Term Name Definition Academic Term a Division of an Academic Year During Which the University Holds Classes. Sample Values
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Term Name Definition A division of an academic year during which the university holds classes. Academic Term Sample Values: Fall 2013, Spring 2015, Summer 2022 The code used to define an academic term and year. First digit denotes the century (0 = 20th/1900 or 1 = 21st/2000). Middle two digits denotes the year. Last digit denotes the term (2 = winter, 4 = spring, 6 = summer, 8 = fall). Academic Term Code Sample Values: 0988 = fall 1998, 1134 = spring 2013 The season in which courses were offered. Academic Term Season Valid Values: Fall, Spring, Summer The academic year shall be divided into a Fall and Spring semester of approximately fifteen weeks each and a Summer term of approximately twelve weeks. A semester may be subdivided into two sessions of approximately eight weeks each and the Summer term may Academic Year be subdivided into two sessions of approximately six weeks each. A summer start academic year is divided into three consecutive semesters: summer, fall, Academic Year Summer Start and spring. A division of an academic year during which the university holds courses. Class Academic Term Sample Values: Fall 2013, Spring 2015, Summer 2022 The code used to define an academic term for which a course was offered. First digit denotes the century (0 = 20th/1900 or 1 = 21st/2000). Middle two digits denotes the year. Last digit denotes the term (2 = winter, 4 = spring, 6 = summer, 8 = fall). Class Academic Term Code Sample Values: 0988 = fall 1998, 1134 = spring 2013 The academic term season in which courses were offered. Class Academic Term Season Valid Values: Fall, Spring, Summer Class Academic Year An academic year for which a course was offered. Class Academic Year Summer Start An academic year summer start for which a course was offered. Indicates a course is a part of the Block U Program. Class Block U Indicator Valid Values: Block U, Not Block U Class Capacity The number of seats available within a course. Class Credit Hours Earned The credit hours earned for a course. The days of the week a course is taught. Class Days Taught Sample Values: Mon, Mon and Tue, Thu The frequency a course is taught each week. Class Frequency per Week Sample Values: 1, 2, 3 A leer grade assigned to a student based on performance within a course. http://catalog.utah.edu/content.php?catoid=5&navoid=351&hl=%22grading%22&returnto Class Grade =search#Grading_Policies The grade points assigned to the leer grade of a course. http://catalog.utah.edu/content.php?catoid=5&navoid=351&hl=%22grading%22&returnto Class Grade Points =search#Grading_Policies The mode of instrucon of a course. Class Instructional Method Sample Values: Lecture, Laboratory, Lab/Discussion The code used to define a building on or off campus. Class Location Building Sample Values: LNCO, JTB, CTIHB, Not Applic A class session defines the start and end dates of a course within an academic term. Class Session Sample Values: Regular Academic Session, 1st half, 2nd half, Miscellaneous The code defines the class session. Class Session Code Valid Values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 The part of a day a course is taught. Class Time Range Taught Valid Values: Morning, Afternoon, Evening The academic term and course secon. Concatenated Academic Term Class Sample Value: Spring 2015 MATH 1010‐001 A course is the course subject code and course catalog number. Course Sample Values: MATH 1010, HIST 1700, ESS 2500 A number used to define the course level and course grading basis of a course. hp://curriculum.utah.edu/glossary/desired‐number.php Course Catalog Number Sample Values: 1010, 7970, 2500 The credit hours offered for a course. Course Credit Hours Sample Values: 0, 1, 2, Variable A department is an administrave unit at the university that may offer courses. Course Department Sample Values: Accounting, Mathematics, Atmospheric Sciences The code used to define the course department. Course Department Code Sample Values: ACCTG, MATH, ATMOS A series of leer grades approved for a course set by the university. Course Grading Basis Sample Values: Graded, In‐progress, Pass/Fail The course level is determined by the course numbering system which differentiates the courses that are appropriate for a student academic level. hp://curriculum.utah.edu/guides/desired‐number.php Course Level Sample Values: 2000 ‐ 2999, 3000 ‐ 3999, 5000‐5999 A unit of academic instrucon in a parcular subject area or field of study. Course Subject Sample Values: Accounting, Philosophy, History The code used to define the course subject. Course Subject Code Sample Values: ACCTG, PHIL, HIST A college is an academic division within the university. Each college houses a number of departments, which in turn offer courses. Course Subject College Sample Values: Engineering, Humanities, Social Work The code defines the course subject