed annually. annually. □ The average copyright date □ The average copyright date □ The average copyright date for the fiction book, for the fiction books, for the fiction books, including paperback books, including paperback books, including paperback books, books-on-tape and e-books, books-on-tape and e-books, books-on-tape and e-books, is no more that 20 years is no more than 17 years is no more than 15 years from the current calendar from current calendar date. from the current calendar date. □ The average copyright date date. □ The average copyright date for the non-fiction books, □ The average copyright date for the non-fiction books, including books-on-tape and for the non-fiction books, including books-on-tape and e-books, is no more than 7 including books-on-tape and e-books, is no more than 10 years from the current e-books, is no more than 5 years from the current calendar date. years from the current calendar date. □ The average copyright date calendar date. □ The average copyright date for the total collection is □ The average copyright date for the total collection is no more than 11 years from for the total collection is no more than 14 years from current calendar date.3 no more than 9 years from 3 3 current calendar date. □ Paperback books may be current calendar date. □ Paperback books may be counted as 7 percent of the □ Paperback books may be counted as 5 percent of the total number of books counted as 10 percent of the total number of books needed to meet standard. total number of books needed to meet standard. These books must be needed to meet standard. These books must be cataloged as part of the These books must be cataloged as part of the library resource collection. cataloged as part of the library resource collection. library resource collection.

3 Here is the formula used to calculate the average copyright date for the total collection. The collection percentages for fiction and for nonfiction were multiplied by the number of years from current calendar date (e.g., 20, 17, 5). The results were added together and rounded to the nearest whole number, where necessary. Example: To calculate the total collection average copyright date for the Proficient level: 17 (years from current calendar date for fiction section) X .35 (percentage of total collection for fiction section) = 5.95 years. 7 (years from current calendar date for nonfiction section) X .65 (percentage of total collection for nonfiction section) = 4.55 years. Add 5.95 and 4.55 and round to the nearest whole number (5.95 + 4.55 = 10.50). The average copyright date for the total collection at the Proficient Level should be no more than 11 years from current calendar date—see chart above.

Standards for South Carolina School Library Resource Collections 15 Emerging Proficient Exemplary General Encyclopedias

□ 3 multi-volume sets with □ 4 multi-volume sets with at □ 6 multi-volume sets with at different titles; 1 set no least 3 different titles; one least 3 different titles; three more than 10 years from set is no more than 7 years sets are no more than 5 current calendar date. from current calendar date; years from current calendar □ Access to DISCUS one set is no more than 5 date and three sets are the years from current calendar latest edition. date; one set is the latest □ Access to DISCUS edition. □ Access to 2 additional online □ Access to DISCUS encyclopedias beyond □ Access to 1 additional online DISCUS. encyclopedia beyond DISCUS Subject Encyclopedias (Multi-volume Sets) HISTORY AND GEOGRAPHY HISTORY AND GEOGRAPHY HISTORY AND GEOGRAPHY □ 1 encyclopedia of historical □ 1 encyclopedia of historical □ 2 encyclopedias of historical dates or chronology dates or chronology dates or chronology □ 1 encyclopedia of American □ 2 encyclopedias of American □ 3 encyclopedias of American history history history □ 1 encyclopedia of American □ 2 encyclopedias of American □ 2 encyclopedias of American colonization colonization colonization □ 1 encyclopedia of world □ 2 encyclopedias of world □ 3 encyclopedias of world history history history □ 1 encyclopedia of world □ 1 encyclopedia of battles of □ 2 encyclopedias of battles of geography different wars different wars; one of which □ 1 general encyclopedia of □ 2 encyclopedias of world is the latest edition world religions geography □ At least 3 encyclopedias of □ 1 general encyclopedia of □ 1 general encyclopedia of world geography; one of world cultures world religions which is the latest edition □ 2 general encyclopedia of and the oldest no more than world cultures (no more 5 years old than 3 years from current □ 1 general encyclopedia of calendar date) world religions (no more than 3 years old) □ 2 general encyclopedia of world cultures; one is the latest edition.

