Auto Loans Money
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* FARMS FOR SALE. AUTO TRUCKS WANTED. TRAILER SPACE. AUTOMOIIHS FOR SALI. AUTOMOHIH FOt SALE AUTOMOBILES FOB SAUL AUTOMOBILES SOB SALE. AUTOMOBILES FOB SALE. (Continued.) LATE MODEL TRUCK, exchange lot*. Mr. MODERN moat convenient to Waghlngton BUICK—1939 model 90-L sedan with (lass CHEVROLET 1938 2-doOr sedan; good FORD station wagon. 1940 de luxe: owner OLDSMOBILE 1941 “8’' custom Club coup*: PONTIAC 19*0 8 eonv. coupe; radio, heat* stone, work A few available Alex. « condition: 28 ACHES, 6-ROOM FARMHOUSE IN brick, landscape; part payment. apacea. 9385; partition, chauffeur driven: excellent black $250. Phone Oreenbelt 3487, in Army: *875. Call WI. 312ft black finish: very low mileage: lar above er; 6 good tlrea: 5625 cash. KM 3335. Box 442-M. Star. paint job and tires. Sale owner. average: need of repair barn. One-half of land price, by CHRYSLER Royal 1940 sedan, gray; flrst- FORD 1941 de luxe sedan; excellent, very good tires: *1,145. Open PONTIAC 19*0 $750 cash. Telephone National 4000, nicer Sunday. custom de lux* *-door se- cleared. Orchard, grape arbor, atparagus class condition; new tires: radio and tires. 15,40(5miles; $750 cash. Army officer dan radio and heater, seat PARKING LOTS. Branch 407, ask lor Mr. POHANKA SERVICE. covers, tires beds: beautiful shade: hard road. 20 miles Jefferis. heater. Call Worth KM. look like new, SALE 4383._ ordered away. 8123._ ir:6 N.W. exceptionally fine condition; D. C. A bargain at $.3,950. $2,000 down, OR HIRE. CLOSE LOT. nlebt watchman, room 15 BUICK sedan. 1937; radio, heater, ;nth Bt, DL 9141, 5895. clean! CHRYSLER sedan. Royal Windsor, six-cyl- FORD 1939 cabriolet: very low mileage; DEWEY M FREEMAN. Silver Hill. Md. trucks. 1114 lat at. n.e. Phone Re- good rubber, cood condition Owner leav- OLDSMOBILE 1».‘I7 coupe: radio, heater, SC HL KG EL 5 inder. 1939. $150 cash, rest in monthly above average condition; new too: white- A GOLDEN. Spruce 0781. public 9010. lnc country. Call Shgo green finish; *195. LOGAN MOTOR CO 15. Carroll St Tak 3339._ payments. Dupont sidewall tires; LOGAN MO- Pk D 3307. 0598._ radio: $575. 18th st nw bet K and L C_GE WHITE BUICK. looks and condition five RE TIM PONTIAC 1940 BARGAINS. TRACTOR very rood, CHRYSLER 1935 de luxe sedan: new bat- TOR CO., 18th st. n.w.. between K and L. OrCyllnder cltA coupe: STROUT nearly new tires: i OLDSMOBILE 19.18 club radio and heater: MOTORCYCLES FOR *100 cash and $40 per tery. runs fine; $50 full price. Mr. Roper, I RK. 3251. Open Sunday ’til 8._ coupe: above av- very good tires, a one- SEMI-TRAILERS. SALE. month. North H17(i. Bargain. ersge condition throughout *145 LOGAN ownerVar; perfect Delaware Country Home; $800. 1730 R. I. ave. n.e.» FORD 1929 model "A” sedan: good trans- throughout; $895. Open HARLEY-DAVIDSON, 1939; aeel. MOTOR CO., 18th st. n w. bet. K and L. Just the place for an elderly couple to buddy BUICK 1941 Super convertible coupe; portation. $75 cash, full price. 