# ‘

BATUKDAT', MAT 4 ,194f T h « W w t h w ATtrat* DBfly CiroiUtkm For at 11. M. WaattMT t4<(a} xwi&^ iSIanri;^0t^r lEpgnlng l|gralb Far «ha Maatk at April. ItM Mostly eloofly wtth 1 . 1 A- ttgiit skowars aai nttk c CapUln Schendel had trained, for Center Church 9,058 tamperatura taalght; shipment to its owner. When he OiieHt Director Mcnbcr of tto Am tH gaaerally fair aad llttls made the call he found no one at About Town Heard Along Main Street' home. He went around to the rear Family Week ' BvroM of Manchester^A City o f ViUqM^tlharm of the house to see if he could lo­ Horseback Riding I fapiti f ot th« Children ot cate the captain and Innocently tk And on Some ofMancheater*$ Side Streets, Too (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENIS ilary Sodality of St. James a are found himself facing a pack of V IS) MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAT, MAY 8, 1948 ^c^ated to meet in the those big German Shepherds, He To Start on Sunday and VOL. LXV., NO. 184 •hurch Sunday a f t e m ^ at ^ niavt Hansen o f the C h am ber-fo r the tea. The hot tea from above started to make a run for it but Continu^^ Until Moth­ 'For Your Heailth I’clock to practice for the crowm- figured he couldn't make his truck M ereiis. AU Sodallsts Who g..K . 1 »■' c o lu m n via thj^ Open Ponim in an- saucer. _____ . ahead of the dogs so he opened the er's Dav h o r s e s t o r e n t a n d f o r s a l e ire planning: to attend the Motter nearest convenient door. *11160 he Only Few May Eat and Live ISi*^^fhter •ocinl Bwer to "“f ”n election On* of The Herald s staff mem- that pmdal c^ vote o following a found himself faclng^still another The ’ Center Congregational Ifav 14. should contact Miss tiicBv •a \ t>fh*n f*lavt Oera n»n OCCH tuaiuwinu m •rather »wiswa 736 NORTH MAIN ST., BUCKLAND British Loan Seen Coal Miners’ Strike Officeraf ould bC legal, w hen ^ procedure on, making his group of dogs. church is observing the week from 31oHa Dellafera not la^r ^ an officor^^’ould br legal.! nniHuiMl nrocedure on m By this time he was sweating Jpa Sunday. Tickets for the social brought his reply ^ w J way home afternoons, we arc told May 5 to May 12 as Family Week. as much as he had ever.Jh the During this week special emphasis alll he sold at the rehe*«mi. ropfhs-he said I , by one of his neighbors. It seems write but don t forget to ^ tUert is a tavern i|t the vicln- war. He barricaded himself in a will be placed on the tlirlattan D^srby room, but h^ remained ; y name.” jty of his domicile. Nearly every home. Families are asked to come Start of Program The Ptnes Civic Association will there until ('apt^fi Schendel r e -, So we ll take the Chamber afternoon when approaching this and sit together during the morn­ Enters Sixth Week; meet at the YhICA on Monday ^ turned home and resMied the GI. 1 ing services both Sundays. Liters- 1 Bin* at 8 o’clock. Progress wiP ^ tccutive at his word and com- particularparticular tavern tavern he he makes makes his his m ent'orthV c. of C. bulletin mail way to the rear of the building He was assirf-ed that the dogs ^ ture for use. in the, home will be reported on Improving thc/^ark- would not have harmed him, but. on display iii the~vestlbule both! lets in their section of the townwiwii cd to nicmDcriimembers thisinm week. For the. eviaenviyevidently bv so wi«tthat nche won’t have to Menacing field for convenience of Chamber members p,gg the front door. Frank wasn’t taking any chances. 1 days. I and providing a playi If he gets sny more assignments ■ On Mother’s Day, May ?2, a the boys of the nelf' ! who . mav___ _ base their YuiailirJUlbusiness Oilon 'TkairAThere is ntlfsone ikVrAlexception. He cour- ccrtaln dates, anniversaries, holl- ageously walks past the tavern’s like that one Frank thinks he may j family supper will be held in the Idle Above 710,000 re-enlist because it’s a lot safer in ^ church at 5 p.m. A simple meal WASTE PAPER /N o . 1 of the aSyBdsvs andn iiu soo\» on the —bulletin ; carries front door and someUmes even Colorado Senator Crit- Fire Depart a calendar of.... the ___ month.'_aw •....twiiinwpointing I drops ^ ___ t.. in—on ...M the afternoon of -pay the Army. will be served and a collection ‘ Three Survive taken to help defray the expense, ______3:40 yesterday out these particular dates. day. The Herald man'a route has i icia^ Proposal aa The bulletin this week eairles aroused the interest o f -hts-i»eigh- j The latest type of a money pool, Mrs. C. D. Makepeace is in charge ' ii^raM n i b extinguish a gi-ass of the supper and Mrs. Earl Doeb- I Administration Lead­ fire in t ^ woods to the north of the calendar for May. Glancing bor and he has been wondering' in town was revealed 1 In Vain Break Soviet Trading Freach Hold | “ JSiimonf rl i ” night. It concerned the firebug O. I-Oring Bur\«ell ener is in charge of the dining l^tnwcM drive. through we learn that May 10 is the reason for it. When we told him ers Waiting Impatienl/ the Confederate Memorial Day in what day the pay checks were Is­ who has been terrorising North room. COLLECTION Imponance of sued he seemed to understand when End residents for over a month. G. Loring Burwell. director of Following the supper a short System Facts Spies Chief "Z* North and South Carolina. Now it entertainment will be provided-by ly for Break in De­ For Freedom is ihtecesUng to know those lit­ he found it coincided with the one Seems that someone thought up the well known MendelaSohn Male ^ • I Fuel in Daily Lives; /I day when our man w’ent home the a bright idea of capitalising on the the Church ' School Department. bate for Showdown THE WORD tle things, but we wonder just Chorus of Waterbury, Conn>. who Mrs. A. W. Astley will lead group MONDAY, MAY 6 During War Steel Plam opera- how the knowledge of Confederate front way. firebug. So he ruled out a chart will bring his far-famed musical Being Sought and marked in the hours, 24 in all. singing with songs for all agea FBI Moves Into Alca* Memorial Day in the Carolina.^ group to Manchester for a Joint The program will be over at 7 p.m. Washington, ^May 6.— (JP) ______, > —:— tionn This Week Arc ||0>ir.l.llil: can be of any possible assistance Now that the Selectmen have and also the half hours. In ail IN THE NORTHEAST SECTION traz to Collect Evi­ recommended the appropriation of there were 48 lines and room for concert with the Glee for the sake of the younger mem;» — Senator Edwin C. Johnson Slated Lower I'haii at to Chamber members in Manches­ bers of the congregation. No Satisfactory Replies Up to 50 o f De Wav- ter, Conn, $8,500 for additional trucks ahd 48 names. . . Club in High School Hall, Mon­ (D., Colo.),-criticized the pro­ dence; Five Dead anc fin in g da»eriba» Eahc person was charged four Reservations can be made at the Help the Hospital — Help Local Industrr’^y Continuing Any PoHat in 1932 We also note that the Chamber workers for the town garbage de­ day evening. May 6. is one of the posed ^,750,00o,000 British Yet Received from rin*s Secret Service partment, the biggest hurdle will bits to take a chance. The sheet church office and should be in by 15 Wounded in Battle our modtm funeral horM. bulletin waxes political this week Diia 10 iBKc ■ . best known chorua diriectors In Friday. May 10. To Save Paper. The Need Has Not Diminished! ' loan toiday as the beginning have____ to be mett wnan. iwi. ^and if, . the was sold within s few hours. Times united States, Moscow on Exclusive Officers Have Been Bulletin! and carries a commentary money is approved in the special ____ .iir> ckt miner and .. . : „ The plans Tor Family Week have of a lending program that relationship between the White were given on a slip of paper ana He has directed the Mendels­ San Francisco, May 6.—(JP)— town meeting tonight. after each one was sold, the name j been made by the Commission on Pacts With Neighbors Placed Under Arrest Washington, May 6.—-(/P) House and the bo^s on Capitol sohn Chonis in over 900 concerts Religion'and the Home, consisting may bring “ the end of a great The FBI moved into Alcatras to­ u r k e 01 During the war, when big war of the person was placed in the in all parts of the East. He is and good experiment in de­ — Fresh developments In the Hill. In case you didn’t get a copy wages were being paid by the war of Mrs. Clifford O. Simpson, Mrs. day to collect evidence against of the bulletin or overlooked the line opposite the time on the chart- president of the Atlantic Confer­ Earl Doebner, Mrs. C. B. Make­ mocracy.” Johnson claimed Washington, May BV-(e)—The Paris, May 6 —(>P|— Col. Andre soft coal negotiations wert plants. Treasurer George H. Wad­ The holder of the lucky ticket three survivors of the half-dozen paragraph, here it is: ence of the Associated Male chor­ peace. Edward Bushnell. and Var- the Senate floor to oppose the United States is taking up with de Wavrin, chief of General de 51. .1,'U.UN dell had his trophies keeping the Will receive the pot. How to w in . convicts whose desperate, vain ndicated today when the uses of America and was guest sey McBride. measure as administration lead­ Russia the whole system of cx- “The old club down in Washing­ crews of the garbage department Oh yeS. the fellow who has the conductor of the Music Festival in break- for freedom brought a Gaulle’s wartime intelligence serv­ government-sponsored con­ B ton Is certainly treating the Ad­ together. Even now, that the strife ers waited impatiently for a break cluslvc trading arrangements closest hour or half hour to ^e New York this year. . AN/fOtfMCEMem/ bloody, 36-hour siege of their cell- ice, and up to 50 of his secret ferences were recessed sud­ ministration rough, to say the In debate they hope will bring a There’s not enough food for all In Hunan Province. Chins, where sUrvatlon is the -Order of the day. is over, garbage crew troubles still time the fire alarm is sounded for ------£&_------= ------block and left five men dead and whi<:h the Soviet Union is putting service officers have been placed le’ast. At the beginning and at the zbowdou-n vote this week. Th68€ fortunate youngsters, os a hungry crowtf waits outside* the rice kitchen In the denly to permit attendsBcc of persist. the next fire at the north end. set IS wounded. hope that there may be a little left for them. Some have waited for days. (Exclusive photo by Harlow into effect with its smaller neigh­ height of the New Deal that Sen­ The general public, always want­ Before the Senate aeaslon. Ma­ Not a single prisoner escaped. under arrest, authorized French all operators at this after­ off by the firebug, will be the win­ Wise guys spoke of it as “The M. Church, NEA-Acme Staff Photographer.) ’ ' ______^ bor nations. sources said today. Charges Were atorial bunch of digniUries abdi­ ing the best In life, failed to get Wreck” and so wrote to this paper jority Leader Barkley told report- The three may yet die—In San noon’s session. The operators ner. , LECLERC ARNOLD PAGANI Officials who disclosed this to­ not disclosed. Oil ^ n e r S cated and placed itself at the the point when they were asked Of late, no one has come close, on many occasions. And yet the ers after ^ hour-long conference I Quentin’s green-painted gas day said that so fsr no satisfac­ caucused for an hour tUa mercy of the White House. Instead to place their garbage pails out name is a contraction of Recrea­ FUNERAL HOME AND SONS with Premdent Truman that he | chaifiber. These sources were quoted by at leaat that’s what Ve think. Let's tory replies have been received the' French Press agency as say­ morning while the Miners’' of the Chief coming to the Senate at the curbing in front of their tion Just as Gym was s contrac­ thought the ’.’chances are good Win Demand Death Praalty from Moscow. In fact, they add­ hope that the kitty stays put and 28 Main S t i ^ ing de Wavrin and a number of Negotiating committee aat F u r n a c ^ hat in hand, the Senate came to honoea. They didn’t want to handle isn’t won by anyone. . tion of gymnasium. After that t)WNERS OF THE GARDEN GROVE for disposing” of the legislation “There is a good chance that Innocent Plea [Left Wing Bloc LosCS ed, Washington has been able to the Chief on banded knee for a those dirty garbage palls at all— it was accepted and now Phone 5289 “ this week.” evidence will be sufficient to in­ learn very little officially about his offjeera were placed under by. John L. Lewi^ United year it was close arrest. He was known dur­ A Fow StiD Avallabifev mere "bone of the carcass” if. of not for any reason. A hue and cry MancheHer Is terrtflcslly under- everybody knows what it nieaps ON KEENEY STREET In a'prepared addrem, the Col­ dict the surviving participants for what kind of agreements the Rus­ Mine Workers* president, was course, you had voted right. Woe went up over this Imposition of ing the war as “Colonel Passy.” policed and iiplcss the toViTinpc^plc And it was the same way with orado senator said aigniflcantly murder,” asserted ’ U. S. Attorney M ad^iy Toje | Constitution Vote sians actually are making. absent. RACKLIFFE OIL CO. betide the man who belonged on having to help out Just a bit In the other places in town named by **Caterers o f the Better Kimi Daniel C. Deasy—and if it la, he The whole undertaking la part Later, both the cabinet and the see to it that th^ strings on the tax that it “does not worry me to, be Ministry of Interipr announced m Maple A««««e — Bartfatd the .other aide of the tracks. To­ problem of garbage collection.. Hcrtdd headwritcra who are used In the minority” against the K>an. said, the death penalty will be de­ 4> of an American campaign to set day It looka as if the boys are in Letters, phone calla, articles in purse are loosened, something real FENDER AND ' . for Twenty Years** manded. 26 Other War-Tinn' that it was “Inexact” to say that By The Associated Press M . Bartfari 1-8I8I to us^ short, descriptive words "It does worry me to have my up throughout the post-war world the saddle again. A year ago it the newspapers flooded the town iraKtCtragic may happert\at N***- —--.rany time.------Despite the fact that there Hrere “Colonel Passy and a certain num' Country in the wrong,” he con- ''/’pnch Reject Commun* a relatively free private trade sys­ As the strike of 400,000 stripped Hank Wallare of the pow­ fathers and they, being the voice BODY WORK only two guns in the entire group Jail aiiese Leaders AI • tem. Also a part of this offoct Is ber of his collaborators were under Manchester ® ^ u n * 'p r o T e c ” ' N®w here is our suggestion for a . . . Have just remodeled their place. It may tihued. Deputies Told soft coal miners entered * ita ers enjoyed by Jesse Jones as head of the people, could do nothing but involved in the furious battle, he iflt-Socialist Sup­ the recent Truest to 15 foreign close arrest.” Neither agency H ‘ -J^sre a^e but tv^ S i c e i name for the Old Golf Lots. Cali SOLIMENE A FLAGG *.^’ould Threaten Sol^-eacy 8 0 Plead Innocence ot the Departnient of Commerce: accede to the increasing demand 26 ^ a r e I it ”T1ie Amphi.” That may sound he available to anyone who holds parties, out­ added, “where one or more parti­ nations, including Russia and would elaborate. sixth week today, the num­ it handed Aubrey Williams his for ’’back door” collection of gar­ cruisers to cover you for a while. It is ’ INC. Asserting that Britsin has no cipants (in a conspiracy to es­ ported Unicameral Study Balkans Britain, to wind up their official De Wavrin’s organization was ber of idle across the nstidn CEDAR POLES walking papers when it came to bage, not sensing that the meas­ miles of territ ry , |I „,,nhnnimis.euphonious, descriptivedescrirtive and .«ihort. 8S4 Oeatet Bi. Eel. 5181 ings, family reunions, club meetings, etc. more dependable ally than the cape) actually killed someone, the Tokyo, May 6 -(.P;—-Hldeki To- purchasing missions in this coun­ formed in London shortly after ure was started In the first place United States. Johnson said he Is Legislature Program France was liberated. Leftwing in coal-related industries ex­ the post of Rural Electrification 1 . c o m - - Jt is not a freakish word coined others would be part of that con­ j.i and 26 other war-time leader.s try as quickly as possible. because it was almost impossible wii.uiv.cuconvinced thatuw. thevii^ president.uw.uvii. pro- I apiTvcy, ana elements frequently have charged ceeded 710,000. Shrinkage o f CLOTHES POLES, Administrator; it delivered the EMt a wedding of woids that Just spiracy. and could be charged of Japan today entered staccato Favorable Reponse Expected body blow when it turned down the to hire men to collect the garbage. mumty—has | now .are making newspaper col- Raulnl o t tho hall and grounds will be posal is only the first of $20,000.- with murder.” Pari,, M.y1IiflV-Fr™ch Foreign Mitiirter. (Van. that the service was being used coal supplies fiirced millions f e n c e p o l e s e t c Now It is up to the vpters to­ AMC'B CXIFRAN I in. loans/this country will pleas of Innocent to charg:es that Some of the war-born missions fpr political purposes. ,- AdmlnUtraUon’s highly controver- many regular «mns Hideous and diflleult to un- 000,000 The Federal Bureau of Investi­ voters, deliver jug the sharp- cil ^ DeadlockeiU on 1 already are being reduced and to realize the importance o f night. If the $6,500 is voted the tlmes aa many cruisers. Many oui- . (Known As Queen Alkv) ! fk’ce to those to whom services are ren­ be called upon to make. That, he they unleashed a war of aggres­ alal manpower bill.- When Mr. Tru­ It’s a word that will j^ven tb llanghtrr nt s Seventh Son ; gation is taking statements from the fuel in their daily lives. Driveways Installed man aacended the high neat his problem still exists for it is a V.er communities w™...