BIOGRAPHIES BIOGRAPHIES BIOGRAPHIES □ 1 encyclopedia of world □ 2 encyclopedias of world □ At least 3 encyclopedias of biographies biographies; one of which is world biographies; one of □ 1 encyclopedia of American no more than 3 years old which is the latest edition biographies □ 2 encyclopedias of American □ 3 encyclopedias of American biographies; one of which is biographies; one of which is no more than 3 years old the latest edition FINE ARTS FINE ARTS FINE ARTS □ 1 general encyclopedia of □ 2 general encyclopedias of □ 3 general encyclopedias of art (e.g., art, music) art (e.g., art, music) art (e.g., art, music)

SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS □ 1 general science □ 1 general science □ 1 general science

Standards for South Carolina School Library Resource Collections 16 Emerging Proficient Exemplary encyclopedia encyclopedia encyclopedia □ 1 specialized science □ 2 specialized science □ 3 specialized science encyclopedia encyclopedias encyclopedias □ 1 general mathematics □ 1 general mathematics □ 1 general mathematics encyclopedia encyclopedia encyclopedia

HEALTH, FOOD, & NUTRITION HEALTH, FOOD, & NUTRITION HEALTH, FOOD, & NUTRITION □ 1 general encyclopedia of □ 1 general encyclopedia of □ 1 general encyclopedia of health health health □ 1 general encyclopedia of □ 1 general encyclopedia of □ 1 general encyclopedia of food and nutrition food and nutrition food and nutrition CAREERS CAREERS CAREERS □ 1 general encyclopedia on □ 2 encyclopedias on careers; careers one of which is no more □ A minimum of 2 than 3 years from current encyclopedias on careers; calendar date one of which is the latest edition and the remaining set(s) no more than 3 years from current calendar date Dictionaries

ENGLISH/LANGUAGE ARTS ENGLISH/LANGUAGE ARTS ENGLISH/LANGUAGE ARTS □ 1 unabridged □ 1 unabridged □ 1 unabridged □ 1 abridged dictionary (no □ 2 different abridged □ 3 different abridged more than 7 years from dictionaries (1 no more than dictionaries (no more than 3 current calendar date); a 5 years from current years from current calendar minimum of 5 copies. calendar date); 5-10 copies. date) 10-15 copies. □ 1 synonym and antonym □ 2 synonym and antonym □ 2 synonym and antonym dictionary dictionaries dictionaries □ 1 poetry dictionary □ 1 poetry dictionary □ 1 poetry dictionary □ 1-5 specialized dictionaries □ 5-10 specialized dictionaries □ 1 slang dictionary on specific authors, genres, on specific authors, genres, □ 1 rhyming dictionary literary periods, and other literary periods, and other □ 10+ specialized dictionaries relevant topics relevant topics on specific authors, genres, □ 1 online dictionary literary periods, and other relevant topics □ 2 online dictionaries

FOREIGN LANGUAGE FOREIGN LANGUAGE FOREIGN LANGUAGE □ 1 foreign language □ 1 foreign language □ 1 foreign language dictionary for common dictionary for each common dictionary for each common languages of ESOL students. language of ESOL students. language of ESOL students. □ 1 foreign language □ 2 foreign language □ 3+ foreign language dictionary for each language dictionaries for each dictionaries for each taught. language taught. language taught. HISTORY, GEOGRAPHY, HISTORY, GEOGRAPHY, HISTORY, GEOGRAPHY, BUSINESS, POLITICAL BUSINESS, POLITICAL BUSINESS, POLITICAL SCIENCE, SCIENCE, AND ECONOMICS SCIENCE, AND ECONOMICS AND ECONOMICS □ 1 specialized dictionary of □ 1 specialized dictionary of □ A minimum of 2 specialized American politics American politics dictionaries of American □ 1 geographical dictionary □ 2 dictionaries related to politics □ □ 1 dictionary related to business, economics, A minimum of 2 dictionaries management, etc. related to business,

