University of Cincinnati News Record. Thursday, March 16, 1961. Vol
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, , ~ /' NEWS-REC01ff) I Cincinnati. Ohio, Thursday, March 16, 1961 I' 22's Our Aim Daylon + George Washington /+ Houston + North Te)(os State + Wichita +, Tulsa 1 I Duquesne + -Drake + Drake + Bradley.+ lowa-- + St. Louis ~.... Wichita + T,ds'~ + \I + Houston + North Texas'State + Xavier. + Marshall .,+ 4 = NCAA Crown ( CLJN~VERgr"F¥J'OF~f CINCI N[,NATr:N ews .Recem-n r"hurst)aYr .. 1 ' -; r PIa'y8,r5:' -.La ud:",Hi 9h"Tea:m .spiri't Fred Dierking and :Dale Hiedotting Ca~rl Bouldin Mark Altenau Athlete and In recent interviews pale 'Hei- In addition Dierk feels that ;Poised and determiried in hIS scholar seems to dotting and Fred Dierking, DC's "Jucker's a heckuva coach who role as co-captain, Carl Bouldin has typify Mark AI- top front-Line reserves, each pre- treats everyone on the team as, been one of the major spark plugs tenau, the Bear- dieted 'the NCAA crown for the equals.". ' ) cats 6-3 reserve Bearcats and expressed what he Dale feels' that. the Bearcats' in the Bearcats 18-game' victory spurt. forward. Alte- felt were the reasons for Cincy's' improvement tis linked . with the .nau is majoring improvement 'since the early part facts .that "the team has stuck to- 'The 6-1 guard averaged 11.3 in physics hi of the season. gether through thick and. thin and points per game during regular the college of , Hiedotting, the 6-8 sophomore that there has not been a. trace of season _play and he is the team's Arts and· Sci- 'architecture student from Green- dissension among .team. members. ences. He made hills 'Ohio, has worked hlmselt Dierking .in closing, said that he best free throw shooter with an ~ '.' the Dean's List 'into'the sixth merr spct on the - is enjoying being on this year's .813, percentage; Bouldin received Altenau the second se- Bearcat squad by showing steady 'team more than last year's be- honorable mention for the All- mester, last year. Says Altenau, and marked improvement arll sea- cause he likes the '60-'61 squad's Missouri Valley team (AP) .. ' son long. style of play more and he is .get- "I like to' study.' Bouldin is a senior In Teachers- Altenau has trouble keeping up I Dierking, .a 6.6 junior from Val- - ting real chances to play ball. College, majoring in business edu- his grades during basketball sea- ley Stream, N.Y., followed .his , cation He currently doing stu- son. .He . states, "I .missed 'three- brother Connie out west to DC. is fifths of my: physics lab classes Connie starred with the Bear-cats dent teaching at Cutter Junior during the first .semester because several years ago earning All- High School and he. taught at I would have to leave right in the ~merican recognition. Fred has Hughes-the first semester. middle of my lab for basketball become a reliable reserve for Coach Bouldin would like to_play pro practice. 1 missed a lot of Wy-· Ed Jucker'scagers, seeingvcon- -baseball. after g'raduation. In re- classes. due to trips." . siderable uction and often scoring gard' to basketball, Bouldin was' But this doesn't dampen his key points with his accurate jump asked if he thought he wo,uld enthusiasm for basketball. He allot. t get -drafted. His repIY"IIYe,s, by lov.esthe game saying, lilt gets I j Both Fred and Dale, when asked t~e Army'/' . in .your blood and I: miss it the obvious question, "How far do Ta1;llng North Texas State as the when we don't practice}' you, think we can, go?" im- worst floor he has ever- played on, , 'In jhe summer Altenau works mediately 'shot, back with an "All Bouldin recalls; "The rim wasn't as a gardener, taking care of sev- ,the way to· the title." Fred, . .level and the sun 'shinning on the eral large estates, "W1hitey" to ithe team; claimed ,"I hope we go floor made it difficult to play." In regard to the teams improve- flatly' that DC will beat Ohio State all the way- ~ Then he added, "The Cincinnati , ment, Altenau says "Lwould say and that Houston's Cougars could and I think we court seems to give me trouble confidence has been the most im- cause Cincy more trouble than any- can do it."Those also." portant factor in the teams im- one else. Heidotting felt that State • were the words ,Contrasting his feelings upon en- provement. Besides this there is would be the biggest obstacle. in of Bearcat ce.