—...... not as large said, would threaten the solvency other prisoners as well as from sion and murder in the Pacific est setback^ the left wing Italo-Yugoslav /Border countries approached wear well. ,It is a contraction of I Bom With a VHI | and were ordered to trial June 3 are imderatood to have expressed In Chicago, Industries, businaan former club members met his toss-up whether the town can buy Manchester have much, larger po­ amphitheater^^ which is exactly dered. of the United SUtes. guards. Dcssy reported, and "the bloc since ihe liberation of and Repaired the necessary trucks or hire addi­ i Readings ONlly, Ineinding Sunday, despite their counsels’ protest that -veady agreement to wind them' up. and shops were restricted to four legislative program with auspicitwi lice forces. what the Golf _ _Lots are. top<^riiphl- I 9 A. M to 8 P M Oi Rv ApiMilnt- ’’The titanic program of lavish matter will be presented to the France, rejected a CommU- Paris. May 6— Deadlocked Rus.slan representatives referred Expect Report hours’ operation dally, and tha and when legislation does go thru tional crewmen. It just isn’t possible Conduct - - - - ,whnt. buildings (Not Including Sat. and Sun.) lending which this loan launches Federal grand Jury here.” the interval is too short. Ashes RcnoTcd Anyhow, -the Selectmen have ment. In the Servtae nl the Peo­ The Far Eart tribunal, before nist-Socialist supportejj con- on the Italo-Yug<^av frontier 18- the problem to . Moscow, but an city’s entertainment apota werti Congress, it comes out in such a the department the way 4t should, ,„j,ated there, or wbftt kinds of ple for SO Years. ia in my'opinion the beginning of The three surviving partici­ stitution in yesterday’s refer- the Foreign^lnUters council early favorable response is expect­ completely blacked out, except foe form that he can no longer recog­ seen their dflity—and done it. be on the funds allotted to it ny j fields are consli ncted them the end of a great and good ex­ pants, said Warden James A. which the 27 appeared for- their On Iran Issue KPIKITUAI MEDIUM W* Have No Connection With Any Restaurant or drill. first formal hearing, however, will endum, complete official re- ‘"«truct(Kiinstructed it,its /eputie. today to ed. restaurants, after 6 p. m. nise hia brain child. A a George the taxpayers. It isn t : in the future, the niime Amphi, will periment in real democracy,” he Jedmaton,. were Sam Shockley, 36, start examlna^on of the Balkan F. Fitzgerald 169 Chiirrh Street, Hartford. Conn. convene again next Monday to What State department officials Other communities in the CM- Washington said—the Senate does It doesn’t pay to be too greedy. get men as regulars at the money, Phone 8-:n«4 OUR SPECIALTY: BANQUETS OF ALL KINDS declared. serving a life term for kidnaping turns showed today. treaties, beginning wtth Romania, are repotted .really conesrped Telephone 2*1417 for legislation whst the saucer did A husband suffered the other that is paid. The supernumemry proaecHtlon rests. 1 and r^ b ery in-Oklahoma; >tiran permit the defense to renew its cago area also ordered "dimou^'t 1 IN ALL MANCHESTER SURROUNDINGS! The 0(riorsdosn contended that Totals announced by the Minis­ an Americapi inforroaht said. abopt are the British and Rus$Wn Iranian Ambassador Ex­ to conserve electricity. Many day trying’ to help friend wife out system Isn’t a reliable one. Y ou ; ------! Edgar Thomiisan, 30, serving 99 emphatic challenge that the court try' of the Interior Indicated that tha $8,750,000,000 would carry has no Jurisdiction in the pending , The iBUil .iqinlsteoi. etc lUunia, trade systoeaa. ProMema with buUdlnga In Chicago curtailed Sto- by buying an extra pair of nylons. UUlican’t %> be sure of a fuU- force ^Hurtl,ed'into the realms of pure | FOR INFORMA^ON OR ESTIMATES: years for k ld n i^ g and Uto tor the eonstfttitton- wasl^detoatMt by 'BritUti.^rranra and the United Britain already' have been can­ pected to Tell About The couple had driven downtown Britain tor only flva yaan. Ha killing a Texas poUeeman; and 'carttt,'' vator service, so that thousands whenhen an emergency arises. | research by his ggmbition to help ; aakl the British debts of nearly more than 1,180,000 votes. TThese States reviewed their position on vassed in connection with the $3,- of office workprs trudged up long to let the wife get into a short Manchester has been extmmelyexi j Park Commissioner in his ; Protect Your • TELEPHONE 5790 OR 2-0517 Clarence Carney 10, Oklahoma Charges Preaideat Biased ^ flgurcA complete for the 93 de- the Itmlan treaty and found the 750,000,000 loan proposal now Russian Withdrawal nylon line. They parked near 814,000,000,000 to countries with­ desperado serving 90 years for 'Tojo’s attorney, Ichiro Kiyosc flights...... of stairs to their JorJbha ia■ SINCE 1915 fortunate from the angle of free qtiest for another name for the I partments of France, including all quea^n of TVieste' and the Ital- pending'•in the Senate. Russian look skyscrapers. the store and the wife managed dom from crime. 'The firebug men­ in the so-callad “storling bloc” kidnaping and murder. Old Golf Lots, the Office Gagman Home From cannot be solved by any such l®**-?*^?* A**® ‘r*-! three in I^rth Africa, gave: ian-yugoslav frontier was the key problems may be taken up in de­ Bulletin! In Pittsburgh, Carnsgie-IUinola to get a good position In line. She ace that has threatened this past has done a real Job on concentra­ Bodiee of Ottiera Found bunal. He charged that the Against the constitution—10,- di^culty. Thereupon U. S. SeC- tail if and when the Soviet Union loan. court’s president. Sir William New York, May 6.—(/P)— Steel Corp., U. S. Steel's biggest came out with her prise nylons, month is the nearest to a m jo r tion this week. Local sclenttets Guards broke Into the last dark 632.430. rMsry of States Byrnes proposed decides formally to seek a pro­ WM. DICKSON & SON Lightning He proposed, therefore, that utility corridor of the embattled Webb of Australia, has been so Trygve Lie, secretary-gener­ subsidiary, slated operations thin all excited. problem the police have faced In a have measured the electrical Im­ For the constitution—9,450,570. raat the deputies be Instructed to posed $1 ,000,000,000 loan here. week at nine per cent of capacity, Phones: 2-0920 or 5329 “They’ve got lots more In long time. The police ^ V e done these countries be called together^ prison wing Saturday to find the biased by his investigation of Jap­ al of the United Nattons, said pulses emanating from his brain Free estimates given on any LOOKING FOR A HOME? and told that they must scaM 80 Ter Cent go to Polls j /start work on Balkan treaties. Meanwhile, since the biggest Ini­ today that uOleso the Security lower than at any point during the there,” she told her husband. all that can be expected In this bodies of three others. anese atrocities in New Guinea tial problem is to find out Just, and declared them of such power building. Inatallatlnn by trained down this debt before the United Approximately 80 per cent of'thy^ Neither Will Budge council eventuktly was able to bottoiiq depression year o i 19SL "Hurry up—get in line. You can case. There just aren't enough of Bernard <3oy, 40, spry little that he cannot Judge fairly. what is going on, the loan agree­ that they have pushed out of its men In acrordanee with Under- States woufd advance any funds. registered voters participated. /" ! Neither the Americans nor the ' agree on the v i ^ veto ques­ Meahwhile, congressional temp* Exterior - Inferior Fainting get me an extra pair." policemen to cove>* the tow-n dur­ Louisville, Ky., bank robber who The motion was promptly de­ ment announced with Poland last orbit the entire Milky Way galaxy. r^rlters’ Requirements. READ THESE SPECIALS! He suggested, also, s world dis- Defeat of the proposal m ^ns Russians would budge from their tion the Issue might have to He didn’t like the idea of get­ ing such a menace. started the uprising by Cambering nied after a ten-minute recess con­ stands on the Italian treaty at the week may be productive. His suggested name: annament conference at which ex­ that France will elect a new Con­ be tossed back to the Jil Unit­ (Continued on Fnge ren) ting in line at all, but he did. So, if Manchester people want to up to a third-tier gumrds’ gallery ference. With Webb absent from moating today. and Decorating .. . Paperhanging grumbling. The line was moving “The New Old Golf Lots.” Richard V. Jackson penditures for military prepara- and forcing his way into it to slug the discussion, eight of the court’s stituent Assembly June 2. /T h is To Give Full Information ed Nations In the form of a avoid a mgjor crime disaster they —A. Non. 77ie U. S. secretary told his The Poles agreed to furnish the charter amendment. 'L ie , along fast and soon hubby was at had bettpf see to it that the town Taylor Street STONE ST.— tlona would be restricted. and disarm guard Bert Burch, was other ten Justices ruled that no assembly will name a nev(' pro­ Workmen Covered By Compensation and Public Liability CLINTON ST.— visional government and draft an­ three colleagues, the Informant American government with full in­ speaking at a press confer­ the counter, paid the saleslady gets adequate police protection. Telephone Klanchester 5988 S-Tenement House, 4-4 and 4. A 6-Room Single In one of Headed Toward Inflation defiant to the last. Death caught objection to any member can be said, that he was willing to accept Insurance. him with arms extended as though other proposed constitutipn for the formation on their trade and eco­ ence, conflrmcd reports that and went out with his nylons, hap­ Fukosee hext first floor. Single 5Ianchester’s line residential Without some check on lending, sustained because the court’s either the proposed British or py that the ordeal was over. developmehts. All conveniences, sUll gripping the rifle he had seiz­ charter provides that members fourth republic. / nomic relations, which are primar­ the Security council’s proce­ For some rea.son or other, ever WASHING MACHINES garage. Lot 50x150. Priced to Johnson said the United States Is French frontier lines ■ between ily with Russia. Here is the over­ dure experts were deadlock­ Later, at home, wifle opened tile bath, oil burner. Just What ed from the guard. shall be of MacArthur’s choosing. The leftist-support^ constitu­ Italy and Yugoslavia but that ac­ ilnce the Mamchester Bakei'y on REPAIRED - ALL MARES ftell. headed toward inflation, adding Also dead In the narrow, pipe- Kiyose had said he intended to tion would have eataWished an all- all. picture so far as it is known ed on the veto question, which Flashes! the envelope . and looked at th?^ yon’re looking for. The Interior that on its present course the ceptance of the Russian proposal second package. The stockings Kerry street has changed owner­ 10 Years’ Experience! flnish will be done to your taste. filled passageway were: object to each of the Justices but powerful unicameral legislature, hgre: he said must have the unani­ ship and ant about on a new and We now have a “ Sew­ ROAD— country is "careening crasily to would violate the London confer­ 1. The Russians have^xsighed mous agreement of the big (La|e BuUetlne ot'toe UP) Wirt) were deflnltely seconds and i^ere RMUMMiable Rates! Joseph I^ul Cretzer, 35, Los the ruling preventea him from empowered to ' appoint executive ence decision to base the new too poor to wear anywhere except bigger policy, the people w’ho live er Master” electrically 4 - Room Single. Shower. Ita own destruction and break­ Angeles bank robber who had as­ pursuing the point. and judicial branphes of the gov­ very short term bartea agreehients five potvers for settlement. In the vicinity of the establishment Storm windows. Flraplnce. CENTER S T .- neck speed.” frontier on ethnic grounds. with Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, at home. A. BREWER SIX Booms. Has been lived sumed command and carried 1 Coy and Cretzer by one- night Marine Corps Opponents of the measure also Urges Russia liave been withdrais'n from Iran­ spot. Cape Cod Dwelling, 6 street had to do with ""disturbance and screened, OU burner. Auto- ration's. It was stated that a report who oehtCatiMl snrti payments by Single, excellent condition. All ! for Phe Railway Ehtpress Agency, 5986 I Couldn’t Stani 'The rifle and pistol which Coy maintmhed that it failed to pro­ ian soil. the. Board of Education of Ewlnp rooms, bath and other Im­ of the Sabbath peace” The resi­ The electrically pro- maUc gas water heater. Base­ CLINTON S T R E E T - vide ^ihecks and balances” neces- of A reparations study commis­ eobvenlences. Nice location, provements. Excellent loca­ j saw plenty of action during his had wrested from Burch were sion would be ready in a few days. It WH.S not known whether he tolvnshlp la New Jersey. Tba dents- complained that because of ment lasmdry. Lot nicely land­ 11 and 5 Flat. No furnace found beside the convicts. sary/for a democracy, and pointed Release Food would submit his rejwrt immedi­ good neighborhood; handy to tion ulth over 100 acres of three years of service during the the rushing business that the For Expert and pielled^ cutting tumd beat. Priced to sell. Seen in Peril With the switch to Balkan prab- 'board pMd $367 for transportaHaii has. sale Price $9,500. If war. But, he never did have quite scaped. Shown by appointment Second Round TPhere was no further resistance, ouy that the president of France ately or wait until tomorrow, but land. Set off main road fust bakery conducted on Sundays. We believe we are one of the wpuld be merely a figurehead. lems, the possibility was seen that to parochial schools In Trrtitpn- - you are a Veteran, the proper­ enough so that It makes It such an exciting experience dur­ Guaranteed « follows along the side- only. the battle of the rock was ended. the 'United Btates might offer con­ in any event it was expected t o -to Everson appealed from a dechiion Kerry street was more like a New few home builders tvho have the Two Guards Killed in the hands of the delegates, when ty can be handled through Ideal for kiddy or adult camp. ing his war service as he did' re­ courage to set a price on unlln- Vandepgrift Sees Extinc­ Strong Executive Favored cessions in the Balkans to break Would Help World Sit­ by the-New Jersey Court of Er­ York subwav terminal than a walls o f tb^ pip^ b u s in e s s PROPERTY-.- Bowles Says Nation^s Dead were two guardor—one, the council meets to take ,Aip the your G. I. Bill of Rights. Near lake. Has many spots cently when making a. call at peaceful section of tie "city of vil­ Repair Work 1 ished construetloo today ~ a Thp M ^ and Gen. Charles' de the deadlock oq Italy. rors and Appmits, which rufetl which would make ideal camp 1 Captain. Herman Schendel’s on Cent rally located tavern do­ Harold P. Stites, shot In a ^ ian t tion If Pending M^rg-1 Gaulle, fbrmer president, had ad- Coincidentally, reports teaching uation If Manchuria Iranian case at 3 p. (e.d.t.), .against him. . lage charin.” ' They deflnltely did cuts away all obstruc­ ing an exceileni business. Com­ condition caused by uncertain EfNmomy Unable to sites. Price 87.800. _ Spring street. early assault attempting to free Paris indicated that whatever de­ Wednesday. 1 .... NORTH WINDHAM— not like the policy of the bakeiy On All M^akes of Washiaa plete with stock, tlxtures and • labor and material prlijes. er Bill Is PasS^** '^*'**^*** * two-chamber legisla- Supply Were Freed See Report Befqr^ Deadline It seema that Frank was as being open on Sunday. The peti­ tion, including tree Stand Mnr<> Pav Hikes 1 other, "W. 1l. MUler; ture, and strong executive and cisions were reached by the min­ C'alinboratioii Program Urged ' 6-Room Single. Electric -COTTAGES AT Machines, Vacuum Clean­ furnishings. aiana more ray HlKes captured unarmed and klUed Wpen judicial branches of government, Russia has until midnight to- X signed to pick up a dog, which tion as signed by most residents HOLLISTER ST.— isters might result in violent re­ WaHhliigton, Slay 0—^/Ti—-Pres- lights, running water, full COVENTRY LAKE— ers. Etc. Free Estimates ftoots. the blood-maddened felons turiisd Washington. May 6—(JV - 0en. 1 De Gaulle, now in retirement, did actions from the countries affect­ Tokyo, May 6—(/P)—"The whole ident Truinun n>k^ C'on.gress to»' on Kerry street, subtly suggested loirge 6-Room Single. All Washington, May 6—(J*)— Eco­ (world food) situation would be (t'onttnued on Page Six) bath. 4 acres of land. Handy 5-Room Cottage, 75 feet that no parking be allowed on the given In your home. i OAKLAND ST.— Alexander A. Vandegrift ca n ^ ou t not have an elector’s registration ed. These reports Included accounts day for legl>lHtiun uuthorl’riDZ a latest Improvements. OH burn­ nomic Stabilizer CheaUr Bowles (Oontinaad on Fags Twvl greatly helped,” Herbert Hoover to school, stores and bus. Sale from water front.' Electric street at any time. CARl NYGREN 6-^Boom Single. Steam heat. er. 0»\Tier may pick Interior | itghting today-to save his M vine card and did not vote, in the rafer- of open defiance In Italy, strikes ' lirngniin of iiiilltai'y «*<)ll'4l»orati’io Price $4,800. Good condltldn. Large size lot. said today, "if Russia would rC- lights, running water. Cnin- 24 HOUR SERVICE Climax came about this past WRINGER ROLLS W Plumbing and Heating floJsh. toatifled today th^t- the nation’s OoiTs from the extinction said 1 endum. and strife in Austria and , veiled .Willi olhrr .\iucrican enunirius, pletely famished. Sale Price week, when a cordon of building in­ I SO days* occupancy.^ economy "cannot stand a second ia threatened for it in the pend The issue now arises anew aa to threats, from Yugoslavia. teaae to China and Korea a part I ‘including the training, nrguni'/q- COVENTRY— $4,500. STOCK FOR ALL MAKES Expert Pump Installation whether Sny of the three major of the food stuffs they have secur­ §ee Violatiori CALL spectors and the . town engineer OF WASHERS ALEXANDER ST.