college. Course Subject College Code Sample Values: SC, SB, FA, MD The formal name of a college within the university. Course Subject College Formal Name Sample Values: S.J. Quinney College of Law, College of Health, School of Medicine Course Title A title of a course. The minimum and maximum range of credit hours for which a course can be offered. Course Variable Credit Range Sample Values: Not Variable, 1‐2, 1‐4 Cumulative Total Credit Hours The total number of University of Utah, transfer, test, or other credit hours earned. Cumulative Transfer Credit Hours Total transfer credit hours accepted and applied to the student's record. Cumulative Transfer GPA The GPA ‐ Grade Point Average from all tranfer institutions. Cumulative UofU Credit Hours The total number of credit hours earned at the university. Cumulative UofU GPA The cumulative GPA ‐ Grade Point Average earned at the university. Cumulative UofU Number of Enrolled Terms The total number of academic terms a student has enrolled. A person's given name. Instructor First Name Sample Value: John A person's full name. Instructor Full Name Sample Value: John Quincy Adams A person's surname. Instructor Last Name Sample Value: Adams The code used to define the leave reason descripon. Valid Values: A(Academic), H(Humanitarian), R(Religious), O(Other Extenuating Leave Reason Code Circumstance), M(Military), L(Medical) The reason a student is taking a leave from the university. Leave Reason Description Sample Values: Academic, Humanitarian Service, Medical The code used to define the leave registrar decision descripon. Leave Registrar Decision Code Valid Values: A ‐ Approved, C ‐ Cancelled, D ‐ Denied, P ‐ Pending The Registrar's Office decision on a leave request submied by a student. Leave Registrar Decision Description Valid Values: Approved, Denied, Cancelled, Pending The date a student submied a leave type request. Leave Request Date (MM‐DD‐YYYY) Leave type = leave type description Leave Return Academic Year The academic year in which the leave return term falls. Leave Return Academic Year Summer Start The academic year summer start in which the leave return term falls. The academic term a student returns and is eligible to enroll. Leave Return Term Sample Values: Fall 2013, Spring 2016 The academic term code of a student's leave return term. Leave Return Term Code Sample Values: 0994, 1138 The season in which the leave return term falls. Leave Return Term Season Valid Values: Fall, Spring, Summer Leave Start Academic Year The academic year in which the leave start term falls. The academic term a student's leave request begins. Leave Start Term Sample Values: Fall 2013, Spring 2016 The academic term code of a student's leave start term. Leave Start Term Code Sample Values: 0994, 1138 The code used to define the leave type descripon. Leave Type Code Valid Values: I ‐ Initial, C ‐ Cancelled, E ‐ Early, X ‐ Extension, R ‐ Re‐evaluate The type of leave request a student submied. Leave Type Description Valid Values: Initial Request, Early Return, Extension, Cancellation, Re‐evaluate Request A major is a course of study required for an academic degree in a parcular subject. Major Sample Values: Accounting BS, Pre Exercise and Sport Sci BS The code defines the unique classification for a specific major, used for state/federal Major CIP Code reporting. The code used to define major. (Denotes the major, major degree and/or major type) Up to the first four leers ‐ major (ACCT or ART.) Up to the next three leers ‐ degree type (BS or MPL) Up to the next three leers ‐ major type (P = pre‐major or I = Intermediate) Major Code Sample Values: ACCTBS ‐ Accounting BS, ESS.BS.P ‐ Pre‐major in Exercise and Sports Science A college is an academic division within the university. Each college houses a number of departments, which in turn offer majors. Major College Sample Values: Business, University College, Health The code defines the major college. Major College Code Sample Values: SC, SB, FA, MD The formal name of a college within the university. Major College Formal Name Sample Values: S.J. Quinney College of Law, College of Health, School of Medicine The major degree is an award conferred by the university as an official recognition for successful compleon of a program of study. Sample Values: Bachelor of Arts, Master of Business Administration, Honors Bachelor of Major Degree Science, Doctor of Dental Surgery The code defines the major degree. Major Degree Code Sample Values: BS, MBA, HBA, PHD A department is an administrative unit at the university that may offer classes and degree programs in a subject or discipline. Major Department Sample Values: Mathematics, Communication, Ballet The code used to define major department. Major Department Code Sample Values: ACCTG, POLS, MATH A major emphasis is a program of study within an established major. Major Emphasis Sample Values: Ceramics, Health The code used to define the major emphasis. Major Emphasis Code Sample Values: CERAMICS, HEALTH The level of a major.