Standards for South Carolina School Library Resource Collections 17 Emerging Proficient Exemplary business, economics, □ 2 geographical dictionaries; economics, management, management, etc. one is no more than 7 years etc. □ 1 dictionary of historical from current calendar date. □ A minimum of 2 terms □ 1 dictionary of historical geographical dictionaries. □ 1 dictionary of world terms One is the latest edition and religions □ 2 dictionaries of world one is no more than 5 years □ 1 law dictionary religions; one is no more from current calendar date. than 3 years from the □ 1 dictionary of historical current calendar date terms □ 1+ law dictionaries □ 1 online geographical dictionary □ 2+dictionaries of world religions; both are the latest editions □ 2+ law dictionaries

BIOGRAPHICAL BIOGRAPHICAL BIOGRAPHICAL □ 2 general biographical □ 2+ general biographical □ 1 general biographical dictionaries dictionaries dictionary HEALTH, FOOD, FITNESS, & HEALTH, FOOD, FITNESS, & HEALTH, FOOD, FITNESS, & NUTRITION NUTRITION NUTRITION □ 2 dictionaries related to □ 3+ dictionaries related to □ 1 dictionary related to health, food, fitness, and health, food, fitness, and health, food, fitness, and nutrition; one of which is nutrition (the latest edition nutrition the latest edition available available) FINE ARTS FINE ARTS FINE ARTS □ 1 dictionary of musical □ 2 dictionaries of musical □ 1 dictionary of musical terms terms terms □ 1 general music dictionary □ 2 general music dictionaries □ 1 dictionary of art terms □ 1 general art dictionary □ 2 dictionaries of art terms □ 1 dictionary of art terms □ 2 general art dictionaries SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS □ 2 specialized science □ 2 specialized science □ 1 specialized science dictionary; one is the latest dictionaries; both are the dictionary edition latest editions □ 1 specialized mathematics □ 2 specialized mathematics □ 2 specialized mathematics dictionary dictionary; one is the latest dictionaries; both are the edition latest editions □ 1 online science dictionary □ 1 online mathematics dictionary CAREERS CAREERS CAREERS □ 2+ standard job outlook □ A minimum of 5 standard □ 1 standard job outlook handbooks; all are the latest job outlook handbooks; all handbook that is the latest editions are the latest editions edition Thesaurus

□ 1 standard thesaurus □ 2 thesauruses (different □ 3 thesauruses (different titles) titles) □ 1 online thesaurus □ 1 online thesaurus

Standards for South Carolina School Library Resource Collections 18 Emerging Proficient Exemplary Atlases