— round of wage increases” which Ing Army-Navy merger bUl V, M. Molotov, Russian foreign tinn, and equipment of tha armed 4-Room Cottage, 75 :eel paid a viait to the Mancheater and* Repairing MAIN.ST.—^ ’ The four-star Marine general parties—Socialist, Communist or minister, was reported to have of­ ed in Manchuria. . i forces of those couatriea.** Ha Thla S-Room Country Home «OA T.Ronm single. OH bomer. might be ehcouraged by rising fs-a short tDstance from main from water front. ’ Electric M A N C H E8TER ST E R TAXI __ , CO. Bakery. They told the manage 15 SOUTH STREET 8-Tenement and 4-Room Sin­ contended .that the “ Army” ta de MRP—can gain control of the new fered Saturday to meet Italian in The former'United States presi­ transmitted the draft of a bUI en­ lights, running water. Com­ Also Brushtm for Excellent localhot. Modern In living coats. provisional government, or wheth- dent and chairman of President O f Mandate road but in an.Ideal spot as Proprietor .AttMitloii ment about the petition and how PHONE 6497 gle combined. This Is a corner eVefy detail.. Owner may seleel termlned to reduce Ihe. Marine terests "halfway’? on colonial and titled “ the Inter-American 5fIU* pletely famished. Sale Price Vacuum Cleaners property nicely landscape. Oil Bowles, called aa a witneM in Stable in War er there will be another coalition. reparations questions if Trieste Trunaan’s Emergency Famine tary Coo|ieratlon Act,” and asked an aM year ’round abode. It To Every OaR something had to be done about it. ' flnlsb;’ " ■ Corps to s poBi(ion of studied mili­ has been 'completely remod­ $3,800. But—instead of banning parking i burner heat. Excenpht redialr. the-Inquiry by the House commit­ tary ineffectiveness, There Is. A strong Indication were given to Yugoslavia. committee made the assertion in a Its enactment. '' tee Invrarigatlng food shortages that many Socialists either ab- eled. Has 30 acres of land and MANCHESTER GREEN ' as the neighbora auggeated, their 8-Room SIngM. 4 bedrooms, OLCOTT DRIVE— , robjeetiva Raodliy Attainable' This proposal, regarded in sbmie formal press conference statement ^ Arab Leailership in Pal­ sells for only $6,000. Bolution w'aa simply t6 enlarge and Into the butter sttuaUon, answer- Funk Quickly Disowns itaincd from voting in the refer- quarters aa the first possibility of which began Veteran Thwarts Holdup . . SECTION—OFF jw I Steam heat, oil burner. Lot 7-Room Single In a delightful .ed oomplainta about dairy prod- . ^ / ws “ And the merger bill in its pres­ efidum or voted against the con' estine Preparing to Go PORTER STREET— extend the-street td allow for the 160 by 300 ft., on main road setting and surroundings that | ent form makes this objective a break in the deadlock, was re­ V- “Japan must have some food Camden, N. J., May (L-(J5 —A expansion of traffic that the bakery WE REPRESENT THE STRONGEST ucts production with an outun« of | Any Share iu Econoni' stitutlon. Belief was expressed by jected. . imports.'W thout them, all Japan veteran of Leyte and Okinawn HEBRON- Owuer occupied 7-Boom Sin­ For Auto Repairs* IV^ miles from Manchester make tor privacy.. Every rood- his consideration of the overall declared in testimony prepared for some observers that this might Befoire*^ ^Worlcl Court haa brbught to Kerry street. It la I Crater. era detail, oil burner, tile bath, ic . Policies o f Nazis a closed session of the Senate will be oil a’ isllon little better braved satved-off shotgnna ta the One Acre of Land, 6-Ruom gle. Just tike new with at­ hoped that this solution will be imt- 9T0CK AND OIVIOEND eoonbmic problem. mean' that the Socialist-Commu than that which the Germans gave hands of live masked robbers early tached garage. Hot water heat - Washingy Polishing. . ------etc. We win flnish it to suit | Naval committee. The text of] hist accord would'cnimble. Treasjjiry Balance Single with all cofivenlenoes.’ iafactory to all concerned, but ac­ mtqattoB vnu Be ’OMgbffal" to Buchenwald and Belsen con­ Jerusalem. May 6—i/P)—The today and thwarted a $4,060 hold­ with oil burner. Large living PAYING ALEXANDER STREET— yoUi Chairman Pace (D., Oa.) told] Nuernberg, May — (P) ills statement was made available The well-regimented Commu- Arab leadership in Palestine wais iacludlng electricity, electric Lubrication Service. cording to t)»e bakery manager— 6 by the Navy. Washington, May —(fl*)— The centration camps. . . . up. WlieD the robbers entered room with fireplace. Good sired’' 5-Room Single located on cor­ Bowles that unless the govern'*' Walther Funk told the Interna­ niat vote was probably solid In fa­ 6 reported today to be preparing to lights, running water, tall be ip holding hia breath to see PRINCETON STREET—* position of the Treasury May 2: “Aside from any Oiriatlan Ole’s rani'h near Berlin, bearing. lot. Price 814,000. “Terms Etc.' -jL _ COMPANIES ner lot In Stonehaven, witi side ment adopts a different program tional MUitary tribunal here to­ A member of Preoident Tru- vor of the constitution. hath. In the heart of a hean- what the next petition will bring; -if If you ■ know the town you j Receipts, 173,866,124.21; expen­ spirit, food imports are required charge before the International red. brawn, ^ ‘ w bite and hlaek Arranged. porch, large kitchen, lavnlory. for the dairy industry the milk and manl’s informal (xiuncll of mili­ In general, despite the heated court at The Hague that the Brit- Uful little country town. Many Stop At there are any more. know It Is u choice laoatlon. | day that Germany had kept her ditures, 1210,313,486.73; balance, if A.marlcan boys here are not to niaxiis. Ole I.4(r»on. Ihe proprietor, posalbllltlcs. Ideal setup for INSURE dining room and living room on dairy products Utuation will be| currency stable throughout the tary elder statesmen, the Marine Ish-Amerlcan Inquiry commis­ FAR.M—V A C A N T- General speclflcatlons inclnde $19,371,828,006.77. be endangered by disorders and dashed into a rear office with a G.I. with low Income. flrat floor. Master bedroom with “frightfia" thla fall. war and had "Overthrown the old Cbrps commandant underlined the (Oenttaned on Pnge Two) sion’s report is a violation of Brit­ WIthln 18 miles of Hartford. In the local spotlight now, among I double closets, tllo bath and aa- plenty of closet room, ouk floor­ reminder that "the Marines Are I not to be involved In a sweep of .bag containing the $4,000. Two of ing. hot water hrattaR system. The Georgian critioiaed Bowles I thesis that war disturbs monetary ain’s mandate over, Palestine. i SOUTH COVENTRY— Veterans, vno can bay this 30- Griswold's other things, is naming the Old otber large room upstairs. Co^ 1 far Increasing dairy subsidies In-1 ready. “ epidemics that are Inevitable from the thugs started after Larsoo. Acre Farm, 7-room boose with Golf Lets. ' And If Ultra ia one SURE I^ORANCBI per phuabiBg. hot water, beat. oil burner, antomatlc hot water, | ^ .n.n I hs quleUy disownsd "If It cams to a flght.today,” he starvation.” Auni Bey Abdul Hadi, described when they were confronted by tha Naur Coventry Lake- — a SERVICE STATIONS copper plumbing, full iBgalatlon, all Improvements tnclndtaig thing of which Mancheater h«a a autiMnatlc hot. water. Fall la- added, "I do not know who could Praises Foo(l Stall by Arabs as the leading legal min'd veteran. Identified by atoto paBo»> good boy tor a O. L 4-Room steam heats bam and garage, First floor contains large mod­ clea. among Arabs in Palestine, was re­ 568 Center Street lot, it la ijamea. New land deval- IMAf. IUM8 — 853 MAIN ST. aolatloa with daaket balsam that subsidies be reduced gradual­ replace them. Mutual Understanding Seen Hoover told the press confer­ men as Edward Dwyer. Dwyer ra- Tear ’Round Cottage. Electric fog only 8600 Down and ap­ opments are examples. Thare are ern Mtchra. lavatory, dining I *1710 former Nazi economics ported by an associate to be- pre­ 174 West Center'Street wool.' . Brick aad frame con;- ly with corresponding Increases In "At a time when the responsible ence he based his statement on in­ fused to move, despite the arannn- Ughts, running water, tun proximately 840.90 per month over 50 different namea of locali­ strttctlon. AraHable May 15. room and Hving room with Bre-I minister and Reichsbank preai paring the case. His brief, it was tag shotguas, sayiag: *’0 « on» gel bath. Large lot. Located on frith your GJ. loan. Price place and aloora for privacy. l^ ces. ' heads of other services are com­ formation from General Mac- ties, moat adjacent to the others. Shown h.v appolatrorat only. dent, testifying in hie own defense, plaining of disintegration of fight­ Important to World Peace said, will state that implementa­ out of here, you guys havea*t get hard surfaced road. Price $ 8 ,000. Second floor has master bed-1 Bowles told Pace that "If you Arthur's occupation headquarters ’To try to memorize them will give said that Hermann Goqring, os ing power accompanied by prob tion of the report would he suffi­ the guts to shooL" 84JI00. Can be arranged with room, tile hath and two other I were in my ehoee, dealing with the and pralsod'* MacArthur’s food any newcomer here the DT’a. OAK ST.— plenlpotenttscy of'the four year lems of low’ morale gfid deteriora cient g^rounds for dissolution of the ... yoar 0 .1 . Bill of Rights. — But anybody can tell everybody 1 good sized ehamhers. AvalloWel overall problem, you might agree .[s ta ff as one of the best he had mandate under Article 22 of the Route El—A Real Farm— Attractive 6-R«om Single, with me on some things.” plan, had dictated to the Ministry tion of discipline;’’ Vandegrift de­ Scai'l>orough. England. May 6, » ‘‘are generous, just and - warm Yeggs tiet Market Kecelpis TOLLAND— Spring Cleaning what la wrong, so let’s get in some nearing completion. Nicely laid for oeeupnWy In two weeks,! of Economics until 1942. After hearted but absolutely conteniptu-. dissolved League of Nations cove­ Craostoo, R« L, May e— 100 acres, all clear. Orvner Price 816;000. Inspection hyl Pace told a reporter "we intend clared, "I can assure you that (A*)--T. A. Warren, president of . “I take, it.” he added, ’’that we 8 constructive criticism. There could oat. Every madern oonvenlence, that it was Albert Speer who call these conditions are not existent in ous of national weakness. — * nant, the associate said. Yegga ripped off'tha dm Page Oae) Get at Weeds Early The unhsfmpered flow of factual crs. street, Hartford was found guilty first national delegate; Mr*. Eliza-' at Keith’s Tomorrow! INC GREEN TRADING ------^ Sofis of Veteran Favor beth Chamberlain, Bristol, second Clare Boothe Luce As- news ta our greatest weapon sjiort There were no firearms, how‘ of drunken driving in Tjw n Court Green School Affair Pro­ Left Wing Bloc 'orces halted the procession at of the atom bomb, she said, as­ For Freedom this morning by Judge Raymond R. national delegate; Mrs, Ida Dick* ever, except for' the guard's rifle Jaffa gate and prevented it from serls Russia Wants Iso­ serting that “ it is the weapon most STAMPS ON ALL PURCHASES Bowers after an hdur's trial. A t­ Retention o f May 30 Insoii, New Britain, first alternate and pistol; and some freed ‘cun- vides Fun for Players, continuing outside the old City. Po­ AH Too Apt to Get feared by those who practice Im- (OoBttBU«d rrom Page One) victs. lacking weapons, returned torney Leon Riscassi of Hartford Loses on Vole delegate; and Mrs. Genevieve Gal­ lationist America OF FUEL AND RANGE OIL. Funds for School lice closed the gate immediately, Ahead of Gardener As Date lagher, Bristol, .second alternate periallstic aggres-slon in Poland, tamely to their cells, the warden appeared for the defendant and erected a barbed wire barricade Hungary. Yugo.sla.vla and Iran." their gune on their neven hostage". related. presented two witnesses besides delegate. (rvintlnBed from Page One) across the road and established an Unless He Begins Coin- „ Bridgeport, May 6 — (45 -Oppos­ The women’s installations were New Britain, May 6--(4*( Rep. Miller had a key to the b.ick door Three guards were locked into the accused. A fine of $10,’> was A successful Pirate Whist was armed barrier. ^ ing a movement now under way conducted by Past Department Clare Boothe Luce, addressing the of the wing but he threw it into ope of tlie cell bliK'ks, and four Imposed and $4.1 was remitted. lield at the Greerf'sehool Friday cv , Named Hospital Fire Marshal campaign which preceded the ref­ batting Them Soon nationally to change the date of President Mrs. Jane Goddard, of Connecticut chapter of the Polish- an empty cell and died without re­ others who rushed in at the first Poresky was arrested April 27 ening by the Manchester Green The demonatratora carried ban­ erendum, the voting was order­ Memorial day to that of some im­ New .Britain. Mrs. Carolina Clark, American congress hern Sunday vealing it. alarm were captured. about 11:30 when a 'car operated' Parent-Teacher Association. Thosd' ners proclalmlhg In AraUc "This Hartford. May 6 i/Ti William ly. New Haven, May 8—(P)— Don’t portant event in World War II, retiring president, presided. asserted that aa the price of So­ Fourteen guard" were wounded The alarm trapped the plotters by the accused was in collision on who attended were idore than well decision ia not democratic policy” R., Carroll, retired captain in the Even Paris and its “ red ring" and "our grandfathera wera born the Connecticut department. Sons viet friendship "Russia wants us during the siege; so' was one con­ in the cell wing but they refused Middle Turnpike with a taxi oper­ repaid for their support by the fun wait until weeds get a good start Hartford Fire department, ho" of Industrial suburbs voted here and we are the voice of this of Union Veterans of the Civil War to return to complete isolationism, vict, .lames Groves, described- ss to sdmit defeat. Coy began firing ated by James L, Donahue of 324 and gifts and refreshments. In the garden before taking con­ been appointed to the newly creat- j BOLAND against the proposal by a slight land.” V ^...i yesterday adopted a resolution withdraw our occupation armies Wethersfield avenue, Hartford, erl position erf fire marshal at Ih" bystander.*’ at the two outside guard towers, A rose bush which was contrib­ margin. trol steps, says Dr. Donald F. favoring retention of May 30 as The 72-ycar-oId Warden John­ Another General Strike Plaaaed Sotilli (loveiilry and give Ihe.m the secret of the Hartford ho."pltal, the rilrcctora of which commanded the yard and the which was enroute to VVilllmantic uted anonymously was won as a The vote fbr the constitution Jones, head of the Genetics de­ the national day of remembcrance. on. COMPANY ston toin newsmen the full atory approach to the prison boat docks. with a fare, An Arab office spokesman said partment at the CJonnecticut A gri­ atomic bomb." ' the Institution have announced. door prize by Mrs. John Kissman. was strongest In the heavily in­ Concluding their two day en­ Such _ 8 program, the congress- .369 Center St. ^ ^ Je*- 6320 of the attempted break as he By Thursday night, hours after . Donahue testified that about Groceries given by the Firestone the Arabs of Palestine would stage cultural Experiment station. The Mrs. Edith Bissell and Mrs. He will aiipervlBo an educational dustrial areas groutid Amiens and campment the delegates chose W11- woman'Said, "is inconsistent with program for employe.", ii.stnieting showed them, lat'e .Saturday, the the battle began, guards under a 11:15, as he was driving east on Market, went to Mrs. D. L. Hair, another general strike Friday, and weather is getUng warmer now, . Oil Burner Sales and Service Maraeine. The provinces were bim L. Cough of Meriden a* de- Virginia Richards were guests of our Ideals. America must live them in the ii."e of cxtingiil."hers bullet-chipped, explosive-battered hot covering fire pushed inside the Middle Turnpike, at a point east and a cookie Jar which w’as the "this time we are supported by the and weeds are ail too apt to get generally against the proposal. >artment commander. He succeeds honor at a storjs* shower given up to the promises of the Atlantic and other fire lighting and prcveiv- cell building. cell wing and brought out the of the Hockamlm bridge, the Po­ personal gift 'of A. Harrison , to L’Humanite, official' organ of whole Arab world.” ahead of the gardener unless he Ernest L. Barnum of Bridgeport. charter and treat with firmness tive devicea. "Tell de triit* de whole tnit, and hostages. By Friday, Marine frag­ resky car, approaching from the Mrs. Henry Ctormler. Mrs. Robert the Communist party, appealed . Dispatches received by promi­ begins^ combatting them very soon. Friday evening/at the home of riuttin’ but de tn jf. .lohn.ston. east veered over from the latter’s As soon as you can see the rows Other Officers ^Elected >• Mrs. Gladys ^ sell by a group of and viji,lance the rehabilitation ------.....—r- ' ■ mentation grenades were being W. Brodeur offered her services for today for unity and said the whqlc nent Arabs said Arabs in Egypt Other officer* elected and in­ shouted one nervy convict through hurled into the wing th:^3ugh its right side of the highway and and Iraq would Join the protest of young seedlings, it’s time to be­ friend." of ^ o m Mrs. (Tarol Loy- of Europe." Jarkhon Inerenses Fijnd a shampoo and finger wave to the left wing must increase its efforts. stalled Included: F. W. Relnmann, Criticising Ru.ssin's foreign pol­ the bars. roof. Both Cretzer and Hubbard forced him to the side of the road strike. gin to rid the garden of weeds, zlm, Mrs. Martha Baker and Mrs. Lacquered and Decorated holder of another lucky number, Even before the final count was Stratford, senior vice commander; icy Mrs. Luce declared that our "Hey, Saltwater Johnston," were wounded by some of the IM but failed to avoid a crash. The A number of top flight Arabs whether these nuisance plants Doris Bodreau were hostesses. who was Mrs. Abbott Chase. A khown there was talk in political Wallace R. Bassett. New .Haven, ta."k here is to use every pres­ New Haven. May 6 -- op, yelled others, “ tell ’em how yhu explosives, hut rifle bullet., killed ta xi,. owned by the Yellow Cab gold pin from Blair’s Was won by circles of a cabinet crisis. had not yet returned today from have shown up yet or not. The Wednesday evening the Amei1- 1 James T - Babb. Yale university RANGE Junior vice commander; George L. ican Legion Earl W. Green Post sure. possible to restore self-gov­ starved us for two days." them. A pistol bullet finished Coy. company, was struck in the left Mrs. Allen Belcher; and a knick- There was speculation that the ^eW-end tours of Palestine In fine, white threads that you can librarian ."aid t^a'y that John Folding Card Tables CTiamplin, Hartford, sccrct^ry- Np,'^ 52 is sponsoring a setback ernment in Poland and to enable (The nickname sprang from the By Saturday, firing from Inside rear mudguard by the left front of knack which was a personal g ift of M RP might walk out on the coa­ which they made a series of see in 81ie garden soil at this time Day Jacksom publisher of The o H i v s ti'easurer; Ernest E. BarnUm, partv In their rooms at the town the Polish people there' to feud, saltwater isolation of Johnston's the cell-block citadel ceased. Sur­ the Poresky car. Nathan Marlow, by Mrs. Daniel lition government wflich It had speeches urging Arab mesa meet­ of year are the young weed seeds New Haven Register, ha." incj-cas- A i i d F U E L Bridgeport, Earle B. Atwater, hall at 8 p. m., with Thomas G. house and clothe themselves. grimly tight little Island; an


