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t- Yearly Subscription, Twelve Numbers, $2.00 Single Number, 35 cents. UN MAY, 1900 , Vol. 23. No. 5. 'Whole No. 269 ·32 PACES OF MUSIC AND MUSICAL LITERATURE IN THIS NUMBER. PIANO SOLOS. SCHILLINCER, FRITZ, Love's Creeting. SONG. FELDEN, OSCAR. Drea~s of the Past. PIANO STUDIES. CURLITT·SIDUS • .Slumber Song. Op. 101," No. 6. SCHIL~INCER, CHARLES. Technical Exercises. Copyright, Kt1NKEL BROS., 1900. ~ KUNKEL'S MUSICAL REVI~W, MAY, 1900. THE CELEBRATED Head.s the List of the Highest=Orade Pianos, and Lock;:~ Are at present Prefe~red by .lh~!t!P' Stable Doo:r ~ the Most the- Leading Before the Horse ~ is stolen,~ f' Popular ~nd! Artists. Take a Box in the ~ Vaults of the f' Missou:ri Safe . SOHMER & CO., . Deposit Co~-- ~ NEW roRK WARERQOMS: While you have sometr SOHMER BUILDING, FIFTH AVENUE, CORNER 22d STREET. thing·to put in it, Equitable Building, JOHN FELD, Agent, 1901 St. Louis Ave., ST. LOUIS. CAUTI 0 N. The buying public will please not confound the genuine S-0-H-M=E-R Piano with one of a sirr1ilar sounding name of a cheap grade. -ESTABLISHED - IN NEW YORK 1875 IN CHICAGO 1889 ADVERTISE IN KUNKEL'S MU.SI~AL REVIE·W, ST. LOUIS, MO. HIGH GRADE ESTABLISHI!:D 1878. ISSUED MONTHLY, The Largest and Handsomest Musical Publication in the United States. ...--........._PIANOS Have:literally Bounded into Pop~larity. Circulation National, reaching the most1enlightened and cultivated homes in .the United 1States. AT MODERATE PRICE. Capacity, 300 per Month. ONLY FIRST-CLASS ADVERTISEMENTS INSERTED. Schaeffer Piano Mfg. Co .. Address all communications to KUNKEL BROTHERS, Factory, Riverview, Ills.
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