HISTORY AND GEOGRAPHY HISTORY AND GEOGRAPHY HISTORY AND GEOGRAPHY □ 1 world atlas □ 2 world atlases; one of □ 2+ world atlases; two of □ 1 U.S. atlas which is the latest edition which are the latest editions □ 1 historical atlas □ 2 U.S. atlases; one of which □ 2+ U.S. atlases; 2 of which □ 1 atlas of world exploration is the latest edition are the latest editions □ 1 atlas of American □ 2 historical atlases □ 2 historical atlases exploration □ 1 atlas of world exploration □ 1 atlas of world exploration □ 1 atlas of American □ 1 atlas of American exploration exploration □ 1 online atlas □ 2 online atlases SCIENCE SCIENCE SCIENCE □ 1 space atlas □ 2 space atlases; one of □ 2 space atlases; one of which is the latest edition which is the latest edition □ 1 ocean atlas □ 1 ocean atlas □ 1 online atlas Handbooks, Manuals, Indexes, Criticisms ENGLISH/LANGUAGE ARTS ENGLISH/LANGUAGE ARTS ENGLISH/LANGUAGE ARTS □ 1 basic literary handbook for □ 2 basic literary handbooks □ A minimum of 3 literary each type of literature: for each type of literature: handbooks for each type of American, English, and American, English, and literature: American, World World English, and World □ 1 poetry index □ 1 poetry index □ 1 poetry index □ 1 short story index □ 1 short story index □ 1 short story index □ 1 basic set of literary □ 1 basic set of literary □ 1 basic set of literary criticism for each type of criticism for each type of criticism for each type of literature: American, literature: American, literature: American, English, and World English, and World English, and World □ 1-5 handbooks on specific □ 5-10 handbooks on specific □ 10+ handbooks on specific authors, genres, literary authors, genres, literary authors, genres, literary periods, and other relevant periods, and other relevant periods, and other relevant topics. At least 50 percent topics. At least 50 percent topics. At least 50 percent should be the latest edition should be the latest edition should be the latest edition available. available. available. □ Access to DISCUS □ Access to DISCUS □ Access to DISCUS □ Access to 1 additional □ Access to 2 additional electronic database on electronic databases on literature and/or authors literature and/or authors HISTORY, GEOGRAPHY, HISTORY, GEOGRAPHY, HISTORY, GEOGRAPHY, BUSINESS, POLITICAL BUSINESS, POLITICAL BUSINESS, POLITICAL SCIENCE, SCIENCE, AND ECONOMICS SCIENCE, AND ECONOMICS AND ECONOMICS □ 1 U. S. government □ 2 U.S. government □ 3 U.S. government handbook or manual handbooks or manuals handbooks or manuals □ 1 state government □ 1 state government □ 1 state government handbook or manual handbook or manual handbook or manual □ 1 handbook of world □ 3 handbooks of world □ 3 handbooks of world governments governments; 1 of which is government; 2 of which are the latest edition the latest edition SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS □ 1 natural science handbook □ 2 natural science handbooks □ 3+ natural science for each of the following on each of the following handbooks on each of the

Standards for South Carolina School Library Resource Collections 19 Emerging Proficient Exemplary areas: areas: following areas: o Birds, o Birds, o Birds, o Plants, o Plants, o Plants, o Trees, o Trees, o Trees, o Wildflowers, o Wildflowers, o Wildflowers, o Shells, o Shells, o Shells, o Fish, and o Fish, o Fish, o Wild animals. o Wild animals, and o Wild animals, and o Other subjects relevant o Other subjects relevant to the curriculum to the curriculum PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURE PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURE PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURE □ 1 handbook, latest edition □ 2 handbooks; latest edition □ 3+ handbooks; latest edition available available available PERIODICAL INDEX PERIODICAL INDEX PERIODICAL INDEX □ Access to DISCUS □ Access to DISCUS □ Access to DISCUS General Reference Resources

□ 1 general book of quotations □ 1 general book of quotations □ 2 general books of □ At least 1 biographical □ 3 quotation books covering quotations reference source on each of varied topics, time periods, □ 3+ quotation books covering the following groups and various groups (e.g., varied topics, time periods, (Subject areas should women, Native-Americans, and various groups (e.g., include math, science, fine African-Americans); at least women, Native-Americans, arts and literature, one no more than 5 years African-Americans); at least government, politics, and old. two are the latest editions other areas of endeavor □ A minimum of 2 biographical □ A minimum of 3 biographical relevant to the curriculum): reference sources on each of reference sources on each of o Authors the following groups the following groups o Americans of both (Subject areas should (Subject areas should current and historical include math, science, fine include math, science, fine interest; arts and literature, arts and literature, o World figures (of both government, politics, and government, politics, and current and historical other areas of endeavor other areas of endeavor interest) from science, relevant to the curriculum): relevant to the curriculum): math, the arts, politics, o Authors o Authors and other areas o Americans of both o Americans of both relevant to the current and historical current and historical curriculum; interest; interest; o Current and historical o World figures (of both o World figures (of both figures of broad current and historical current and historical general interest and interest) from science, interest) from science, appeal math, the arts, math, the arts, politics, □ 1 dictionary of names and politics, and other and other areas nicknames areas relevant to the relevant to the □ 1 South Carolina law curriculum; curriculum; reference o Current and historical o Current and historical □ 1 book of sports records, figures of broad figures of broad general latest edition general interest and interest and appeal □ 1 book of sports trivia appeal □ 2 electronic databases on □ 1 book of general trivia □ 1 electronic database on literature and/or authors □ 1 handbook on at least literature and/or authors beyond DISCUS three of the subjects from beyond DISCUS □ 2 dictionaries of names and the following list: □ 1 dictionary of names and nicknames o Birds, nicknames □ 1 dictionary of abbreviations