Nursing Association Wish to ex­ amount of hard work done by my years that the Mancheeter Public ferent stations about tha town, for the days ot hood vN | k additional service from this de- lister, Mrs. Paul Wolfe o f Olae- committee and thank all who con­ Health N uning Association has at­ helping In no small way to make have put Into the d etito aadJ P.O. Official tonbury;. grandchildren and two press their gratitum to the ^ p le f)srtment that had been demanded Shippers Fear About Town 10 Tag Day Here tributed both time- and money to tempted a Tag Day and the fact Tag Day successful. nlng for our 1946 Fhad Drive • 1 • Rockville great-grandchildren. The funeral of Manchester for contributmg so !>y realdents. generously to Tag and Donation m*ke the-drive a success.^ than it was planned in every last Mrs. Walter Gorman, President for their outstanding work on ' :eDs Add $65,000 Aa an Indication of thq Increased win be held at the Ledd Funeral detail by Mrs. John P. Cheney, Jr., of the Board, expressed her ap* by Truck l o u n s h i n g Home at a time to be announced. Day on Saturday. ^ There was scarcely a spot In amount of work demanded of the Coal Embargo St. Marguerite’s Circle, Daugh­ Raises $1,383 Manchester that was not covered and her committee Is evident in predation as did other members of Gamea Said Ml*" John F. Cheney, ^r.'; employsgs of the Garbage De­ ters of Isabella, will meet tonight •The fact that ofi Tag Day, the by aNBoard Mejnber and several its success and the amount ot the executive committee, over the Church Parley amount of money raised through To Town’s Expenses partment, Mr. Waddell stated that at the W. P. Qulsh Funeral Homo Ernest Brown’ s Injuries ToUanA Is playing Somer Association received $1,383.47 friendsN. The enthusiasm with money raised. in the paat five years 1,070 hew Edict Threatens Peak at 8:15 to pay their respects to this afternoon In the Gramma■ammar Public Health Nursing shows conclusively that the peo­ which theNfrlenda of the members Nursing Staff Aaaisted Teg Dey. Said Mra. Gorman: LECLERC dWelllnf^ had been erected for an Mrs. Ida J. Clemmlns. Mrs. Clem- Slight; Wilkie Takes At Columbia school league at the Recreation Association Reports ple of Mancheeter are aware of worked haoNnuch to do with the The Board also wUhes to thank "We feel grateful for the sup­ 6n March 1 he had aUpulated that increase of 22 per cent through the Tide of Nursery Ship- mlns 1.4 mother of Mrs. Herbert field; With Broad Brook meeting the g o ^ work the Public Health success of Tsg^Day and the Board the entire nursing staff of the Pub­ port the people of Mancheeter have nm siiALaoM i ote Favorably on Four war period. Wyllle,’ an active member of the Him to Hospital EUlington on Tuesday; St. Ber­ members are ektmmely grateful lic Health Nursing Association for given this Aesocietion and through the dlvlalon of the appropriation mcRts from Town Success of Campaign Nurses are doing and the necessity tS Mate SIraat , be made to thow "entitled to it.” There was no discussion on the circle. Tolland County to Send nard’s vs. Maple etreei on Thurs­ of keeping on with this important to aji of the wom en^ho worked so helping during the afternoon hours the Herald, I wish to extend the Appropriations; Wage^ day and S t Joseph’s playing the on Tag Day. These nurses went Board’s appreciation to Mrs. John Earlier In the meeting Saturday swimming pool project after a Ernest F. Brown, Sujierlntend- work. For myself, I wish to ex- untiringly throughoutvthe day. PteNM thorough explanation by Select­ Members of Manchester Grange East achool on Friday. All gamea The melnbers of the Board of directly from their duties to dif­ P. Cheney, Jr. and her committee Adjnstment atid Swim- night, selectman Hagedom told Fearing that the shortage of ent of M.il'r of 18 Grove street was * Delegations There on the Manchester Public Health I press ipy appreciation of the This ia the first timevin acveral ' meeting that aa a result of the man & wers. and the $19,.i00 ap­ soft coal will have its effect upon will go to Bloomfield tomorrow start at 3:30 p. m. evening to attend Neighbors struck at the Center this ploming Tuesday Im i n g Pool In C lU fieO vote on the Reilly atpendment, the propriation was passed unanimoua- expres shipments there was an at 7 o’clock by a milk truck ow,ncd Night. The bus will leave the ® ______1 Selectmen had no other recoiirae ly’ exceptional amount of express re­ and driven by Arthur Wilkie, local ' tnwn meeting Sat- under the vote but to divide the During the 45 minutes that the ceived at the local office this Center promptly at 7 o’clock. Rockville, May 6— (Special) The apecUl town 135,000 share and share alike, re- session lasted $65,000 was voted morning. While no definite infor­ milk retailer. Wilkie was making The Union Congregational church ,» d a y night voted affirmatively ^rdles.s of length of service of mation has been received by the the turn at the Center Into East and other Congregational churches without a nay vote being heard. Sunset Rcbekah Lodge, No. 39, Center atrect as ferown was cross- ’ on four appropriation Items In the employee without any speclM express agents the' date-of May 10 will meet tonight at eight o’clock of this vicinity will aend lelegatea has been set aa the embargo on ex­ nlg in the cross-walk from the to the thirty-second annual meet eall, adding J65.000 to the list o f . consideration for type of service at Odd Fellows Hall. The degree postbffice to the Center Pharmacy municipal expenses, all of which rendered the town, press. will be conferred on a class of can­ Ing of the Tolland (Tounty Aaeocia- If this is true It will have a didates. front on East Center strccL tion of Congregational Christian will be spent currently for wage, “ Ki|iial Distribution' Worship Joins Superintendent Brown was ONE OF CONNECTICUT’S QUALITY FURNI' MANUFACTURERS ADDS adjustment of town employees, In- ! Inspection of the minutes of the notable effect on the amount of Churches and Ministers to be held o X outgoing express from Manches­ knocked down and suffered a cut at Columbia on Tuesday. At the creases to the garbage and recre­ March 1 town meeting reveals Our Lady of Good Counsel, on his hand. He was taken to ation department budgets and for that when the motion was finally Men Together ter. ’This Is the period when Mother's Circle, will meet Tues­ morning session, Hoadley Willes of put to the meeting, and the affir­ nursery stock is being shipped In jilrmorlal hospital for examination Vernon will preside ss vied moder­ the construction of the much-dls- day evening* at the home

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, MONDAY, MAY 6,1941 from nearby Olenbrook and Old not sounded uiRil 12!20 p. m. Chief roV ER I M RHUION M T T lB Veit aai(j th ^ five Stamford fire­ StamfoTd Fire Greenwi^ came to the aasistance MLRI tiM nv «RE«r rtR front line until he reached, within I WTIO-108« of the Stamford department after men received minor Injuries while the second slarm. The recall was fighting the blaze. ary vdric will be the featured solo- r | I IVInjor General (iirant a very short time, a selected hoe-j WDRC—188* Today's Radio Ist df the evening. Rev. Reamnnds ' I Air Evocation pit a I in the rear 'thundri'da or even POISON l¥ Y - To Be Speaker Here Loss $150,000 Hftsy C u rta il afid Mrs,Mrs. Herald I>e have arte meeliiig spoti.sored liv the Air .Sick jiiifl Wmindcd Per la sorleta Giuseppe Garibaldi, WTIC—Stella Dallas. Dmmmond; WTHT—Lum and Pinkham'a compound belpa hufid be on sale. .Members of (he Youth | Oil Welfare o/ (lliil- Frank Diana, Pres. 'Abner; WTIC — Cavalcade of ment findings are incorporated in the new product anee Will Cattae ‘Strin­ Fellowship have tickets foi the en­ Power t'liM) of Manchesfer. 'I'akcii Oiil liv Plaiu’K # 4:30—WDR<3—Ufe Can Be Beau­ up reslstanes aeatnst suoh dMnab tertainment and they may .slso be ilrrii* INow this Friday evening, ■ Mav 10. III I '.aiieer Drive tiful; w n C —Lorenzo Jonga- America. ' Stamford, May 8—OP)— Twenty Ask for it at your drug store. 59c. T Y /Y T Y P Y It’s alao a m a t stomaeUe toalel gent Meaaurea' al the Whit'in Memorial libra­ ____ • 4;46_WDRC—Main Street, Hart­ fl :16—WTHT—Hedda . families wars evacuated from u.eeiM^rwwnnr DBT.wrw*iai..M*wi*.K J I-V X 'L - r lX X purchased at (lie door. 1 — 8:30—WDRC—Joan Davie Show; S o e l a l Evening IManned | Hartford. May 6 >/P. A piedie ry. Geneial Grant will' speak The t'niled .States Army Air New Haven. May 6 A total ford; WTHT — Hop Harrigan; their homes in four apartnlent 'in "A \iation .Medii ine in .'Vlod- Forces air evacuation pcrsonuel WnO-Young Wldder Brown. i News; WONS—Adventures of HartltortJi Pa”' The readies Benevolent So«iely ' (j,,,, |),p tiansllion from war' of $207,.718 lia.s been pledged to IMPORTANT houses and damage estimated-'st ei n Warfare" and, as the iiian aiul ainbulaiice planes liansporled 5:00—WDRC — Feature Story; Sherlock Holmes; WTHT It, B ui^nan, vice president and of the Bolton ('onctegatlonal j peace-time living might tiiinR date in the ('onne>ticut cancer Daahlel Hammet’e Yat Man; church has planned a s—WDRC — News; Swoon or —WONS—Real Stories from on Pacific street. Fanned by a supper Miss June Mildner will en- ! jp factories and the return of ser-; Croon; WONS — Captain Mid­ plan of attack" has yet been made, tertain with vocal solos and the | yi(.(,p]gp fathers "normal and more ITinted invitations are ayail- ^Major-General David N. W. ris, New Canaan, Norfolk. Ridge- Real Life. high wind the fire consumed sev­ Buchanan asserted that It "aeems abie for those who de.stre them, during I field, .Salisbury. Stafford. Stonlngr night; WTHT — Jack Arm­ . 9:30—WONS—Spotlight Banda; eral thousand feet of lumber in speaker of the evening will he | s,.(;ure living" would be in store for ' Gradt, the Air Surgeon strong: W nO—Just Plain BllL WTHT—Forever Tops; Elmer likely that aome system which Colonel Edwin R. Carter, re< ently j mapy children. from chib members, hut there World War II revealed tljc-aelton. Tliomastoii. Torrlngton, War- the yard, scattering sparks which 'I } K ' ■ would allow everyone to have at will be no admission charge 5:46_WDRC — Old Record Shop; Davie; WTIC --- Information discharged ITnlted States Army • jp uipn- annual report to f^iief figure.a m\a rei ent report tb, the , ren. Willington. Wilton, Winsted WONS — Tom Mix; WTHT — started ftrss In a four-atory, nine- least a little gas" would be put Chaplain wlio will speak of his j„|,t(cp Wiiiiani M. Maltbie of the and no ticket will be required Aero .MediHK A.«;soeiation and Te- and W oodbury. Please. family brick building; a three- at thf' door. The public is cor­ Tennessee Jed; WTIC Front 10:00 — WDRC — Screen Guild into effect. work in the tArmy. Hbstes.ses lor i j^tate Supreme Court. .Iiidges Tho-1 counted manyNpf Die heroic anH.' , ______Page Farrell. family brick structure and two SO-Day Coal Huppl.v dially invited to hear this in- thrilling e.xploit.sNm flight .«ur-'K , , ______->_____ Players; WONS—Description of two-family houass on Cottage the evening include; ,Mrs.>.Myrou^ mas D. Oill, Fred D. Kaiilknei aiuC tere.-Jtlng and authoritative 'Evening Boxing Bout;, WTHT — Bill Buchanan'a statement came aft- l,ee, Mrs. August Mildner. >^ij»« , f^tanley P. Mead reported a ten per ; geona. flight mir.s^ and techni- I street. ar, ha aaid, the Koppers Connect!- ■sreaker. Ideal Mother's Day Gift . . 8:00—News on all atation*. Thompson Show; WTIC—Con­ Elsie Collins. Miss Helen Bf^ny, cent decrease in the number of jii- clans. Conceived and Itthized half- Wanted At Once! 6:15 - WDRC ^ SpoUight on tented Program. Om reh BUgktIy Damaged CMt Coke company of New Haven Miss Betty Brainard, .Mrs. Arthur venile dellnquencv cases handled in ^ heartedty by the Gerinabs in the ' L.ATEST TY’PE notified him oh May 1 that they Sports; WONS — Today In 10:30—WDRC—To be announced; Sparks also started a small In All Probability You’ll Do Your Vaeatioh Trip# With Merrill and Mrs. Walter Elliott. ! 1 Spanish Civil War and thb inva- VAUri’M ULEANERN Sports; Musical Roundup; blase which slightly damaged the ■ >n 7 had only a 20-day coal supply left. Rollon Briefs .sion of Poland, Air Evacuittion Intmediate Delivery! WTHT—(Question for America; Your Present Car. To Be Carefree About Yoiix Car . . . The Koppers company furnish­ I .A09 i-eiss CSM-K I WTHT — Kay-O-QuU; WTIC— WTIC—Dr. I. Q. Church of God and Christ across ■ ' Mrs. Joseph Maik o( f'larke A total of 4,.738 cases were dis- wa.s tioiii i.shert and developed by IJberal Trade-In. Professor Andre Sebenker. the street from the lumber yards. LET US PUT IT UN A-1 MECHANICAL es Hartford Gas with both manu­ road is reported Improving follow­ Kotarv (llul» General (Jrant and General Henry' 10:46—WONS—George Barry’s factured gss and coke with which po.sed of. .709 le.sa than in 1944. HARRY MAHONEY «.30—WDRC — Meet Your Legis­ ,^ r c h ^ r a . Fire Oilef Victor Veit ssld the ing a major operation at tlie Man­ j Said the judges: "Hap ' Arnold Into what stands to- Phone 2-1828 lature; WONS — Answer Man; SHAPE NOW. EXPERT MECHANIC^. to manufacture it. Buchanan said. chester Memorial hospital. day as the greatest single tactical WTHT — SaRe-Allep Hour; 11:00—News on all stations. first alarm was sounded at 4:12 Norris W, Ford, executve vice I "A comparison of the present re- To Hold Sale 11:15—WDRC—In My Opinion; a. m. (e.d.t.) and a second alaimi Joseph, young son of Mr. and ; port with that of previous years and logistic advance of modem PAINTERS WTIC — Bob Steele: Five Min­ prudent of the Manufacturers ^^^s. F lan k Paggioli of West military medicine. In the 11 months WONS — Musical Roundup; four minutes later. Companies Association of Connecticut, said I reveals a few variations which give ute Mv.stery. WTHT—Music; WTIC—Hark- DEPOT SQUARE GARAGE /W-/fmefu£ci aHJ^e 4f street, is resting comfortably at j rise to speculation as to the fu- from D-Day to V-E day. more than 8:45- WDRC — Robert Trout, Sunday that most Connecticut in­ tile Manchester Memorial hospital 170,000 sick and wounded patients News: WONS — Elasy Aces; ness of Washington. Ernest Roy, Prop. dustries have from two week.** to ' ture. Various types of stealing Nursery Slock Offfrrcfl; APPLY 11:30 — WDRC — Eileen Farrell; following an emergency appen­ have moved to the head of the hat were flown from the ffi.sl-moving Protect Your WTIC—Lowell TTiomas. 241 NO. MAIN ST. TEL. 5113 a month’s supply of coaJ on hand. dectomy last week. l*rocee4l« Used to Ai«l battle fronts In France, Belgium 7:00—WDRC—Mystery of the WONS — Feeling is Mutual; President Samuel Ferguson of In the Incidence of offenses for the WTHT — Gem for ’Thought; Bnice. son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde I first time, putting acts of careless and Germany, etc., to general hos­ Home Prom Week; WONS—Fulton Lewis, ths Hartford Electric Ught com­ Marshall. Is home from the Man­ Oipplerf Children pitals in England and. later, Jr.; WTIC—Supper Club. Dance Orchestra; WTIC—Dance FOR SALE pany aaid he anticipates no emer­ or mischief In second place. Orchestra. fALl! WOMIN’S chester Memorial hospital recov­ "More children were known for France. 7;15_WDRC—Jack Smith Show; 3,000 Yards gency and no limitation of serv- ered from a throat infeelloii. The local Rotary f'lub will Lightning WONS—Famous Songs; Musi­ 11:45—WONS—Teddy Phillip’s vlces. ; runinng away from home. It Is en- With no interniption of treat­ William Dickson & Son Orchestra News. fPORT OXFORDI Bolton Grange will meet Fri­ sponsor a sale of nursery stock ment from the tiiiie the American cal Roundup; WTHT—Raymond "We are glad to report that our I couraglng to note a falling off in. Free estimates given on any A-] Rich Black A TRU ART CREATION day evening at 8 p. in. in the Com- the number of sex offenders be- next Saturday on the vacant lot ' soldier received emergency treat­ building. Installation by trained Sfiing: WTIC—News of the 12:00—WONS-^iick FosUr’s situation is comfortable,” he as­ munity hall; tho program will be ; court.’ south of the Sheridan Restaurant, PHONE 5 329 Orchestra: WTIC—News; St. serted, "and that we have more ment from the aid man on the men In accordance with Under­ World. Top Soil announced later. ______L comer of Main and Pearl streeLs, writers’ Reqnirementfi. 7:30—WDRC—Bob Hawk Show; Louis Serenade. than six weeks supply of coal on Bookmobile Starts ThunuU.r I between the hours of 8 a. m. and WONS—Henry J. Taylor; WTHT 12:30—WONS—Lew Diamond's Delivered in any quantity. -m'- 2 .9 7 hand." 'The Bolton Bookmobile will re- ! 8 p. m. A choice selection of shrubs —^Lone Ranger; WTIC—Veter- Orchestra; WTIC—Dance Or­ TEL. 7481 or 2-0382 r ■ sume Aervice for the first time | (loupic Surprised and trees has been made available Richard V. Jaeksoli I sn's Question Box. chestra. W ar# 3.251 Euy u pair durinf since the war on Thursday. The , to the R otary club and the «'on- For .Aiilo Repairs,, Taylor Street Bookmobile will have books and By Shower Ifarty venient location will appeal to Washing, Polishing, Telephone Manchester 5988 W grd W eek and rave en this Bolton magazines of all kinds and will many Saturday shoppers who plan trim little moc oxford 1ho1'» to >{8top at your home if you desire. to plant during the week-end. Liihrioatiou Service, Ttvo of This Week’s Forums Thia evening the Ladles of St. I Since it would be Impossible for Miss Adele JCiiauzaitls of 190 Every dollftr rai.sed on the sale HELP WANTED Spring Cleaning popular evsTywherel "Smoolh Maurice will hold an open meeting 1 »top at every Union stree^waa the guest of hon­ of shrubbery and trees will be Ele. - w brown leather, tough nen-murk- , J. . home in Bolton, if you want to or at a ydurprise miacellaneotts placed in the Rotary Club's Juve­ Stop ,\t To Take Up OPA Problem start your house cteaninR to which everyone is cordially !u-> gcrvicb slops shower Idat Saturday night at Lib- nile project? tiinds which go into NEW HOM ES With or Without Experieiicc;— with a thorough Vacuum ing rubber lolst. Sixes 4-9J , vited. Father T hom as Stack will gt your home call Mrs. Edson P. ' erty Mil on Golway street. the sujiporl of worthy crippled 1 — 1 -, praoent an illustrated lecture en-'--Herrick, ----- 7574 or -- Miss —Patricia , .i ' Mtire children programs, the Soap Box Weavers Male and Female Eaatorn Standard—Add One Hour • Preaident Truman's atl-nctwork and Wire Brush Job On than 150 relatives and FOR VETERANS Your Home Heating Sys­ titled: "Our Gift: The Mass.” Fol­ 'tJ- Derb.v which tends to promote both Griswold's Warpers Female For Daylight broadcast on Saturday aa a feature lowing the lecture there will be a be put on the list. represent. The shower' was given by craftsmanship and .sportsmanship SERVICE STATIONS of the 100th anniversary of Ford- tem. Matched question period on 1. Doctrine; 2. General Help—Dyeing and Printing Male New York, May 6—(jP)— Two The Bookmobile will make one | Mrs. Josephine Krauzaitis. mother In youngsters, find other projects of this week's forums are going ham University, New 'lork, orig- RCME5IBER: Ceremony; 3. Sacred Vestments. trip a month for the pre.sent, and , of Adele and Mrs. Veronica Kash- such as fiirnishlijg needed cquip- .■)88 Center Street Manehesler Green Hand Twisters Male li\ally scheduled for 9:80 p. m. Sat­ The lecture will start at 8 p. ni. in Quillers F^cmale m for dlscussi n of the OPA ami It Saves Fuel! will serve those who are more than ' eta of South Windsor, mother of luont in the childibii’s waid of the 17f West Center Street Seelioii the matter of its continuation. urday, has been changed to 4 Sets WARDS RIUADU the Community hall. Members of a mile from the Bolton Library at tlie groom to be. local hospital. Spinners - Fema e o’clock. Reduces Fire Hazards! Wedding Ring the committee In charge include: First on Tuesday night a t 8:30, Saves Repairs! > - -.1 ,1 tatAi Bolton Center. If for atiy reason ' The couple was greeted at the To Offer Fnill\Trees j. Avallaktr about July 15, 5 Misc. Spindle Operators r emale American Forum of MBS is nric- NewRADlWHOlia, Mrs. Keeney Hutchinson, Mrs. those Hying within, a one mile door by the hostesses and a beau- In addition to the ev?er popular Saves Houee Cleaning ! r a y o n BLEND BLANKn Daniel Halloran, Mrs. Anthony and 8-Ronm Singles. All con- ing; “What Should We Do About Note: T'Oies in parenthesis indi­ radius of the Library cannot get tiful .stephanotia and aweet pea evergreens and roses with which veplenres. Including fireplace, OPA?” The panel of four will be cate repeats. Saves Decorating! Maneggia, Mrs. Broda, Mrs. to the LibFqiy then the Bookmo- ' corsage wa? pinned on Miss Kraul- no .sale of nursery stock is. com- In ncwe.sl carved designs- WARD WEEK SPECIAL Donald Ted^ord and Mrs. Clifford air condition nr hot water heat With Experience-— made up of members of Congress. Behind the Dials Tonight: NBC Save* Dusting! bile will serve, them also. It is in- zaitis. The couple were ushered to | plde thcre will be offcicd fruit with oil burner. Insulation, good —7 Helen Hayes in Cavalcade dra­ Lom is.' terc.sting to note that the fii'st trees and ornaniontal flowering WANTED! lAiomfixers Then on Thursday night at 7:30 4 2 .5 5 the stage whete they were seated sized lots. Monthly pa.vtnents America's Town Meeting on ABC ma; 8 Don Voorbees concert, Lily \ Call both rings in natural gnld- 5.77 MeetiAg in Hebron Bookmobile aervieo waa given to In decorated chairs and the bride shrubbery. Included in the list of Steamfitter , Hebron will play host to the Man or W'oman between 30 aa low aa $50 Includes taxes and will put It this way: "Should the Pons; 8:30 Information Please, Careful blending of rayon and Bolton just ten years ago when opened her gifts. The chair was roses are, some of the very latest interest. Lillian Gish; 9:30 Doc I. Q. quiz. aish in white gold. D spsn d ab is AWtUNE combinntieel mesting of ttie Tolland County Mrs. Alexander Bunda and Mrs. draped in aqua and yellow. and much sought for patented and 3.> years old for posi­ \ , Apply at: OPA be Continued without Re­ Van Camp Bros. wool flberi produce, miraculoui Democratic Association at 8 p. m. strictions?" Speakers will Include CBS—7 Jack(e Cooper’s Forever Plays records singly wHh fop \ Thomas Bentley startca fhe «crv- Mias Kraiizaltia received many varieties, and the elub has been For Further Information 10 Newman Street warmtiv. 72 * 90. Solid color, in In the Hebron Town Hall. Speak­ ice. The Bookmobile contiiiued Un­ tion in real estate office. Leon Henderson, former OPA Ernest; 7:30 Joan Davis comedy; useful and beautiful gifts as well fortunate in seeming a limited CALL SlOi TEL. 5244 — 4844 choice of blue, green, roM or doted. New tquitona Spsoksr. ers of the evening will include: til the VVPA funds were no Wiger quantit.v of upnglit''yew which has Must have knowledge of CHENEY BROTHERS head, and Fulton Lewis, Jr.. MBS 8 Claudette Colbert in “Tomorrow Irving Strach of the American available. • . as a .sum of money. commentator. Is Forever;" 9 Ginger Rogers In cedor. Durable nop. 3Vi Ibi. Built-in loop onlanna. 4 tabs^ TTic guests then proceeded down- been on the "sc.aree” list this sea­ real estate transactions. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Bachelor Mother.” . . . ABC—8:30 Veteran’s Commission and Charles The regular meeting of the Bol­ son. $ 1 9 .9 5 per set and up rscKfIsr.Fins sntsrtoinmsntvolu» Henchel state Representative from ton PTA will be held at the Quar- . stairs where a buffet luncheon was ALLEN 146 Hartford Road Additions to the Summer Sche­ Lone Ranger; 7:30 The F at Man; Served. Dancing followed. Ernest Bush, who heads the sale For further information; - 8:30 Paul Whltenum music; 9 Bill New Haven. This meeting will be ryville church at 8:00 o’clock, committee, stated today that in Manchester, Conn. dule: NBC Tu aday nights start­ Notice Convenient terms. ed medal Interest to veteians of Wednesday, May 8. Miss Margaret Mjss Krauzaitis will be married ing in June, Man Called X with Thompson comedy: 9:30 Question i to Edw;ard Kasheta of South Wind­ case of rain nex t Saturda.v the .sale w r it e box B, REALTY CO. World War 11 and each member is Danehy, school nurse, is arranging would be pastponed until the fol­ Herbert Marshall definite as re- ' America . . . MBS—7 (10:30) ' sulked to bring a veteran with to have a speaker from the State sor Satni^day. May 18 at St. Bridg- Care THE HERALD 180 Center Street , placement for Bob Hope. ^-iBul'Bulldog Drunriniond; 7:30 Sherlock | et'.s church. lowing Saturday. Zoning Board of Appeals I S e t s them. Board of Health pre.sent a pro- j ABC Fridays from July 6, reviv­ Holmes; 8:30 Guy Lombardo; .9.; I Bridal LARDI ALL-mTAL Variety Show Friday gram on rural health programs. Mr. Kasheta graduated from al of former MBS quis. Break the Bout, Wesley Mauzon vs. Joe Bar- j In accordance with the require­ n ie Youth Fellowship^ of the num. ments of the zoning regxtiatlons In Neat Style.-s There will be a «horti re­ Bank, as 13 week replacement for OUTDOOR CHAIR Qumryvllle church announce an­ meeting before this to elect of- p t o " 24 HOUR SERVICE Alan Young comedy. Tuesday Pfograms: NBC—8 a. of the Town of Manchester, tho 11 other of their interesting programs fleers for the coming year. The ' ! In addition, the music of Andre m. Honeymoon in N: Y.; 11:45 Zoning Board of Appeals will hold Priced From to be presented on Friday eve­ Maggie McNeills; 4:45 p. m. Front a public hearing In the Municipal nominating committoe ron.si.sting C A I.I. Kostelanets on C^S concludes with ning at 8 p. m. in the Quarryville of Mr.s. Eugene G agaliardone, Mr*. 6 2 2 3 the program ojf "May 30, the spon­ Page Farrell; 7:30 Date With Building, Thursday evening. May church. This year the program Felix Jablon, Mra. Henry McDon­ MANCHESTER TAXI CO. sor, who up ,tb 1945 had presented Judy; 9:30 Red Skelton. . . . CBS— 9th, at 8:00 P. M., on the follow­ 3 .7 9 takes tte form of s variety show ough, Mrs. Anthony Flano and Maj giving no indication 10 a. m. The Godfrey show; 2 p. m. ing applications: and will feature domic and musical Proprietor Attention $ 5 9 -5 0 set Mra. Donald Tedford brought in Plowing To Every CnU of futqre plana. You’re In The Act; 4 Daily Series, Application of Mary Glblin for For those relaxing summer d ay# . numbers, a shadow- picture and a the following a|ate at the April HAL’S REVUE AND DANCE One Year After V-E Day; 6:30 permission to build addition to her furprise niunber. Rev. Jdin Sea- meeting; For President, Mrs. Fred Bob Hawk. Monday night quiz- American Melody; 9 Crirtie Pho­ Convalescent Home closer to rear just the dwir for lawn, porch, or manda who will leave shortly for Luck, vice president, Mrs. Fred . master, is taking over Arthlir tographer . . . ABC—11 a. m. Gla­ property line than zoning regula­ patio . . . sturdy frame . . . full a tour of the larger churches be­ John.son; secretary, Mrs. Henry Godfreys 10 a. m. show five days mor Manor; * 2 p. m. Al Pearce tions permit at 29-35 Cottage Harrowing ALICE COFttAN ST. JAMES’ SCHOOL HALL—THURS. & FRI., May 9 & 10th sweep seats... form fitting back. fore Sailing for India and mission- McDonough; treasurer, Mrs. Leslie I (known Ae Queen*^Afire) a week on CBS until Gorfrey re­ Gang; 3:15 Try and Find Me, Quiz; Street in a Residence C zone. Diamond Sjicnccr. Other nominations for I Seventh Daughter of a Seventh Sun turns from the hospital. Hawk, 7:15 The O’Neills; -8:15 Eugenie Application of Joseph W. Reg- Attractively colored seats of red each office can be made from the LANDSCAPING Bom With n VeU who once conducted a similar pro­ Baird sin^s. . . . MBS—12:15 James getts for permission to erect one- floor If permission has been se­ i Readings Oally. Including Sunday, 8 P. M. SHARP—20 OUTSTANDING AQS-ADMISSION m gram In Chicago, volunteered to A. Farley in "An Answer to Can­ car garage closer to side line than Ring or greert with white frames. *Butterfly^ Nightie cured from the nominee befhre the LAWN GRADING jS A. M to 9 p. M. Or Bv App«ilnt- sem without’fee . ., After several cer)” 1:30 Queen for a Day; 3:15 zoning regulations allow at 12 m eeting. ' I ment. In the Service of the- Peo­ postponements. Dinah Shore again Johnson Family; 6:15 Korn Kob- Cumberland Street In a Residence After further nominations the ple for SO Veara. . has been reschedtiled to return blers; 8:15 Real Life drama. B zone. ^ Solitaires annual election will take place and Edw. Senkbeil SPIRITUAL MEDIUM ’niiirsday night to her NBC show Application of Charles . Lachat .Also Styles With r^ : a short installation ceremony will 169 Church Street, Hartfhrd, Coon. She had been off becaufie of s The Andes mountain chain for pennjselon to move under­ Carter St. Phone 7519 more than 4,000 miles long. Side Diamo'nds IR^ARI then enable the new’ officers to Phone *-tm* - - throat ailmenL sized iMilldtng from 205 Union .-.J tske bharge. S t r ^ to property on Union Place W A R D S N IW The executive committee is ex­ convert same Into living quar- pected to bring in a recommenda­ ^rs Ip a rural zone. COnON COVERED VITALIZED OIL tion that the by-laws be amended ON YOUR RADIO TONIGHT AT 9:00 AppHcAtion of Kenneth H> ^ $49-50 up so that a majority of those pres­ Spring Cleaning Cdli Manchester BiicklinXfor permission to use COMFORTERS FOR ONLY ent at any. future meeting will con­ * WASH WINDOWS building tor woodworking shop at stitute a quorum. 5986 87 North Elm Street In a Resi­ One Gaflun Jug The question as to whether or WASH WOODWORK ‘mEPHONE HOUR," WTICWEAF ^ nu dence B SOM. 4.98 riue Fed. Tax 74. not summer meetings will be held Clean. Wax, Pollab Fluora For Expert and S t d m U t f Application of WlUlam F. will .t I.s o be decided at (his meet­ Vacuum Clean Throughout Stanek for permission to use ga­ NEW Pretty paisley print on one side, Words NEW improved, war- ing- Remove Storm Windows "JtpVUt tb tAg dtoAd ! Guq ran teed rage tor fflectronlc Laboratory solid color on reverie. Filled with proved premium motor oil The public is coridifilly invited Repair and Inetall Screens LILY p o n s : ^ «nd to erect advertising sign at to attend. . Trim Lawns mad Shinbs worm 3% wool and fluffy 93% 'V SOPRANO driveway at 35 1-2 Walker StiMt CLEANSES as it lubricates! Chem­ Repair Work kidio cotton. Cut sire, 72/84, in a Residence A zone. ical “soops” added to VITAL­ Personal Service On All Makes of Washing PROGRAM Application of Carl G. E. Gus­ Wetchi CA lbs. tafson for permission to use n - IZED Oil cleanse your motot of FENDER AND Machines, Vacuum Clean­ The Blue Danube...... Strauss n n TIAU teiH not dHract Agency rage as woodworking shop at 501 D ish carbon ond sludge deposits! ers, Etc. Free E.stimates En BateauDehueay fn m (he itnartnea of this BODYWORK N'ME JAY TEL. S-1415 Hilliard Street^ a Residence A Drainer given in your home. Estrelltta •...... Pence zone. E/gin De Ijtxe.Thebeauty SOLIMENE « FLAGG Taraatelle (eompaesaglo della proeeeaione) , Applicat^n of Rose Babineau R aducedI WRINGER ROLLS IN for extsflsidn of penniBBlon to op- of iu clean lines nfieet* INC. BARBARA ZENKER from "Roealniana Suite” ...... Respighi extsMton of p WARD WEEK SPECIALS 884 Center S t ' Tal. 8191 STOCK FOR ALL MAKES Je BuiaTltanla from “Mlguou” ...... Tbomaa eratq.il beauty pkrlur at 25 Palm I the true American styling. 1.19 Vocalist S^Met In a Residence A zone. ' OF WASHERS Application of EMward L. Barg-1 gubbarrencs Street in a Oane Electric Food Mixer and of lace or grosgraln ribbon in ator trouble Is—come to us aod end It! We have tko knowl­ i Get the benefiu o f s Miiwn.wide (ervice progi Rsaidenoa B son#. aithar a deep color or a pastel Removed carried on by trained men who recngnlM a n value edge. tool*, parts for quick, de­ £"eommunily serwie^t «p- Application of Georgs F. Me- In stock Longiiie, Gruen-\Vitinauer, Bulova, - 9 5 * Juice Extractor pendable Generator Repairs. o f Genuine Wagner-Lodtheed Hydraulic Brake Keever for permission to keep | To ebtala complete cutting pat­ peintgd in modnrn man­ Fluid and Brake Parra. Aa one of tha aeveraf chickens at 297 North Main Street | era, applique pattern, finishing in- Phone 3941 Conic to u> ouoe. end youTI rO'; thouund Wagner auihotized atationt, we can he Benrub and other Hatches at nationally adver­ AH stee> sog-prool construe- turn for any Deeded .Auto Bleo- In a Reoidenee B zone. atrucUon for the Butterfly Night­ ner that providoB tha depended upon for cfBcient hydraulic brake fM- tised prices. •ioni Stringing extension type 111 2 Burner Electric Stove gown (Pattern No. 5138) sizes trical service. Once - for - nil. family and friende utUk JIMMIE SHELMERDINE vice. N o premium la adeed for the high quality Appsal from the decision of the | extends to 23*. Kings Induded, email, medium and large included Irara that top-grade work and Magician . Wagner Lockhted producta tnd'aerviccTurnlahca. building inspector allowing altera­ la pattern, send 15 cents in coin materials prove lowest-priced. every benefit known to Let u» give you the kind of lervice your brakta tions and extension of a non-con-1 In the end! •A Vhh our Cotalos OepoHmeM i t OWeyourbsidfletsMl. plus 1 cent postage, your name, our profe$$ion. require for quick, mfe, tmoMh ttopa at all timea. forming uss without obtaining aur Monthly FayaMSt address and the pattern number MANCHESTER permission from ths Zoning Board . . . far Hems net In store stocks to Anne Cabot, The Manche.ster GIBSON’S GARAGE of Appeals, of the . Manchester ■vening Herald, 1150 Aye. Amert- AU TO BODY AMBULANCE SEBVICS SPECIAL^OWING FOR CHQJ)REN Bakery located on Kerry Street ln| ’ caa. New York 19, N. Y. NORTON a Residence s o m . ' W I O R S 50 Oak Street DICKIE B R E W S '^ and Wheel AUgunienta and Brafeaa Zoning Board of Appeals. MANCHESTER fin d your aids to spring redec- Telephone 3979 185 MAIN ST. ■ PHONE 5«l* 977 MAIN STRKET ^ R B lI n g In the Anne Cabot Album. ELECTRICAL u r k e © VIVIENNE TRIESCHMANIf By R. W. Goalee. > ehuming childran’a frocks, Auto Body and INSTRUMENT Wedne$day, May 8th at 7 P. M.-7A4n. 15^ Dancers Chairman. Established 1926 play clothea, dozens of Fender Repairtnc HAVl YOUR BRAKES TESTED OFTEN Martin E. Alvord, ' 824-828 MAIN STREET turns accessories. and Auto Painting COMPANY •• I . S'*, ■eicreUry. I _ fi pfigw df free Instructions. Simonizing 71 Hilliard SL Tcl. 4060 B '■ M.. - ■ nir-jvirtii|Hail^r r IfANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. itANCHESTER. CONN.. MONDAY, MAY 6,1946 *«UI MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN.. MONDAY. MAT 6, 194«