025 A st. CH. 0365. crash bar: cash or will car CHRYSLERS—1941 New Yorker sedan and RE. 3251. POHANKA retire to and live in peace: cozy 4-rm. take in part radio, heater, ,, SERVICE payment; fog lights, automatic top. fluid drive, economy overdrive, n.e.. 1178 20th St. of level ground-for gar- A-l condition, OR. 5961. 9.000 coupe; basement.__* OLDSMOBILE “HO'' _ 9i4i, bungalow: plenty AFTER 8 P.M. actual mires, white-wall tires, like radio, heater. 1 owner, tires; 1939 2-door, black. N.W._pi short walk to store, new; wonderful FORD 1935 Tudor sedan: good tires: any only l owner, best den and poultry: il.275. Call Taylor 3435. No dealers. bargain terms: guar. tires, excellent per- PONTIAC station prices: WHEELER, reasonable offer. Call Unlou/1519. car: wagon. 1940. 8-cyllnder- handy to hustling depot town, only $360 __ forming under market. 5475. WHEEL- In BUICK 1938 new INC.. Chrysler-Plymouth. 4810 Wisconsin. perfect condition, far above the down. See picture page 47. AUTO TRUCKS FOR SALE. convertible: paint Job: BR. INC., 481<> Wisconsin, average _ 1 020. FORD 1941 Tudor de luxe; 10.00(1 mllea; Ordway 1020. tires like new; radio and heater; Army OR. butckly on this one. Tools. STAKE BODY 1939, Ford V-8. man seat covers: five tires, practically new; State Highway 70. Stream: mechanl owner: $375 cash. Drive car any CHRYSLER 1040 Windsor coach: heater, OLDSMOBILE ’40 2-door Hy dramatic, low MOTOR CO. 18th st. FOE SALE. ically lat-claas: • $750. st at. n.w, 0530. J1'09,*;, y'00/* About 25 acres for vegetables, corn, _TRAILERS 30-day guarantee. 2228 time 7038. radio, 1079 31 MI. mileage; good cond.; excellent tires. Call *' K *nd L' RE 3CS1- ave. n.w. Hobart Sunday._BA. light gray flnish. white-wall tires, Ouqu Sunday train, etc fenced pasture watered by HOU8E TRAILER, 1. 16'. newly built; Georgia 2031. blue and FORD 1941 station wagon, driven only Mon, through Sat. $696. Olebe "ir«b good BUICK 1943 Roadmaster—Will sell at a gray upholsterv good condition. j_7j_7. stream plenty cord wood and timber- 25 I tires. Alexandria 9363. DODOE 1942 panel delivery $095 rash: no * 13.000 miles; with 5 very good _•_ truck, prac- bargain because of entering service, $1,410 dealers. PI. 4302. equipped OLDSMOBILE 1941 convertible club coupe; other fruit trees: 7-rm. dwelling, tically brand-new condition; 3,000 miles. tires. This wagon Is like new In every *00d condition. 575 for apple, j 22-rr. GLIDER house trailer, sleeps 4; Call Mon, after 10. Mrs. Moore. ME. 2713. CHRYSLER 1040 Royal Windsor 2-door: hydromattc drive, radio, heater, seat covers, quiet sale. 1S3?1-Call elec 45x50 basement barn, garage other Call Alexandria 0140 respect and la guaranteed CHEVY CHASE beige finish, Dupont condition: good tires; electric brakes. radio, heater very carefully used by one tires like new: *1,176. 8311._ on macadam. 5 minutes to Pa *00? BUICK 1940 convertible coupe: dark gray MOTOR CO 7725 Wia, ave. WI 1035. I bldgs.; Call FORD 1935 _ EMERSON & ORME. Alexandria 6030. 