Water Supply Works at Various Villages Under Hunli Desali Area
No Sl. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Security Fencing, Security Sedimentation Tank tank, CWR, (17 supply at Ithungo Providing water VI PACKAGE No. C/O Gate). Pillar Fencing ,Supporting Security Sedimentation CWR, Tank tank, (Sub KM) supply at Bongo (65 Providing water V PACKAGE No. C/O Gate). Fencing, Security Sedimentation Tank tank, CWR, (Sub ChanliVillage supply at New water of Augmentation IV PACKAGE No. C/O Gate). Fencing, Security Sedimentation Tank tank, CWR, (Sub Chuyuni Mode supply at water of Augmentation III PACKAGE No. C/O Gate).). Fencing, Security Sedimentation Tank tank, CWR, (Sub Aloni Augmenta PACKAGE No. C/O Gate Fencing , Security Tank (Sub PointKM wate of Augmentation I PACKAGE No. Pillar C/O Gate). Fencing ,Suppor Security CWR, Sedimentation Desilting Tank tank, Village supply at Taloni Providing water VII PACKAGE No. C/O Gate). development & promotional) & Act’2015 development down in contractor, firms registered under APPWD/CPWD/PHED/GREEF a Governor of Arunachal Pradesh invites sealed item rate tender from approved No. and eligible (Sub (Sub KM) KM) - - - - - Sedimentation tank, Name of work & & of Location work Name RD/DB - Head: Head: Head: : Head Head: Head: Head: - Head: Head: Head: Head: ) . tion of water supply at supply at tionwater of - - - - - - Head Work, Desilting Desilting Work, Head Desilting Work, Head Desilting Work, Head Desilting Work, Head Head Work, Desilting Desilting Work, Head l Village Village l - He Arunachal Pradesh District - Head Work, Work, Head II 70/I/ Supporting Pillar Pillar Supporting Pillar Supporting
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