Local Youths Are Seeking Mrs. Emily Fisher, 55 South Main Coal Mine Strike IajcrI Veteran Seeking British Loan Mental Climes Home or an Apartment Adventure in Alaska Sport Slants/^ || 13th Annual Twi>ljeagi;ie Opener Hold Concert Dts^arged S^urday: Mrs. Su­ Enters 6th We<‘k; Start of Program san Zwlck. 33,Center street; Mrs. A Manchester veteran of five "Bud" McCabe and Robert Help Cliildren Doris B r ^ , 25 Olcutt drive; and one-half years service, who Menacing Solvency Turklngton, both war veter­ By Earl W. Yost This Evening Mrs. Potchcron, 30 Glenwood hlle Top 710,(MK) lor,t his right leg In Belgium. ans, today left Manchester In Sports Bditov strectf Mr.s. Helen McAdam, 22 Deaths Is in dire need of a home or search of adventure. The local State Psychologist Tells GirTswold street: Mrs. Margaret rent In Manchester. (tkmtInUMi from Page One) men have started for Washing­ (ConUnuMi from Page One) ton state and from there will Kiwanis Club of Her No Officer At Twl Gsmoo .. makes debut tonight In the Twl Hogan. 36 Bigelow street; Fred The local veteran .who went League Starts at North^nd j Champion Grill Faces Finrinn L. Negro i ‘ ------Venezia. 28 Biince drive; Mrs. leagues to support the Biitish loan, go to Alaska. They Intend to. : The Twilight League may oper- ,venln» with the 31st annual ^ ■ Fiorino L. Negro, of 205 Oak ; ers mounted. A House Judiciary away with the local 169th as a be away four months. . Burcau^s Work ' $te as usual during the coming Ail active spor^ committee was Frances Pyka and son. 142 Loo­ Scrgcant.\advanccd In rank on Johnson added: lart at High School hall gt s.lo mis street; Mrs. Valyda Mrrrtman street *?ad»d by Jolmny H^und. Veterans in^ *111 Lineup Hopowiec, Rockville: Mr.s. loanV^or otherwise," er for food, gasoline, and fish­ JilB state, the Mendelssohn Male 35 years. He had been employed : eliminate John L. Lewis' chief de- Manchester. The couple have ing and hunting tackle. tal Hygiene among the state's ® / President Fred Dickson of the Big Crowd Expected for lores Gninder and son, 215 High­ m children and no pets. Senator Hill of Alabama, the Rockville Plays Jarvis 3ionig of Waterbary, under the h'v the Terry Steam Turbine Co,, I tnand, which would provide a The war veterans, long bud­ mental problem children was giv­ A siiecial meeUng of Rec BA CTub stated that the current Twilight League land street; Mrs Dorothy Kish He Is now employed nearby Democratic whip, told reporters O pener at eaderahlp of G. Lorlng Burwcll. to and son, 3 1 -Waddell road: Mr.s. of Hartford health and welfare fumL for his dies and classmates In school, en the Klwanls club this noon by Board was held la a t/^ tu rd a y JUS town for a Joint concert ^ 1th and is anxious to seiure a the openinC'Wedge h^ and Demo­ series of sports sponsored teains Caroline Olander. 26 Foley street: He is survived by his wife, Terc- min-r.-^ through royaUlfs paid on cratic Loader T^rklcy (Ky, 1 have upon being disenarged, decid­ Miss Glenn Marie Shippee, field night Immediately foHowlng the Eligibility Lists West Side Oval; To 3ie Beethoven Club under the dl- qn and one son Roger Negro, and each ol coal mint'd, place to live. He Is at present ed to make the trip to Alaska town meeting. T p t previous de by ihe club. In Softball Attraction Su-san Fritjiam, 84 Jarvis road: living with his parents with been looking fotNimy come tomor­ director of the work of the bureau. The BA’s and Legion in line. •ecUon of Frederick ^ Richard Perk. 95 .McKee atreet: his mother Miiry Negro. He also; P'.arlier, several senators PUhUc- to try their luck at hunting Mias Shippee described the worit of raand by the boand'^that the league Start Play at 6:15 tCrs Eleanor Bennett will be the his wife in another locality. row with the retum ^f some sena­ There Is room for more. The ma­ Hamilton Props; Louts Rejman, Robert Fiedler, 550 Middle T\irn- leave.s two' t^olhoA, Joseph of t ly demanded government action to tors who have been aW^y patching and fl.shing In that area. the clinics held In various com­ nlre an offlcer^/was rescinded at iccompanlsl for the Anyone caring to help this terial in town la plentiful. All serv­ William itutt, John Madigan, pike. cast; Mias Ixjretta McCor­ B.ilton and Henry of New York; j reopen the mlnes^ political fencesices. X munities by her agency,' When a this time. ice clubs could field a fair athletic PlayiM Pield in Grade Batter Up! ;nub and Miss Helen L. Heebner six sisters Mrs. Napolie Garronc, j Persons who attended the Ia.st handicapped veteran may con- • Mr. R o g ^ said the Twl League Frank Rlchters>Frank Miela, John mack, Rockville: Mrs Margaret Barring unforosceii t^yclop- juvenile mental problem appears, club with a little push within the Softball League Tonight the thirteenth annual vlll accompany the Mendelssohn tatt Major Nathan Gatchell may op ej^e under the following Bagley, Frank CarOn, Frank GItha, McCavtan. Rockville; Mias Ann of Manchester, Mrs. Rose Osano. four days of contract negotiations nients, the Senate will voti^-it 1 she said, every effort is made to organization. A ^Condition; Louis Manchester Twilight L^egue base- Male Chorus. Sartori. 35 Eail street; . Frank of this town Mrs. Ernestine B ro-: between the coal operators and at the local Veteran s Service college In New Haven. She was investigate its causes. Frequently, ronditlpns; Each team manager Eligibility Lists Mike Marco,------Thomas------. Tysxkte------.ball season Is scheduled to get un- Center by calling 5441. p. m. tomorrow on whetherher toSm The familiar- cry, “Play Ball” penovesi to Throw Featured Artists Terry, 81 Avondale road. cheltc of Bolton, Mrs. Frances I Lewis' a FL United .Mine Workers yoke “cloture.” This rulee—u n u s^ not only, extremely Interesting she said, it is illscovered that some svUl Jw responsible for their side will be echoed tonight at the West wles, John Gorman, Robert Jack-ldcrw ay with the defending cham- Miss Gertrude Hopkins, harpist, Discharged today: Mrs. Bridget Mlrogiio of this town. Mrs. Emily said the miners' chief has not said nd entertaining, but was most physical difficulty is the root for 3fythe field to keep youngsters Rockville Englert’s Market man, James Carton, William , pton Depot Square Grill vine fac- for more than 19 years—would Side Oval when the Grill and Am-, Out First Ball; Game Kenneth Gayton, Capt.; Herbert V 9f New York and Ralph Lundberg. Sparks and son. 12 Short street; Merlome. of Hartford, and Mrs. a word in the meetings, leaving all inHructlve. The first part of her the mental trouble. edek from the scene and off the Dwyer, Frank DcLuca. Joe T r i ^ i ing the American Legion at the limit each senator's future discus­ erlcan Legion launch a 45 g a ^ Englert, manager; Raymond aarltone. will be the featured ar­ Mrs. Andrew Ellison. 358 Main Ani'clina Soave of Manchester. I discussion to his subordinates. don K. Dunlap et al. property on sion, of the loan proposal to one progliam was devoted to the less A clinic for such problems is fla y e r ’s benches. Managers will do To Start at 6:30 p. m. Stan Kellis, Wendell Kristofak. v ^ e st Side Oval at 6 :'6 . a member o f' Meanwhile, three communities In Twilight League Bcason> Ramsdell, John Murach, John tists In the concert this evening atreet; Bruce Marshall, RFD No. South Main street. hour. notlceoN^atiircs of the theater. held once a week at Manchester this until the summer playground Baseball will be on tap Mehday, American Legion: Walter For­ Impressive opening game cere- Both of the parUclpating musi­ 1, Manchester. ■ th.’^ Amm’^ran "christopher | Stephen J. Pongratz to the Amony thwe «he mentioned the Memorial hospital. season opens, then the man In Peraanowski, Lawrence Jalbert, montfeo.o iu ^ have been arranged which But there is ample evidence that' Wednesday and Friday ev)Mnga at Selectman Louis Genovesl will Norman Fleischer, Francis Pltkat, tin, Roger Thomas, Henry Fay, cal units are members o f the Asso- Birth Sunday; A da\igMer to ' Columbus society and Gulseppe ' has transportation troubles. Brae-Burn Realty Company, administration lieutenants arc not type of curtains, their attractipB Art Knofla won the attendaiAe charge of the grounds will assume 6:15 at the W est Side Oval Russ Pratt, Don Warren, Earl will Include the first postwar ap­ a , In Los Aangetes, nearly a million toee out the first ball In what I William Sclbek, Stanley Kpebel, 'iated Male Choruscs/bf America Mr.' ami Mrs. Donald Clo\igh. 24 Garibaldi society. He was property nn Franklin street. counting on that action to break and efTectlverta?: the stage s it­ prize, donated by Bill O’HanyThe this responsibillt}\ throughout the sca.TOn that runs looms as the greatest softball sea­ Levesque, Burt Smith, tjlc Tag­ pearance oLtho. Dllwortli-Corne'l street car and bus riders relied on ’The revised idea is sound and i Sam Harrison, Edward Faseka, rnd both organlaatkins have been Deepwood drive. member of St. James s church Quitclaim Deed the dam that has held back any tings, good and 'baTl Home 1 ^ c s for transportation as a strike rights and title to property at 52 authorization measure first WHS I note that If a drama 'has a large Country Club, found 42yftiwanians End diamond when the Manchee- George Mitchell, Pete Staum, Joe ead: a son to Mr. and Mrs Albert i the W. P. Qulsh andibv 4.000 AFL tran.sportation un­ each team manager to keep the Americans. UaCKville, British A m ­ ' Rich, Raymond Lee, Clayton out the first pitch t h ^ will offi­ Lx)ring Bups^ell. the Mendelssohn i Wednesday morning Linnmore drive. brought to the floor April 15, I cast. It is apt to be a poor pro­ In attendance. ter Softball League opens. HllinskI, Dick Danielson, John Sohlelo, 46 Cottage street ion mcmbl'rs continued for the .boys back. Working with the um­ ericans and .Hamilton, will com­ Amende. cially send the league off V, a fly­ Male Chorus has given over HOO James's , l.ease duction. Again. If a set is all on pete for th^ Jack Dwyer Memorial Rockville’s Englerts, defending Donnelly, Ken Chapman. cOnceKs during its span of .sercicc Thi^uria'l'^win^takTplaM <>“> • union seeks $1.36 pires In maintaining law and order loop, champions, and Jarvis Ga­ NIchoU-BrIstol ing start. George Flndell to the Van Greg one level it detracts from the ef­ Trophy, donated by Morlarty Brltiflh-Americals; John Hed- parts of Eastern United Co. Inc. lease of the southerly por­ fectiveness of the production. can be an easy job with the two rage will meet In the opener start­ Frank Brennan, Capt.; Alton :J The game tonight will start U A. L. Initiation To parties cooperating. Brothers, and held at present by Cowles, manager; Russell Morri­ lund, Tom Martin, George May, first peace time season In four' _tes. tion of the building at 481 Middle Leading actors sometimes try to r p m e n t a ing at 6:30. Vic PaganI hport Bug Catching On tile 43rill. The trophy went up last son, George Thayer, John Phelps, Pete Kapara Joe Masellls, Cliff Rautenberg, years. Both rosters and lineups of The current concert shapes up as About Town i *^**J', .. .11 .f funeral before the strike. Turnpike east for a term of two "steal the show" by little unre- yekr for the first time. It must Softball has improved tremen­ one of the best ever planned for lo­ I Friends may call at the ; in Atlanta, 1.350 atreet car and Be Held Tonight The spbrt bug. slowly but surely dously in the past few years and Melbourne Cashing, Joseph Ma- Jadfc May, Bob Gordon, Jim all six teams in the league are home this evening and until the operators who struck six days years at an annual rental of $960. hea-rsed actions. By knowing some I catching on among the functions he won by the same team on three Blanchard, Pat Murdock, Walter dotted with returning GI’s, all cal music lovers, bringing two no­ fertlfliate of Incorporation .o' these secretr of .stage produc­ the sport is well on the road to sellls, Robert Clifford, Truman Dr. Orville E. Crain, superin- | hour of the funeral. Wraight-Linter 3f local service organisations. occasions for permanent posses­ t'brd, Dick Cobb, Vic Dennis, anxious to get back Into the local ted artists to Manchester In Miss ago were to vote today on a new The Van Gregg Company has tion. it helps add interest to the new all around popularity in Man­ Cowles, Jack Hill, Everett Kel­ tendent of the Norwich District of ngreement reached 1^' union repre­ The Dilworth-Corncll Post, 102, A>^ tea yesterday Mr. and Mrs. 'The Army and Navy Club stated sion. sey, Francis Hence, Walter Arc- Bob Feller Has Developed Frank Jadzlnlak, Charley Hor­ baseball picture. Hopkln/and Mr. Lundberg and Mm. Ilia J. Clemiulns filed certificate of incorporation performance. The highlight of the F ^n k I , Lintncr of 92 Holl street, On paper the B A ’s and P A ’s ap­ chester. Laat year crowd# from the Methodist church, will preside ; sentatives and the Georgia Power American Legion, will Induct a I the move laat November by ai»n- 500 tb 1,000 fans took In the kivy, Edwin Yankowski, Northan vath, Phil Cervls. Opening ceremonies wilt consist two. excellently trained choruses with the town clerk. ’The Incorpor­ afternoon was a one-act play, ^n ou n ced tl>c engagement of their pear to be the teams to beat. Both at the Fourth Quarterly Confer­ Mrs. Ida J. Clemmins, of 85 Sar­ Co. The operators, members of class of 200 candidates Into mem­ soring the 'Thanksgiving Day road league games. Games this season Rowsell, Sylvester Yknkowskl, of the two teams lining up at the undef capable leadership to Man­ ators are E. J. Gregory, Niles J. "Rising of the Moon," wherelm daughter, Maureen, to Frank E. are loaded. The defending titlists, Polish-Americans: Al Surowlec, ence of South xihurch to be held gent street, Hartford, died at the the AFL Amalgamator Association bership In the local post tonight race. Next came a basketball will be played on Monday, Tues­ John Prior. Jr., Clarence Bristol. Slider to Go with Fireball first toir.d third base foul lines.. Tlie chester for this annual musical Brook and Daniel Provan and the Dr. Davie portrayed three d lf l^ Wralght, son of Mrs. Lucy Wraight the Grill and Rockville and Hamil­ Al Borello, Mike Zwlck, Gerry this evening. The annual reports of Hartford hospital yesterday after of Street Car. Electric Railway at the Legion Home on Leonard project at the American Legion. day, Thursday and Friday feve- Jarvis Garage band will march to the flag pole ' treat authorized capitol of the company ent roles. Here she sftewed tklint, of Cozy Croft, West Wllllngton. ton are just a share behind with Flood. Cos Wilkos, a if f Keeney, the church officers and organiza­ a short Illness. She had been a and Motor Coach Employes, had street. J rhe Legion In addiUon sponsored nin.gs. Clifford Magnuson, Francis In right ccnterfield where the flag Is $50,000 with $2,000 paid in. The charm and ability. Her effort was Miss Llntner is at present teaching the American Legion the league Quotes ‘ victories or strike-outs. All 1 want Ed Wlerzbickt, Tony Krados, Ed tion presidents, and that of the resident of Hartford for the past rejected a previous agreement The class Is one of the largest Ijtwo bowling teams in the County Rav Ramsdell, ace of the Rock­ Phillips, Oscar Phillips, Joseph New York. — (NEA) - will be raised. company will design, develop. most enthusiastically received and at Namtaug and Harbor schools In IrLeague. ’The l. «8ed to them. Mine are shatter- BychoUkl, Eric Rautenberg. years. Of this-number, at least one deal in experimental machinery as Take Yoiir Pick fastest In this section and ’ey Lucas, Henry Skoog, Bernard Taylor, 25 Edward street; Chris­ for further activities. All members Wednesday morning from the W. ----- , , I All candidates have been con- j served 24 months with the Medical iMusial Leads Is a treat to watch. August, William Mllew.skl, Charles Polo Grounds, but turn their backs Depot Square Grill: Vic Pagan!, quarter are back again, ready to experimental englneera. The plant I personally hv Commander was Interested In those new con- tina Henderson, 953 Main street; of the Conference are urged to at­ P. Qulsh Funeral home and St. Jo- Corps In the South Pacific. Tonight marks the opening Both teams will present veteran Covey. Lea Mstaya, John Qlealbon, when we shop around for . Jim Horvath. Charlie Varrlck, take up where they left off. 'o f the company will be located at j,-,.anrls E. M in^ of the Post. Tlie | " A J U U lU I O l c l i m tact lenses but they cost $250 per The defending champions, the Deborah Lawton. Talcottvllle; tend, and any member of the , seph’s cathedral. Burial will bt in Warranlcc Deeds j of the baseball and softball lineups with Oscar Phillips, Howie Paul Phillips, Larry Carrozza. Look at the Cardinals. Thliy have Frank Klnel, Nino Pagan!, B. Wlr- Loop Hitters throw. That’s too much money for Grill, will present a lineup that Mrs. Luerzla Perilli, 146 South church is welcome to. attend. i Mt. St. Benedict cemetery. The Williams Oil ... Service Inc. to ■ 481 Middle Turnpike caat in Ihc | j, to the public. Smith-Zaccaro leagues In Manchester. For Barton, Casey Magnuson ami oth­ American I.