Standards for South Carolina School Library Resource Collections 20 Emerging Proficient Exemplary o Plants, □ 1 South Carolina law and acronyms o Trees, reference □ 1 South Carolina law o Wildflowers, □ 1 book of sports records, reference o Shells, latest edition □ 1 book of sports records, o Fish, and □ 1 book of sports trivia latest edition □ 1 rulebook for each o Wild animals. □ 1 book of sports trivia sanctioned sport □ 1 rule book for each □ 1 multimedia database on sanctioned sport careers □ 1 rule book for each club □ 1 general book of trivia sport □ 1 handbook on at least four □ 1 multimedia database on of the subjects in the careers following list: □ 1 general book of trivia o Birds, □ 1 handbook on each of the o Plants, subject in the following list: o Trees, o Birds, o Wildflowers, o Plants, o Shells, o Trees, o Fish, and o Wildflowers, o Wild animals. o Shells, o Fish, and o Wild animals Magazines

□ A minimum of 15 current □ A minimum of 20 current □ A minimum of 25 current subscriptions subscriptions subscriptions Newspapers

□ 1 current subscription to a □ 2 current subscription to □ 3 current subscriptions to local or regional newspaper local or regional newspapers local or regional newspapers □ Access to DISCUS □ 1 current subscription to a □ 2 current subscriptions to national newspaper national newspapers □ Access to DISCUS □ Access to DISCUS Internet Resources

□ Printed list of web sites that □ Printed list of web sites that □ Printed list of web sites that support the curriculum. The support the curriculum support the curriculum. list is updated annually. □ Links are available via an □ Links are available on the Internet-based bookmark media center’s home page service (e.g., via an Internet-based, bookmark service (e.g.,, □ Links are checked and updated monthly. New links □ Links are checked and are added as needed. updated each nine weeks. New links are added as needed. Professional Collection

□ A minimum of 10 current □ A minimum of 15 current □ A minimum of 20 current subscriptions to professional subscriptions to professional subscriptions to professional

Standards for South Carolina School Library Resource Collections 21 Emerging Proficient Exemplary magazines. magazines. magazines. □ At least 30 professional □ A minimum of 50 □ A minimum of 75 books whose average professional books whose professional books whose copyright date is no more average copyright date is no average copyright date is no than 10 years from current more than 7 years from more than 5 years from calendar date. current calendar date. current calendar date. □ An annual renewal rate of 1 □ An annual renewal rate of 2 □ An annual renewal rate of 3 percent is recommended. percent is recommended. percent is recommended. □ The books are cataloged as □ The books are cataloged as □ The books are cataloged as part of the library resource part of the library resource part of the library resource collection. collection. collection. □ The books are arranged □ The books are arranged □ The books are arranged according to a standard according to a standard according to a standard system (e.g., Dewey system (e.g., Dewey system (e.g., Dewey Decimal System). Decimal System). Decimal System). □ A current list of web sites □ A current list of web sites for for professional information professional information and and staff development for staff development for educators. The list is educators. The list is available in print format and available in print and on the as links from the media media center’s home page. center’s home page. The The links are checked and links are checked and updated each nine weeks. updated monthly. New links New links are added as are added as needed. needed.

Standards for South Carolina School Library Resource Collections 22 Standards for Technology

Computer workstations for student and teacher use have LAN connectivity, providing access to all local software and Internet resources, including DISCUS and Streamline SC.