~- tering the 196~ NCAA. TournJey good defense, good scouting, and theBearcat 'path to an NCAA title - ter.Ron.Rels. with those, of previous years- Boul- hard \\:ork in practice." ,, ibut that they could handle the ';PhIS - will .be din reflected, "I fe~l r am more Altenau says the following con- 'Buckeyes. Ron's se eo.n d needed by the team going Into the cerning the teams chancesin the Dierking felt that ue's definite tourna- tournament this year ..I think that's. tournament. "If we playas good Improvement has been due to com- ment, and h~ _~ the way every 'Senior feels;" as. we have in the last 18 games bination of factors. The Cincy 'ny' 'Yat·.e..S.' ."'!'",,';,',",, ••• ',.,...., .... ""."",~""""""... slotaotk~sgthfa~he idS "hi regard to the-t.eam's con-' and if we keep our spirit up we successes have been team successes, , . "<'R' . ,lll ' orwar . d . '. ought to have a good chance. It To :;>':, 'eiS tc .~. .' t·mue Improvement, Bouldm , says "Wlhitey", with no single in- will only. take one bad, game to ./ B.reakiI1g into the startingTine- "We wanted .it ~a&iy in Calif- sald "After the ~t. Louis gam,e, dividual responsible Ior avictorv, lot finish us,' so we have to- be at our ~ up in DC's seventh game, Tony ornia last year '(the finals of the we kcame to readhze a 'h of our \ ' "Every time the .team' has . ' . 1960'" ,. wea nesses an. we ave con- best each time. I think, we hav~t been in a hole' it has been the Y. a tes h as proven himself to be . tourney w-ere, rn San Fran- t' d t .' . h II the best team, but the outcomev team working together to -get one ofCincy's strong .points, .cisco) and we barely missed out. mue ,0 improve ,upo~ t em. will depend on how bad we wan~",," .out of the hole." This, he feels, is At 23, he's the oldest member "This' year we. may surprise every- " "A' l.?t of thecredltJor our to win." .. C'; quite unlike last season's 'Cat on the team, having played four body by. taking it all." success IS due to the coaching staff. /--"'---. .squad which always looked to years of service ball before coming ,Reis attrlbutes-the progress and We have had good SCOUtiI~.gand, "The 0" to give them the lift to DC. His team won several Ifith "s)1ccess of this year's basketeer the coac~es have Jim Calhoun' Air Force -tournaments' ;and' 'they ",edit~on to the increased teamspirit CoachJ~ck~:; has always been un- they needed. Jim Calhoun, placed fourth in the World Wi-de----:,and team play. "We're all working derstanding. ,. -~ ,.--'. <, " Air Force tourney. _ '. ' , ' together," declared Ron, "no matter Bouldin hopes 'the Bearcatscan like the rest of the Bearcats.ex- ;/ In regard to varsity basketball which five are on the' floor." get far enough In the tournament Tom Thacker presses nothing as compared to freshmen ball,The former Woodwardite expects in order to' get a chance to play but opt i ill ill Yates says, "The big difference con~ideni;~l~ opposition along the Ohio State. He thinks the Buck- fs "I think we have a fairly even and confidence, is that your competing -against championshiptrail. "We'll he meet- eyescaribe beaten. .chance," said Cincy's sophomore concerning DC's better caliber ball players. Ali' ing some tough outfits. Kansas " the forward Tom Thacker .talking chances in .the about the Bearcat's chances in the five' c.pponents. are good players, State is always trouble, I here that B b we. h h tournament. ./ whereas in freshmen; ball only Southern Cal is plenty-mean and NCAA, tourney. 0 lesen an Says' Calhoun, two or three are usuaUy,gpod."' of course who can forget Ohio For Thacker, who says his big~ "W,hen we get Yates was' glad to make the start- State. I sure hope we get a' crack ;R.ugged and aggressive on' the gest thrill in basketball is "being This far down ingIineup in hissophomore year, at them." \ basketball court,' yet fri~ndly and able to play for DC," this' will be the line, we're mannerly off' the playing floor Calhoun the first NCAA .tournament, al- but he say-s, "I had a little bit in usually tfr ed, though it will -be the fourth my favor, havingplayed four years seems to aptly describe eo-captain ' Bob Wiesenhahn. but we're not this way ,this year. straight for Cincy., /' in the service." . The' boys have been looking ,good As far as'the tournament is con-. Always full of determination Thacker 'came up to the varsity in practice and this i~ the best and -splrit, "W'iesy", plays every t: as the- top frosh prospect and , cerned, Yates believes ,DC h.~s'a , we've "looked all year. We even minute of eve'ry game a!; if it needed only a few games to 'crack good chance and he thinks the 'Cats ' go out and play on our' ow)l be- can beat Ohio State if they get .Iar were the most important· game the starting line-up.