rJi V MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, MAY 6.194« MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, MAT 6,1946 / T ^ N E R V I L L E F O U ^ BY FONTAINE POX Business Services Offered* IS Business Services Offered 13 Help Warned— Female 35 Live Stock— V ^ ic les 42 Machinery and Toola 32 Summer Homes for Rent 67 a holder for this thing?" he asked EIllc. W A N T E li— Girls and young wom­ JUST RECEIvro a truck-load df TW O-ROW corn planter with WESTBROOK BEACH —Rooms ~O IL BURNER SERVICE HOME RUG washing aervice. ’’W e’ll have to set It on some Sense and Nonsense rlHERE IS $ 0 HETK4N6 ABPUT TREE PUMNINO THAT'fe&TS"" YOU Rugs and carpets electrically en for our packing department, fancy cows from Vermont. Pella fertiliser attachmenle, now avail­ for rent in private cottage, for Gassified blocks of wood.” Qatrified Air Conditioning Installed shampooed in your own home, also for bench work.'Steady Job, Brothers, dealers In high-class able. .Montgomery Wards Farm weekly, monthly; (>r for the sea­ ’’That's going to look great,” The other day -the dramatic, At a cocktail party dne cventng All Work Otiarantced! good* pay Apply Tober Baseball dairy cows. 364 Bldwell street. Store. Manchester, son. Telephones 3914 or, 2-1915, Agnes said ominously. a bachelor was complaining: ■ /■ original cdjoring revived. Homes, critic of one of the big city papers Mfg., Company, Inc., Elm atreet. Phone 7645. Manchester. "W e’ll rig up somethin’ better was ill and the aporta editor was Bachelor It's almost impossible orrieers, theaters Phone .Man­ CLETRAC crawler tractors, gar­ Advertisements Advertisements VAN.CAMP BROS. chester 2-2197. 128 South .Main ------:------By WILLIAM MAIER lookin’ later.” Ellle held his rdler asstgned to rover a concert. The to get single-edged razor bladea. P A Y R O L L Clerk, with knowledge den tractors, cement mixers, com jagainst the baseboard. "Some rasult was as follows : Widow (piping upl - That re­ Day apd N l^ t Service street, Manchester. Wanted to Rent For Rent For Suit' For R « it For Sale of typing wanted by local mill. Poultry and Supplies 43 planters, lime sowers. Fordson 68 T te Date blocks of wood will do <^for now, "Lolita Bosomski, who chucks a minds me, my husband left a num­ PHONE 6244 OR 4844 Attractive salary, own office, and parts. Dublin Tractor Compahy, To Buy To Sell X tX HaU, and with a lot of fancy atuff just to get her goin’. Debby. you wicked larnyx, had the gallery on ber of them, and I always said to T o Buy To Sell ■pleasant surroundings. Paid va­ DELUXE dressed broiler*, fryers, Wlllimantic. you don’t need. Fifty-nine ninety- run out to the barn and get some Household Services roasters. Also fresh eggs HOUSE—6 rooms or more by P. EUla had found a haater for the ropes at the Music* Hail last myself some man will be glad to RADIO Elcflnral Appliarice cation and free group insurance. five, It was. That’a sixty dollars, blocks of wood, different sizes. night at she threw Botlcelli’s "A Offered 13-A Special price stores and large W. A. engineer. Tel. 6155. CLASSIFIED ADVT. gnea, and bought It all by get them, and when that time Service, repairs, picked up ancl Apply to Mr. Olmsted. Aldpn imaolf; ha aeamed very proud lacklitl' a nickel.’’ Working with An armful of ’em.,'i.j Scramte” tor a lO-yard losa. With­ CLASSinED ADVT. orders. Deliveriee Wednesdays, Mukical Instruments 53 comes. I'll marry again. delivered promptly. 20 years’ Spinning Mills. Talcottvllle, or DEPT. HOURS: f It. He had aaked Bart and Joel hla left hand—his right arm was Joel sHld, “ I’ll help-^you.” and out even a windup, Lolita pitched DEPT. HOURS: CURTAJN.^ laundered, railed for Saturday^ '2-6617. U RGENTLY needed — 4-,5 room , experience. John Maloney Phone and delivered. Phone 2-2407 or phone Manchester 5128. THREE PIANOS. Your choice, tenement, must vacate at once. • 8:30 A. M. to 4:45 I*. .M. ; >...... help^ change______the atovee around. atlO in its aling — he pulled the he followed her out to the barn. them over the heart of the plate, Five Things That Never Return 8:30 A. M. to 4:45 P. M. 7454. 770.5. tid Dehby tat on the edge of one -^laas tank out of Its carton, aet He watched her as she clambered cutting; the corner* on the encore. The speeding arrow. EXCELLENT opportunity for 350 each. Tiffany,* LaFargue, Call 3370. j Articlea for Sale 45 /Woodbury. Fine tone and action. f the dining room chairs and* it on the Ubie, and wiped It ydth over the pile In the corner, tossing Built like a Notre Dame tackle, The past life. L.ANDSCAPING. plowing, har­ woman with experience manag­ MIDDLE-AGED party need 3 to I 'stchad stolMlly as they carried a cloth. “ I didn’t have to pay Out some two-by-twelves and Lolita stepped to ' the footlights rowing. tree removing and lawn ing lochl Insurance office. Write The Piano Shop, 6' Pearl atreet. The spoken word. Florists— Nurseries 15 MOVIE Camera, projector, ea- Call 6-9 p. m. 5 rooms, boat of references. No . ut the old pot-belUed stove slid mu5h more’n „ third o’ that for Mime four-by-foura and aome and without even a warming up The neglected opportunity. 1^- grading. Aime Latiilippc. T.'iS Bo* H, Herald. Wanted— Real Eutate this one — got It from s fellow I two-by-foura. ’’You’ll find a saw 1 larger, electric dryer, electric children. Phone 2-p462. | rought In the new oil heater, fluttered the cobwebs with her The borrowed umbrella. Lost and i<'ound Vernon street. Calj 6077. T R A N SPL A N TE D lettuce: green, know In Provlncetown. He don’t In the Workshop there.” she ,«iald. WANTED—Wslf'eas for si.x weeks exposure meter. Inquire 14 Mon­ 1’4-TON 1936 Federal chassis ratty soon nothing would be the singing. Not since Slla.s Sorghum red cabbage: broccoli: cauliflow­ roe. SIX-MQfyTHS old baby and par- I " ’O.ULD like to buy a s ln g l^ ame. She oat atUl, following have, to charge the fancy, prices, “ Do you waqt to aaw those two won the hog-calling contest in l o s t —Veteran's dlachargc papers ObD KU3CRS 's a n d e d starling June 18th, eight a. m, to a tnick In excellent condition; Dogs an cats can carry poison er: kohlrabi plants to set out. ents need 4 or more rooms. Musi home In a residential part of 3Ue and Joel and Bart with her ’cause all he’a got Is a s h ^ out long ones hF'two?” Iowa City in the fall of 1940 has betw-een Center Park and Man­ l.aying and Onlshlng.- eight p. m. Telephone .5410 for Ford, heavy duty home-made ivy to human beings. Giant pansies, your choice of WHITNE5" Baby carriage, bathln- vacate present rent for new j Manchester, preferably Green- yaa M thay moved around the behind his house. No overhead, He ptpked up the two pieces anyone heard such a voice. chester Truat Co. Reward. Re­ appointment .Mrs. Seth Leslie tractor, well built. Alfred Heck­ J. E. Jensen, colors, ,50c basket. Asparagus; ette and baby scale, in good con­ owners. Phone 2-0615. i brooke. Greenway or Porter 3om. see?” and tqm them into the shop, and 'With her high C she was simply turn to 1075 Main Street. Tele­ Tel Wlllimantic 9928 evenings ■Cheney. ler, Manchester 8676. A man was trying to sell hla strawberries. Premier, Dunlap, dition. Phone 2-0317. 20 Drive* B, street aectloii. Write Box D.| laile was being important and In sK minute she heard the saw knocking them outside the park. phone 4706. ' _ Herald. Dtlng. She had enough pieces friend some accident Insurance; 35-S1|. 1,000-$16, Progreaslve G IR L OR young woman for fold­ ,'iilver Lane Homes. cowling and not looking at Agnes Bart nodded; he waa studying Shc’*Nthe 4®* DIMaggio of all Agent— Here you are, today you REFRIGERATION SERVICE Houses for Sale 72 the connection on the end of, ,d she went and atood In the music. When she really got rolling Everoearing, 100-J4 56. Southern ing and packaging in modern BECKER upright, in excellent I W H AT HAVE you to offer? We .ecause he'was oo self conscious are happy as a butterfly flitting Annonncements 2 Orunow, Coldspot, Crosicy, Frigid- M'ICKER baby carriage. 310; the copper pipe. "1 guess this doorway, watching Jilm. He could she knocked over the arias like plants, not from loc^f spent beds. laiindrj-. Excellent working con­ condition. .54 Westminster road. R F A L BUY, 6 room single. 2 car j have cash buyers waiting fotj bout how good-hearted he’d been from flower to flower. But tomor­ high chair, 34; baby scales, 34; goes on tlie tank there,” he saw all right, and she was sur­ ten-plfia, and It would have taken aire, G. E.. and all other makes Gladioli. No. 1, l0-85c. TTiousandB ditions. Call Manchester 2-1.537 garage, extra lot. immediate oc­ 3 buy It for her, and Agnes was row, you may be lying in the gut­ ICE CRBAM to carry out. PlnU of 2 Flexible Flyer sleds, 33.50 each; B E A U T IF U L small Chickening Singles, flats, duplexes, good Ellle looked over his Midulder. prised, and then she wonderad Man Mountain Dean to have pin­ CommerdlaJ_ and Domeatlc. | of hardy plants, mostly 4-95c. cupancy, Bv appointment only.' ItUng there sajrlBf. "That> going Treat'a extra rich Ice cream. charcoal Are pot. S3: large table, upright piano. Beautiful case, ac­ I houses anywhere in town Write "No, that end goes on >he valve. why she Was surprl.sed: she ned her to the pine.” ter all busted up in an automobile Raspberries, shrubs, evergreens, WOMAN WANTED Call 2-0809. 3 be wonderful, that’s going to Without sherbet. sundaes, SCIENTIFIC i 31.50; kitchen set, 33.50; snath tion and tone. Also one spinet, ■ Box Hera'-’ at once giving e great; just think, no more ashes And the valve s c r e w s ^ here, and guessed it was becau.*ie he wasn’t Whoever Gardens accident. mj%Amm end sandwiches. Bidwell's fruit trees. Woodland Gardens, 1 your listings. much good with a gun. Prospect I am not impressed. REFRIGERATION CO. ' John Zapatka, 168 Woodland P'ull Time. blade, 31.75: 3 set* garage door conjee type piano. The small racked across the floor,” and not that’s all there Is Who meets Spring with a pock- 9 Soda Shop. 527 Main street. 37 OAK ST. PHONE 2-1226 hardware. 310; canning Jars, 60c pianoNrith the big tone. 8 others leaning It because It wasn’t the Agnes was aitllng atUl, watch­ He finished the first cut and . ctful of seed, Agent (contlMuing)----- Yeah, I street. Telephone 8474. Lots for Sale 73 looked up. smiling. "Where’s Also One for Part-Time. per doe: Majestic console radio, to choosi^from.The Plano Shop, j WE ARE honest in our opinlonsj Ind she had wanted. Debby was ing, and nOT^ her eyes were A whistled tune, a spading fork knew a man who took out a policy Real estate, for the present, is the Woodland Garden Dance for $10,000 and the Very next dky. W ATERM AN'S Personal errand 310: large baby crib. 33; three 6 Pearl street. Manchester, Conn. 2 BUILDING lots, centrally lo­ Ihinking, “Gee, she’s good. Im- smoldering. yE llle shouldn’t have and hoe, Personals 5-day week. Nice hours. 2 re- I not moving in town. Why? The H all?” he got run over by a tridn and hdd service, "Local package deliv­ W ATE R Lilies, colored. 36 Bush dressers. 32 each; large dog­ cated in fine residential section, glne sitting there saying things made out/6ne waa dumb like that, And faith In summer, meets the ce.s.ses during the day. Good pay. I asking price is high and the buy- Debby b o u gh t, especially when She stared at him. ” Oh,” she both arms and legs cut off. W AN TE D — A ride to the Air­ ery." Light moving and trucking Hill Road. Phone 3226 house. 310. Inquire 129 Wetherell near Iran.-^iortation. all Improve­ ke that when It Isn’t the kind Spring' indeed. 24-hour .service. Tel. 2-0752. Wearing App^y^l— Fara 57 I Ing public la skeptical as to tht ou wanted.” . she WM being so good about It. said, and then. "It's up the other Who bends his knees tb help a Prospect I know, but we can't craft. Hours 8 to 5:30 p m. Phone v a c a t i o n w i t h PA Y street. ments. Phone Wlllimantic 2687W STRAVVBRRR5’ Plants, Aberdeen I valtie. If you have any ’ crtil They had brought the new ^J6el picked up the valve and side of Orleans.” garden grow all.be that lucky. 6731. ______W IN D AND between 7-9 p m. "Would you like to go there WOODWORK for your homS. and Premiers, 32 per 100; 314 per waterprap/Jjackets, that you are thinking about sell­ 'cater in, and it waa sort of a ggled the floater with his fin­ Refinds his Arcady, re-ratea his sires 12 to 20I, 31 98, form with m e?" W ANTED — Ride from Bolton Wardrobes, bor'-lases, "Ship­ 1,000. 28 Foley street, Blackmorc NEW SYSTEM LAUNDRY Garden— Farm— Dairy erly up ing, list it now. at a reasonable I Totted black Instead of ger. “ What happens If the valve toil; shape" kitchen cabinets. Guar­ to 36.98. Blair's.*»'■ X gets stuck?” he asked. Debby looked blank. "To the Notch to Pratt and Whitney. & B ig Joe's. Phone 671.8. Producta" 50 i Land for Rent 73A figure, and we will do our best] ainted up like wood the And reaps his dreams, of brown Social Situations anteed furniture repalrg:' Call Harrison Street to sell it for you. Phone ,624.' '*gnes had wanted It. EJlIlp/ was " It don’t get stuck.” Ellle -said Woodland Garden?" Hours 8 to 4:45. Call 8510. S PIR E LLA Corsetiere. scien and eager soli. Clint Hendrickson. 2-0963. TR A N S P L A N T E D and potted to- Slop in at the log cabin. E. JJ xplalnlng about It to Bwll "She coldly. ’’Will you leave the valve "W hy not?" — Lcohe Rice Grclle AN O PPO R TU NITY for well ally designed and comfortab "Gee," she said. "I don’t know. LUNCHEXDNS. teas, parties, din­ mato plants, peppers, egg-plant, COW .MANURE Shamrock Farm» Campbell Company. Corner oil •Icked one out of hep^ catalogue alone please?” The isiluatlon: 5’ou have asked groomed women, ages 25 to 40. supporting garments fitted In FOR RENT Pasture, or will take She felt hei-self blushing. ners, banquets, weddings No af­ PLO.WING and harrowing. Gar­ cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, Phone 3757, 'Nln 10 head of cattle. Phone 8153. Center street and Middle Turn? (here.” he said. enough to Bart carried the tank over to Vour Job!, your ho8te.'is’.‘i permls.slon to bring dena a specialty. R. Watson. Must be free three evenings a your home. Choice of materials L est the Woodlamr Garden Dance the back of the heatcr.„ ‘'Is there "W hen?” H man she does not know to a fair too small or too large for Brussel sprout, lettuce, kohlrabi week Plea.<*ing personality more pike. West; "Tonight, W e’ve had an un­ Most of ua are workers. Phone 2-0957. FOR SALE — Green Mountain po­ Ruth M. Allen. Phone 2-12,54. K O ^ RENT- Buckingham section dance or cocktail party. us to give best of service, in your and celery plants. Krause's Green­ e.ssential than experience. Car godly amouht of fresh air. Don’t Many of us feel that-'our work homes or in a hall. Rates reason­ house, 621 Hartford Road. Phone tatoes, seconds. Amelia Jarvta, of Glastonbury, 12-acres of fer­ f l a s h ; Get the cash for your is uncongenial, Wrong W ay: Introduce him to TH E PIONEER Steel Venetian helpful Phone for interview I FUNNY BUSINESS you think a little night life would 3700 872 Parker street. Phone 7026. tile, tillable land, one-half with business, residential. Investment the hostess by saying, "Jim, thla able. Consult ua. Phone 4508. bllnda, Ivpry color, immediate de­ 2-0642 between 10 a m. and 2 Wanted— To Buy 58 HWS' do us good?" I t is monotonous, or it is ardu­ cover crop. Reasonably priced. or shore property. List Immedl-j ous. or it is too exacting. is vour hostess." livery. Ffndell Mfg. (M.. 485 Mid­ p. m O c She could feel It not only In her Right Way: Say to your host­ IT'S TI.ME to plant your C ail(t> Phone Manchester 4S23, Rtely! J. A. Barry. Tel. 2-0809. Often we think; "How happy dle Turnpike East. Telephone 48H.5 Household Goods 51 WANTED—By reouperating vet­ o cheeks but way down In her neck ess; "Mri*. Jones, this is Mr. Autonobilea' for Sale 4 blue spruce now; .3-4 feet, 31 25- would be If 1 could only work at THE CHILDREN.'