Emerging Proficient Exemplary

Computer Workstations □ The library media center □ The library media center □ The library media center should have computer should have computer should have computer workstations for student use workstations for student use workstations for student use equivalent to 1 percent of equivalent to 2 percent of equivalent to 2.5 percent of the total enrollment. the total enrollment. the total enrollment. □ At least 1 computer is □ At least 2 computers are □ At least 2 computers are available for teacher use in available for teacher use in available for teacher use in the professional room. the professional room. the professional room. □ At least 2 computers are □ Each library media specialist □ Each member of the library available for administrative has a computer workstation. media center staff has a purposes. □ At least one computer is computer workstation. □ One computer is dedicated dedicated to the circulation □ At least 2 computers are to the circulation process. process. An additional dedicated to the circulation computer is available for process. clerical use and for circulation. Peripherals and Other Equipment

□ One networked black & □ One networked black & □ One networked color laser white printer white laser printer printer □ One color inkjet printer □ One color laser printer □ One networked black & □ 2 flatbed scanners; one of □ 3 flatbed scanners; one of white laser printer which is connected to a which is connected to a □ 5 flatbed scanners; one of library staff workstation and library staff workstation; which is connected to a one is available for student three are available for teacher workstation; one of use. student use. which is connected to a □ 1 digital video camera for □ 1 digital video camera for library staff workstation; library use and for check- library use; 1 digital video three are available for out camera for check-out student use. □ 1 digital still camera for □ 1 digital still camera for □ 1 digital video camera for library use and for check- library use; 1 digital still library use; 2 digital video out camera for check-out cameras for check-out □ 2 DVD players for library □ 1 DVD player/recorder for □ 1 digital still camera for use and for check-out+ library use; 2 DVD players library use; 2 digital still □ 2 VCRs for library use and for check-out+ cameras for check-out for check-out+ □ 1 VCR for library use; 2 □ 1 DVD player/recorder for □ 2 basic CD players for VCRs for check-out+ library use; 3 DVD players library use and for check- □ 1 multi-disk CD player with for check-out+ out external speakers for library □ 1 VCR for library use; 3 □ 1 TV with cart available for use VCRs for check-out+ library use and for check- □ 2 basic CD players for □ 1 multi-disk CD player with out check-out external speakers for library □ 1 TV-to-PC converter for the □ 1 television for library use use library TV; 1 available for □ 2 TVs with carts available □ 3 basic CD players for check-out for check-out++ check-out

Standards for South Carolina School Library Resource Collections 23 Emerging Proficient Exemplary □ 1 multimedia projector for □ 1 TV-to-PC converter for □ 2 televisions for library use library use and for check- each television in the □ 3 TVs with carts available out library, including those TVs for check-out++ □ 1 overhead projector for available for check-out □ 1 TV-to-PC converter for library use □ 2 TV-to-PC converters each television in the □ 1 document camera for available for check-out library, including those TVs library use and for check- □ 1 multimedia projector for available for check-out out library use; 2 multimedia □ 3 TV-to-PC converters projectors for check-out available for check-out □ 1 overhead projector for □ 1 multimedia projector for library use; 2 available for library use; 3 multimedia check-out projectors for check-out □ 1 document camera for □ 1 overhead projector for library use; 1 available for library use; 3 available for check-out check-out □ 1 document camera for library use; 2 available for check-out MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOLS MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOLS □ 1 photocopy machine for □ 1 photocopy machine for student use student use +These are in addition to the DVD players and/or VCRs that may be available through the closed circuit distribution system in the school. ++These are in addition to the wall-mounted TVs available in the classrooms.

Standards for South Carolina School Library Resource Collections 24 APPENDIX A Guidelines on Weeding Why Weed  To remove outdated, obsolete items and make room for newer more valuable items  To make the library more user friendly  To strengthen the collection alignment with the classroom curriculum  To remove the illusion of a well-rounded, well-stocked collection

How to Weed  Identify objective criteria o a target circulation date (e.g., two years, five years); or o a target copyright date, either a general copyright date or dates specific to Dewey areas (e.g., Fiction, 20 years; 600s, 3 years)  Pull materials for further evaluation based on subjective criteria (e.g., condition, format, content).  Include lead teachers, department chairs, and so forth, to evaluate the identified materials and assist in preliminary determination of items for possible discard.  Discard identified materials according to the district policy or state guidelines in the absence of a district policy.

