'Soptlo-Sselects 1'8
'Soptlo-sSelects 1'8 -. , < AJH l J ., . ,''.._. ~ ...• n~,'" ~~.V:"""""'.''l·","c·'l,.!, ~\h-.' \ \ • . Leading: Preshmen .... "' ..••.~'" -".li' .."t n.'· - ~\,\t.·"-...,,\j - . , "., .. Sophos, sophomore .men's honorary which taps its mem- "hers on the 'basis of "outstanding leadership, scholarship .and character," last week selected 1~ new pledges. They are the Nt.ls~~~JlECORO: ~ " ""(,,,,~, '·.fbllowing-: \ t~ \~.'~,".~ ~"," j ~/\.~_R~~~>,,, ..·J·'d'l' Charles. Yarbrough, A&S '64, lel, and Sigma Alpha. Mu. :'\ ,~.OOO, ,~u~mer':" Guild P~oduction\ Jim Sayler, BA '64, 3.176, News .Staff.. CmclJ:m~tIan art editor, and . Record staff, swimming team diver, Lambda ChI Alpha pledge. YMCA Freshman Leadership con- Series BE24 Z552 Cincinnati, Ohio, Thursday, April 6, 1961 Vol. XLVI, No. 24 Joseph Farkas, Eng. '65, 3-.733, ference, and honor pledge, Beta ( -.I Theta Pi. co-chairman Freshman Leadership conference, University Y M C A Allen fisgus, A&S '64, 3.133,. Freshman Cabinet, and Sigma Phi president" YMCA Freshman 'Cab- Epsilon pledge. inet, treasurer Freshman Leader- ship Conference, and pledge vice , Larry J. Shuman" Eng. '65, 3.419" Board' Of Directors president Sigma -Phi Epsilon:' -, Marching Band, Varsity Band So- Name ciety o'f Autorriotive Engin~ers (Continued. on Page 12) " 'wrestling intramurals,and pi 'Lambda Phi.· , MetroT 0 Honor lhre~. Oepartm'e,nt'..Heads Stanley E. Isaac, BA '65, .3.412, , . , co-chairman freshman -leadership Th D' 't" 'f C' . ti " , . conference YMCA Freshman cab-. NCAA 'Champs'" . .' r'e~ ruversi y Q, • mcm~a 1 Apn! ~;. m .the ~~n. Worm- Each appointment will be e'f- met, ·News'Record staff Good Gov- W' th Convocoti department heads were ~,ppomt- er Admimstra.tlOn Building, Ren- fective Sept.
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