? Village in eran, a fiahing pole. Phone and up on her temples. ■ She didn’t Smith, the gcultleinHii you said I MjA.h'i M Syrdi** AIR CONDITIONED UNITS up. Bring own container. 155 Oak Hartford. Conn . needs exper­ A Tough Break for Mr. Oorblt 2-0694. know why she .should be .so ex­ something eL*»e;" IBSi ESSEX coupe, 3 new tires alreci. might bring." Hot Air Furnaces Installed ienced housemothers In the boys' , A Good Break for You . . . i ----- ^ — Wanted— Real Ei^tate 77 ' cited, except that everything be­ It la doubtful if we should. and one recap. Price |195. See at The man or woman who is list 70 Cambridge atreet. Phone and Reset and girls’ cottages to help with Forced to relinquish our 3 Aom s ' 8 ’ We b jy rags, W AN TE D To Buj'— Any kind of fore had just sort of happened, f'LO W ERINO plants, hydrangeas, less over the daily job, who con BY EDGAR MARTIN Eavestrougha and Conductors fuchsias, geraniums, lantanas. the care, of children between the of new' Furniture, because of do- 1 " wspapers and S'-rap properly. Houses, farms, in 'ir RENTAL and this waa like a real date, BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES Worried 2-1304. metals, planned out ahead of time. “ I centrales on thinking how well All Types Sheet Metal Work. heliotrope, petunias.-’ cut flowers ages of four to fourteen. Must be niesMc complications, says Mr. I Three trucks to serve near town. If you have real estate MANtniESTER excellent home-makers and able Corbit. That's why yon can buy you. Wm Oslrinsky Bisseli guess the Woodland Garden ;sn’t i they would be suited to something ViYVCfXA'tl HtVXO. (7 V5A* lOH.SViL |%OOTft 1038 PLYMOUTH. 4 door sedan. and dish gardens. Also early to­ • to. sell call Jar\'is Realty Co.. 6 BATTERIES NOO •WlVAl TAAtt h SHEET METAL WORKS to cook. Also assistant in staff this living-room with all acces­ street. Phone 5879 much like the places you’re used else, would probably never be hap­ PVJOYl ICNViT I ’ M ’ . 26,000 miles. New, pre-war Urea. mato plants. Biifke The Florist, i Dover Road. Phone 1112 or 7275. 1HS. «AVV PUG VS MX) 21 years' experience. Phone 5413 kitchen and children's workers sories. bedroom with all acces­ HOAD to.'' she said. py in any job. OF VOO Iwcisr I a oo l. Huat have trade. Phone 3926. Talcottvllle Road, Rockville, I CASH FOR pianos or musical in- 1 w o a w K O «IEr\\ti36 A H660T needed for infants and young sories. kitchen with all acces- j 0 He laughed. “What kind of Make your job interesting. y \ 9 V t l \ Conn. stnimentx, regardless of age, PROPERTY Owners — List your OLO TW VtSl LWtVt OCR TWt VOVMGIA NEED A Truck? 1942 Dodgo- ALL APPLIANCE8 serviced and children. Good home. good scries. Actual value 3948.73 Your ' property with us for quick ac­ places do you think I ’m used to ? " —Grenville Klelser. condition.. Highest po.ssible VVL , 1V40V»A rntgo, one H-ton dump, |29S repaired, burners, refrigerators, salary. Telephone Hartford 2-2389 price onlv ' tion. Singles, doubles, farms and She smiled timidly.' "Oh, those y o u OF e r n price.**. I'he Plano Shop 6 Pearl clubs in New York where the V950O41 down; 1941 Chevrolet cargo, $195 ranges, washers, etc. All work $2"''73 lake property. Bisseli -Agency, ' NifJfiils-BrisiloL I nr. The draft officer looked at the Roofing— Repairing 17-A street. Phone 6332. orchcstnis V'ou hear on the ladio down. Brunner’s, 80 Oakland guarantee. Metro Service Co. W AN TED — Woman or high $5 a Week Is All You Have Real Estate and Insurance / l-ir* Center Street raw-boned farmhand standing be­ atreet. Phone 5191 or 4485. Tel Mancheeter 2-U883. EXPEht KEP.\IRS of khini school girl as mother's helper, play. And the balli-oonis of Uie fore him and said; ngles to Pay WE W IL L buy your rags, news­ Phone. Manchester 5470-7873 or hotels. Bart and Ann go to the elate, composition and :in\n full or part time, excellent salary. Phone 1047 Draft Offiber— I guess it's the 8EW INQ Machinea, vacuum clean- roofs In-pect this grand home of furni- papers. magsuslnes and scrap Willtmantic 3324. Plaza," she added, "and Rebuilding and repairing of Call 8033. ______/ Open Evenlnx* for Vnnr, cavalry for you. N era and small appliances repair­ tm e at .ALBERT'S, 4.3 Allyn j metals ArnoM Nelson. 737 Lydall the Somerset and sometimes the AcccMOries— Tires 6 chimneys and flashings. E. V. PRO PERTY Owners —If you Need*. Farmhand (firmly)—PleaseNllr, street. Hartford street. Phone 8906. Rite. The Woodland Is just a ed. A.B.C. Appliance and Service Coughlin .390 Woodland streeY G E N E R AL housekeeper, care of i considering capita izing on, the anything but the cavalry, if yoH. Phone 6-0338 place • - and it’s full of a lot of 6.50x17; 6.00x16; 6.60x15; 6.50x16 Co., 21 staple street. Phone Phone 7707. two children, school age. No don''t mind. Very trulx vours pre.*»ent high market contkci us. people like us.” She motioned - |b Stock. Bnmner's, 80 Oakland, 2-1575. Pick up and delivery »en ’- heavy housework. Transportation We pay top cash for Residential Draft Officer Wlial'.s your Ice. ALBERT'S Rooms Without Board 58 toward tlie house n ioa a 619L A BACK to pre-wrar roeflng. aid­ furnl.shed. Phone 7957. ■ or commercial proflcrty. For] ing, Insulation, new ceilings, FOR R E N T — Furnished room. m o w m tS S , a«w recapa, used SHEET METAL WORK, hot air H iR .S.\LF -Heywood and Wake­ quick action coi^u n icatr with Farmhand — Mister, when it paperhanging. palnUng. etc. W a n t e d — woman to take care ■ Gentleman preferred. Call at 136 tin s aad'tnbea. Expert vnlcanlx- furnace repairing. New hot air field baby carriage, 38; maple us. Phone 77‘28?5329 or 2-09'20. or WHEN YOU HAVlv % e laiighted again. *"Dld you J Large savings, .time payments, • O f two children. No heavy work. * Pine or telephone 4721. tng, t honra r e c a p ^ g aervlca and air conditioning furnaces in­ Call 5096. corner-cupboard, 330: Rex hot Write Brae-Burn Realty Co., 5 ever hear of Trenton?” to be slowed down by no horse. free estimates. Tel. 72.56 The water ga-s heater. $10. Phone : South M%Wt street. Maabhester. They W e re Smart, Too BY V. T. HAMLIN **T">*— ' Tlra and Recapping stalled. E avu trough and con­ PR IV A TE home, large room, t i l l ­ REAL ESTATE "The canital of New Jersey?” A L L Y OOP Apex Home Remodeling Corp. WANTED—Two girls for general 2-1330. ------“Yes. The c.npital of New Jer­ One Happy Thought Oompsay, Broad atreet. Tele- ductor repairing. Norman Bentz, able for two. Modern conven­ I W II^ pay ca.*»h and wait for .= SAa-S\''S REBELS m e n ta l a g il it y i s " n o t 'Y y »s — 8869. Open T to 7. 277 Spruce atreet. Tel. 8966 laundry work .-Vlso experienced i ^77^ F O R S A L E sey.” Death and taxes, 'lis tnie. r o o f in g — Specializing (n re­ and ecli good used iences. Three niinutea to bus line. oc^pancy for a home Jn Man- GS\TOOPO\N V)'iTr4 T)*E:R SUN- CONFINED TO THE ZOV CENT- shirt presscr' '■yr one o willing to | 5-4 "W hat about it? ” Are both unbeatable; AffOtV/NG pairing roofs of all kinds, also furniture combination ranges Board optional. Telephone 4363. pHester, either a single or two- 3l>5T£R w e a p o n s , TH£V may U«VJ THEVVE USED IT IKiOUS- RADIO Clinic— Radios serviced learn. Good p^y. goodgc hours. "Yon ought to see It some time.'' But death, you must admit. ATLANTIS new roofs. No )ob too small or gas ranges and heaters Jones ' family. If it is in good condition. PHONE 6243 SHAKE the unstable TIZIALLV FOR GENERATIONS.. Ranted Aato»— with modern test equipment and Manchester Laundry, .Maple .VICE ROO.M for gentlemaiy **Hr refused to get up before ^is regular time, even on “ Is it ne.ir Princeton?” Is not repeatable. WILL B E A GOT IT FROM RADIO ACTIVE large Good work, fair price Free Furniture Store. .36 Oak Phone No agents. Write Box J. Heral RYDERS HAG TO ANB',*JER rewinding. All work guaranteed. OFFICE TO ^^E•TUl MORE CASH for your car from Ice. Fair Price. D. E. Frechette. to build a home. Ace Electric Motor Repairs, 321 0688. your Pontiac dealer. Stop in or Phone 7630. North Main street, opposite De­ call 4164. Cole Motors. WORK 10 PIECE American walnut din­ pot ehtrance oh North School PAINTING AND Paperbanglng. ing-room suite, with spring-fllled McKinney Brothers — Realtors ; i»<* St ssawo. ' w u ***»»*. sie. T. «t. ssa. u. a w>t. art. SFLL US your car now, while we street. Phone 5642. Good work Reasonable rates, seats In chairs. Excellent condl- Real Estate and Insurance are paying top price. Broad Raymond Fiske. Phbna 3384. FOR PERIOD OF 806 5IAIN STREET ... MANCHESTER, CONN. i’t Rnxioufl to get back to normal too soon after | get MANCHESTER Radiator com­ Uon. $50. Morris, 283 Highland “Let’s see if we can lee olT on this rookie pitcher- -he ■was Street Motor Sales. Phone 3926. street. Phone 4960. Telephone 6060— 7483 — 5330 home— I’m lotddng forward to telling my mother*-in>Iaw pany. 60 Hilliard street, rear. APPROXIMATELY a thing or two!!’ • a second lieutenant in my outllt!’’ W ANTED — Used car, private Radiators cleaned, repaired and Private Instractlons 28 FOR S ALE —Ice box, in good con­ owner, m fairly good condition. recoreU. Phone 2-0262. ELO CUTIO N—Speech dlfflcuIUea dition. Slde-lcer, $10. Phone Who Is It? BY MICHAEL O’MALLEY and RALPH LANE Phone 4963. TW O MONTHS riC F L IN T YOU CAN always depend on Ben­ corrected, based on Alexander 8796. SO im VDU/ rtMAT urns oU6a y o u r FATHER' son’s for radio- repairs; Best Graham Bell's research leading to tfberewas telephone. Tutoring, red in g, APPLY IN PERSON ------iTHATFiaOUTOf SWHE IT FROM A ' . equipped shop in tow-n. Call 3536 GOAL OPERATED hot water MAN CALLED BLUE-1 a scuffling Husinesb Services Offered 13 mathematics. White Studio, 709 lOOMGINMy/ 3M-INDHAS Or bring in your radio to.. 713 heater. Phone 7801. H0U$r AT f COST THREE POINT. BLUEPOINT I'M NOT o f m t . CHIMNE5*'' and fireplaces expert­ Main street, Benson's. Main, 2-: 392. LYING. RJRTHER- MR.LANGAN THIA’TlM t V lives, PERSUADED DICiTOi A d oor BY L R. WII.LIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE MAJOR HOOPLE W ILO PX -O AY radio, vlctrola and FIRE MORE. YOUR OUT OUR WAY ,CK. ly cleaned Twenty-two years of lOF NIGHTS tiammedr experleiice. Weil recommended. A L L MA,KfeS, of washing ma­ recorder combination. Also mtr- FATHER KILLED Musical— Dramatic 29 Then Manchester Chimney Experts. chines repaired. 10 years’ exper­ C. R. BURR lor atovo. Inquire 180 Bldrtdge. DICE- YOU A IN T MAD CUZ YOU w„,;N 0T AN INVlTiNO Phone 2-2411. . ience. Call, A. Brewer, 2-0549 or E X C E LLE N T piano tunning, re­ PELL-IT'S CUZ IT PIDWT PLACE IN Trie DARU.NES®/ 2-0248. pairing and rebuilding. A ll work INSURANCE PISTURB HIM.' He'S A SMALL 1 ENTER NOlSILV, NURSERIES guaranteed. Estimatea cheerfully ONE AU TO M A’n C Gas water GOOO LESSON ON HOW errAMPlNO MX FE6T ANt> EXPERIENCED radio scnlce. heater. Call 4824 after 6 p. m. Is Your Furniture Insured and Have You Sufficient Cov­ TO GIT ALONG WITH prompt and efficient. Guaranteed given. The Piano Shop, 8 Pearl PEC7PLE AN’ BE COUGHING,OR CREEP IN street. Phone 6332. erage On Your House? These Things Are Important! WITH THE GIDPT STEP repairs. Phone 4607. 119 OAKLAND STREET FOR S ALE — Oak ice box, porce­ neither I kLAPPY--BUT TalM Time To Check Up. Then Call: . >, * you HAFTA OFAPUMA? SALE SM AN with car to sell on lain lined, aleo oak bureau. Call f us knew it, I ANTIQUES reflnlsh^ and repair­ PIAN O TU N IN G and repairing. BOY SOOKS Manchester 2-0993. |hIm$eKcoiniRf i FOR SALE ed. Rush or eplint seals replaced. Player piemoa. apeclpity. John commlaolon. Kiddle Komer. P. ON SUCH Cockerhara, 28 Bigelow street. O. Box 1192, Hartford. TIetnann. 189 South Main street. N SW Vacuum cleaners for aale. Ithe stairway, ' Abullet zipped into |he wall. Then SUBJlCKSf Seven-Room Single. 5 Dial 4219. STUART J. WASLEY Phone 5643. 'Uberml trade-in aUowanca.' A.B. 1 heard every word.| two more shots exploded right AN' — roonis dowR, 2 up. Fire­ DEPENDABLE, reliable yodng 755 Main Street Tel. 6648 or 7146 Any Time outside the door. man to run delivery route, 5H CL Appliance .and Service Com­ place, oiltiumer. Corner lot. FT.TLLER BRUSH Dealers— For In Dusiness On Main Street Over 20 Years Help Wanted—'Female 35 days a week. Good pay, good pany, 21 Mapit* atreet Phone Stick Around, Al BY LESLIE TURNER This is a new house and Fuller products and --n ice any 2-1575. /ASH TUBBS place in Manchester township, hours. Call Manchester 2fl537. priced to sell. Owner trans­ GIRL TO Do ^lerking work in A B tiOWMI THWCMWW PICrURE OHiWEMAOA SUR£».lREMEIMiR VEfilWf dear; CRAB HIM, ! HE JUST phone 2-1234. ^ ■ in M N e realized ferred. .atore. with some practical typing CIA5CINM5TDCX HER TELUN6IMI ABOUT THERE WIRg TtwirIliffWASTl WASTVegEPeON experience. Apply In person at By Site Bom ett flWNilDCK TDeSTHER.rHXnFA THATWINTBROFONe- eOMlWHOINP ------iMNORKIOI WHPOAK* ALBERT JACOBS—Ashe* and Situations Wanted— Smooth fs cream under lovely li" - Dewey-Richinan Oo. A30BWITH eepMFeoMAPUw (2msEarrNE-M«HnR6*., MfMnRZPRE- I N THE C O U N T R Y — rubbish removed. Light trucking. y Male 39 summer dresae*— a carefully tall ooMc cm OUT ON THE TMTON OF— 9-Room House, steam Tel. 8927. L A D Y — For all round laundry ored slip with flttad midrifx,. Jlh- fNNTVBiHIB WANTED bon atraps, lace edging. Pantiea t4> O H . M Y heat, with all conveniences. work. Apply Mr. Schubert, Man­ YOUNG man desires to mow lawma —^MAtE HELP WANTED LOCAL MOVING, trucking and chester Memorial Hospital. throughout the season. Telephone match, ^ y not miake up oevergl STARS! 1 acre of land with 3 more ashes removed. J Klein. 28 Foley 7239. Ask for "Chick.” FIRST CLASS sets In soft paotela or starchy Indoor and Outdoor Work. available. If you’re looking atreet. Telephone 6718. WOMEN at New Model Laundry. white. Good Pay! Permanent Work! for a place in the country, Goefd, clean working conditions. CARPENTERS , Pattern No. 8020 comes In Sizes Vacation With Pay! Apply 73 Summit street D<^s—Pel»—Birds 41 12. 14, 16, 18, 20; 40 and 42. Size Life, Sickness and Accident Insurance Free! T H lS L S m And Painters 14, allp, 2 5-6 yards of 35 or.39- ELD ER LY counter girt and two TW O M ALE Cocker Spaniel pup­ inch; 2 3-4 yards gathered lace for Apply " C\R PAIINTINC waitrcaaes. Good wages. Apply pies 3 months old. From reglater- Apply slip; panties, 1 1-4 yards. ‘ Stubri* J. Wasley Gel Our Estimate Acadia Restaurant 103 Tollahd ed stock. Phone 2-1805. Fee this pgttem, send 30 oentm ^ 755 Bdain Street Turnpike. in Coins, your name. addresa.,aiM THE ORFORD SOAp CO. SOLIMENE & FLAGG FOR SALE — Toy Fox Terrier, Jarvis Reolty C6. desired, and the Pattern Number MEWlTHElR ’ M RBE « » «99 6«48.7146 INC. i HOtrSEWOp.KER—Part or farm raised, ona Cocker 5 months 6 Dover Rofd to Sue Burnett, The Ei^enlng Har­ 75 Hilliard Street , WHY MOTHCOS GET ORAV KNEES,TD0' «54 t'enler S«. Tel. 5101 1 time no cooking or laundry. old, $10: Zimmerman, Lake Phone 4112 or 7275 old. 1150 A y e .- Ameriesa, ' New J cellent salary. Call 4009. street. Phone 6287.* Y'ork 19. N. T . . '