OBJECTIVE CRITERIA  Exceeds target copyright date  Low circulation rate

SUBJECTIVE CRITERIA Physical Condition  Pages torn  Book covers torn—not repaired or not repaired appropriately  Ragged bindings, poorly repaired bindings

Content  Out-of-date  Trivial subject matter or approach to subject matter  Inaccurate information (Misinformation is worse than no information!)  Newer editions available  Not on a standards list  Not circulated  Not used for reference  Unneeded duplicate  Biased, depicts inappropriate stereotypes  Interest or reading level inappropriate for student body

Standards for South Carolina School Library Resource Collections 25 APPENDIX B Resource Alignment through Collection Mapping

The purpose of the library media center is to provide information resources in a variety of formats that support the school’s curriculum. To ensure a resource collection that is aligned with the curriculum requires that the library media specialist know what’s being taught in each grade and subject. A curriculum map is a critical tool for library media specialists to know what the implemented curriculum in the classroom looks like. According to Heidi Hayes Jacobs, the leading authority on curriculum mapping, a curriculum map gives a visual representation by month of the curriculum, including standards, benchmarks, textbooks, classroom activities, and assessment strategies.

The most helpful curriculum maps are those developed district-wide; however, a building-level curriculum map provides much beneficial information for classroom teachers and library media specialists. The library media specialist should be a part of any team assembled to create a curriculum map. If, however, a library media specialist works in a school that has no curriculum map, then the library media specialist should create one specifically for use in the library media center. Possible sources of information to use in creating this curriculum map include, but are not limited to, teachers’ long-range plans, collaborative planning forms, textbooks, student assignments, conversations with teachers, requests for resources from teachers and students.

Once the library media specialist has a curriculum map, the next step is to create a collection map. A collection map gives a visual representation of how the library resource collection—fiction, non-fiction, print, non-print—is aligned with the school’s curriculum, showing the number of items available for each major curricular theme, unit, or topic, the average age of these items by Dewey category, and the number of items per student.

A completed collection map provides valuable data for the library media specialist to share with decision-makers (e.g., principal, district administration) and stakeholders (e.g., teachers, students, parents, PTA, SIC). The collection map also provides valuable information for the library media specialist and the library advisory committee as they collaborate to develop long-range plans for the library media program including collection development, addressing weeding, acquisitions, budgetary considerations and program evaluation and enhancement.

A sample curriculum-collection map template is available on the School Library Media Services web page. For questions or assistance in creating a collection map contact Martha Alewine, State Consultant for School Library Media Services ([email protected] or 864-4230).

Standards for South Carolina School Library Resource Collections 26 APPENDIX C Guidelines for Disposing of Discarded Materials (To be used in the absence of a district policy for disposal of discarded materials.)

Books (hardback, paperback, reference):  Identify items to be discarded.  Remove all school and district identifiable markings.  Remove the barcode label(s).  Remove the front and back covers.  Place removed book covers in trash receptacle.  Separate the pages of the books into at least 3 sections.  Place book pages in recycle bin.  Delete MARC records from library automation database.

Magazines (student and professional):  Identify items to be discarded.  Remove all school and district identifiable markings.  Remove any barcode label(s).  Delete relevant MARC records from library automation database.  Offer to art teacher for future projects.  Place in recycle bin.

A-V Materials (e.g., filmstrips, VHS tapes, CDs)  Identify items to be discarded.  Remove all school and district identifiable markings.  Remove any barcode label(s).  Delete MARC records from library automation database.  Place in trash receptacle.

Standards for South Carolina School Library Resource Collections 27 APPENDIX D Suggestions for Online Subscription Resources

NetTrekker (

Questia (

EBSCO Host (

Culturegrams (

Grolier Online  La Nueva Enciclopedia Cumbre  The New Book of Popular Science  Lands and Peoples  America the Beautiful  Amazing Animals of the World Grove’s Dictionary of Art (

Grove’s Dictionary of Music (

AccessScience (

Opposing Viewpoints (

Standards for South Carolina School Library Resource Collections 28

Recommended publications