1 la-ton small van. good owner: excellent white-wall tires, spare ,, l"'dan; depot village, hour to industrial city run-j finish, new black top. red leather uphol- 1 th and M radio, heater, tires mng condition, nearly new tires, 6 wheels; never used; interior just like new. beauti- FORD Tudor 1940 (001; very good tires Sts, HI00. good; 5775. Chestnut • at tools thrown in: part ROYAL. •41: .1 lull closets; many extras. ! stery. white sidewall tires, radio, heater N.W._PI. 4974, “snap" $2,100; cheap for quick sale. 612 L st. n.w. ful two-tone green flnish; flnest mechanical and condition; good gas mileage; $475. OLDS '36 big catalog: write for free Woodley Hills Cabins, Rich. mi. so. $895. 4-door sedan: tires, motor. down: page 44. hwy.. 4 condition; guaranteed, terms NO. j REALTY, 1427-N. L$nd of Alex. • FORD pickup truck. 1940. 34 ton; flatTbed EMERSON A ORME. 8195.*_ ! brakes excel, cond.: radio, heater; reas. copy STROUT ! TRIANGLE MOTORS. • Lawson._ with rack, body motor 1 th and M Sts. N.W. DI 8100. FORD 1937 de luxe four-door trunk sedan; qnfrk sale. 43Q Kentucky ave. s.e. SMeVoTy Title Bldg.. Phila.. Pa. AT BERWYN perfect, has 10,000 i 1401 Rhode Island Ave, N.E. PE. HTS.—$400. completely miles, excellent 8302. lan: radio, heater; very clean; good tires, d0WP furnished. 18-ft.. 2 good tires, dishes. heavy-duty tires. 4-speed BUICK 1941 Special 4-door sedan: radio, OLDSMOBILE 1940 *‘H’’ sedan, low mile- matb° transmission. CHRYSLER Atrflo: reas cash. DP. 9881' APPLY* LEE FARM. bedding, Call Alexandria 6039. heater, seat covers, splendid shape, perfect 1935 fair cond.. $225 age: one owner; reasonable. Phone Shep- U9'?'£'%¥ P8'j HIGHWAY b;ds. refrigeration. Franklin to cash Phone 0 with 1 ml. .•'.AM, • DODGE 1941 tires; $1,145. I buyer. TE. 3557. after 1934 coupe. 5 tires, radio, heater; herd 9124 PONTIAC. 1940; perfect 23 mi from Washington, Va-ton paneled body truck; FORD _ condition low in p m Capt. Johnston. 1985 frontage on each side of highway. 107 acres, unusually aood condition; tires have; EMERSON A- ORME. _______ pasaed 1942 inspection: $75. WO. OLDSMOBILE 1940 club coupe* 60: 8880 1 private *“h- more than 34 is tillable. -room TRAILER CENTER extra deep tread; 5890. Can be seen 17th and M 8ts. N.W CHRY8LER 1940 Royal sedan. 2-door: a owner, no of which Mon. _ DT8H10._ trades considered, excellent con- glebegj3^d'b0efohr<e“r:pPmrlT*ttl electricity at 2100 14th fine car priced low for FORD 1934# fine tires, radio, heater $50. ♦ house with new h.-w.h. system, AT st. BUICK 1940 5-passenger sedan; excellent quick sale: guaran- dition; $595. Atlantic Service cottage 2-room HORNER’S CORNER. n.w._ SIMMONS. 1337 14th North 21 04 0208 Wisconsin ave., Chevy Chase. 3563._ PONTIAC 1941 H club coupe and 1‘a baths. FORD 1940 sedan delivery; heater. condition: practically new tires; $600. teed^ Md._ heafer tenant house, large new bairn <built uy POPULAR MAKES 8805 UP. excel- OLDSMOBILE 1938 de luxe radio, nf‘v- 4 lent condition and appearance. Hill Columbia CROSLEY. late 1941: 30 to 40 mi. to gal. FORD 1937 cash; runs coupe; tiresrs«v?'Pve^?3ceiireji, ujFe, excellent Dept. Ior ALSO MANY NEW & 6791._ _ coach: only $150 heater trade and terms specifications from Agricultural TRAILERS. 1114 g>5; 5 tires.